Actual Collusion

Dem collusion is perfectly fine with them. Accusing Trump of collusion with Russia the same country they colluded with multiple times was just a sham witch hunt. The only reason this was allowed is because the media acts as their political propaganda ministry who parrots this ridiculous nonsense while ignoring the blatant double standard and hypocrisy.
Dem collusion is perfectly fine with them. Accusing Trump of collusion with Russia the same country they colluded with multiple times was just a sham witch hunt. The only reason this was allowed is because the media acts as their political propaganda ministry who parrots this ridiculous nonsense while ignoring the blatant double standard and hypocrisy.

The News people watch and listen too monotonously on the MSM networks is what they are being programmed to believe. Every good Socialist / Communist Knows … "To control the Media is to control the minds of the people". The MSM propagated the Hoax for their Handlers. They were one step from the first coup in American Political history. Robert Mueller should be commended for not bowing to the left. Now it's time to expose the Seditious Traitors and put them on trial for Treason.:nocknockHT:
Didn’t CNN collide with the DNC to give debate questions to HIllary in advance and didn’t HIllary collude with the DNC to fuck over Bernie Sanders?

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