Actual man who survived gun fights, killed 5 crimnals...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an older story but goes to show that someone, facing a drawn gun, even shot, before they take action...can still win against criminals bent on murder...I saw this story back in the early was originally aired on a show I think was called Turning Point....this Justice Files repeat added an interview with the watch maker after he had fled to seclusion...

Keep in mind...he started each fight facing a criminal with the criminal pointing a gun at him...and then later, he would be shot, and shot at before he returned fire...

In two of the gun fights, the criminals shot him in the throat and he kept fighting and killing the bad guys....and no...he wasn't a navy seal...

Also...he killed these men with very few shots...for Brain...he however had multiple guns all over his store

Interesting point at the end and an update to the story...he was one of only 2 people who managed to get the early concealed carry permits in California

This man is an actual gun fighter...although like most law abiding citizens...a reluctant one...


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