Ad pulled that attacks McCain for having skin cancer


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm MSNBC Pulls ‘Vicious’ Political Ad Citing McCain’s Bouts With Skin Cancer

Hopefully that link works...basically the ad talks about McCain having cancer 4 times. One melanoma on his face. First, I have skin cancer, so I am not just talking out my hat. I am lucky it is not the bad kind but like McCain, i have had cancer. Now the type he has is serious. If you make it 5 years you are considered lucky.

I hav said this before and will say it again. Anyone can die of anything at any time. President Kenney was in good health when he arrived in Dallas.
Science has declared that the human body just kinda starts breaking down at 84. My great grandmother is over 100. My mother is 78. I will say this for the old ones...dont ever underestimate them. They have seen a lot of this from the age of no cars etc to the age of this...computers and high tech. I am not even sure where I am going with this rant right now....I dont know what offends me more....the implication that only the unhealthy die...or the implication that because one has cancer or any other disease they are less worthy.

Granted his choice of vps does not suit me...but does one vote on the health of a person or their issues?

36 days to go and still undecided here.
I'm glad they pulled the ad.

but I think the question IS legitimate.

Granted his choice of vps does not suit me...but does one vote on the health of a person or their issues?

well I vote on the issues but it should be a concern to everyone McCain's age and his health history. That's why candidates release their medical records. People think about these things because it does matter. He has picked someone wholly unqualified to be President in the event of his death or incapciation. I think if he'd picked someone else this wouldn't be as big of an issue.

I'm not voting for him either way so whatever...
It is disgusting that someone, a supposed human bean, thought it was appropriate to attack anyone for having cancer! I'm waiting to see how low is too low for a liberal to go. The good news is only one cable channel chose to run it, and I already know how low they have chosen to go.
It is disgusting that someone, a supposed human bean, thought it was appropriate to attack anyone for having cancer! I'm waiting to see how low is too low for a liberal to go. The good news is only one cable channel chose to run it, and I already know how low they have chosen to go.

I'm not sure I'd call it "attacking" him. Using his illness as a weapon? yes. Disgusting? yes. Legitimate question? yes. should've been framed differently but still a valid point.
If he still had the melanoma, I'm sure he would not be running for office as that is very serious cancer that would require a lot of on going treatments.
The basal cell cancer is only cosmetic and anyone who had a sunburn under the age of eighteen can develop them, but they are not malignant like the melanoma cancer.

I've had six basal cells removed, three on my face. It's inconvenient but not lethal.
Last edited: MSNBC Pulls ‘Vicious’ Political Ad Citing McCain’s Bouts With Skin Cancer

Hopefully that link works...basically the ad talks about McCain having cancer 4 times. One melanoma on his face. First, I have skin cancer, so I am not just talking out my hat. I am lucky it is not the bad kind but like McCain, i have had cancer. Now the type he has is serious. If you make it 5 years you are considered lucky.

I hav said this before and will say it again. Anyone can die of anything at any time. President Kenney was in good health when he arrived in Dallas.
Science has declared that the human body just kinda starts breaking down at 84. My great grandmother is over 100. My mother is 78. I will say this for the old ones...dont ever underestimate them. They have seen a lot of this from the age of no cars etc to the age of this...computers and high tech. I am not even sure where I am going with this rant right now....I dont know what offends me more....the implication that only the unhealthy die...or the implication that because one has cancer or any other disease they are less worthy.

Granted his choice of vps does not suit me...but does one vote on the health of a person or their issues?

36 days to go and still undecided here.

Vote for the one who not only talks it but walks it. We know McCain has always put our country first. He is the only one who has laid his own personal life on the line for this country and came back fighting for us still. When McCain was in that POW camp his captors offered to let him go when they found out who his father was he refused to go without his men and was brutally tortured. I think that speaks volumes about his integrity McCain and Pain both have something more precious then most of us at stake in the war with Iraq their own flesh and blood. He is honest and hardworking. He has taken 0 in pork. He has voted against the Republicans has Obama EVER
voted against the Dems that would be a no. Obama has 143 days of experience in the senate.

We do not need a president who needs on the job training like Obama when our country is in crisis. We do not need a coward like Obama when Iran and North Korea and Russia want to act like nuts. The leader of Iran has openly threatened us and Israel. Obama has no foreign policy experience. Obama wants to have tea with these nuts and discuss why they hate us.

Vote for the man that has proven his loyalty to this country let their records speak for themselves. We need a leader a warrior not a smooth talking show pony. Try and keep in mind that Palin is not running for president but she did not get where she is at because she is stupid. So what she does not interview well that does not make her stupid. The media portrays people in the light they want us to see them.

Obama has no record to back up his claims McCain does. Simple as that.
If he still had the melanoma, I'm sure he would not be running for office as that is very serious cancer that would require a lot of on going treatments.
The basal cell cancer is only cosmetic and anyone who had a sunburn under the age of eighteen can develop them, but they are not malignant like the melanoma cancer.

I've had six basal cells removed, three on my face. It's inconvenient but not lethal.

he has melanoma...several friends of mine have had melanoma and are still with us ...after more than 5 years.
Vote for the one who not only talks it but walks it. We know McCain has always put our country first. He is the only one who has laid his own personal life on the line for this country and came back fighting for us still. When McCain was in that POW camp his captors offered to let him go when they found out who his father was he refused to go without his men and was brutally tortured. I think that speaks volumes about his integrity McCain and Pain both have something more precious then most of us at stake in the war with Iraq their own flesh and blood. He is honest and hardworking. He has taken 0 in pork. He has voted against the Republicans has Obama EVER
voted against the Dems that would be a no. Obama has 143 days of experience in the senate.

We do not need a president who needs on the job training like Obama when our country is in crisis. We do not need a coward like Obama when Iran and North Korea and Russia want to act like nuts. The leader of Iran has openly threatened us and Israel. Obama has no foreign policy experience. Obama wants to have tea with these nuts and discuss why they hate us.

Vote for the man that has proven his loyalty to this country let their records speak for themselves. We need a leader a warrior not a smooth talking show pony. Try and keep in mind that Palin is not running for president but she did not get where she is at because she is stupid. So what she does not interview well that does not make her stupid. The media portrays people in the light they want us to see them.

Obama has no record to back up his claims McCain does. Simple as that.

McCain is difficult for me on several issues...#1. his voting againt equal wages for women saying women need more training and education. That is the old school view. #2. I do not agree with his stance on abortion
#3. I do not care for his morals or lack of. He managed to marry a lot of money leaving his first wife for cindy. #4. I do not care for Cindy McCain. All the money in the world does not change the fact that her behavior was trampess, she stole another woman's husband, is an admitted theif and drug addict (reformed they do claim) #5. Palin is not a good vp choice.

36 days and still undecided.
Now let me list the reasons i do not care for obama.

#1. he forced me to vote for hillary #2. i have a lot of questions about his taking funds from different organizations over the years.. #3. his pork barrel spending
#4. His lying.
36 days to go and still undecided here.

I didn't watch the ad. And IF it was as bad as it sounds, then it's good that MSNBC pulled it. But asking McCain for his medical records is legitimate BECAUSE of the ill-equipped person he chose to be his running mate. I might not agree with McCain and Romney, but had he chosen Romney, at least we'd know that someone who has legitimate qualifications to run the government in these turbulent times, would be available to take the reins if something happened to him.

So, his VP appointment makes the questions more serious. Under normal circumstances, 20% of VP's become president by virtue of death or resignation. This just makes the probablilities higher... particularly given McCain's advanced age.

A judge in NYS has mandatory retirement at 70.
don't most PResidential candidates release their medical records? isn't that Standard?

Jillian the ad wasn't nearly as bad as strolling made it sound. they showed pictures of McCain with cancer on his face and then after it was removed and had two doctor's talking about the affects of skin cancer.
don't most PResidential candidates release their medical records? isn't that Standard?

Jillian the ad wasn't nearly as bad as strolling made it sound. they showed pictures of McCain with cancer on his face and then after it was removed and had two doctor's talking about the affects of skin cancer.

Yes. They do release their medical records. And it's more amusing since the wingnuts were demanding that OBama release his birth certificate even after he did. (And then claimed it was a forgery).

Thanks re the video.
I'm not sure I'd call it "attacking" him. Using his illness as a weapon? yes. Disgusting? yes. Legitimate question? yes. should've been framed differently but still a valid point.

you are aware of the thread title?
If he still had the melanoma, I'm sure he would not be running for office as that is very serious cancer that would require a lot of on going treatments.
The basal cell cancer is only cosmetic and anyone who had a sunburn under the age of eighteen can develop them, but they are not malignant like the melanoma cancer.

I've had six basal cells removed, three on my face. It's inconvenient but not lethal.

his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. so not only are the attacks on his cancer disgusting they are totally uncalled for.
his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. so not only are the attacks on his cancer disgusting they are totally uncalled for.

Get a grip. No one attacked him for having cancer. The questions are legitimate, however.

Get a grip. No one attacked him for having cancer. The questions are legitimate, however.


I will talk slowly.... one,,,,, he did makes his records available, generouls of him. second..... you have no right to his medical records,,,,, they are protected by a thing called HIPPA. Your only recourse is to NOT VOTE FOR HIM IF HIS HEALTH SCARES YOU :badgrin:
I will talk slowly.... one,,,,, he did makes his records available, generouls of him. second..... you have no right to his medical records,,,,, they are protected by a thing called HIPPA. Your only recourse is to NOT VOTE FOR HIM IF HIS HEALTH SCARES YOU :badgrin:

Actually, I'm more than familiar with HIPPA since subpoenas for medical records can't be signed without a HIPPA compliant authorization.

Now ... see if you can follow. I'm glad you know what HIPPA is. But it only precludes information being obtained WITHOUT PERMISSION. That's the problem with someone having a little bit of knowledge.

As for his health, it's a legitimate issue. And I don't believe he OFFERED to make them public. If he did, provide the link, please.

Why do you hate your country so much that you AREN'T concerned about someone like Palin taking the reins?
Actually, I'm more than familiar with HIPPA since subpoenas for medical records can't be signed without a HIPPA compliant authorization.

Now ... see if you can follow. I'm glad you know what HIPPA is. But it only precludes information being obtained WITHOUT PERMISSION. That's the problem with someone having a little bit of knowledge.

As for his health, it's a legitimate issue. And I don't believe he OFFERED to make them public. If he did, provide the link, please.

Why do you hate your country so much that you AREN'T concerned about someone like Palin taking the reins?

actually, I'm More Than Familiar With Hippa Since Subpoenas For Medical Records Can't Be Signed Without A Hippa Compliant Authorization.

Now ... See If You Can Follow. I'm Glad You Know What Hippa Is. But It Only Precludes Information Being Obtained Without Permission. That's The Problem With Someone Having A Little Bit Of Knowledge.

as For His Health, It's A Legitimate Issue. And I Don't Believe He Offered To Make Them Public. If He Did, Provide The Link, Please.

Why Do You Hate Your Country So Much That You Aren't Concerned About Someone Like Palin Taking The Reins?

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