Adam Kinzinger Disowned By Own Family!

Shades of Liz Cheney! Adam Kinzinger is such a failed RINO republican that his own family sent him a certified letter saying they are


Right wing idiots he won't be worrying about....

Zero guns confiscated; religion is dying on it’s own since it’s been revealed time and again to be a myth; and as for “doxing” guys want to arrest people who drive women to the airport to fly to another state to get an abortion.
so there is no INTENT to confiscate guns? If religion were dying then why do liberals lose their shit when Valedictorian mentions Jesus or a high school football coach in the south wants to pray before a game? As for doxxing, you people show up at peoples’ homes to terrorize them because you don’t agree with their politics.

As for people on the conservative side that want to arrest a woman for flying to another state to have an abortion, I debounce that mindset. If a woman wants to go to another state to have an abortion, that is no one’s business.
so there is no INTENT to confiscate guns?
I imagine there are some folks in the extreme that want to confiscate guns. They don’t get anymore traction than the odd conservative who thinks you should be able to buy grenade launchers.
If religion were dying then why do liberals lose their shit when Valedictorian mentions Jesus or a high school football coach in the south wants to pray before a game?
I’m a liberal. I haven’t lost my shit over either one. The football coach--a position of authority I think you’d agree--shouldn’t be trying to convert his players to a particular religion. If he was a muslim would you want him telling your son about his religion? Lie to us and tell us you’d be fine with it.
As for doxxing, you people show up at peoples’ homes to terrorize them because you don’t agree with their politics.
Meanwhile back in reality, Trumpian scumbag Alex jones was actually found guilty of doing just that.
As for people on the conservative side that want to arrest a woman for flying to another state to have an abortion, I debounce that mindset. If a woman wants to go to another state to have an abortion, that is no one’s business. mean the actions of a few conservatives don’t speak for you? Amazing how you can’t show that grace toward liberals.
I imagine there are some folks in the extreme that want to confiscate guns. They don’t get anymore traction than the odd conservative who thinks you should be able to buy grenade launchers.

I’m a liberal. I haven’t lost my shit over either one. The football coach--a position of authority I think you’d agree--shouldn’t be trying to convert his players to a particular religion. If he was a muslim would you want him telling your son about his religion? Lie to us and tell us you’d be fine with it.

Meanwhile back in reality, Trumpian scumbag Alex jones was actually found guilty of doing just that. mean the actions of a few conservatives don’t speak for you? Amazing how you can’t show that grace toward liberals.
I do show that grace towards liberals when they denounce extreme radical actions such as doxxing instead of making excuses, mocking, or justifying the actions by beginning with, “But Trump….”
I'd feel more sympathy for Adam if he hadn't waited until an angry mob was ready to murder him before he realized how toxic Trump was for democracy.
I know but it is hard to walk away from your tribe/cult. I think he thought the GOP was always saveable until that point. Adam thought even just after the attack that the GOP would finally say NO...
He was wrong there. Adam then made the choice to reject the cult (which is a very hard thing to do) with all it's trappings of power and wealth...

I respect Adam and have sympathy for him. His party went batshit crazy over a period of a decade... Adam is a republican but is an American first... He geniuely believes conservative polices are better for America but is willing to debate with people openly.. Which is fair...
You're a moron and a liar. The Democratic party has never supported civil rights. And just recently the Biden administration's openly racist policies were shot down by the Supreme Court because they violated civil rights.

And to this day the Democratic party is constantly attacking civil rights. Especially the 2nd amendment.

Actually, the Democrats first started chipping away at the 2nd amendment civil right to keep and bear arms when they suddenly realized that black men had a 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms too.

As a matter of fact, the Democrats denied Martin Luther King Jr. a concealed carry permit, simply because he was black, even after his home was fucking firebombed, simply because he was black.

So fuck off, you lying Democratic party of slavery and Jim Crow supporter.
Well we know who White Supremacists vote for today.. Well done in locking in that vote...

Trump sat for dinner with a White Supremacist, he has made sure they have a home in the GOP...
Trump sat for dinner with a White Supremacist, he has made sure they have a home in the GOP...

And Obumma, Biden and Democrats have sat with the KKK, Black Panthers, and the Muslim Brotherhood, making sure that hate-filled racists, communists , fascists and terrorists have a forever home among the leftwing base.
I know but it is hard to walk away from your tribe/cult. I think he thought the GOP was always saveable until that point. Adam thought even just after the attack that the GOP would finally say NO...
He was wrong there. Adam then made the choice to reject the cult (which is a very hard thing to do) with all it's trappings of power and wealth...

I respect Adam and have sympathy for him. His party went batshit crazy over a period of a decade... Adam is a republican but is an American first... He geniuely believes conservative polices are better for America but is willing to debate with people openly.. Which is fair...

Here's the underlying problem. Most Republicans KNOW Trump is bad for their party and the country.

But they won't stand up to him because they are afraid of his followers. This is because most districts are so gerrymandered that the only risk to them keeping their jobs is being primaried, not losing a general election where enough moderates say "enough".

Kizinger was gerrymandered out of a job. IL was going to lose a seat, and they had their hearts set on creating a second Hispanic district in Chicago.
Here's the underlying problem. Most Republicans KNOW Trump is bad for their party and the country. But they won't stand up to him because they are afraid of his followers.

So in other words, fuckwit, of the 74 million who voted FOR him in 2020, there were another 70 million afraid NOT to vote for him afraid of his supporters? You mean MAGA had guns to their heads you tool?

I do show that grace towards liberals when they denounce extreme radical actions such as doxxing instead of making excuses, mocking, or justifying the actions by beginning with, “But Trump….”
Are you aware you’ve mentioned Obama like a dozen times since Fall has arrived?

Lord knows how often you’ve brought up Hillary who was never president.
Shades of Liz Cheney! Adam Kinzinger is such a failed RINO republican that his own family sent him a certified letter saying they are


This shows how truly brainwashed and pathetic republicans are

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Republicans are the trash of America and all our major problems are related to GOP fuck ups.

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