Adam Kotsko, White Proff, Says White People Need to Commit Mass Suicide as Repayment for Slavery

How appropriate that yet another liberal tries to divide the country on the anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg. It sure seems to me that there was a whole lot of white folks fighting and dying to end the practice of slavery, to them the professor does a dishonor. Of course he never learned that in history classes taught by anti-American hate mongers. IF reparations are paid it should be paid by the party that has refused to apologize for their role in slavery and the civil war. A party that still today twists the truth about who actually did put the black man in chains.

If reparations are paid it should be a ticket back to their country of their family origins. Obama's would be his homeland of Kenya. Anything else seems just like a handout which would cause more division and strife.

The least the guy could do is move to an African nation and work building housing or something else to sooth his conscience.
I had a hard time believing it too, but the author caught the tweets and displays thm for anyone to see.

College Professor Says What All White People Should Do and it s SICK

Adam Kotsko: Whether or not your individual ancestors ever owned slaves, as a white person you have benefitted from slavery and are complicit in it. Sorry.

Obsiar(sp?):What follows from this?

Adam Kotsko: We should commit mass suicide.

p Cassidy: no

Adam Cotsko: Yes

I know that there are some over educated idiots in this country that suffer so much white guilt that they just give in to every shake down a minority 'leader' demands, but to voluntarily insist on your entire race committing mass suicide is a now low in morality regarding group guilt. A minor quibble is his group guilt mind set is so radical even if your ancestors fought to eliminate slavery like mine did, I am still complicit because other white people did. He ignores the fact also that other blacks enslaved the blacks sold as slaves to the European traders, and that even in the USA many blacks owned slaves.

I think this focus on group guilt and self loathing of ones entire race is a new psychosis and should have a name for it. I suggest Kotsko Syndrome.

But don't ever imagine that when you are talking to a libtard that wants do destroy everything about whites, our history, our culture and our right to equal standing before the law, don't imagine that this is too extreme for these racist bastards. They have no logical limit for their hatred of whites, not even the whites among them have limits.

They want us all did and refuse to lead by example. When you hear libtards talking about an over populated Earth, they mean 'kill all the white people, except the enlightened ones like me.'

There are no morally redeeming qualities to todays libtards. None. Zero. They all will deserve justice as soon as they implement this insanity.
Typical liberal.
He should set the example.

This is how most white libs feel. Their self hatred is immeasurable
I can't relate to someone hating to be of the white race. Every other race would love to be in our shoes. However, there is no reason not to be black and proud. Yell it out bro, "Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud." Sorry Lakhota, I can't think of anything for you.
I had a hard time believing it too, but the author caught the tweets and displays thm for anyone to see.

College Professor Says What All White People Should Do and it s SICK

Adam Kotsko: Whether or not your individual ancestors ever owned slaves, as a white person you have benefitted from slavery and are complicit in it. Sorry.

Obsiar(sp?):What follows from this?

Adam Kotsko: We should commit mass suicide.

p Cassidy: no

Adam Cotsko: Yes

I know that there are some over educated idiots in this country that suffer so much white guilt that they just give in to every shake down a minority 'leader' demands, but to voluntarily insist on your entire race committing mass suicide is a now low in morality regarding group guilt. A minor quibble is his group guilt mind set is so radical even if your ancestors fought to eliminate slavery like mine did, I am still complicit because other white people did. He ignores the fact also that other blacks enslaved the blacks sold as slaves to the European traders, and that even in the USA many blacks owned slaves.

I think this focus on group guilt and self loathing of ones entire race is a new psychosis and should have a name for it. I suggest Kotsko Syndrome.

But don't ever imagine that when you are talking to a libtard that wants do destroy everything about whites, our history, our culture and our right to equal standing before the law, don't imagine that this is too extreme for these racist bastards. They have no logical limit for their hatred of whites, not even the whites among them have limits.

They want us all did and refuse to lead by example. When you hear libtards talking about an over populated Earth, they mean 'kill all the white people, except the enlightened ones like me.'

There are no morally redeeming qualities to todays libtards. None. Zero. They all will deserve justice as soon as they implement this insanity.
The crazies are emboldened now.

This is just getting started.


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