Adam Schiff: if Donald Trump is not a criminal, I don't know what is

Schiff and "evidence" in the same sentence is the start of a joke.

I didn't bother listening to the so-called evidence in the 1/6 hearing, but I heard enough during the 1st fake impeachment hearings. It was just people like Vindman, Taylor and Kent giving their opinions of what President Trump must have said.

Nothing they actually heard- because Trump never spoke these "advisors"- but just their opinions based upon things they heard from others who also didn't hear anything straight from Trump.

Opinions aren't evidence, especially opinions from butthurt so-called "advisors" who the President just ignored.
Doesn't this Schiff guy have enough on his plate with sexual harassment charges and his new role in the minority party than throwing barbs at a former president who has been out of office for two years? How about dealing with energy prices and illegal immigrants and the fentanyl epidemic?
What puts the lie to this Pencil Necked Geek's rant is the fact that he is purging and destroying the files of the Jan 6 committee so they can't be "misused" by his successor as chair.

Apparently they show the Trumpster to be as innocent as a newborn babe, and he can't afford to let that leak.
It's just the opposite.
The 1/6 committee has vowed to release everything to the public because with the dirty republicans in charge, they may selectively release partial evidence gathering, instead of full context, to cherry pick and twist, to their narrative....

So they are going to release it all, to prevent Rs from lying.

That's what the main stream media and 1/6 committee members having said on the news.
When Schiff “recreated” the Putin/Zelensly call, it was an all time low for Congress.

How the fuck was that FICTION allowed to shared for the record?
Yeah, it's a wild world out there with many playahs. Politicians are known for their ability to lie...Trump was one of the best ones. And he is part of the thread subject-duh.

He actually is NOT good at it. It is just a bunch of people that were looking for someone be their messiah.
What is this bizarre fantasy? You sure do love running cover for the orange slob.
Republican House is going after Schiff and Schiff has already responded by saying that if he is subpoenaed by "Congress" he will look at the situation to see if he will comply with it or not. Meanwhile Schiff is referring several of Trump people for criminal charges for not responding to their subpoenas.
I know that, when I want an informed opinion on black people, I run right to the first squealing white wing nutter I can find. Thanks!
It's just that you know better. And still act the same way. You are pizzed and have that right. No civilization in history has spent tens of trillions of dollars to correct wrongs and lowered IQ's and hired people y their ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual ways and more as approved groups. We can slow this down and maybe stop it in the endless ghettos.
Republican House is going after Schiff and Schiff has already responded by saying that if he is subpoenaed by "Congress" he will look at the situation to see if he will comply with it or not. Meanwhile Schiff is referring several of Trump people for criminal charges for not responding to their subpoenas.
Yes, notice the difference between having a mountain of evidence of criminality and having nothing but baseless talking points spoonfed by paid right wing liars.
It's just that you know better. And still act the same way. You are pizzed and have that right. No civilization in history has spent tens of trillions of dollars to correct wrongs and lowered IQ's and hired people y their ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual ways and more as approved groups. We can slow this down and maybe stop it in the endless ghettos.
Sorry, your racist trolling does not get you anywhere with me. You are just behaving as expected. Would I be irritated if my dog ate cat turds? Of course not, that's what shit eating dogs do.
Yes, notice the difference between having a mountain of evidence of criminality and having nothing but baseless talking points spoonfed by paid right wing liars.
Ummmmmmmmmm, you had a year's long Kangaroo investigation to come up with "evidence". So to will Republicans when it is their turn. I see you conveniently ignored the fact that if subpoenaed, Schiff will look it over and decide if he will comply or not while he is referring criminal charges to the DOA for ignoring their subpoenas.
Sorry, your racist trolling does not get you anywhere with me. You are just behaving as expected. Would I be irritated if my dog ate cat turds? Of course not, that's what shit eating dogs do.
There comes a time when enough is enough. Tell me when that will e. The racists are your own. And their solutions are tried and true extinctions of civilizations. Tell me different. tell me that if I am surviving with a few thousand dollars cushion that I have lost a lot already that I must give it all up for you.
I didn't bother listening to the so-called evidence in the 1/6 hearing, but I heard enough during the 1st fake impeachment hearings. It was just people like Vindman, Taylor and Kent giving their opinions of what President Trump must have said.

Nothing they actually heard- because Trump never spoke these "advisors"- but just their opinions based upon things they heard from others who also didn't hear anything straight from Trump.

Opinions aren't evidence, especially opinions from butthurt so-called "advisors" who the President just ignored.
That, plus the fact that Schiff kept claiming he had "evidence" that TRUMP! colluded with Russia, but never did get around to releasing it. The guy's a massive fraud.

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