Adam Schiff: if Donald Trump is not a criminal, I don't know what is

It's just the opposite.
The 1/6 committee has vowed to release everything to the public because with the dirty republicans in charge, they may selectively release partial evidence gathering, instead of full context, to cherry pick and twist, to their narrative....

So they are going to release it all, to prevent Rs from lying.

That's what the main stream media and 1/6 committee members having said on the news.
Sure, sure, they will. Tell us, are these trustworthy democrats in the room with us right now?

Adam Schiff: if Donald Trump is not a criminal, I don't know what is​

Ummmmmmmmmm, you had a year's long Kangaroo investigation to come up with "evidence". So to will Republicans when it is their turn. I see you conveniently ignored the fact that if subpoenaed, Schiff will look it over and decide if he will comply or not while he is referring criminal charges to the DOA for ignoring their subpoenas.
Also interesting that they supposedly had all this supposed evidence for how many months now and haven't bothered to release it yet? What are they waiting for, the Tooth Fairy?
Also interesting that they supposedly had all this supposed evidence for how many months now and haven't bothered to release it yet? What are they waiting for, the Tooth Fairy?
Oh, it's coming out today. They will have proof that Trump claimed the election was stolen, which was already in abundance without a Kangaroo investigation and, to the best of my knowledge, claiming the election was stolen is not against the law. Out of all of the elections Democrats have proclaimed to be stolen, or otherwise illegitimate, not one of them has ever been jailed for their claims.
Sorry, your racist trolling does not get you anywhere with me. You are just behaving as expected. Would I be irritated if my dog ate cat turds? Of course not, that's what shit eating dogs do.
You just are mortified that evil cannot be African American.
You just are mortified that evil cannot be African American.
I always get a chuckle out of the fantasies the white wingers invent to tell themselves. It's as if you kind of know you are actng like nauseating pukes and are having an internal dialogue, but out loud.
I always get a chuckle out of the fantasies the white wingers invent to tell themselves. It's as if you kind of know you are actng like nauseating pukes and are having an internal dialogue, but out loud.
I have seen so many people do the talk in life. Endless ghettos with the endless accusations on someone living hundreds and thousands of miles away is tiresome. Day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, millennium after millennium, eon after eon, universe start after universe start....and even before that. Stop raping each other as young teenagers producing children with no dads and the government as the daddy. Get it.
Ummmmmmmmmm, you had a year's long Kangaroo investigation to come up with "evidence". So to will Republicans when it is their turn. I see you conveniently ignored the fact that if subpoenaed, Schiff will look it over and decide if he will comply or not while he is referring criminal charges to the DOA for ignoring their subpoenas.
I don't believe Congressmen are being referred for criminal investigation for refusing their subpoenas. They are being referred to the Ethics Committee...which changes hands in January.....
If people came away not seeing the forest for the trees after listening to recording of Trump's call to Georgia state officials, hearing things second-hand from Schiff won't open their eyes.
Of all the things he's done and/or has been accused of doing, that's the most obvious.

That was election tampering, clearly, and it's on tape.
Yeah, don't bet the farm on that. Free advice.

And if they do... fine, let's see it.
republicans weren't very successful at it ...for decades now.... because their investigations are always made up, alternative news type, holy roller preaching from their grand stand hearing pulpit, gotcha, bull crud... only with their loyalists are they meaningful.....

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