Adam Schiff: if Donald Trump is not a criminal, I don't know what is

When and IF he does, it will be news!! Right now he's covering his ass for anything he may perceive as unconstitutional....

But yeah, it seems hypocritical of him!
The investigation of him and others will show a clear abuse of power for political purposes and it will show that they sought out anything that would make Trump look bad while burying everything and anything that would be in Trump's favor. have that ass backwards....the LIES of the SCUM demonRATS are coming to surface, thanx to musk
you portray a anti AMERICA piece of shit, why?

Did you watch any of the hearings or did Trump's lackeys on Fox News & his right wing goon squad such as Jordan not give you permission?
There is a reason for the term kangaroo investigation or court.
Yes, there is a reason you use that term:

You know fuck all about the committee or the herarings, and you are desperately squealing and so are incorrectly referring to committee hearings as a type of trial.

Yes, I knew all of this already. Your talking points have been stale white wing fodder for over a year.
Yes, there is a reason you use that term:

You know fuck all about the committee or the herarings, and you are desperately squealing and so are incorrectly referring to committee hearings as a type of trial.

Yes, I knew all of this already. Your talking points have been stale white wing fodder for over a year.
How is it incorrect, moron?
Yes, there is a reason you use that term:

You know fuck all about the committee or the herarings, and you are desperately squealing and so are incorrectly referring to committee hearings as a type of trial.

Yes, I knew all of this already. Your talking points have been stale white wing fodder for over a year.
The hearings found nothing but Trumped up charges. They connected their own dots the way they wanted to connect them, leaving out all the dots that would help Trump.
As you didn't watch the hearings and know nothing about them, your opinion of them is worthless.
It was a kangaroo investigation before the committee was even formed so the results of a kangaroo committee's investigation is nothing but Kangaroo. In any event, your opinion doesn't count. My opinion doesn't count. Republicans will subpoena Schiff and we will have an investigation into the kangaroo committee, whether you like it or not. If Schiff refuses to comply with a Congressional subpoena, he will be referred for criminal charges.
Did you watch any of the hearings or did Trump's lackeys on Fox News & his right wing goon squad such as Jordan not give you permission?
you must mean the biased board of retards that ignored the FACTS, and the TRUTH

The investigation of him and others will show a clear abuse of power for political purposes and it will show that they sought out anything that would make Trump look bad while burying everything and anything that would be in Trump's favor.
Can't even imagine what evidence could have been in Trump's favor in his impeachment that could have been shown that would have somehow helped Trump?? Trump certainly could have had his lawyers present it, in his impeachment trial if he had any....? :dunno:
Can't even imagine what evidence could have been in Trump's favor in his impeachment that could have been shown that would have somehow helped Trump?? Trump certainly could have had his lawyers present it, in his impeachment trial if he had any....? :dunno:
Of course you can't. There is already evidence that Trump called for peaceful protests on Jan 6th, several times but you guys totally ignore that.

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