Adam Schiff proves that dems are liars !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
the worthless lying piece of [Sciff] told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
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the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
He did not dumb ass. You are butt hurt cause you were JUST SURE Mueller would get Trump and when that did not pan out you had to claim something.
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
He will pay a small price for it-the fame it gets him will be worth it.
Look at the outrage over a perceived lie!

Trumpians clutching their pearls and feigning admiration for honesty.

This ol' world shonuff gone crazy!
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the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
He did not dumb ass. You are butt hurt cause you were JUST SURE Mueller would get Trump and when that did not pan out you had to claim something.
I'm afraid he did. Out and out lied in actual fact. You pissed at him too?
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
After nearly three years of this, there is no expectation of novelty, sincerity, or believability. Each new feigned outrage will have the opposite effect of helping Trump and hurting his accusers. We are now reduced to Representative Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) supposedly reading the transcript of the Trump phone call, but instead making things up as he does, editorializing, and adding and subtracting, as he pleases, from what was actually said. And when caught, Schiff can only stammer.

In this entire melodrama Biden will become the real casualty, and Trump the benefactor, in the long term.

When the entire nature of the whistleblower, his handlers, and his media enablers is fully known, when attention turns, as it already has, to Biden’s real legal exposure, two things will follow:

Biden will get snappy, befuddled, and indignant to questions, to the extent he will even entertain them — all the while losing ground to Elizabeth Warren. Trump will be the eventual beneficiary of Warren’s more likely and more alienating candidacy. And, even if impeached, Trump will be perceived, rightly or wrongly, as growing stronger for enduring ever shriller and more monotonous attacks.

Impeachment Push against Trump May Only Strengthen Him | National Review
God will protect Trump.

the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
Mueller found no Russian collusion !!! thats from his own mouth !! Schiff blatantly lied and you dont give a shit long as you get what you want !! ill say it right here people like you and your leftist comrades are scum that will still the stink out of shit and tell lies underwater !and what makes it so bad is that you know that you are scum !
Intel Community Secretly Changed The Whistle-Blower Rules To Allow The Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

The Federalist’s Sean Davis has discovered that the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice. This happened just days before the Trump-Ukraine whistle-blower filed his complaint.

Sean Davis


BREAKING: The intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblower complaints contain only direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing allegations.

A new version of the complaint form allowing hearsay was secretly revised last month. …

Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info
Federal records show the intel community secretly revised a whistleblower complaint form to eliminate the requirement of first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed…

…A previous version of the whistleblower complaint document, which the ICIG and DNI until recently provided to potential whistleblowers, declared that any complaint must contain only first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoing and that complaints that provide only hearsay, rumor, or gossip would be rejected.

“The [Intelligence Community Inspector General] cannot transmit information via the ICPWA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing,” the previous form stated under the bolded heading “FIRST-HAND INFORMATION REQUIRED.” “This includes information received from another person, such as when an employee informs you that he/she witnessed some type of wrongdoing.”

“If you think that wrongdoing took place, but can provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions, [the Intelligence Community Inspector General] will not be able to process the complaint or information for submission as an ICWPA,” the form concluded.

I find it interesting that when Trump inquires that America needs to know the truth about Joe and his sons dealings in the Ukraine it turns into the impeach Trump show. Talk about political corruption and coverup, apparently the water boys protect one another. No wonder Americans have lost faith in Congress, the place is rotten to the core.
Many have been baffled by the ability of the whistle-blower to file a complaint and force the release of a classified transcript based on nothing but 2nd and 3rd hand, illegal leaks. Now we know how that was possible. The Intel Community changed the rules at the same time the complaint was being written.
Look at the outrage over a perceived lie!

Trumpians clutching their pearls and feigning admiration for honesty.

This ol' world shonuff gone crazy!
perceived ??? you stupid baby killing treasonous communist faggot the man lied on national television and you call it perceived ....or is it your truth .... yeah thats right [your truth ] is the phrase the faggot lying left uses to justify their dishonesty .
im not at all woried about impeachment it will only help Trump..... the dems are going to slow walk impeachment inquiries for political gain to the election .... that just shows how full of shit they are !! if he is guilty of all they claim why not impeach him now ! they wont at least i dont think they are that stupid but maybe im wrong ...ive learned to never underestimate the stupidity of a democrat.
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
Mueller found no Russian collusion !!! thats from his own mouth !! Schiff blatantly lied and you dont give a shit long as you get what you want !! ill say it right here people like you and your leftist comrades are scum that will still the stink out of shit and tell lies underwater !and what makes it so bad is that you know that you are scum !
What National Leader will have a candid conversation with Trump if they know that Dems will scream that crimes were committed which will result in impeachment and the only way Trump can rebut them is by releasing the transcript?

Zelensky isn’t pleased that all the details of his supposedly private conversation with the American president are scrolling across the chyron on CNN.

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released.​

Zelenskiy told reporters at the U.N. General Assembly in New York afterward that “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published.” But he also said he’s “not afraid” of the publication.​

The media is already scrambling to remind everyone that the President doesn’t need to break the law to be impeached because, once again, it's clear that the President committed no crimes.
Mueller found no Russian collusion

Moron....."collusion" is NOT a legal term....Conspiracy is .....therefore, Mueller NEVER was entrusted to investigate collusion.
you stupid bastard !! the whole mueller investigation was based on a false dossier that led to the claim of Russian collusion !! now take the dildo out of your ass and shove it back into your mouth and shut the fuck up .... and no you dont have to wipe the shit off it first ...... faggot .
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
Mueller found no Russian collusion !!! thats from his own mouth !! Schiff blatantly lied and you dont give a shit long as you get what you want !! ill say it right here people like you and your leftist comrades are scum that will still the stink out of shit and tell lies underwater !and what makes it so bad is that you know that you are scum !
The report isn't about collusion.

Barr blatantly lied and you don't give a shit.

Schiff spoke in some exaggerated terms to make a point. Everyone knew what he was doing and saying.

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