Adam Schiff proves that dems are liars !

What National Leader will have a candid conversation with Trump if they know that Dems will scream that crimes were committed which will result in impeachment and the only way Trump can rebut them is by releasing the transcript?

Zelensky isn’t pleased that all the details of his supposedly private conversation with the American president are scrolling across the chyron on CNN.

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released.​

Zelenskiy told reporters at the U.N. General Assembly in New York afterward that “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published.” But he also said he’s “not afraid” of the publication.​

The media is already scrambling to remind everyone that the President doesn’t need to break the law to be impeached because, once again, it's clear that the President committed no crimes.
What national.leader will have a conversation with tRump if they know he will try to extort "favors" from them?

What national leader will have a conversation with any president if they know democrats will publicize the transcript and try to use it to unseat the president?
That should make them feel more secure in dealing with tRump. It will be hard for him to extort things from them if everyone sees it happen.

Then you don't understand the nature of international politics. Do you think Obama's Russian counterparts were more or less likely to check for open microphones after his flexibility gaffe? Summits and meetings on treaties are for show. The real negotiating takes place before. That's what will suffer if democrats weaponize secret communications.

First, I'm not talking about releasing every detail to the public, you you can disassemble that straw man right now.

Second, don't you think some more transparency would be good?
sure transparency would be good .... lets see Obamas ,Bidens,and Clintons emails and transcripts !! thank for agreeing with Trump on revealing what happened between Biden and the Ukraine .

Impeachment was only added to the nothingburger because every other hyperbolic term was no longer registering with the voting public.
the only problem with the photo is that the democrat turning and whistling at an attractive woman would probably be whistling at another man instead........ all democrats are faggots .
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What national.leader will have a conversation with tRump if they know he will try to extort "favors" from them?

What national leader will have a conversation with any president if they know democrats will publicize the transcript and try to use it to unseat the president?
That should make them feel more secure in dealing with tRump. It will be hard for him to extort things from them if everyone sees it happen.

Then you don't understand the nature of international politics. Do you think Obama's Russian counterparts were more or less likely to check for open microphones after his flexibility gaffe? Summits and meetings on treaties are for show. The real negotiating takes place before. That's what will suffer if democrats weaponize secret communications.
They, with the fake News Media, already have. Had Trump NOT released the transcript, unredacted, that's all we would be hearing, that the transcript contains impeachable offenses.

Between the policy changes that changed Whistle Blower to Rumor Blower, the spies planted around Trump, and House Congressional Leaders like Schiff and Fat Jerry who lie, they have effectively overcome executive privilege. Trump has no more candid conversations and any he has had could be drug out just like this one was. And his private conversations have been being leaked, his entire presidency.
1. It's not a transcript.
2. Nobody changed the whistleblower rules.
3. Nobody is lying about this except tRump and his enablers.
4. Executive privilege cannot be used to hide crimes.
5. Is it really a leak when it discloses criminal behavior?
has Trump been convicted of a crime ???answer no !!!
the worthless lying piece of [Sciff] told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing

This is COMPLETELY consistent with what the Democrats have been doing since Trump's election.
What National Leader will have a candid conversation with Trump if they know that Dems will scream that crimes were committed which will result in impeachment and the only way Trump can rebut them is by releasing the transcript?

Zelensky isn’t pleased that all the details of his supposedly private conversation with the American president are scrolling across the chyron on CNN.

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released.​

Zelenskiy told reporters at the U.N. General Assembly in New York afterward that “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published.” But he also said he’s “not afraid” of the publication.​

The media is already scrambling to remind everyone that the President doesn’t need to break the law to be impeached because, once again, it's clear that the President committed no crimes.
What national.leader will have a conversation with tRump if they know he will try to extort "favors" from them?

What national leader will have a conversation with any president if they know democrats will publicize the transcript and try to use it to unseat the president?
That should make them feel more secure in dealing with tRump. It will be hard for him to extort things from them if everyone sees it happen.

Yes, because other world leaders are paragons of upright virtue who are horrified and repulsed by the idea of realpolitik and quid pro quo, and Trump is guilty of shocking, unprecedented behavior in the history of world politics, because of the very clear evidence that he got elected as a Republican, which we all know is a criminal offense deserving the death penalty in your book.

Seriously, please confine your delusions to your group therapy session, and stop spouting them in the message board as though they're serious opinions that people should waste time addressing. And don't even get me started on your laughable attempts to dress your unhinged partisan vitriol as some sort of left-wing morality.
Ah, the "everybody else does it to" defense.

I was wondering when it would occur to one of you tRumpkins.

Well they don't. Dismissed.
your leftist handlers must really be upset ive never seen you dispute a thread premise this much !!
I guarantee that many of the Democratic fools believe he was reading from the transcripts.
Only Trump's Chumps are STUPID enough to "think" he was reading from the partial transcript after saying this, “Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates.”
in a legal hearing anyone else that would have added to the transcripts word would have been committing perjury.
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
So, you are pissed you can't prove that Barr did anything but reveal what was the reality of the findings of the Mueller report? The report's findings amounted to nothing, nada, no collusion, complete transparency, and not a shred of obstruction of justice on the part of President Trump. That really must burn you all the way from your head to your toes, Crepitus. And as amusing as it is to me but not to you, you are burnt toast as a consequence.
I guarantee that many of the Democratic fools believe he was reading from the transcripts.
Only Trump's Chumps are STUPID enough to "think" he was reading from the partial transcript after saying this, “Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates.”
in a legal hearing anyone else that would have added to the transcripts word would have been committing perjury.
Pelosi's Teflon Days will soon be over. She's been conspiring with the Democrat conspiracy culture that includes the entire Democrat leadership quotient.
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?

Never happened
That's a lie.

"Lie" is not defined as "saying something that Creepy doesn't want to believe."
You are correct a lie is not a subjective thing. It's when someone says or writes something that is known not to be true. Like when you, Barr, or any other slobbering tRumpling says "no collusion, no obstruction" which we know not to be true.

More like when YOU say that people said things they didn't say, because that's what your internal script called for.
He did not dumb ass. You are butt hurt cause you were JUST SURE Mueller would get Trump and when that did not pan out you had to claim something.
I'm afraid he did. Out and out lied in actual fact. You pissed at him too?

I'm afraid he didn't. You pissed that "lying" doesn't mean "saying what Creep doesn't want to hear"?
Can you quote Mueller or his report saying "no collision, no obstruction"?

I'll wait.

Can you take those goalposts you're moving all around the field and shove them up your partisan ass?

I'll wait.
If the goalposts appear to be moving to you I might suggest not drinking so much.

You think if you stop drinking so much, you'll move the goalposts less? Okay, I'm game. Hit up an AA meeting, give it a shot, and let me know how it goes.
What National Leader will have a candid conversation with Trump if they know that Dems will scream that crimes were committed which will result in impeachment and the only way Trump can rebut them is by releasing the transcript?

Zelensky isn’t pleased that all the details of his supposedly private conversation with the American president are scrolling across the chyron on CNN.

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released.​

Zelenskiy told reporters at the U.N. General Assembly in New York afterward that “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published.” But he also said he’s “not afraid” of the publication.​

The media is already scrambling to remind everyone that the President doesn’t need to break the law to be impeached because, once again, it's clear that the President committed no crimes.
What national.leader will have a conversation with tRump if they know he will try to extort "favors" from them?

"What national leader will have a conversation with Trump if they know he will try to do something he didn't do, but that I REALLY want to believe he did, and how DARE you not accept my assumption that he's guilty?!"
We have tRump's own admission that he did

No, you have your belief that you heard what you wanted to hear.
I'm afraid not. Facts are facts.

Yes, and facts have no relation to the shit you spew.
damn you are stupid the mueller report was about Russian collusion .... Schiff lied during the Ukrainian transcript reading !
You don't know what you are talking about. You are simply repeating what you have been taught to say.

Come see me when you've got enough knowledge of the situation to form your own opinions.

"You're disagreeing with me, so that means you're stupid! Don't talk to me until you tell me what I want to hear!"
Not so. He doesn't know the facts. When he has some facts to debate with this will be more interesting.

"When he agrees with me, that will mean he knows the facts, because the facts are that I'm right and Trump is guilty of anything and everything I want him to be!"
Just because that's the way you think doesn't mean I do it too.

Your posts mean you think that way, but thank you for the witty, incisive rendition of, "Well, well . . . I'm not, YOU are!" No 2nd grader in the world could have done it better.
What National Leader will have a candid conversation with Trump if they know that Dems will scream that crimes were committed which will result in impeachment and the only way Trump can rebut them is by releasing the transcript?

Zelensky isn’t pleased that all the details of his supposedly private conversation with the American president are scrolling across the chyron on CNN.

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released.​

Zelenskiy told reporters at the U.N. General Assembly in New York afterward that “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published.” But he also said he’s “not afraid” of the publication.​

The media is already scrambling to remind everyone that the President doesn’t need to break the law to be impeached because, once again, it's clear that the President committed no crimes.
What national.leader will have a conversation with tRump if they know he will try to extort "favors" from them?

What national leader will have a conversation with any president if they know democrats will publicize the transcript and try to use it to unseat the president?
That should make them feel more secure in dealing with tRump. It will be hard for him to extort things from them if everyone sees it happen.

Yes, because other world leaders are paragons of upright virtue who are horrified and repulsed by the idea of realpolitik and quid pro quo, and Trump is guilty of shocking, unprecedented behavior in the history of world politics, because of the very clear evidence that he got elected as a Republican, which we all know is a criminal offense deserving the death penalty in your book.

Seriously, please confine your delusions to your group therapy session, and stop spouting them in the message board as though they're serious opinions that people should waste time addressing. And don't even get me started on your laughable attempts to dress your unhinged partisan vitriol as some sort of left-wing morality.
Ah, the "everybody else does it to" defense.

I was wondering when it would occur to one of you tRumpkins.

Well they don't. Dismissed.

Ah, more of the "This is what I wanted to hear!" defense. I was wondering how many seconds it would take you to spout it again.

If you can't handle having your echo chamber punctured any more, you're free to run away now. Just don't think you're lying to anyone but yourself about it, coward.
the worthless lying piece told a blatant lie and purposefully slandered the president and i mean it was a wopper ! not a miss reading or misquote or an honest mistake the piece of shit did on purpose and then when he was called out on it he said it was a parody !! this was just a small glimps of what the dems have been doing since 2016 !! and not one democrat nor anyone from the communist lying left wing media has called him out on it ! proof positive that all democrats are lying scum !Adam Schiff is facing backlash for parodying Donald Trump's Ukraine call during a Congressional hearing
So, you pissed at Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report?
Mueller found no Russian collusion !!! thats from his own mouth !! Schiff blatantly lied and you dont give a shit long as you get what you want !! ill say it right here people like you and your leftist comrades are scum that will still the stink out of shit and tell lies underwater !and what makes it so bad is that you know that you are scum !

The Left is all about any means and throwing ethics and legal out the window.
What national leader will have a conversation with any president if they know democrats will publicize the transcript and try to use it to unseat the president?
That should make them feel more secure in dealing with tRump. It will be hard for him to extort things from them if everyone sees it happen.

Then you don't understand the nature of international politics. Do you think Obama's Russian counterparts were more or less likely to check for open microphones after his flexibility gaffe? Summits and meetings on treaties are for show. The real negotiating takes place before. That's what will suffer if democrats weaponize secret communications.
They, with the fake News Media, already have. Had Trump NOT released the transcript, unredacted, that's all we would be hearing, that the transcript contains impeachable offenses.

Between the policy changes that changed Whistle Blower to Rumor Blower, the spies planted around Trump, and House Congressional Leaders like Schiff and Fat Jerry who lie, they have effectively overcome executive privilege. Trump has no more candid conversations and any he has had could be drug out just like this one was. And his private conversations have been being leaked, his entire presidency.
1. It's not a transcript.
2. Nobody changed the whistleblower rules.
3. Nobody is lying about this except tRump and his enablers.
4. Executive privilege cannot be used to hide crimes.
5. Is it really a leak when it discloses criminal behavior?
has Trump been convicted of a crime ???answer no !!!
Nope! If these dumb bastards want to put the Nation, and frankly the World through a months long impeachment process when they have no high crimes, well, let's get it on!
Mueller found no Russian collusion !!! thats from his own mouth !! Schiff blatantly lied and you dont give a shit long as you get what you want !! ill say it right here people like you and your leftist comrades are scum that will still the stink out of shit and tell lies underwater !and what makes it so bad is that you know that you are scum !
What National Leader will have a candid conversation with Trump if they know that Dems will scream that crimes were committed which will result in impeachment and the only way Trump can rebut them is by releasing the transcript?

Zelensky isn’t pleased that all the details of his supposedly private conversation with the American president are scrolling across the chyron on CNN.

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released.​

Zelenskiy told reporters at the U.N. General Assembly in New York afterward that “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published.” But he also said he’s “not afraid” of the publication.​

The media is already scrambling to remind everyone that the President doesn’t need to break the law to be impeached because, once again, it's clear that the President committed no crimes.
What national.leader will have a conversation with tRump if they know he will try to extort "favors" from them?

What national leader will have a conversation with any president if they know democrats will publicize the transcript and try to use it to unseat the president?
That should make them feel more secure in dealing with tRump. It will be hard for him to extort things from them if everyone sees it happen.

Yes, because other world leaders are paragons of upright virtue who are horrified and repulsed by the idea of realpolitik and quid pro quo, and Trump is guilty of shocking, unprecedented behavior in the history of world politics, because of the very clear evidence that he got elected as a Republican, which we all know is a criminal offense deserving the death penalty in your book.

Seriously, please confine your delusions to your group therapy session, and stop spouting them in the message board as though they're serious opinions that people should waste time addressing. And don't even get me started on your laughable attempts to dress your unhinged partisan vitriol as some sort of left-wing morality.
Wish Casting. The Only one guilty of a Quid Pro Quo is Quid Pro JOE!

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