Adam Schiff Tried to Stop The Memo

Fuck you & Fuck anyone that wants to tap dance around what they did with sophistry and rhetoric!

Fuck your Rhetoric!

Your Heros Commited an Act Of War Against The United States of AMercia!

They broke the Law, Violated Public Trust Commited Treason and Sedition.

No Discussion

Only The Severity of Their Punishment is Worth Discussing!

The opposition party is using
Corrupt cronies in the DOJ and The FBI Law Enforcement charged with protection of our rights to Undermine Our Righrs instead and undermine Democracy and undermine our elections and stage a Coup that now looks to be falling apart.

So yah fuck the Opposition Party

Fuck Chuck Schumer

Fuck Pelosi

Fuck Maxine Waters

Fuck Gutierrez in Shithcago

Fuck Adam Schiff and if you defend such Scum and Such Subversive Evil Abuses of Power....


Elections have consequences and one of them is that if you break the law and are not in power it becomes increasingly harder to hide your crimes and protect your Criminal Horde of Evil Doers!

They broke the law but thought Corrupt Clinton was going to cover for them so Fuck Them!

So Fuck The Law Breakers posing as Law Enforcement and Legislators!

Lock the Law Breakers Up!

Fuck them for eternity!

Fuck Them Straight To Hell!

And Them Fuck Them In Hell!

Oh ok, so the opposition party shouldn't be listened to. Fuck the 1st amendment, fuck transparency. Lets just judge people based on their ideology and then let the majority party silence them. Great philosophy man. I'll remind you of that once the Dems are back in power.
Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously. You are a fucking partisan hack who is incapable of having an intelligent debate about the facts. You just respond with hyped up bullshit. What a joke you are. Run off to the Flame Zone and enjoy yourself there with all the other wingnut dupes.
Grow up dipshit you are just embarrassing yourself.

ROFL! He's one of the best posters in this forum.
He may be one of the best posters for the low IQ partisans to squabble over. The way you all talk is on par with the the Kardashians/Real Housewives mentality. Pure drama and garbage. If thats your thing then fine, but all say it again, your just embarrassing yourselves as you sound like fools.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.
Yeah saw that. Trey is a pretty dedicated Righty and to hear him say that says a lot.

No Trey Gowdy said he wants the FBI to look at it before it's released.

They have looked at it.

The FBI released thousands of e mails.
From them, they want us to see four pages of it.
That is what he wants by looked over by the FBI.

It was reported that the Director looked it over prior to the vote.
When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

Yeah saw that. Trey is a pretty dedicated Righty and to hear him say that says a lot.

No Trey Gowdy said he wants the FBI to look at it before it's released.
Yes Trey did say that. The Republicans in the intel committee voted against allowing the FBI to voice their national security concerns about the memo to the committee before they vote on its release.

The FBI has voiced its concern. The committe simply dismissed those concerns. That's its perogative.
When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.
Dear Spawn of Satan. Due to the Unsanitary Conditions of your home, Safety and Public Health Concerns we must Condemn It.

You have 30 days to vacate the swamp!

Or go Fuck your self whichever comes first!

Either way Get The Fuck Out!

When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

No Trey Gowdy said he wants the FBI to look at it before it's released.
Yes Trey did say that. The Republicans in the intel committee voted against allowing the FBI to voice their national security concerns about the memo to the committee before they vote on its release.

The FBI has voiced its concern. The committe simply dismissed those concerns. That's its perogative.
When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.
When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

No Trey Gowdy said he wants the FBI to look at it before it's released.
Yes Trey did say that. The Republicans in the intel committee voted against allowing the FBI to voice their national security concerns about the memo to the committee before they vote on its release.

The FBI has voiced its concern. The committe simply dismissed those concerns. That's its perogative.
When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.

Sessions recused himself on the demands of Senator tit grabber Franken. Rosenstein is under suspicion. The idea that he will run an honest investigation doesn't pass the laugh test. The leadership of the FBI and the DOJ is infested with swamp critters and coup plotters. An investigation run by them simply isn't going to be trusted.
Breaking; Memo is getting released and Adam Schiff is pissed.

Schiff attacked The President over his major Butt Hurt over his failure at stopping The Memo from being released.

And then the mother fucker is up there flat out lying saying The FBI didn’t get to look at it when this is the reason Wray removed McCabe.

What a sickening partisan hack this piece of shit is. One of the press is actually calling him on his lies about Wray not reviewing it, & he switched tactics and rephrased everything without taking a breath.

Fucker is more dishonest than Dirty Dick Durbin!!

Too bad it’s getting released. Votes along party lines which shows The DNC duplicity in engaging and supporting this witch hunt!

Fucking Dems refused to look at it and still tried to stop it from getting released!

They failed again.

well, normal people SHOULD want to stop nunes the hack

you don't seem to have any problem with the actual, in context memo, being suppressed. wackos.

well, normal people SHOULD want to stop nunes the hack

you don't seem to have any problem with the actual, in context memo, being suppressed. wackos.
put them both out side-by-side.

I want to keep the partisan GOP hacks in line too.

But, the screaming and crying from the dems on this release, coupled with McCabe's sudden "retirement" has me highly suspicious.
When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

Yes Trey did say that. The Republicans in the intel committee voted against allowing the FBI to voice their national security concerns about the memo to the committee before they vote on its release.

The FBI has voiced its concern. The committe simply dismissed those concerns. That's its perogative.
When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.

Sessions recused himself on the demands of Senator tit grabber Franken. Rosenstein is under suspicion. The idea that he will run an honest investigation doesn't pass the laugh test. The leadership of the FBI and the DOJ is infested with swamp critters and coup plotters. An investigation run by them simply isn't going to be trusted.
I see you and your idiot friend have fully bought the swamp narrative hook line and sinker. Sad. I'd counter your pathetic talking points but why waste my energy. This conversation is getting to the point where it is making me dumber. If yall want to get past the school yard banter and talk about real things like adults then i'm more than happy to engage, otherwise i'm out.
When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

The FBI has voiced its concern. The committe simply dismissed those concerns. That's its perogative.
When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.

Sessions recused himself on the demands of Senator tit grabber Franken. Rosenstein is under suspicion. The idea that he will run an honest investigation doesn't pass the laugh test. The leadership of the FBI and the DOJ is infested with swamp critters and coup plotters. An investigation run by them simply isn't going to be trusted.
I see you and your idiot friend have fully bought the swamp narrative hook line and sinker. Sad. I'd counter your pathetic talking points but why waste my energy. This conversation is getting to the point where it is making me dumber. If yall want to get past the school yard banter and talk about real things like adults then i'm more than happy to engage, otherwise i'm out.

Real adults understand that staging a coup against a lawfully elected president is a very serious matter. Real adults understand that using the FBI to persecute your political opponents is a serious matter. Real adults are outraged when they learn about a level of corruption that makes Latin American dictators look like angels.
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Sessions and Wray need to start prosecuting people.

And Sessions could have stopped all of this by vetting all of these false claims.

In my opinion, he betrayed The President

He better get his ass back in the game and do the right thing now!

Or resign

When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

Yes Trey did say that. The Republicans in the intel committee voted against allowing the FBI to voice their national security concerns about the memo to the committee before they vote on its release.

The FBI has voiced its concern. The committe simply dismissed those concerns. That's its perogative.
When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.

Sessions recused himself on the demands of Senator tit grabber Franken. Rosenstein is under suspicion. The idea that he will run an honest investigation doesn't pass the laugh test. The leadership of the FBI and the DOJ is infested with swamp critters and coup plotters. An investigation run by them simply isn't going to be trusted.
Last edited:
well, normal people SHOULD want to stop nunes the hack

you don't seem to have any problem with the actual, in context memo, being suppressed. wackos.
put them both out side-by-side.

I want to keep the partisan GOP hacks in line too.

But, the screaming and crying from the dems on this release, coupled with McCabe's sudden "retirement" has me highly suspicious.
Suspicious of what? Do you not see the political game that is being played here? If we had grown ups running our country there would not be two pointless "memos" there would be a detailed report written by the intel committee that objectively and accurately reported the findings of their investigation. When a couple partisan hacks write a spin piece without consulting or cooperating with the other members of the committee you lose credibility and integrity. As far as I'm concerned both memos are complete bullshit. But I do agree if something is going to be released then both memos should be released. The fact that the Reps blocked both FBI input from Trumps director and blocked the release of the Dem memo just exemplifies that they want a jump on setting the spin narrative. Sad state of politics we are living in. They should all be shamed out of office.
When they exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave her immunity Before they interviewed her and her staff.

Same deal they are going to offer the President, Right?

They voiced their displeasure at the fact the lost despite all of heir evil machinations by doubling down on stupid and engaging more stupidity and
Took a double shot of corruption and conspiracy!

Their displeasure was with their failure to rig an election, frame a presidential candidate with a Fake Russian Dossier, failed to accomplish a Coup, and failed to hide their crimes.

Fuck all of them!

When did the FBI voice their concerns? I must have missed that
You got Trump appointed leaders of the DOJ and FBI who can go after that stuff. When the Trump appointed leaders of those organizations are opposing the actions of the partisan republicans in congress that should raise some concern. Especially when national security is on the line. If you can see that then your a completely blinded by your partisan ignorance.

Sessions recused himself on the demands of Senator tit grabber Franken. Rosenstein is under suspicion. The idea that he will run an honest investigation doesn't pass the laugh test. The leadership of the FBI and the DOJ is infested with swamp critters and coup plotters. An investigation run by them simply isn't going to be trusted.
I see you and your idiot friend have fully bought the swamp narrative hook line and sinker. Sad. I'd counter your pathetic talking points but why waste my energy. This conversation is getting to the point where it is making me dumber. If yall want to get past the school yard banter and talk about real things like adults then i'm more than happy to engage, otherwise i'm out.

Real adults understand that staging a coup against a lawfully elected president is a very serious matter. Real adults understand that using the FBI to persecute your political opponents is a serious matter. Real adults are outraged when they learn about a level of corruption that makes Latin American dictators look like angels.
If thats the Case then Wray, Trumps appointed FBI director, and the IG will investigate and expose, why wouldn't they? In the case we are speaking about Wray wanted to speak to the committee about his concerns with the memo and they denied that. You cool with that?
Who wants to lay a bet Adam Schiff gets caught up in all of this?
Like he gets arrested for wrong doing? I'd happily take that bet. If I win I want you to change your footer on this board to something that I choose and you have to keep it there for a month.
Who wants to lay a bet Adam Schiff gets caught up in all of this?
Like he gets arrested for wrong doing? I'd happily take that bet. If I win I want you to change your footer on this board to something that I choose and you have to keep it there for a month.
Did I say arrested? Nope.... but I bet he has been actively engaged in the FBI's Coup and Propaganda Program.
I have no doubt Adam Schiff has been engaged in all sorts of activities to undermine this administration and abuse his position on The Intelligence Committee and I would not be surprised at all to hear that come out when we are done Investigating The FBI, DOJ, and why he tried to shut Nunez and The Memo down.

There will be people that imo do some time for all of this stuff, and most of them will be in The FBI, and a few in the DOJ, many from the previous administration, but someone like John McCain, Schiff or Schumer would be fair game too if they broke any laws when they were on their Russia Russia Russia witch hunt.
As the committee votes to release the memo he didn't want anybody in CONgress to see, Schiff is about to see his world start caving in on him....Remember, this is the little schmuck who said he'd "seen proof Trump colluded with the Russians" before the hearings ever began but still won't show us what it is. Hey can see ours if we can see yours.... :lol:


No doubt this douche bag was talking and conspiring with John McCain when Clinton-Obama funneled the Fake Russian Dossier to McCain who shared it with Schiff, and then McCain's intermediary sent it to The FBI.

The thing is though, that all of them knew it was FAKE and unsubstantiated piece of Russian Propaganda, but they ran with it anyways, which makes them immoral and unethical and their actions Illegal
Who wants to lay a bet Adam Schiff gets caught up in all of this?
Like he gets arrested for wrong doing? I'd happily take that bet. If I win I want you to change your footer on this board to something that I choose and you have to keep it there for a month.
Did I say arrested? Nope.... but I bet he has been actively engaged in the FBI's Coup and Propaganda Program.
I have no doubt Adam Schiff has been engaged in all sorts of activities to undermine this administration and abuse his position on The Intelligence Committee and I would not be surprised at all to hear that come out when we are done Investigating The FBI, DOJ, and why he tried to shut Nunez and The Memo down.

There will be people that imo do some time for all of this stuff, and most of them will be in The FBI, and a few in the DOJ, many from the previous administration, but someone like John McCain, Schiff or Schumer would be fair game too if they broke any laws when they were on their Russia Russia Russia witch hunt.
Well if you want to make a bet then nail down the criteria and be specific and make it measurable by hard facts not opinion. You are being super vague and leaving way too much open to interpretation.

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