Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Eve showed the good sense that had her give stupid Adam what Christians sing is a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.

IOW, Eve helped Adam keep to the plan.

What else is a helpmate for?

Eve was the food taster because Adam was too stupid to know a good apple from a rotten one.

That is why Yahweh made sure Satan tempted Eve first.

Women are naturally going to understand the spiritual connection and communication from parent to child before men do because women start communicating spiritually with children before they are born. Women as mothers know who their children are, so Matriarchal structures can pass inheritance from Mothers to Daughters by common knowledge.

But when the societal structure changed to Patriarchal lineage, Men as Fathers do not have equal knowledge or power to control their heirs and make sure they are their sons.

So laws of church/state on MARRIAGE and property including women/children belonging to the men as heads of the estate and households had to be implemented and controlled by MEN.

Especially laws on adultery to make sure MEN know they are passing their wealth to their children.

All the genocide, rapes of other tribes, sterilizations, etc are to wipe out and dominate other tribes to take control of land and nations.

This greed comes from biting into more knowledge of sex and posterity before humanity becomes Mature enough to live in peace without tribal turf wars.

Women with Matriarchal societies had a more peaceful culture because women don't have to fight to keep control of their children being theirs.

But MEN need to fight other MEN to control their harem or herd to make sure their children are really theirs.
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I know you would rather hide the Christian immoral theology.

I will not allow that while you and your tribe continue to abuse women and gays with your hate without a just cause.

Dear GreatestIam
1. The spiritual imperative in Christianity is Forgiveness as the greatest Charity of all
2. Forgiving past immorality, wrongs sins injustuce, genocidal rape oppression, homophobia, misogyny, sociopathic and narcissistic passive-aggressive projection of blame fear or hostility on others is NOT the same as hiding or denying.

3. The reason I do not judge these actions is they are temporal and part of a process of overcoming past sins or karma generationally repeating, because I understand the meaning behind faith in Jesus as BREAKING this negative cycle

Forgiveness allows the cycle to break, end denial, stop projection, and bring Correction and Healing.

I call this the process of redemption in Christ Jesus as symbolized in Christianity.

In Buddhism, renouncing Karma means liberation, enlightenment and restoration of the pure and perfect Buddha nature which is the original default state.

Is this description in Buddhism closer to your beliefs and BreezeWood ?

That is fine if you relate to the spiritual process more like Buddhist or Bahai teach it.

Would that be more effective and less conflicting to discuss the spiritual process of humanity in Buddhist or Bahai terms?

Thank you.

Again the spiritual process that is universal can be described using any system that people relate to.

But not every person relates to every system. My mother understands the Buddhist way of teaching Wisdom and Compassion but does not understand how Jesus fulfills this path and all paths, and thinks Jesus is just to help other people do good things.
women start communicating spiritually with children before they are born.
Then they should learn more about spiritual maters so that they can teach the men.

Get your sisters to do better so that all men will know to condemn Yahweh and his homophobic and misogynous religions to hell.

1. The spiritual imperative in Christianity is Forgiveness as the greatest Charity of all
Irrelevant as Christians do not walk their religious talk.

The rest of your supernatural garbage I intelligently ignore.

Stay on topic and get serious, or fuck off with your hypocrisy.

You are a waste of a moral man's time.

No we are not. Faith is belief without evidence. There's plenty of evidence of the success of organized government, the social contract, in societies based on laws. Stop trying to put your faith in the same shelf as trust based on evidence.
Dear Fort Fun Indiana
1. First I applaud you for spelling out the common belief about law and govt. I reinforce this is the best way to establish common understanding, to use basic terms and principles as a universal standard. We need to start every political conversation with "where we agree."
You provided this, thank you! I would like to start the conversation there, and ask all liberals and conservatives to start with the points and principles you laid out.

2. From there, perhaps we can avoid "judging and dividing" over differences that "branch out" between the liberal school and the conservative school. If we stick to the common values you stated, we do not need to judge or reject people for having different approaches or directions. We can potentially recognize the denominational divergence as historic and nothing to force people to change if that is their school of thought they identify with. And accept both schools as havinv equal members and purpose to serve in society.

3. Here is another example of how political beliefs about govt, laws and justice are faith based:

Post in thread 'Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists' Breaking News - Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists

Liberals and Conservatives do not recognize the other party beliefs about Govt to be valid, but inferior, evil, greed to control others, and exploitative and false.

But what I get from and like about your statement on the uniform standards and purpose of laws/govt is it seeks to focus on where we might all AGREE.

If we stick to the common ground, we have a better chance to navigate and negotiate through differences that stem from there.

Thank you FFI

I will start a new thread using your post.

And see if that helps start and keep a conservation without slamming right or left for their diverse beliefs stemming fr there.

Thank you very much, and I hope your perspective helps unify a common approach instead of political bullying to dominate or censor beliefs between left and right.
Then they should learn more about spiritual maters so that they can teach the men.

Get your sisters to do better so that all men will know to condemn Yahweh and his homophobic and misogynous religions to hell.

^ Yes and Yes GreatestIam
The Muslims have it right (and Baptists) who teach that Men need to counsel other Men in private and agree in prayer.

Because Men do not take correction well from Women, or other tribes in public, we need to reconcile our conflicts one on one first.

From there, we can better interact in groups when we no longer abuse conflicts to take sides for dominance.

Yes, women need to unite and not incite men to fight to dominate others.

But men need to agree to pray in unity and not put party or denominational tribe above the Good or God of all humanity as a whole.

We all need to be less fearful, selfish and rejecting of other people and views "in competition or conflict."

Funny thing GreatestIam I have as many women friends who find it is the MEN who need to reform their tribal approaches, and "messing up the world for everyone else." They feel once the MEN dominate the narrative, nobody listens to the women who get stuck cleaning up the messes this makes.

We all need to do our part we can.

If you see some insights on how women can better unite and get men/tribes to quit one upping each other trying to dominate and control the narrative, I think this is what everyone wants to change, because nobody likes to be gaslighted, censored, bullied, coerced, told their way is wrong and the other group is right to force their ways on others.

You see it as women teaching women.

What about men? What do you see as the best approach to stop the greed for tribal dominance between Men?

How do you see politics and economy changing to restore natural peace justice and order?

What should men do, or what do men need from women, in order to stop bullying turf wars, abuse and oppression?

Thank you DL
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Irrelevant as Christians do not walk their religious talk.

The rest of your supernatural garbage I intelligently ignore.

Stay on topic and get serious, or fuck off with your hypocrisy.

You are a waste of a moral man's time.

^ GreatestIam If people like you naturally resist or reject people like me,
How do you expect women to teach men who are resistant?

Can you explain the best way?

Please see my previous post.

What do you agree or disagree with?

I support you in promoting more effective communication, teaching and reform.

If the Christian approach is too divisive, hypocritical and rejected as garbage,
What way works better?

CRT Critical Race Theory?
Buddhist or Bahai ?

Which approach is most unifying and universal to help more people overcome rejection and resistance?

As even your replies to me show this trend
BTW Christian healing volunteers such as Judith and Francis MacNutt have been very consistent and effective in walking and counseling through the Christian process and principles without being hypocrites

I am sorry for the majority and publicity all going toward hypocrisy but that is true of humanity in general.

Very few in any group or in any person is perfectly consistent without errors in judgment.

Here is a statement by Francis MacNutt on the greater damages done by sending the wrong message by Christians, instead of the real healing work that involves nonjudgment.

This is particularly addressing true healing and how "rejection or judgment" (which you call "homophobia") causes the opposite harm and prevents healing.

Dear GreatestIam once you grasp and embody the real spirit message and teachings in Christianity, there is NO mistaking it or confusing it with FALSE fraudulent fakery that you and BreezeWood both complain about in Church History.

The main reasons I clash and fail to communicate with you:
A. You both believe it is the FALSE hypocrisy "forgeries" lies and fraud that constitute Christian faith, practice and beliefs. While I argue corruption/abuse is part of the History and PROCESS to overcome the sins of the past repeating in generations until we unite in truth and set all humanity free from this suffering war and grief.
B. You both perceive my forgiveness of Christian sins hypocrisy and misteachings as "hiding, denying, supporting, enabling or promoting it", while I understand forgiveness as opening the doors to correction and reform to transform past wrongs and injustice into right and true solutions and corrections.

C. You feel the truth you are given to teach "is in conflict" with Christian faith in reconciling with God's universal truth through Christ. While I believe the same God gave you your path and purpose for equal positive reasons, and we are all called to establish truth by mutual corrections until all is reconciled in unity.

I call this process agreeing in Christ.

What do you call it?

How do you see the process hapoening of all people of all tribes and callings from God uniting as One Family,

The Doctor's Wife
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^ Yes and Yes GreatestIam
The Muslims have it right (and Baptists) who teach that Men need to counsel other Men in private and agree in prayer.

Because Men do not take correction well from Women, or other tribes in public, we need to reconcile our conflicts one on one first.

From there, we can better interact in groups when we no longer abuse conflicts to take sides for dominance.

Yes, women need to unite and not incite men to fight to dominate others.

But men need to agree to pray in unity and not put party or denominational tribe above the Good or God of all humanity as a whole.

We all need to be less fearful, selfish and rejecting of other people and views "in competition or conflict."

Funny thing GreatestIam I have as many women friends who find it is the MEN who need to reform their tribal approaches, and "messing up the world for everyone else." They feel once the MEN dominate the narrative, nobody listens to the women who get stuck cleaning up the messes this makes.

We all need to do our part we can.

If you see some insights on how women can better unite and get men/tribes to quit one upping each other trying to dominate and control the narrative, I think this is what everyone wants to change, because nobody likes to be gaslighted, censored, bullied, coerced, told their way is wrong and the other group is right to force their ways on others.

You see it as women teaching women.

What about men? What do you see as the best approach to stop the greed for tribal dominance between Men?

How do you see politics and economy changing to restore natural peace justice and order?

What should men do, or what do men need from women, in order to stop bullying turf wars, abuse and oppression?

Thank you DL
Men can only step aside when women recognize that they have won the equality battle and ask us to move the fuck aside.

Religious women have to wake the fuck up to the fact that their souls are not inferior to men's, regardless of how many stupid men think so.

If the Christian approach is too divisive, hypocritical and rejected as garbage,
What way works better?
Which approach is most unifying and universal to help more people overcome rejection and resistance?
Become a Gnostic Christian.

We are universalists who have cherry picked the universal Jesus out of the bible, while rejecting and condemning his genocidal prick of a father.

That is a part of why we are known as the only good Christians.

How do you see the process hapoening of all people of all tribes and callings from God uniting as One Family,
We are already all in this together, alone.

While I favor a one world economical government, for economy of scale savings, --- huge those, --- I do not think our governance should ever go to only one voice.

The world is large and one flame cannot shine over all of it.

We do need someone to synchronize the lighting though and save us tons of cash doing it.

Space ship Earth flounders without a Captain and we are taking on water.

The mainstream religions are holes in our hull that we have to patch.

You are either for them or against them.

You are either a moral person or not.

What are you?

Have you condemned all genocidal characters, live or not?

Men can only step aside when women recognize that they have won the equality battle and ask us to move the fuck aside.

Religious women have to wake the fuck up to the fact that their souls are not inferior to men's, regardless of how many stupid men think so.

Okay so when I ask you to move aside
and you insist I am a false teaching hypocrite, then what

What do you advise when people like you, men or women, Christian or nonchristian,
dismiss people/women like me as
not qualified or not teaching/knowing the right message.

If I am not qualified, which women do you see teaching the right message?

Which group(s) will be respected?

All women from all tribes/religions/parties uniting?

How do you see women uniting and establishing this message of equality?

Thank you
I support this vision you present but
can you clarify how and which women leaders or groups you see achieving this?
We are already all in this together, alone.

While I favor a one world economical government, for economy of scale savings, --- huge those, --- I do not think our governance should ever go to only one voice.

The world is large and one flame cannot shine over all of it.

We do need someone to synchronize the lighting though and save us tons of cash doing it.

Space ship Earth flounders without a Captain and we are taking on water.

The mainstream religions are holes in our hull that we have to patch.

You are either for them or against them.

You are either a moral person or not.

What are you?

Have you condemned all genocidal characters, live or not?

What if the people like you have the calling to condemn genocide while the people like me are called to work alongside your message and follow through on the healing, correction and redemption/restoration work?

What if these two roles do not have all the same people doing both or all jobs?

Does the doctor healing and treating patient wounds do the same job as the police or the judge declaring who broke which laws?

What if we are given different roles for a reason?

That is great if you have visions of economic justice. I believe the cooperative economy based on egalitarian type investment and development in community relations is the key.

Do you see
Health Care reform as the center of new economy?
Education and campus living development?
Spiritual Health and Healing?

Which of these 3 will motivate people to unite to save money/resources?

Thank you GreatestIam

I support the ideal revolutionary reform for maximum benefit and sustainable efficiency worldwide.

The biggest key I see to achieving this is ending the negative bullying division between groups that all have critical roles to play and resources/talents to contribute.

I pray your highest vision calling and purpose be brought forth fulfilled and multiplied to unite support from all spiritual leaders and servants joining as one. Bless you and uplift you to these ends. Amen
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What if the people like you have the calling to condemn genocide while the people like me are called to work alongside your message and follow through on the healing, correction and redemption/restoration work?

What if these two roles do not have all the same people doing both or all jobs?

Does the doctor healing and treating patient wounds do the same job as the police or the judge declaring who broke which laws?

What if we are given different roles for a reason?

That is great if you have visions of economic justice. I believe the cooperative economy based on egalitarian type investment and development in community relations is the key.

Do you see
Health Care reform as the center of new economy?
Education and campus living development?
Spiritual Health and Healing?

Which of these 3 will motivate people to unite to save money/resources?

Thank you GreatestIam

I support the ideal revolutionary reform for maximum benefit and sustainable efficiency worldwide.

The biggest key I see to achieving this is ending the negative bullying division between groups that all have critical roles to play and resources/talents to contribute.

I pray your highest vision calling and purpose be brought forth fulfilled and multiplied to unite support from all spiritual leaders and servants joining as one. Bless you and uplift you to these ends. Amen
I agree that our problems come from religious homophobes and misogynous, Christians and Muslims.

Yes. Pray hard for them.

As to how to get a fire lit under the asses of the lazy religious women who allow their men to rule over them like pricks, IDK.

You are talking about what YOU see and believe.

There are as many people who do not share your faith in laws and govt
I didn't say i had faith in those things. Stop propping up your little strawmen.

And you are intentionally ignoring the difference between faith and trust based on evidence. You do this, because you are trying to put your evidence free faith on the same shelf as evidence based determination. You will never, ever succeed. Ever.

The fact that two people can disagree on an evidence based determination highlights the difference. These determinations are bets. One person might trust his 1979 plymouth to start up in the morning to go to work, another may not. There is no "faith" here. They are each making a bet based on evidence.

Stop trying to put your evidence free faith on the same shelf as trust based on evidence. Just admit your evidence free belief is faith.

Or is your faith too shaky to do that?
I didn't say i had faith in those things. Stop propping up your little strawmen.

And you are intentionally ignoring the difference between faith and trust based on evidence. You do this, because you are trying to put your evidence free faith on the same shelf as evidence based determination. You will never, ever succeed. Ever.

The fact that two people can disagree on an evidence based determination highlights the difference. These determinations are bets. One person might trust his 1979 plymouth to start up in the morning to go to work, another may not. There is no "faith" here. They are each making a bet based on evidence.

Stop trying to put your evidence free faith on the same shelf as trust based on evidence. Just admit your evidence free belief is faith.

Or is your faith too shaky to do that?
Not sure we are talking about the same things Fort Fun Indiana

Here is an example of someone who doesn't assume, assert or believe what you stated about law and govt:

Does this position make it more clear how law/govt are faith based:


  • Screenshot_20210915-175139_Chrome.jpg
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Young-earth creationism had simply failed every empirical test that mainstream science demands. This is why there are no serious peer-reviewed creationist papers, and no scientists studying young-earth creationism in any secular research centre in the world.
Your comment just goes to show you do not know nor understand creation science. There was the battle between heliocentrism vs. ethnocentrism and creation science helped Copernicus prove the heliocentric model. I also pointed out the radiometric dating is wrong due to wrong assumptions and it doesn't jibe with calendar year.

Young-earth creationism had simply failed every empirical test that mainstream science demands. This is why there are no serious peer-reviewed creationist papers, and no scientists studying young-earth creationism in any secular research centre in the world.
Sure. I don't doubt that few creationists were turned against creationism and fell for the lies of atheist science. Satan is very cunning and loves to hide.

For example, this could be the atheist anthem. I like the song, but not the words behind them. Dare I say it. Take a bite, surada.


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