Adam Smith on Republican Attitudes Toward The Wealthy and The Poor


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
–Adam Smith
Scottish political economist (1723-1790)

It seems to me to reflect some on this board:
oh boy...whateva

the left-Democrats dishes out other people's (taxpayers) monies at the poor and then crows, see how we care more..
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Funny. I dont see him mentioning the Republican attitudes towards the wealth or poor at all.

But then you are probably someone who thinks that unless you support government programs that keep people dependant on government, you aren't helping the poor. Which is quite the opposite. The best thing to do for the poor is to help them through personal ministering and private charity.

The Right believes in not outsourcing our responsibility to take care of others to the government.

And if you were really concerned with Adam Smith's attitudes, you'd be looking at his Book "Theory on moral sentiments" which is a companion to the Wealth of Nations.

See Adam Smith realized that it's the hand of Divine Providence that is the Invisible Hand and to have that Hand work in the economy, the people had to follow the Lord. That seems to be ignored. But if you keep the commandments, the nation prospers. If you don't, the nation doesn't.

Hard work, Industry, cease to be idle, Be honest, Live within your means, Serve others, etc. These are all virtues the Gospel teaches and principles to a sound economy.

Problem is our nation has been decieved with the so called "Work smarter, not harder" mantra implying that going to four years of college and graduate school somehow makes you a more valuable worker. It can sometimes. Other times it doesn't do much than waste our time and keep us from actually learning how to create value in our lives.

If you are an honest person, and can develop a system to serve and add value in people's lives (The more the merrier) you will be well off. If you think solely of profits and how to squeeze money out of people, you will never succeed in the long run.
, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition

neglect? I think the Republican position is that the poor have been crippled by too much attention and welfare. They feel some benign neglect is the most moral course. That you don't know that points to the utter childlike naivety of the left.
“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
–Adam Smith
Scottish political economist (1723-1790)

It seems to me to reflect some on this board:
I thought you said he was talking about Republicans, this is about Democrats.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.
oh boy...whateva

the left-Democrats dishes out other people's (taxpayers) monies at the poor and then crows, see how we care more..

Tax dollars aren't yours or anybody else's. Taxes belong to society as a whole. We vote to influence how those tax dollars are spent but that money belongs to the American civilization. I'm not a Democrat, but I see what social security has done to drastically reduce poverty among the elderly: evidence supports that. I see how medicare/medicade has done to help the health among the impoverished. As a kid I saw how government programs helped my mother feed, house, and clothe my brother and I until my mother was able to do it herself. It kept us off the streets and helped us eventually move into a house my mother was able to purchase with money she earned from her decent job. What do Republicans suggest to help poor people and those who have suffered unfortunate circumstances? Charity? It didn't work before and it doesn't work now. It helps, but on its own charity has never been enough. So what else? People get desperate and may eventually turn to crime to eat. Jailed parents don't raise their children.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Exactly who are "The Wealthy."
Put a dollar amount on it.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Being conservative, that isn't what I believe. It is however from my observations what liberals believe conservatives believe. They are close minded and refuse to hear what we say and mean.
oh boy...whateva

the left-Democrats dishes out other people's (taxpayers) monies at the poor and then crows, see how we care more..

Tax dollars aren't yours or anybody else's. Taxes belong to society as a whole. We vote to influence how those tax dollars are spent but that money belongs to the American civilization. I'm not a Democrat, but I see what social security has done to drastically reduce poverty among the elderly: evidence supports that. I see how medicare/medicade has done to help the health among the impoverished. As a kid I saw how government programs helped my mother feed, house, and clothe my brother and I until my mother was able to do it herself. It kept us off the streets and helped us eventually move into a house my mother was able to purchase with money she earned from her decent job. What do Republicans suggest to help poor people and those who have suffered unfortunate circumstances? Charity? It didn't work before and it doesn't work now. It helps, but on its own charity has never been enough. So what else? People get desperate and may eventually turn to crime to eat. Jailed parents don't raise their children.

That is the point right there that you just said. That Republicans and Conservatives are making.
Give them help until they can make it on their own just like your Mom did.
Instead we have whole generations of people on welfare who refuse to use it temporally and stay on the Government programs for their entire lives.
No one on the right is saying do away with how to help the poor and elderly or even the disabled.
What we are saying it has to been done differently (restructured) or else these programs will go bankrupt.
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Funny. I dont see him mentioning the Republican attitudes towards the wealth or poor at all.

But then you are probably someone who thinks that unless you support government programs that keep people dependant on government, you aren't helping the poor. Which is quite the opposite. The best thing to do for the poor is to help them through personal ministering and private charity.

The Right believes in not outsourcing our responsibility to take care of others to the government.

And if you were really concerned with Adam Smith's attitudes, you'd be looking at his Book "Theory on moral sentiments" which is a companion to the Wealth of Nations.

See Adam Smith realized that it's the hand of Divine Providence that is the Invisible Hand and to have that Hand work in the economy, the people had to follow the Lord. That seems to be ignored. But if you keep the commandments, the nation prospers. If you don't, the nation doesn't.

Hard work, Industry, cease to be idle, Be honest, Live within your means, Serve others, etc. These are all virtues the Gospel teaches and principles to a sound economy.

Problem is our nation has been decieved with the so called "Work smarter, not harder" mantra implying that going to four years of college and graduate school somehow makes you a more valuable worker. It can sometimes. Other times it doesn't do much than waste our time and keep us from actually learning how to create value in our lives.

If you are an honest person, and can develop a system to serve and add value in people's lives (The more the merrier) you will be well off. If you think solely of profits and how to squeeze money out of people, you will never succeed in the long run.

So your solution to poverty is "Everyone become Christian"? That those who work to help others won't be poor? I don't see many wealthy charity workers or public service workers? Actually I see none. Where are they?

Charity isn't enough and never has been. Churches feed people today and can't meet demand. What were the rates of poverty among the elderly before social security? What do we do with the indigent who become ill or disabled? What do we do about children being raised in poverty? What is the conservative plan cor these people?

This silly conspiracy theory about government dependence is ridiculous. Some people abuse social programs. Let's say its 10%, even though its about 3%. So the 90% of those who receive government assistance of some sort whether its welfare, medicare/medicaid, housing, etc. which they use until they are able to get back on their feet (like my mother did for a year or two when I was a kid) are just SOL and maybe out on the street where it will only be more difficult to get back on their feet?

So poor people are just lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, unambitious, and possibly immoral and as society we should just neglect them and eventually they'll all just figure it out? Or let our churches deal with them even though many of us aren't Christian or religious? With churches like these in charge of the tithes: ?

Sorry, but I can vote to minimize government corruption. Are churches democratic? Maybe some, but surely not the biggest like The Catholic Chirch.

The point is Conservatives look down on the poor, or, at least seem to, while holding the wealthy like Mitt Romney, The Bush family, Donald Trump, etc. in the highest regard whether they deserve it or not. Its as if conservatives view wealth as a virtue of its own.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.
The picture the Right paints of the 3rd generation welfare recipients, sitting around their 55" flat screen watching cable and waiting for a welfare check is just not so. TANF grants to states require that all welfare recipients must find work within two years of first receiving benefits. This includes single parents, who are required to work at least 30 hours per week. Two parent families are required to work 35 to 50 hours per week. 80.4% receive benefits for five years or less. Over half are off welfare within 2 years. Yet the Right continues to disregard the facts in favor of fantasies to support their beliefs.

Daily News Finder
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oh boy...whateva

the left-Democrats dishes out other people's (taxpayers) monies at the poor and then crows, see how we care more..

Tax dollars aren't yours or anybody else's. Taxes belong to society as a whole. We vote to influence how those tax dollars are spent but that money belongs to the American civilization. I'm not a Democrat, but I see what social security has done to drastically reduce poverty among the elderly: evidence supports that. I see how medicare/medicade has done to help the health among the impoverished. As a kid I saw how government programs helped my mother feed, house, and clothe my brother and I until my mother was able to do it herself. It kept us off the streets and helped us eventually move into a house my mother was able to purchase with money she earned from her decent job. What do Republicans suggest to help poor people and those who have suffered unfortunate circumstances? Charity? It didn't work before and it doesn't work now. It helps, but on its own charity has never been enough. So what else? People get desperate and may eventually turn to crime to eat. Jailed parents don't raise their children.

That is the point right there that you just said. That Republicans and Conservatives are making.
Give them help until they can make it on their own just like your Mom did.
Instead we have whole generations of people on welfare who refuse to use it temporally and stay on the Government programs for their entire lives.

How many abuse government assistance versus those who are in actual need and desire to contribute? What are the percentages? Very small. Every group has some rot, but to screw over a great many good people because of some few bad apples makes no sense.

All of that is beside the point. Follow the link in the OP to see how conservatives perceive poor people. Watch Fox news to see how they perceive the wealthy.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Exactly who are "The Wealthy."
Put a dollar amount on it.

You put a dollar amount on it. What does wealthy mean to you? How do you see millionaires? As successful, moral icons of American principles? How do you perceive the man in tattered carrharts in a '92 beat up Ford Ranger on his way to frame up a house or reroof it? Or a woman in Walmart clothes teaching kindergarten?
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Being conservative, that isn't what I believe. It is however from my observations what liberals believe conservatives believe. They are close minded and refuse to hear what we say and mean.

Well then you seem to be the exception. What do you believe?
oh boy...whateva

the left-Democrats dishes out other people's (taxpayers) monies at the poor and then crows, see how we care more..

Tax dollars aren't yours or anybody else's. Taxes belong to society as a whole. We vote to influence how those tax dollars are spent but that money belongs to the American civilization. I'm not a Democrat, but I see what social security has done to drastically reduce poverty among the elderly: evidence supports that. I see how medicare/medicade has done to help the health among the impoverished. As a kid I saw how government programs helped my mother feed, house, and clothe my brother and I until my mother was able to do it herself. It kept us off the streets and helped us eventually move into a house my mother was able to purchase with money she earned from her decent job. What do Republicans suggest to help poor people and those who have suffered unfortunate circumstances? Charity? It didn't work before and it doesn't work now. It helps, but on its own charity has never been enough. So what else? People get desperate and may eventually turn to crime to eat. Jailed parents don't raise their children.

That is the point right there that you just said. That Republicans and Conservatives are making.
Give them help until they can make it on their own just like your Mom did.
Instead we have whole generations of people on welfare who refuse to use it temporally and stay on the Government programs for their entire lives.
No one on the right is saying do away with how to help the poor and elderly or even the disabled.
What we are saying it has to been done differently (restructured) or else these programs will go bankrupt.
80% are off welfare in 5 years. TANF requires the recipients find work within 2 years.
First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Exactly who are "The Wealthy."
Put a dollar amount on it.

You put a dollar amount on it. What does wealthy mean to you? How do you see millionaires? As successful, moral icons of American principles? How do you perceive the man in tattered carrharts in a '92 beat up Ford Ranger on his way to frame up a house or reroof it? Or a woman in Walmart clothes teaching kindergarten?

I asked YOU the question, stupid. You blather on about "The Wealthy." What do you define as wealthy? Someone who makes $50,000,000 a year - like John Kerry - or someone who makes $200,000 as in the average business owner.

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