Adam Smith was a Marxist

I suppose there are. But why does that matter? The ideas of people like Smith and Jefferson are important to me to the extent that they reflect my values. I'm sure Adams and Jefferson had many values I don't share, or even find repugnant.

Sir Isaac Newton laid the foundation for much of modern science. Yet he spent his later years pre-occupied with alchemy and the occult. Does that mean we should follow in his footsteps?

I don't know whether Adam Smith actually held any "Marxist" views. I'm prone to assume it's just equivocation and bullshit, since that's pretty much all we ever get from PaintMyCeiling. But in the end, it doesn't matter one way or another. Those of us who value individual freedom over authoritarian security don't care who is making the argument. We care about the ends.

Marx and Smith were both males. Both wore a beard. This is about the end of the similarities. Adam Smith died decades before Marx published anything. Marx recited certain principles from Smith, who was viewed axiomatic in the field of economics.

The Communists have no legitimacy. The attendant drones of the DNC hive know that they have zero credibility. Since the ideas behind Communism are a demonstrable failure, the hive has programmed the drones to try and hijack legitimacy from others. The absurdity of drones like Paint my balls, and George attempting to hijack the godfather of Capitalism as a "Marxist" is amusing. More amusing is that the hive believes that if they can fool people into buying into this utter bullshit, it will somehow make the failed theories of Collectivism viable.

I clearly illustrated on Monday the Paint my balls has not a hint of a clue regarding Smith, that he is an ignorant dolt pasting moronic shit from the hate sites.

The forum leftist have attempted to recreate Ronald Reagan as a lefty, now they are trying to recreate Adam Smith.

Both are foolish endeavors which highlight the desperation of the Communists..
How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.

List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sweden has a 70% home ownership rate, which is higher then the US by about 5%.

I hate to break it to you but wiki is not a credible source. Here's the reality......

Former tenants buying SHARES of the rental property that then is responsible for the taxes on the property. That's how you get 70% "home ownership".

The development of a multifamily owner occupancy marketplace is relatively new in Sweden. It started in the 1980s when the government provided subsidized loans for renovations to tenants. Many tenants then chose to buy their building from its owner and form a tenant association to own the building. These tenant associations are roughly equivalent to co-ops or cooperatives in the United States. Apartment dwellers own shares in the association that in turn owns the building and the apartments. In Sweden, the tenant association, or cooperative format, is much more popular than the condominium format because it offers tax advantages. It is the cooperative association, rather than the individual apartment dweller, that pays taxes on the property, and real estate taxes on apartments are much lower than on single family homes.

Profile of Sweden

That 70% number is no trick. Sweden's housing market is apparently so hot it's gotten worrying. Swedish Bubble Concern Grows With Soaring Home Prices - Bloomberg Business

A shortage of new buildings and low borrowing costs are fueling a level of demand for property that’s creating risks for Sweden’s economy.

Yes, amazingly enough major cities command high prices. She could have bought a nice place an a lake an hour and a half north of her for 40,000.

Don't you just say Swedes can't afford to buy homes? The point is, Swedes really are buying property. It's not primarily money stopping them when they don't, as you suggested, but supply.

If they had more money to spend there would be a incentive for builders to build more. There isn't. Instead they make do with what they have. And, in the case of the middle class, the only way they can afford a home is to collectively buy the apartment they have lived in for years and years. Further, the homes they buy are significantly smaller than what are bought here in the States. Sweden has a much smaller population base so land is not the issue. It is the fact that they simply haven't enough money to buy a bigger home.

It is illustrative though, that they WANT to have their own place. They settle for what they can get.
I clearly illustrated on Monday the Paint my balls has not a hint of a clue regarding Smith, that he is an ignorant dolt pasting moronic shit from the hate sites.
You tried, and failed of course:


Mine: "Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?"

Oh look, you've been reduced from cutting and pasting memes from the hate sites to just posting a link.


What an ignorant turd.

Mine: "Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?"

You posted a meme, when challenged to support it, you could not. You've never read Smith, you've never had even an introductory class in economics, you have zero grasp of the concepts at play, you simply spew the idiocy the hive programs you to spew.

You got slaughtered on content simply because I know the subject matter, and you do not.

Oh look, you've been reduced from cutting and pasting memes from the hate sites to just posting a link.


What an ignorant turd.

Mine: "Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?"

You posted a meme, when challenged to support it, you could not. You've never read Smith, you've never had even an introductory class in economics, you have zero grasp of the concepts at play, you simply spew the idiocy the hive programs you to spew.

You got slaughtered on content simply because I know the subject matter, and you do not.
Just keep lying to yourself, that's what you're good at, and why no cares what you have to say except other little morons like Bripat.
Just keep lying to yourself, that's what you're good at, and why no cares what you have to say except other little morons like Bripat.

I realize that you just mindlessly support your party.

But do you HONESTLY think you have made a good showing here? Really?
Kicked you ass, and Bripats, but neither of you are smart enough to know. Nearly everyone else does however, and they know a bit more about Smith and Marx.
Kicked you ass,

Son, I doubt you could even get George to support such a delusional claim

and Bripats, but neither of you are smart enough to know. Nearly everyone else does however, and they know a bit more about Smith and Marx.

You are in serious need of at least a modicum of self-awareness.
Yet even more projection from you. You and the little infant are machines.
Yet even more projection from you. You and the little infant are machines.

Let's refresh your memory, you drooling little baboon...

Adam Smith was a Marxist Page 18 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Read forward from the point and see if an independent observer would find that you were even able to tread water....
You were DOA from the get-go. I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't know what I was talking about and how you would spin in circles, and fail. The entire point was to show that your kind calls everything you don't approve of Marxism, even Adam bloody Smith.
It is truly unbelievable that posters praise Marxism, ie slavery. regardless of who allegedly supported.

If slavery was black for American blacks then why is slavery good for the entire nation??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

It is truly unbelievable that posters praise Marxism, ie slavery. regardless of who allegedly supported.

If slavery was black for American blacks then why is slavery good for the entire nation??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
People aren't slaves under Socialism. Sweden is socialist. Socialism is another approach to fulfilling human needs, that's all.
People aren't slaves under Socialism. Sweden is socialist. Socialism is another approach to fulfilling human needs, that's all.

Sweden is not socialist - I deflated this lie several days ago, whilst you were so obviously "winning."

People aren't slaves under Socialism. Sweden is socialist. Socialism is another approach to fulfilling human needs, that's all.

Sweden is not socialist - I deflated this lie several days ago, whilst you were so obviously "winning."
To those here it is, with their socialized healthcare, high tax rates, public schools, environmentalism, and generous welfare.
List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sweden has a 70% home ownership rate, which is higher then the US by about 5%.

I hate to break it to you but wiki is not a credible source. Here's the reality......

Former tenants buying SHARES of the rental property that then is responsible for the taxes on the property. That's how you get 70% "home ownership".

The development of a multifamily owner occupancy marketplace is relatively new in Sweden. It started in the 1980s when the government provided subsidized loans for renovations to tenants. Many tenants then chose to buy their building from its owner and form a tenant association to own the building. These tenant associations are roughly equivalent to co-ops or cooperatives in the United States. Apartment dwellers own shares in the association that in turn owns the building and the apartments. In Sweden, the tenant association, or cooperative format, is much more popular than the condominium format because it offers tax advantages. It is the cooperative association, rather than the individual apartment dweller, that pays taxes on the property, and real estate taxes on apartments are much lower than on single family homes.

Profile of Sweden

That 70% number is no trick. Sweden's housing market is apparently so hot it's gotten worrying. Swedish Bubble Concern Grows With Soaring Home Prices - Bloomberg Business

A shortage of new buildings and low borrowing costs are fueling a level of demand for property that’s creating risks for Sweden’s economy.

Yes, amazingly enough major cities command high prices. She could have bought a nice place an a lake an hour and a half north of her for 40,000.

Don't you just say Swedes can't afford to buy homes? The point is, Swedes really are buying property. It's not primarily money stopping them when they don't, as you suggested, but supply.

If they had more money to spend there would be a incentive for builders to build more. There isn't. Instead they make do with what they have. And, in the case of the middle class, the only way they can afford a home is to collectively buy the apartment they have lived in for years and years. Further, the homes they buy are significantly smaller than what are bought here in the States. Sweden has a much smaller population base so land is not the issue. It is the fact that they simply haven't enough money to buy a bigger home.

It is illustrative though, that they WANT to have their own place. They settle for what they can get.

Sweden does not have near the empty space America has, they can't just keep building more housing. And their population is very much an issue.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce predicts that the Swedish capital will surpass London before 2030 as the fastest growing city in Western Europe.

From Europe 8217 s Most Successful Economy Is Way Too Good to Be True ndash Next City

Yes, the houses are generally smaller, but that's largely cultural. Europeans generally live in smaller spaces.

Prices aren't going up 200% on city properties because Swedes don't have the money, or are "making do." Prices don't get driven up on penniless desire. They're going up because Swedes are bidding with each other over these spaces.
I hate to break it to you but wiki is not a credible source. Here's the reality......

Former tenants buying SHARES of the rental property that then is responsible for the taxes on the property. That's how you get 70% "home ownership".

The development of a multifamily owner occupancy marketplace is relatively new in Sweden. It started in the 1980s when the government provided subsidized loans for renovations to tenants. Many tenants then chose to buy their building from its owner and form a tenant association to own the building. These tenant associations are roughly equivalent to co-ops or cooperatives in the United States. Apartment dwellers own shares in the association that in turn owns the building and the apartments. In Sweden, the tenant association, or cooperative format, is much more popular than the condominium format because it offers tax advantages. It is the cooperative association, rather than the individual apartment dweller, that pays taxes on the property, and real estate taxes on apartments are much lower than on single family homes.

Profile of Sweden

That 70% number is no trick. Sweden's housing market is apparently so hot it's gotten worrying. Swedish Bubble Concern Grows With Soaring Home Prices - Bloomberg Business

A shortage of new buildings and low borrowing costs are fueling a level of demand for property that’s creating risks for Sweden’s economy.

Yes, amazingly enough major cities command high prices. She could have bought a nice place an a lake an hour and a half north of her for 40,000.

Don't you just say Swedes can't afford to buy homes? The point is, Swedes really are buying property. It's not primarily money stopping them when they don't, as you suggested, but supply.

If they had more money to spend there would be a incentive for builders to build more. There isn't. Instead they make do with what they have. And, in the case of the middle class, the only way they can afford a home is to collectively buy the apartment they have lived in for years and years. Further, the homes they buy are significantly smaller than what are bought here in the States. Sweden has a much smaller population base so land is not the issue. It is the fact that they simply haven't enough money to buy a bigger home.

It is illustrative though, that they WANT to have their own place. They settle for what they can get.

Sweden does not have near the empty space America has, they can't just keep building more housing. And their population is very much an issue.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce predicts that the Swedish capital will surpass London before 2030 as the fastest growing city in Western Europe.

From Europe 8217 s Most Successful Economy Is Way Too Good to Be True ndash Next City

Yes, the houses are generally smaller, but that's largely cultural. Europeans generally live in smaller spaces.

Prices aren't going up 200% on city properties because Swedes don't have the money, or are "making do." Prices don't get driven up on penniless desire. They're going up because Swedes are bidding with each other over these spaces.

They live in smaller spaces because they HAVE to. Given the choice they expand outward. The Japanese have the same issues when they send executives over to the US. They have company apartments that they stay in so they don't get used to life "American style".

And the price increases have priced the vast majority on native Swedes out of the cities. We own a flat on the Isle St. Louis in Paris. It's a couple of hundred square meters and is worth over two million euro because we have a parking spot. There is no way in hell the average French family could afford that tiny little place.
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There is no such thing as government controlled by private fortunes. It normally works the other way around. Government controls private fortunes
Private fortunes elect the best government money can buy:
"In the 2012 election, 28 percent of all disclosed political contributions came from just 31,385 people. In a nation of 313.85 million, these donors represent the 1% of the 1%, an elite class that increasingly serves as the gatekeepers of public office in the United States.

"More than a quarter of the nearly $6 billion in contributions from identifiable sources in the last campaign cycle came from just 31,385 individuals, a number equal to one ten-thousandth of the U.S. population."
There is no such thing as government controlled by private fortunes. It normally works the other way around. Government controls private fortunes
Private fortunes elect the best government money can buy:
"In the 2012 election, 28 percent of all disclosed political contributions came from just 31,385 people. In a nation of 313.85 million, these donors represent the 1% of the 1%, an elite class that increasingly serves as the gatekeepers of public office in the United States.

"More than a quarter of the nearly $6 billion in contributions from identifiable sources in the last campaign cycle came from just 31,385 individuals, a number equal to one ten-thousandth of the U.S. population."

The Political 1 of the 1 in 2012 - Sunlight Foundation Blog
George, why do you suppose rich people are willing to spend so much money on politics?

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