Adam Smith was a Marxist

Oh, there were corporations alright,

name some that were not govt mercantilist monopolies or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
The key to the Bubble, dummy, the South Sea Company: Market Crashes The South Sea Bubble Investopedia The law came about because the Joint Stock Ventures then were not regulated.

name some corporations in 1720 that were not govt mercantilist monopolies or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
Read the link, and learn. They paid for a monopoly, but they were independent of the government, and when they crashed the government stepped in to fix it, as governments will do.

This well help you as well, and look at what they were set up to do: joint-stock company business Encyclopedia Britannica
yes, i'm a man so I'm violent.

Those who think, constrain violence to productive goals. Mindless beasts cannot.

Don't you know this? this whole capital system is built on fear. It's built on conquering and fighting.

Just the opposite, the men of trade defeated you mindless beasts who had built a world where the most violent wins. We who offered value in exchange for value, rendered you who mindlessly lash out, irrelevant. You'll never rise again. You'll languish in shit holes like Syria and Iran, cursing the minds that create what you cannot imagine, but your time is past, your whips and guns cannot produce, ergo you will be shunned by the rest.

it's destined to fail unchecked. you guys think you are winning but soon will be whining. I don't wanna fight I wanna make love baby. can you dig? I see war coming, but you think it's unjust war. Nobody's innocent and deserves got nothing to do with it. nothing personal just business. don't get upset

You are a fool who dreams that mindless violence will defeat the mind of man. Your kind always fails. You might arise for a short time, a Pol Pot or Hugo Chavez, but you always fall back into the cesspool - you cannot deliver anything of value - you can only rob and rape your betters. Once you steal all there is to steal, you fall back into the abyss, and the men of the mind, the creators, the builders, the men of good will, men like me, once again build a world worth living in.
Ah, flat out lying.

Well, you ARE a Communist after all.

No Comrade, the philosophy was of Marx and his ilk, as well as the Eugenics crowd (Margaret Sanger and the abortion movement.)
Common ground?
"The Nazi's called it 'Life unworthy of life'. Let me simply call it 'The Philosophy of the Useless Eaters'.

"It is difficult to determine where this philosophy came from. Thomas Malthus wrote in 1798 that there will always be more people in the world than can be fed, hence the need for wars and diseases. We know that people like the British imperialist Cecil John Rhodes, birth control founder Margaret Sanger, Stalin and Adolf Hitler were practitioners of this philosophy, but the man who stands out as the biggest practitioner has to be 'Red Terror' Felix Dzerzhinsky. Most Westerners have never heard of him, but he is a Communist god and they have erected a huge statue in his honour (torn down, but soon to be re-erected) in Moscow."

The Philosophy Of The Useless Eaters
They paid for a monopoly, but they were independent of the government,.

dear, did they pay the Girl Scouts or the liberal central govt for their monopoly? Do you think corporations pay liberal central govt for monopolies today? Its an absurd and idiotic comparison but this is what the typical liberal IQ yields.
corporations are monopolize today. from chains of fast food to phones etc.. it's all too big to fail. uncensored, you don't know me. I can make great things. I just play a hater on the computer. you are worthy of this world. go win the future from somebody else. I'm trying to tell you were we are headed because I've seen it all before. you should have too.
They paid for a monopoly, but they were independent of the government,.

dear, did they pay the Girl Scouts or the liberal central govt for their monopoly? Do you think corporations pay liberal central govt for monopolies today? Its an absurd and idiotic comparison but this is what the typical liberal IQ yields.
If you wish to avoid reality like a child, I can't help you, dear...
If you wish to avoid reality like a child, I can't help you, dear...

too stupid by 100% Reality is not comparing a 1720's monopoly with a modern corporation that competes with 60 million other corporations.

See why we say the liberal will always be slow, so very very slow?
Sweden has a per capita GDP of $43,407

The United states has a per capita GDP of $53,001 - or 17% greater than that of Sweden.
How many Swedes go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? How do levels of student debt in Sweden compare to Orange County, Adolph? Quality of Life is something capitalist tools like you have been waging war against for centuries, and your time is nearly up.

How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.
Sweden has a per capita GDP of $43,407

The United states has a per capita GDP of $53,001 - or 17% greater than that of Sweden.
How many Swedes go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? How do levels of student debt in Sweden compare to Orange County, Adolph? Quality of Life is something capitalist tools like you have been waging war against for centuries, and your time is nearly up.

893 average sq feet of new house size in Sweden

2164 in USA!!

How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.
Sweden has a per capita GDP of $43,407

The United states has a per capita GDP of $53,001 - or 17% greater than that of Sweden.
How many Swedes go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? How do levels of student debt in Sweden compare to Orange County, Adolph? Quality of Life is something capitalist tools like you have been waging war against for centuries, and your time is nearly up.

How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.

List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sweden has a 70% home ownership rate, which is higher then the US by about 5%.
How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.
893 average sq feet of new house size in Sweden

2164 in USA!!
If you wish to avoid reality like a child, I can't help you, dear...

too stupid by 100% Reality is not comparing a 1720's monopoly with a modern corporation that competes with 60 million other corporations.

See why we say the liberal will always be slow, so very very slow?
You are welcome to whine like a child, but what you post is untrue, especially since this was in 1606.

"joint-stock company, a forerunner of the modern corporation that was organized for undertakings requiring large amounts of capital. Money was raised by selling shares to investors, who became partners in the venture. One of the earliest joint-stock companies was the Virginia Company, founded in 1606 to colonize North America. By law, individual shareholders were not responsible for actions undertaken by the company, and, in terms of risk exposure, shareholders could lose only the amount of their initial investment. See also corporation."
joint-stock company business Encyclopedia Britannica
Sweden has a per capita GDP of $43,407

The United states has a per capita GDP of $53,001 - or 17% greater than that of Sweden.
How many Swedes go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? How do levels of student debt in Sweden compare to Orange County, Adolph? Quality of Life is something capitalist tools like you have been waging war against for centuries, and your time is nearly up.

How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.

List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sweden has a 70% home ownership rate, which is higher then the US by about 5%.

I hate to break it to you but wiki is not a credible source. Here's the reality......

Former tenants buying SHARES of the rental property that then is responsible for the taxes on the property. That's how you get 70% "home ownership".

The development of a multifamily owner occupancy marketplace is relatively new in Sweden. It started in the 1980s when the government provided subsidized loans for renovations to tenants. Many tenants then chose to buy their building from its owner and form a tenant association to own the building. These tenant associations are roughly equivalent to co-ops or cooperatives in the United States. Apartment dwellers own shares in the association that in turn owns the building and the apartments. In Sweden, the tenant association, or cooperative format, is much more popular than the condominium format because it offers tax advantages. It is the cooperative association, rather than the individual apartment dweller, that pays taxes on the property, and real estate taxes on apartments are much lower than on single family homes.

Profile of Sweden
i'm talking about the people actually doing the work getting the money instead of the sellers, owners, marketeers taking the lion's share. you want revolutions because you wanna keep going round and round the same old mistakes

If the workers create the value, then why don't they just create products without the need for their employer and sell them on the open market?

After all, you are convinced that brute strength and mindless labor is what creates an iPhone, so why not labor by digging and filling holes, thus creating iPhones on your own?

Good point.
Sweden has a per capita GDP of $43,407

The United states has a per capita GDP of $53,001 - or 17% greater than that of Sweden.
How many Swedes go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? How do levels of student debt in Sweden compare to Orange County, Adolph? Quality of Life is something capitalist tools like you have been waging war against for centuries, and your time is nearly up.

How many Swedes can afford to buy a house? Not too many at a base tax rate of around 48%, plus the 25% VAT and the average Swede has very little cash with which to buy a home.

List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sweden has a 70% home ownership rate, which is higher then the US by about 5%.

I hate to break it to you but wiki is not a credible source. Here's the reality......

Former tenants buying SHARES of the rental property that then is responsible for the taxes on the property. That's how you get 70% "home ownership".

The development of a multifamily owner occupancy marketplace is relatively new in Sweden. It started in the 1980s when the government provided subsidized loans for renovations to tenants. Many tenants then chose to buy their building from its owner and form a tenant association to own the building. These tenant associations are roughly equivalent to co-ops or cooperatives in the United States. Apartment dwellers own shares in the association that in turn owns the building and the apartments. In Sweden, the tenant association, or cooperative format, is much more popular than the condominium format because it offers tax advantages. It is the cooperative association, rather than the individual apartment dweller, that pays taxes on the property, and real estate taxes on apartments are much lower than on single family homes.

Profile of Sweden

That 70% number is no trick. Sweden's housing market is apparently so hot it's gotten worrying. Swedish Bubble Concern Grows With Soaring Home Prices - Bloomberg Business

A shortage of new buildings and low borrowing costs are fueling a level of demand for property that’s creating risks for Sweden’s economy.

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