Adam Smith was a Marxist

One minor issue "poverty" is a bullshit term.

In 1960, Poverty was the very real prospect of malnutrition from lack of food. Most American poor now are morbidly obese.
What their "quality of life?"
"That’s from The Economist, their own calculations working off an OECD set of measurements.

"This isn’t the traditional GDP numbers, nor purely economic numbers in fact.

"Things like quality of life, civic engagement are included.

"And there’s nothing really all that surprising about the US numbers. We know very well that the US has both the highest living standards for the rich and also the largest inequality among the large, advanced, nations."

Civic engagement?

Astonishing Numbers America s Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity - Forbes
When you are using OPM you make bad and risky decisions.

total and pure ignorance!! Corps use other people money and they just invented the Iphone 6 that tens of millions are waiting in line to own! If they made bad or risky decisions we'd be living in the stone age not the Iphone age.

do you see how stupid a liberal will be.
Your fight is with Smith then because he's the one who said so.
i'm talking about the people actually doing the work getting the money

dear, Steve Jobs was not violent. He did not use a gun to get money. He worked to invent the IPhone and people wanted to give him the money for it . You are a violent liberal Nazi who wants to steal money at the point of a gun.
Your fight is with Smith then because he's the one who said so.

dear, he made a little mistake when there were no corporations to speak of. You made a huge huge idiotic liberal mistake when there is evidence from 60 million corporations to judge from.

See why we say the liberal will always be slow?
Why not tax his profits relative to his regard for the human rights of his (Chinese) labor?

then there would be no tax since the Chinese workers are getting rich under Republican capitalism while 60 million were slowly starving to death under liberalism.
Your fight is with Smith then because he's the one who said so.

dear, he made a little mistake when there were no corporations to speak of. You made a huge huge idiotic liberal mistake when there is evidence from 60 million corporations to judge from.

See why we say the liberal will always be slow?
Oh, there were corporations alright, and they fucked and did unethical things which is why the Moralist Smith wanted them to stay banned. He knew when using OPM you would do bad things. He had history and human nature to prove that.
How many Swedes go bankrupt from medical expenses every year? How do levels of student debt in Sweden compare to Orange County, Adolph? Quality of Life is something capitalist tools like you have been waging war against for centuries, and your time is nearly up.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

This is what is known as a "straw man" logical fallacy.

Quality of life starts with abundant food and housing - something that never existed for the bottom 50% of the population UNTIL we Capitalists drove you Collectivists from power. Yes, you yearn for a feudal lord to own you and tell you what to do, but the last time you realized your dream, we called it the "dark ages."
corporations are nothing more the gangs nowadays. the workers have always revolted against the do nothing but sell the workers lives away so they rake in billions for the sale. it's stupid and proven wrong through out history. nothing new here guys
i'm talking about the people actually doing the work getting the money instead of the sellers, owners, marketeers taking the lion's share. you want revolutions because you wanna keep going round and round the same old mistakes

If the workers create the value, then why don't they just create products without the need for their employer and sell them on the open market?

After all, you are convinced that brute strength and mindless labor is what creates an iPhone, so why not labor by digging and filling holes, thus creating iPhones on your own?
corporations are nothing more the gangs nowadays. the workers have always revolted against the do nothing but sell the workers lives away so they rake in billions for the sale. it's stupid and proven wrong through out history. nothing new here guys


It is the worker who creates. Hand a man a saw and hammer, and he can create the Golden Gate bridge - all it takes is muscle.

You Communists sure are smart....
i'm talking about the people actually doing the work getting the money instead of the sellers, owners, marketeers taking the lion's share. you want revolutions because you wanna keep going round and round the same old mistakes

If the workers create the value, then why don't they just create products without the need for their employer and sell them on the open market?

After all, you are convinced that brute strength and mindless labor is what creates an iPhone, so why not labor by digging and filling holes, thus creating iPhones on your own?
the workers are neglecting to create their own value by listening to a few self appointed owners of this world. Go to hell with your smart phone dummy. it's probably killed the bees and therefore us. what a waste of time phones have become for the world is getting worse from you bone heads filling your mind with shit. sell the world for a few shiny beads and fools gold. fuck off
with computers being much smarter then us, all you so called smart asses are worthless now. i can you tube what you know. I just have to over turn your corrupt and evil empire pyramid scheme that's being blowing this world up over and over again for what? i phones?
the workers are neglecting to create their own value by listening to a few self appointed owners of this world.

dear, every last worker in the world is staying at his job rather than creating real value for himself becuase they are listening to a few owners??

Who are these owners?? What are you so afraid to tell us??
george scapegoats the rich like Germans did the Jews. Jobs sells everyone Iphones that they wait in line to buy and the Nazi calls that exploitation!!
What about the exploitation of those whose labor produces the Iphones?
"Apple sailed into fresh controversy on Monday (2012) over conditions at its Chinese suppliers’ factories amid allegations of child labour, forced overtime and illegal 66-hour working weeks.

"The allegations were made by the US-based China Labour Watch(CLW) after an investigation into conditions at three factories operated by Pegatron, which makes equipment for Apple computers and iPhones. It found 86 violations of labour rights, from the staff recruitment process to conditions on the factory floor to the state of workers’ dormitories.

"The inquiry followed the controversy over conditions at another Chinese supplier to Apple, Foxconn, where workers were found to have high suicide rates and poor working conditions. Industry analysts said Pegatron has been successful in winning Apple contracts from Foxconn in recent years."
Why do capitalists exploit child labor?

Even worse than Foxconn Apple rocked by child labour claims - Gadgets and Tech - Life and Style - The Independent
What am I afraid to tell you? What do you want to know? my opinion on things? I don't think it's a good idea to let a few people buy and sell everybody' s life and that's all they do. that's not freedom that's not democracy that' s unjust and stupid for all those being sold for a few dollars more. 99%. I think the masses now see that. I think it's time to revolt against it and I think you are scared it's gonna start real soon. some would say hang the rich and burn the whole world down. I would say so does 50 percent of the world. you just can't hear them yet. Do you know how unprotected we all are? Shall I scare you to say your water's unprotected? you grid is unprotected? your markets and food is unprotected? your crops are unprotected? etc... you are a sheep among wolves and you think you are winning? Think you are smart? so does that guy from 2 1/2 men. crackhead much?

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