Adam Smith was a Marxist

What part about it's not all about money did you miss? Oh right, all the parts that actually matter in the end.

It's not about quantifiable fact, because facts fail to support the fiction You offer the same stale, subjective bullshit that's been floated for years.

Zimbabwe ranks highest on the Buga buga buga scale - so we should transform America into Zimbabwe.....
You're just spinning, and not well at all. Infant mortality is not subjective. But I know, you blame that on all the Taco *******.
China's GDP is terrific, would you like to live there?

There is more to life than money, and yourself my little infant.

China's GDP is $11,868

Though I understand that is what you of the left would like for America.
Nothing I said about Smith is a lie, not a thing. To you he would also be a Marxist.

Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?

Repeating ignorant lies that your were utterly eviscerated on does nothing to alter the veracity of your false claims. It merely exposes you as a fool.
Nothing I said about Smith is a lie, not a thing. To you he would also be a Marxist.

Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?

Repeating ignorant lies that your were utterly eviscerated on does nothing to alter the veracity of your false claims. It merely exposes you as a fool.
Nothing I said there is a lie, you just don't know it because you don't actually know Smith, just the parts of him you like.
I'm dedicated to making a decent, healthy, sane, secular society with rational economic and social policies that lead to a strong economy and a high standard of living without exploitation, and you little fuckers, all out for Jesus and Number One, are getting in my way so, get out of my fucking country, you don't belong here.

We already have a healthy and sane society with the 6th highest per capita GDP on the planet. You seek to change that, driven by your envy of those who have more than you. EVEN if you are in the bottom 10% of America, you still are in the top 10% of the world. But that means nothing to you, as long as someone, anywhere, (except the Hollywood left, party rulers, and sports stars) has more than you, you will pout and scream "no fair."

You would rather burn down the house and sleep in the cold and rain, than live with the prospect of your brother sleeping in a finer bed than you.

Envy and hatred - the motive power of the left.
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You're just spinning, and not well at all. Infant mortality is not subjective. But I know, you blame that on all the Taco *******.

Infant mortality among white Americans is lower than in most of Europe.

Fact is not your ally - quite the opposite.
Post it, because you're wrong, as usual: List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dogma again, that's all you have. And I didn't know that White Americans were the only ones who counted? Is your white pointy hood ready at the cleaners yet?
You're just spinning, and not well at all. Infant mortality is not subjective. But I know, you blame that on all the Taco *******.

Infant mortality among white Americans is lower than in most of Europe.

Fact is not your ally - quite the opposite.

Furthermore, European countries don't measure infant mortality the same way we do, so the measure is largely subject. In many European countries they don't start counting infant deaths until the have survived so many weeks out of the womb. Here, we count any infant as a death as long as it manages to get born. I think they even count still-borns as infant deaths.
You're just spinning, and not well at all. Infant mortality is not subjective. But I know, you blame that on all the Taco *******.

Infant mortality among white Americans is lower than in most of Europe.

Fact is not your ally - quite the opposite.

Furthermore, European countries don't measure infant mortality the same way we do, so the measure is largely subject. In many European countries they don't start counting infant deaths until the have survived so many weeks out of the womb. Here, we count any infant as a death as long as it manages to get born. I think they even count still-borns as infant deaths.
When presented with facts, spin and run away my little infant.
Envy and hatred have nothing to do with my positions, nothing at all. That's the lie you've been told, while voting for more taxes on yourself and for more tax-cuts for the rich.

Envy and hatred have everything to do with it. It is the ONLY factor at work.

We have the richest poor people in the world - who enjoy a better standard of living each year. YOU only howl that "the top 1% got more." Who the fuck cares? If the poor are better off today than yesterday, what fucking difference does it make that Bill Gates got another yacht? All it does is feed the envy that burns as rage in you.

If you had your way, and could stick a gun in the face of Bill Gates and take every dime he has to distribute fairly among all; what would it work out to? $10 a person? Your motive is to take from those who you are jealous of - it has no effect on "the poor," it's just your envy and hatred.
When presented with facts, spin and run away my little infant.

What do you base this claim on?

You have yet to present a fact.
I posted the rates. Whenever he is presented with facts he doesn't like he finds reasons, any reasons, to say said facts aren't facts. It doesn't matter what is shown if it goes against his infant mentality then it can't be right.
Envy and hatred have nothing to do with my positions, nothing at all. That's the lie you've been told, while voting for more taxes on yourself and for more tax-cuts for the rich.

Envy and hatred have everything to do with it. It is the ONLY factor at work.
You are entirely wrong, and I'll not tell you again.
I posted the rates. Whenever he is presented with facts he doesn't like he finds reasons, any reasons, to say said facts aren't facts. It doesn't matter what is shown if it goes against his infant mentality then it can't be right.

No, you didn't - you posted a bullshit - subjective "quality of life" report produced by a leftist think tank.. That is opinion at best, certainly not fact.

I posted the facts, which you pouted over.
You are entirely wrong, and I'll not tell you again.

I'm entirely correct, and you holding your breath until you turn blue will not alter this,
Forget it. We're done. Completely. Your mind is entirely closed. You have the mentality of a child and ideology of a fool.

And I made my point right from the OP. See ya.

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