Adam Smith was a Marxist

What about the exploitation of those whose labor produces the Iphones?

dear, the pure beauty of capitalism is that you are free to take only the jobs that improve your standard of living and free to quit the second you find another jobs that improves your standard of living even further.

Now even you can see how capitalism got the Chinese from slowly strarving to death under liberalism to highly paid jobs at Foxconn and 1000's of other places.
the workers are neglecting to create their own value by listening to a few self appointed owners of this world.

Oh, that's why.

Got it. I mean, anyone with a shovel and hammer can pound out an I7 microprocessor.

All this talk about minds and intellect is just a lie.

Go to hell with your smart phone dummy. it's probably killed the bees and therefore us. what a waste of time phones have become for the world is getting worse from you bone heads filling your mind with shit. sell the world for a few shiny beads and fools gold. fuck off

You are what is known as a fucking moron. You could not build a bridge over a creek, given a thousand years and infinite materials. You are a moron of the cult of muscle, thinking brute force can produce anything beyond a ditch. When I was younger, we would say that you are suitable to be a ditch digger. Of course men like me, those with intelligence, have created machines that can do in minutes what would take you weeks - so even as a ditch digger you have no value.

Your betters are your boss because they THINK - which you lack the ability to do, they design trusses that make bridges feasible, they create bias plies that make materials withstand wear, they create trigonometry to make beams that keep roofs from falling in on your mentally retarded head. Menial labor is the least valuable and most plentiful resource in any project.
What am I afraid to tell you? What do you want to know? my opinion on things? I don't think it's a good idea to let a few people buy and sell everybody' s life and that's all they do. that's not freedom that's not democracy that' s unjust and stupid for all those being sold for a few dollars more. 99%. I think the masses now see that. I think it's time to revolt against it and I think you are scared it's gonna start real soon. some would say hang the rich and burn the whole world down. I would say so does 50 percent of the world. you just can't hear them yet. Do you know how unprotected we all are? Shall I scare you to say your water's unprotected? you grid is unprotected? your markets and food is unprotected? your crops are unprotected? etc... you are a sheep among wolves and you think you are winning? Think you are smart? so does that guy from 2 1/2 men. crackhead much?

Yes, you can destroy. Feral animals like you always crow their ability to destroy.

You can create nothing, you can produce nothing of value. but you can piss in the soup.

You must be so proud.
any team that works for the benefit of the few while those working in the team going hungry or treated as surfs is a losing team. You think it's so hard to make other's do your bidding? I judge those that judge me. it's time to let those dying and suffering from this system avenge themselves and judge the bosses back hard. Corporations first . uncensored, corporations rob all the workers and don't tell me making decisions to move to cheaper labor is some miracle worth millions. fuck yourself. you are why we keep going back to war.
you want it all. the houses, cars and a bank roll. you want your cake and everybody's elses too. you are the worst of mankind. greed and vanity.
do you think those coming now to piss in the pool are doing it for fun or money? cause the can? to prove they are men? powerful like ceos and lawyers and such? give a man not future and you endanger all of ours.
any team that works for the benefit of the few while those working in the team going hungry or treated as surfs is a losing team. You think it's so hard to make other's do your bidding? I judge those that judge me. it's time to let those dying and suffering from this system avenge themselves and judge the bosses back hard. Corporations first . uncensored, corporations rob all the workers and don't tell me making decisions to move to cheaper labor is some miracle worth millions. fuck yourself. you are why we keep going back to war.

You are a violent man, are you not?

Lacking the intellect of a civilized person, you yearn for a system where a whip in the hands of thugs like you will replace the productive mind.

You cannot create the marvels of the mind, you never could. You can bring about only misery. Your kind has been around from the start of the world, crude, violent, and stupid. Creators of nothing, seeking to substitute force for thought. Then seeking to enslave your betters when force fails to produce anything worth having.
yes, i'm a man so I'm violent. Don't you know this? this whole capital system is built on fear. It's built on conquering and fighting. it's destined to fail unchecked. you guys think you are winning but soon will be whining. I don't wanna fight I wanna make love baby. can you dig? I see war coming, but you think it's unjust war. Nobody's innocent and deserves got nothing to do with it. nothing personal just business. don't get upset
Oh, there were corporations alright,

name some that were not govt mercantilist monopolies or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
The key to the Bubble, dummy, the South Sea Company: Market Crashes The South Sea Bubble Investopedia The law came about because the Joint Stock Ventures then were not regulated.

name some corporations in 1720 that were not govt mercantilist monopolies or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
yes, i'm a man so I'm violent. Don't you know this? this whole capital system is built on fear. It's built on conquering and fighting. it's destined to fail unchecked. you guys think you are winning but soon will be whining. I don't wanna fight I wanna make love baby. can you dig? I see war coming, but you think it's unjust war. Nobody's innocent and deserves got nothing to do with it. nothing personal just business. don't get upset

so what kind of liberal are you: Communist or Nazi?
yes, i'm a man so I'm violent. Don't you know this? this whole capital system is built on fear. It's built on conquering and fighting. it's destined to fail unchecked. you guys think you are winning but soon will be whining. I don't wanna fight I wanna make love baby. can you dig? I see war coming, but you think it's unjust war. Nobody's innocent and deserves got nothing to do with it. nothing personal just business. don't get upset

so what kind of liberal are you: Communist or Nazi?
he's still afraid to say. what a brave guy
i just youtubed how to make a small nuke and got directions. Need a shotgun shell and some smoke detectors. They got a simple video to follow. lol. those isis players might not think that's funny. they might want to post it and see what "loser" in this world can become the king killer of it and prove himself the winner? that's what you silly kids are running toward.
im a free radical. Why? you don't like commis or nazis? They just doing what they are told, like us.
i just youtubed how to make a small nuke and got directions. Need a shotgun shell and some smoke detectors. They got a simple video to follow. lol. those isis players might not think that's funny. they might want to post it and see what "loser" in this world can become the king killer of it and prove himself the winner? that's what you silly kids are running toward.

so Nazi Communist or ISIS?
what's wrong with a bit of communism in the world? socialism? we the true freedom fighters, must go fight others not bowing to our capitalism. real freedom lovers we are. liars more like it

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