Adam Toledo - 13yo Shot And Killed By Officer

It's the latest development in the heartbreaking story of Toledo's disappearance and death. It took authorities almost three days to notify Toledo's mother that her son had been fatally shot by the (as-yet-unnamed) police officer, despite her having filed a missing persons report for him on March 28. And only now has the body cam footage revealed the true circumstances of his death, specifically the fact he was not holding a gun when shot.

The whole LEO culture is one of death to minorities. This is our police state.
Yes, he dropped the gun a split second before he was shot. He probably should have dropped it sooner.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The kid was a piece of shit and a street tug and the only reason it is easy to get an illegal gun in Chicago is because the inept Democrats don't give a shit that the ghetto trash are killing one another.

You need to pull your head out of your Left Wing ass because you are embarrassing yourself.

The Democrats did exactly what you should do. They banned gun ownership in Chicago in 1984. Then the National Rampage Association got those laws overturned.
Was the "progress" when we were the muder capital of the US?

Hey, dummy, here's a chart.

Please note that the murder rate dropped from 3.5 to 1.5 by 2004 and stayed pretty low until 2015, AFTER the McDonald Decision allowed the Gun Industry to set up shop in Chicago.

It's the latest development in the heartbreaking story of Toledo's disappearance and death. It took authorities almost three days to notify Toledo's mother that her son had been fatally shot by the (as-yet-unnamed) police officer, despite her having filed a missing persons report for him on March 28. And only now has the body cam footage revealed the true circumstances of his death, specifically the fact he was not holding a gun when shot.

The whole LEO culture is one of death to minorities. This is our police state.
he had a gun and dropped it a split second before being shot or right after--------he was a thug---he was shit and his parents are no better. Good riddance.
Adam toledo, a 13 yr old boy gets shot by police after fleeing from police and discarding a hand gun he had with him as he ran away. the boy was out there in the street at 3.00 am. chicago mayor lori lightfoot says we fail adam. NO MAYOR LIGHTFOOT, HIS PARENTS FAIL ADAM. parents are responsible for their children.
Is Lori Lightfoot some kind of genetic altered material. Is she what they were hiding in New Mexico from the crashed UFO and escaped?
I always ask this question. Where is the bastards father? Who is the bastards father? hat is the bastards father doing not raising his bastard?

You can't really change generations of worthless bastards one after another

Anyone ever here a black kid called Adam?

He's not Black, dumbass! "Toledo" is just a little Hispanic.
Adam toledo, a 13 yr old boy gets shot by police after fleeing from police and discarding a hand gun he had with him as he ran away. the boy was out there in the street at 3.00 am. chicago mayor lori lightfoot says we fail adam. NO MAYOR LIGHTFOOT, HIS PARENTS FAIL ADAM. parents are responsible for their children.
Is Lori Lightfoot some kind of genetic altered material. Is she what they were hiding in New Mexico from the crashed UFO and escaped?
I always ask this question. Where is the bastards father? Who is the bastards father? hat is the bastards father doing not raising his bastard?

You can't really change generations of worthless bastards one after another

Anyone ever here a black kid called Adam?
I thought he was Hispanic?
Ever here a Hispanic named Adam..lolol

The word is "hear".
Nice chart!

Weren't guns basically banned in the early 80s?

Yes, and it took nearly a decade to eliminate a lot of them, that's the point. The point was, the murder rate started dropping in the 1990's, and then spiked right back up again after McDonald.

Yes, and it took nearly a decade to eliminate a lot of them, that's the point.

The point was, despite the ban, murders were still higher 20 years later.
Adam toledo, a 13 yr old boy gets shot by police after fleeing from police and discarding a hand gun he had with him as he ran away. the boy was out there in the street at 3.00 am. chicago mayor lori lightfoot says we fail adam. NO MAYOR LIGHTFOOT, HIS PARENTS FAIL ADAM. parents are responsible for their children.
Is Lori Lightfoot some kind of genetic altered material. Is she what they were hiding in New Mexico from the crashed UFO and escaped?
I always ask this question. Where is the bastards father? Who is the bastards father? hat is the bastards father doing not raising his bastard?

You can't really change generations of worthless bastards one after another

Anyone ever here a black kid called Adam?
I thought he was Hispanic?
Ever here a Hispanic named Adam..lolol

The word is "hear".
After tomorrow this post won't be read again for eternity. Should I worry about my error on Judgement Day?
Yes, and it took nearly a decade to eliminate a lot of them, that's the point.

The point was, despite the ban, murders were still higher 20 years later.

Naw, man, that's not the point at all... but if I keep explaining it to you, you still wouldn't get it.

For instance, if you owned a gun in 1982 that you bought before the ban, you were allowed to keep it.
Adam toledo, a 13 yr old boy gets shot by police after fleeing from police and discarding a hand gun he had with him as he ran away. the boy was out there in the street at 3.00 am. chicago mayor lori lightfoot says we fail adam. NO MAYOR LIGHTFOOT, HIS PARENTS FAIL ADAM. parents are responsible for their children.
Is Lori Lightfoot some kind of genetic altered material. Is she what they were hiding in New Mexico from the crashed UFO and escaped?
I always ask this question. Where is the bastards father? Who is the bastards father? hat is the bastards father doing not raising his bastard?

You can't really change generations of worthless bastards one after another

Anyone ever here a black kid called Adam?

He's not Black, dumbass! "Toledo" is just a little Hispanic.
OK he's brown. Every once in awhile a Brownie is thrown in. Another error. Again this won't be read again for eternity. Shall I worry
What is really important here....

Why did the media choose a still frame shot showing no gun in hand, when a split second before you can see... a gun in his hand??
If that is true, he tossed the gun and put his hands up....why was he still shot?
"If" it is true... what does that mean?
He had a gun. It is not arguable, it is clearly in the video.

And again, cops are not super human. The kid had a gun, literally a split second before the cop shot him.
It mean's "if" -

So he tossed the gun and put his arms up...not sure why he was shot.
The perp was firing at vehicles passing by. It shows a willingness to not only possess
a gun, but also fire the weapon. In a split second he could have thrown the gun
down, or fired the gun, the cop erred to the side of caution and protected himself.
Also, nobody knew how old the perp was until afterwards. Nothing good happens after 2am.
Doesn't change the fact, that minorities are simply unsafe in liberal run cities. Had this kid grew up in a different place, he likely wouldn't of been with a 21 year old man at 2:30 am in the streets...and alive today.
Are you changing your argument, because that is not what your conversation was?
I wouldn't have refuted you post
Not sure what you mean...I've said from my first post on this, that minorities aren't safe in liberal run cities....that was my entire point. From cops, from criminals, from the Govt there.
I was referring to this statement exclusively:

"So he tossed the gun and put his arms up...not sure why he was shot."
I am still not...but the bigger point is the dangerousness of these liberal run Meccas
haha, its not a Liberal thing smart guy. Its a density and poverty thing. Wake up. Did you check out the Arlington stats yet?
I don't disagree that poverty is a part of it...which is typical of liberal run places. They got hand and hand.

That's why I say, if you are a minority, and you want you make sure your child is safe from being killed by the Govt, you want a chance to have a job, make a living, a support yourself and, don't walk out of liberal run cities, and start voting for the other party.
If your advice is so golden then why can't you point to a republican city that doesn't have the same problems as liberal cities? Its a rather stupid discussion as Cities posed a slew of different circumstances than rural towns and poor neighborhoods different than rich neighborhoods. If all the leadership went Republican it would not eliminate poverty. I shouldn't need to say that. Lets start talking like we have brains now.
i doesn't have the executive branch running around extrajudically killing minorities like Minn., or Chicago.

uber-rich neigbhorhoods are all around liberal cities...liberal policies create ghettos, and gated communities...there is more diversity in rural areas, and non-liberal run cities. Look at Chicago, and it's Gold Coast, or San Fran, or LA, or NY and Park Avenue....DC...
How many of these articles do you want me to post?

A man died from multiple gunshot wounds in a police shooting in Arlington, medical report says

Read more here:
hahaha the guy was dragging a police officer!

This is a far cry from a knee on the neck...or pulling a gun, when you met to pull a tazer....geez...sad you can't see the difference
I can post more. That was just the first to pop up after a 1 minute search. Do you want to see others?
Yeah post more about people getting shot by police, when they drag police officers down the road....that just further highlights how hard an officer's job is, and why we often see accidents happen, or why an officer might have their gun drawn at a traffic stop.

It really throws a wrench in the entire BLM movement, and the police are bad concept
I wasn’t aware you were putting conditions on it now. You just mentioned cops killing people. I can find some where they aren’t being dragged down the road if you’d like
I thought it was obvious we were talking about bad shootings or killings...not action in the line of duty due to someone freakin' dragging a police officer down the highway...
No problemo. Here you go. What say you?

It's a pay site, so I can't read the article....what were the facts around the shooting? is not a pay site but if you’re having trouble reading it you can do a simple search for O’Shae Terry and read up

Do I have to now blame this stuff on Republican run cities?

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Kid was shooting a gun in residential area and acting like Scarface
Yes he had to be put down
As long as it was registered before April 16, 1982.

So no new legal guns for 28 years.....and murders were still higher over the next 20 years.
Except your math is wrong. The murder rate dropped from 3.5 in 1994 to 1.5 in 2006. And then they got the gun laws overturned.
nobody overturned a gun law. There was a sunset provision on the ban and they didn’t redo it, because they saw no stat value

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