Adams Apple Annie is at it again!

I doubt there were jewelry stores on the campus of Kent State as she states. I also doubt that any of the rest of this is true but nothing changes the fact that they murdered innocent people.

You've never been on a college campus, so naturally you aren't aware that there are stores and bars on the larger ones.

The point is, Coulter was stating that there was a full blow riot, violence by the rioters who were stopping emergency response, they threw rocks and bottles at the police, and got bullets in return. The OP and the hate site she used, failed to mention this part.
Actually, that proves my point. These freaks won't even discuss controlling criminal and mentally ill from having free access to guns but yeah, you're right - they'd keep them from the educated and civilized if they could.

What it proves is that you're a fucking liar.

Like most leftist demagogues, you "fire for effect" with no regard at all for facts.

Ever hear of Arizona? Look it up.

You made the claim that the right wants guns on elementary school campuses and in bars.

You're lying through your fucking teeth, because you have zero integrity.

Seriously, why should any American support you leftists? You have no hint of ethics, you are basically a sociopath who will tell any lie, no matter how outrageous, to smear the opposition.

Yeah, and we all vote.

Very few of you vote.

Real cute that you accidentally forgot to include what I said about Coulter having the right to spew her hate. Nope - you'd rather lie about what I said.

And you have the right to spew your lies and hate, that doesn't mean that your sociopathic ass won't get called for it.

Your own posts demonstrate my point quite well.

You're point was that you have zero integrity and that no one should ever believe a word you say or type?

As sick and vicious as she is, she does have the right to say she would like to see people killed because she doesn't like their politics. And, sickos have the right to agree with her.

Perhaps she has that right, but the fact is she didn't - you are shamelessly lying.

It's what you do, just like your mentor Josef Goebbels.

I've never seen these left leaning hate sites. Please post links.


You get you thoughts programmed by them.
Democratic Underground
Huffington Post

Obviously, you use juvenile name calling to cover your inadequacies. I notice you also cherry pick rather than quote in context. Do you really think other posters are so dumb that they miss this?

Obviously you use lies and demagoguery because you know that you and your shameful party have nothing positive to offer the nation.

Okay, you're on ignore now. Take your foul mouth and lies elsewhere. I'm not interested.

You got your ass handed to you, you lying little fuck.

Run coward, run.
"So at the moment anyway, I mean I don't know what's going to happen in New York today, but at the moment I'm not really worried of a movement like SDS which really swept a lot of the college campuses... taking over. Of course if it does, just remember the lesson from my book: it just took a few shootings at Kent State to shut that down for good." And here's another, just in case you weren't convinced: "This is the first time they got bullets back... and that put an end to the protests pretty quickly." - Ann Coulter

She gets more insane by the cracks me up that people even take her seriously.

Ann Coulter Advocates Shooting Occupy Protesters | Ology

Where is the insane part?

I like the way Ann thinks, but can't stand to watch her say anything...:lol:
i do not....

Sure you do. You advocate anything that further your party, regardless of facts or the harm done to the nation. You lust for power, which is the bottom line of the left.

I read it in context and stand by my claim....You back a bigot.....

In context, Coulter stated that the rioters threw rocks and bottles, and got bullets in return. This is hardly what EZ and the hate site she cited claimed.

what else is new...

That I support accurate accounts and you promote dishonest demagoguery? Nothing at all new about that.
"So at the moment anyway, I mean I don't know what's going to happen in New York today, but at the moment I'm not really worried of a movement like SDS which really swept a lot of the college campuses... taking over. Of course if it does, just remember the lesson from my book: it just took a few shootings at Kent State to shut that down for good." And here's another, just in case you weren't convinced: "This is the first time they got bullets back... and that put an end to the protests pretty quickly." - Ann Coulter

She gets more insane by the cracks me up that people even take her seriously.

Ann Coulter Advocates Shooting Occupy Protesters | Ology

Where is the insane part?

Of course someone as insane as he/she/it Annie would not recognize Annie's insanity.
Of course someone as insane as he/she/it Annie would not recognize Annie's insanity.

I wish I were insane enough to make the kind of money Ann Coulter makes....

Love her or hate her, Ann has the quickest wit and sharpest tongue of any commentator. She left Jon Stewart babbling and crying for mama. Olbermann is scared to death of Coulter and won't EVER appear with her, knowing that his drooling little dull wit will be shattered.

The only one on the left that can go toe to toe is Bill Maher.

I don't often agree with Coulter, but I love watching her tear leftists to shreds.
Adams Apple Annie is at it again!
I like shemales, I even banged a few by mistake, but the fox news propaganda crew, it has to be eradicated. not good for the country. nor the world.

There's that love of free speech that liberals are so noted for!

Leftists are the stupidest creatures in the universe.


Talk about an Adams Apple....
People don't like Ann because their pissed she makes so much money.

She is laughing all the way to the bank.

They're more pissed because she makes her money by ridiculing leftists so effectively. The funny part is that the leftists keep helping her by quoting what she says in her books. They provide her with millions of dollars worth of free advertising.


so you think the Veitnam war was good for this country?

You know what's even more funny, she doesn't even know who fought in said war...
It's hard to believe people actually listen to her blustery lies and propaganda.

[ame=]Ann Coulter Gets Owned - YouTube[/ame]
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Your insult is extremely cruel & insensitive. You should apologize. If you're man or woman enough to.
Shes just wrong, what a fucking asshole! Holy crap!

If it weren't for the shootings, no one would be able to identify Kent State! The shooting put Kent State on the Protesters map and were the overreaction that the Left craved. I think many in the OWS are secretly wishing to martyr themselves and we shouldn't oblige them


so you think the Veitnam war was good for this country?

No... so thank you LBJ for immersing us in a war he had no intention of winning.

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