Add another Dimwit to the list of Presidential contenders

Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:
Another candidate 100x more qualified than Trump .

As is virtually everybody. In this case while most of us know nothing about the subject we're at least informed that he's a Governor and therefore, "has held an actual job in his life". That puts him well past Rump all by itself.
Snowflakes rallied around a communist-tutored, socialist-studying/quoting, racist/anti-American/hate-spewing pastor-mentored, domestic terrorist-befriending 1/2 a term Senator and Community Organizer, claiming he was the most qualified what the hell do they know?

Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?
What I'm saying, quite clearly, is that "dimwit" is one of the most charitable labels possible for party of idiots.

I got that. And what I'm saying is :dig:
Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)

Not really praising him, but willing to give credit where credit is due.....and that includes calling him a Dimwit with blinders on

Keep in mind that if elected, he drags his execrable party along with him.
Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.
Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.

I wasn't even suggesting YOU were the conservative...linguistically or otherwise.

BTW, I am NEVER trapped. I make choices on how or whether to respond...…..I'm trying to be nice, so I'll drop it and you can yammer with yourself.....

Now back to Presidential candidates, shall we????
Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.

I wasn't even suggesting YOU were the conservative...linguistically or otherwise.

BTW, I am NEVER trapped. I make choices on how or whether to respond...…..I'm trying to be nice, so I'll drop it and you can yammer with yourself.....

Now back to Presidential candidates, shall we????
Don't worry about Pogo. Occasionally he has moments of lucidity.
Last edited:
Hard to know how to read the OP. At the beginning and the end you call him "Dimwit" and in between you praise him.

That reminds me, it's time for a sammich. I really don't have ingredients that go together but I'm gonna take a cue from this OP and do it anyway. :)
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.

I wasn't even suggesting YOU were the conservative...linguistically or otherwise.

BTW, I am NEVER trapped. I make choices on how or whether to respond...…..I'm trying to be nice, so I'll drop it and you can yammer with yourself.....

Now back to Presidential candidates, shall we????

Very well, because of course it's "your choice". ;)

So we're back to post 2, lather rinse repeat. Pick a side already.

By the way I made that sammich and it too didn't work well.
Washington state Democrat Governor Jay Inslee has announced his intention of running for President in 2020 on Climate Change. :eek-52:

That's nothing, this idiot recently proposed stealing 8% of your home's selling price. Washington State already has the 2nd highest tax on the sale of your home, not the profit mind you or the gain, its on the sales price. Now this shit bag wants to raise it to 8%, that's a $40,000 tax on the sale of a $500k home whether you have $40k in equity or not.
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.

I wasn't even suggesting YOU were the conservative...linguistically or otherwise.

BTW, I am NEVER trapped. I make choices on how or whether to respond...…..I'm trying to be nice, so I'll drop it and you can yammer with yourself.....

Now back to Presidential candidates, shall we????

Very well, because of course it's "your choice". ;)

So we're back to post 2, lather rinse repeat. Pick a side already.

By the way I made that sammich and it too didn't work well.

Usually for a good sammmich you need a good filling with something to hold it together.

I refuse to be a partisan hack and only vote for one side, just because of their party affiliation. I've said many times that my voting history has included both sides of the aisle.
For 2016 election I was and still am a never Hillary and I meant it. Trump wasn't exactly my first choice or even my second or third BUT I didn't really have much other choice when the time came. Since then, the Dems have yet to show me any reason to support their causes mainly because they've done gone nuts with their only focus to get rid of Trump. Sorry but that doesn't wash.
Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.

I wasn't even suggesting YOU were the conservative...linguistically or otherwise.

BTW, I am NEVER trapped. I make choices on how or whether to respond...…..I'm trying to be nice, so I'll drop it and you can yammer with yourself.....

Now back to Presidential candidates, shall we????

Very well, because of course it's "your choice". ;)

So we're back to post 2, lather rinse repeat. Pick a side already.

By the way I made that sammich and it too didn't work well.

Usually for a good sammmich you need a good filling with something to hold it together.

I refuse to be a partisan hack and only vote for one side, just because of their party affiliation. I've said many times that my voting history has included both sides of the aisle.
For 2016 election I was and still am a never Hillary and I meant it. Trump wasn't exactly my first choice or even my second or third BUT I didn't really have much other choice when the time came. Since then, the Dems have yet to show me any reason to support their causes mainly because they've done gone nuts with their only focus to get rid of Trump. Sorry but that doesn't wash.

That's what I told the Meathead --- you wouldn't sink to Composition Fallacy.

So what about the subject himself? "Genuine wish for the betterment of the country" or "dimwit"? Pick one.

The bread was there; it's just that I didn't have Swiss cheese for the turkey so I used cheddar.
That's nothing, this idiot recently proposed stealing 8% of your home's selling price. Washington State already has the 2nd highest tax on the sale of your home, not the profit mind you or the gain, its on the sales price. Now this shit bag wants to raise it to 8%, that's a $40,000 tax on the sale of a $500k home whether you have $40k in equity or not.
The growth of Big Government is like a wildfire - it needs more and more 'fuel' to not only sustain it but to help it grow. 'Fuel' for Big Government Growth is our tax dollars.

Case in point, the government just reported an historic new record for the amount of tax revenue collected...and yet not one dime of the 'excess' is going to go towards paying down our deficit. The government ignored/ignores the debt and sees the excess revenue as 'more money to spend'.
"Genuine wish for the betterment of the country" or "dimwit"? Pick one. can love your country and still be a dimwit (not of higher intelligence) but Dimwit is its almost the same dimwit/Dimwit
That's nothing, this idiot recently proposed stealing 8% of your home's selling price. Washington State already has the 2nd highest tax on the sale of your home, not the profit mind you or the gain, its on the sales price. Now this shit bag wants to raise it to 8%, that's a $40,000 tax on the sale of a $500k home whether you have $40k in equity or not.
The growth of Big Government is like a wildfire - it needs more and more 'fuel' to not only sustain it but to help it grow. 'Fuel' for Big Government Growth is our tax dollars.

Case in point, the government just reported an historic new record for the amount of tax revenue collected...and yet not one dime of the 'excess' is going to go towards paying down our deficit. The government ignored/ignores the debt and sees the excess revenue as 'more money to spend'.

gotta pay for those social programs to support those voters that keep them in office somehow......
That's nothing, this idiot recently proposed stealing 8% of your home's selling price. Washington State already has the 2nd highest tax on the sale of your home, not the profit mind you or the gain, its on the sales price. Now this shit bag wants to raise it to 8%, that's a $40,000 tax on the sale of a $500k home whether you have $40k in equity or not.
The growth of Big Government is like a wildfire - it needs more and more 'fuel' to not only sustain it but to help it grow. 'Fuel' for Big Government Growth is our tax dollars.

Case in point, the government just reported an historic new record for the amount of tax revenue collected...and yet not one dime of the 'excess' is going to go towards paying down our deficit. The government ignored/ignores the debt and sees the excess revenue as 'more money to spend'.

Washington State real estate values have been rising sharply, tax revenue up 60-70% the past few years and they spent every last dime plus another $3 billion.
That's nothing, this idiot recently proposed stealing 8% of your home's selling price. Washington State already has the 2nd highest tax on the sale of your home, not the profit mind you or the gain, its on the sales price. Now this shit bag wants to raise it to 8%, that's a $40,000 tax on the sale of a $500k home whether you have $40k in equity or not.
The growth of Big Government is like a wildfire - it needs more and more 'fuel' to not only sustain it but to help it grow. 'Fuel' for Big Government Growth is our tax dollars.

Case in point, the government just reported an historic new record for the amount of tax revenue collected...and yet not one dime of the 'excess' is going to go towards paying down our deficit. The government ignored/ignores the debt and sees the excess revenue as 'more money to spend'.

Washington State real estate values have been rising sharply, tax revenue up 60-70% the past few years and they spent every last dime plus another $3 billion.

and that's probably why Inslee will run on CC & not the economy
"Dimwit" is pretty generous when referring Democrats. It only goes downhill from there.

Are you suggesting the OP is using a schoolyard euphemism to employ a Composition Fallacy? :eek:

She's not as dumb as you yanno.

JustAnotherNut --- see what I did there?

Are you looking for praises & thanks & brownie buttons & accolades???? Yes, I did see what you did there, and thought I'd leave you be, rather than ripping into you for flaming a fellow conservative :1peleas:

Hell no, I bake my own. And I'm only a conservative linguistically, dear.

No, what I did was leave you no exit. Yer trapped now.

I wasn't even suggesting YOU were the conservative...linguistically or otherwise.

BTW, I am NEVER trapped. I make choices on how or whether to respond...…..I'm trying to be nice, so I'll drop it and you can yammer with yourself.....

Now back to Presidential candidates, shall we????
Don't worry about Pogo. Occasionally he has moments of lucidity.

That's why I try to tolerate him, even if we don't agree

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