Administration ‘Proud’ of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Blindboo said "degrade"

Degrade = Decommission ?

Who knew? Most would think it meant something more like destroy.

Anyways, the world sees what Biden did was not from strength, but from weakness.
It certainly has empowered China, Russia, and even North Korea, and Iran.

I guess it's just another redefining of a word, this time, 'proud'.
Trump had no intention to evacuate our equipment
Biden evacuated 125,000 people
We were conducting air strikes in support of the Afghan Army until late July.

Here I found another section of testimony to support my position that the Trump withdrawals in 2020 were basically unconditional.

The decision to leave Afghanistan was made by President Trump in his administration on February 29th, 2020, where we committed to leave by a date certain. There was a particular provision or a condition, if you will, about negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan government. There was even a date specified; March 10th, 2020, less than two weeks after the signing of the Doha Agreement. Clearly that condition was not met.

Senator King: (01:50:06)
My question is, and General Milley, you were the only one who overlapped the two administrations. Were there any efforts on behalf of the prior administration to enforce that condition of negotiation with the Afghan government and the Taliban?

General Milley: (01:50:25)
Senator, as I said in my opening remarks, the conditions that were required of the Taliban, none of them were met except one.

Senator King: (01:50:34)
My question is, did we attempt to enforce those conditions? Did we inform the Taliban, for example, we won’t advocate for the release of 5,000 prisoners, unless you begin negotiations or something similar?

General Milley: (01:50:47)
I don’t have personal knowledge of that, whether or not [inaudible 01:50:51] or others were personally saying that, I don’t have personal knowledge of that, but I do know that none of the conditions were met except the one which, “Don’t attack American forces and coalition forces.” That condition was-

Senator King: (01:51:03)
The conditions were not met, but you testified that the troop withdrawals and the release of the 5,000 Taliban prisoners did proceed, even though the conditions had not been met, is that correct?

General Milley: (01:51:14)
That is correct.
Biden extended the withdrawal, he could've done anything he wanted. This is all on him.
Trump had caveats in place that had to met.
he didn't give a damn about... See above from blind boo... joe got the hell out of there, the GOP probably still would be there. Thanks for 9/11 through sheer incompetence and the stupidest wars ever, not to mention a world depression from corrupt deregulation. your damn party is a catastrophe forever.
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How many of those were unvetted, and how many were friendlies?
Trump would have destroyed the equipment left behind, it was SOP
in the past.
125,000 were evacuated

If Trump intended to destroy equipment,he would not be criticizing Biden for leaving it behind
Trump had no intention to evacuate our equipment
Biden evacuated 125,000 people
Joe is a murderer. And uncaring lifetime politician who uses people for his power and to genuflect to his masters. He only gets professional if you can call it that because it is expected in protocol. He does it more for self-gratification and to hell with the peasants. How does a nation have permo ghettos with the massive resources spent from both public and private concerns? The answer is of course, it is intentional.
He did order the withdrawals but if I'm not mistaken, during their testimony the Generals discuss the issue. If I remember correctly they were in charge after the presidents gave their orders and the General say they most assuredly gave the order to degrade any weapon or system before they left. It's SOP. If you can believe our top ranked Generals


Gen. Milley to Rep. Gaetz: This Is The First Time I'm Hearing About Drag Queen Story Hours On Military Bases
Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date March 29, 2023
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) grilled Secretary of Defense Ret. Gen. Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Wednesday.

"Can I just can I get copies of those? Because I'd like to take a look at those myself actually take a look and find out what actually is going on there. Because that's the first I'm hearing about that kind of stuff. I don't read those news stories. I don't know what you're talking about. I'd like to take a look at those because I don't agree with those. It shouldn't be happening.

Congressman Matt Gaetz: "Thank you. Thank you for that admission".

[My highlight above]

Biden was president, Francis.
What about the 4000 dead before that and 160,000 wounded often horribly. Stupidest war ever. except for Iraq. OMG. it's amazing Republicans can even hold their heads up in polite society about this crap
Joe is a murderer. And uncaring lifetime politician who uses people for his power and to genuflect to his masters. He only gets professional if you can call it that because it is expected in protocol. He does it more for self-gratification and to hell with the peasants. How does a nation have permo ghettos with the massive resources spent from both public and private concerns? The answer is of course, it is intentional.
and we still have Reagan giveaway to the rich tax rates and no money to invest in America and Americans. And you blame Biden who's been in office for two years. You're absolutely brainwashed to the point of total idiocy...
Joe is a murderer. And uncaring lifetime politician who uses people for his power and to genuflect to his masters. He only gets professional if you can call it that because it is expected in protocol. He does it more for self-gratification and to hell with the peasants. How does a nation have permo ghettos with the massive resources spent from both public and private concerns? The answer is of course, it is intentional.

I thought Hillary was a murderer
What about the 4000 dead before that and 160,000 wounded often horribly. Stupidest war ever. except for Iraq. OMG. it's amazing Republicans can even hold their heads up in polite society about this crap
Yeah, well, Trump didn't start that war, did he?
Biden could have gotten out of there the right way, he chose not to.
Biden is the president....not Trump.
Yeah, well, Trump didn't start that war, did he?
Biden could have gotten out of there the right way, he chose not to.
Biden is the president....not Trump.

Not to mention Obama was president for 8 years between Bush and Trump and did nothing to get us out of there. Why does he lay blameless?

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