Admitted Classified Leaker D-Schiff Admits 'Impeachment' Is Purely Partisanship

I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication
Thank you for making my point. You do not live in the real world. Overwhelming evidence has been provided how Obama supported terrorists, yet when it comes to a Democrat they are like Teflon to snowflakes. None of the shit they ever do sticks to them. Conservatives, however, are 'Satan's Twin' ... followed by the general claim "but / and I am not partisan'. :p

Even now, it seems, you continue to defend federal law-violating sanctuary cities, those who run them, and those who provide protection for criminal PsOS like this illegal.
Thank you for making my point. You do not live in the real world. Overwhelming evidence has been provided how Obama supported terrorists, yet when it comes to a Democrat they are like Teflon to snowflakes. None of the shit they ever do sticks to them. Conservatives, however, are 'Satan's Twin' ... followed by the general claim "but / and I am not partisan'. :p

Even now, it seems, you continue to defend federal law-violating sanctuary cities, those who run them, and those who provide protection for criminal PsOS like this illegal.
Your point is partisan and not based on facts. I can debunk it very simply. Look at how Obama’s stance changed from how he campaigned to how he governed when it came to issue of terrorism and the wars we were fighting. Simply stated, he kept troops engaged much longer than he campaign for not for political purposes but for practical reasons to fight terror.
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
Sure buddy, play your little smear games all you want. Just know that if you really think you’re fooling anybody then you are the fool.
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

Of course he was. That's why he armed the "Free Syrian Army". Do you want to know what groups made up that force?
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
That is indeed a fact. So I am asking the question. If you pay terrorists to do assassinations for you like Al Queda in Libya, and then you pay terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to pull of a COUP for you, how is Obama NOT a Terrorist Sympathizer? He's not, he took it one step further and was a Financial Supporter of Terrorism
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
Sure buddy, play your little smear games all you want. Just know that if you really think you’re fooling anybody then you are the fool.

If you were an honest person wanting to engage in honest debate, you would have to honestly admit that Obama handed loads of money out to terrorist groups without even blinking an eye. In fact, I'd think you'd have to say he was positively giddy to do it.

No, doubt he got a tingle down his leg when he did.
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

Of course he was. That's why he armed the "Free Syrian Army". Do you want to know what groups made up that force?
Are you really that dense that you think Obama was sympathizing with terrorist and this helping them?! Do you really not understand the situation and reasons why those actions were taken? Who were the free Syrian Army fighting?
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
That is indeed a fact. So I am asking the question. If you pay terrorists to do assassinations for you like Al Queda in Libya, and then you pay terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to pull of a COUP for you, how is Obama NOT a Terrorist Sympathizer? He's not, he took it one step further and was a Financial Supporter of Terrorism
The idiocracy of your statements is baffling... who were we fighting? Who were the people we armed fighting? Would you rather they be on the front lines or our troops? Do you ever think outside your partisan bubble?
I also wanted and even called for giving Trump a shot when he was elected but it only took a week or two before the lying began and I’m not one to take a load of bullshit lies with my mouth open.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
Sure buddy, play your little smear games all you want. Just know that if you really think you’re fooling anybody then you are the fool.

If you were an honest person wanting to engage in honest debate, you would have to honestly admit that Obama handed loads of money out to terrorist groups without even blinking an eye. In fact, I'd think you'd have to say he was positively giddy to do it.

No, doubt he got a tingle down his leg when he did.
You are talking about wanting to have an honest conversation and then in the next breath your claiming to know how Obama felt and where he is feeling tingles?! Is this a joke??? Congrats you have earned negative credibility on the things you say
Kicker is what percentage of Americans remain so stupid, bias and foolish they believe Trump has committed something, ANYTHING that's impeachable? High as fuck that's what percentage.

At the end of they day they believe it because they want to, and nothing else matters. Same applies to the media, a lot of the elite and even dumbass politicians like Waters.
Schiff is a Liar.

An Evil Man

A Traitor to his country and his president.

A Godless unrepentant child of Hell.

There is no goodness or God
in him.

He will endure the flames of Hell, for Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.

It is too late for him and those like him.

But it’s not too late for you.

Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
That is indeed a fact. So I am asking the question. If you pay terrorists to do assassinations for you like Al Queda in Libya, and then you pay terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to pull of a COUP for you, how is Obama NOT a Terrorist Sympathizer? He's not, he took it one step further and was a Financial Supporter of Terrorism
The idiocracy of your statements is baffling... who were we fighting? Who were the people we armed fighting? Would you rather they be on the front lines or our troops? Do you ever think outside your partisan bubble?
What other president in History paid Terrorists to assassinate people, stage COUPs, sell Russia our Uranium and give a terrorist state like Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium from Russia?

The very Uranium they are using in Russian centrifuges they purchased with American Dollars to build Nuclear Weapons which they will point at America and Israel was laid for with Obama Bucks.
Then you must have been protecting the Terrorist Sympathizer for 8 straight had to be exhausted.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
Sure buddy, play your little smear games all you want. Just know that if you really think you’re fooling anybody then you are the fool.

If you were an honest person wanting to engage in honest debate, you would have to honestly admit that Obama handed loads of money out to terrorist groups without even blinking an eye. In fact, I'd think you'd have to say he was positively giddy to do it.

No, doubt he got a tingle down his leg when he did.
You are talking about wanting to have an honest conversation and then in the next breath your claiming to know how Obama felt and where he is feeling tingles?! Is this a joke??? Congrats you have earned negative credibility on the things you say
What other president in History paid Terrorists to assassinate people, stage COUPs, sell Russia our Uranium and give a terrorist state like Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium from Russia?

The very Uranium they are using in Russian centrifuges they purchased with American Dollars to build Nuclear Weapons which they will point at America and Israel was laid for with Obama Bucks.

Tree just lies. He can't help himself.

Not an ounce of uranium from this country ever went to Russia.

Friggin batshit crazy nutjob

By the way..Iran sent 90% of their uranium TO Russia as part of the Iran deal.

Facts are not something Tree "does"
Kicker is what percentage of Americans remain so stupid, bias and foolish they believe Trump has committed something, ANYTHING that's impeachable? High as fuck that's what percentage.

At the end of they day they believe it because they want to, and nothing else matters. Same applies to the media, a lot of the elite and even dumbass politicians like Waters.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that Trump has colored outside the the law during his illustrious career. He is a shady New York billionaire who prides himself on using brut force to get his way and claim wins. Morality, character and rules don’t seem to be high on his priority list. With that said, having evidence to prove an impeachable offense isn’t likely. This is a political game now and those who support him will try and ignore and protect at all costs. Seems that “finger pointing back at the accusers” is the preferred tactic. Those who oppose Trump will keep digging and politicizing his lies and missteps.

It’s going to be an ugly next few years.
Schiff is a Liar.

An Evil Man

A Traitor to his country and his president.

A Godless unrepentant child of Hell.

There is no goodness or God
in him.

He will endure the flames of Hell, for Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.

It is too late for him and those like him.

But it’s not too late for you.

I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
That is indeed a fact. So I am asking the question. If you pay terrorists to do assassinations for you like Al Queda in Libya, and then you pay terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to pull of a COUP for you, how is Obama NOT a Terrorist Sympathizer? He's not, he took it one step further and was a Financial Supporter of Terrorism
The idiocracy of your statements is baffling... who were we fighting? Who were the people we armed fighting? Would you rather they be on the front lines or our troops? Do you ever think outside your partisan bubble?
You fit the definition of an overemotional snowflake to the T!

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