Admitted Classified Leaker D-Schiff Admits 'Impeachment' Is Purely Partisanship

What other president in History paid Terrorists to assassinate people, stage COUPs, sell Russia our Uranium and give a terrorist state like Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium from Russia?

The very Uranium they are using in Russian centrifuges they purchased with American Dollars to build Nuclear Weapons which they will point at America and Israel was laid for with Obama Bucks.
I hardly have the power to protect a president, what a silly implication. Grow up.

If your asking whether I saw Obama as a terrorist sympathizer? Of course not, an ever sillier implication

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
Sure buddy, play your little smear games all you want. Just know that if you really think you’re fooling anybody then you are the fool.

If you were an honest person wanting to engage in honest debate, you would have to honestly admit that Obama handed loads of money out to terrorist groups without even blinking an eye. In fact, I'd think you'd have to say he was positively giddy to do it.

No, doubt he got a tingle down his leg when he did.
You are talking about wanting to have an honest conversation and then in the next breath your claiming to know how Obama felt and where he is feeling tingles?! Is this a joke??? Congrats you have earned negative credibility on the things you say
No president in history has done those things. Nice try but nobody except ignorant fools buy those tired talking point conspiracies.
I show you a mirror, and reject the image you see within it.

You are without wisdom, and it is you that are emotional.

Schiff is a Liar.

An Evil Man

A Traitor to his country and his president.

A Godless unrepentant child of Hell.

There is no goodness or God
in him.

He will endure the flames of Hell, for Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.

It is too late for him and those like him.

But it’s not too late for you.

When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
That is indeed a fact. So I am asking the question. If you pay terrorists to do assassinations for you like Al Queda in Libya, and then you pay terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to pull of a COUP for you, how is Obama NOT a Terrorist Sympathizer? He's not, he took it one step further and was a Financial Supporter of Terrorism
The idiocracy of your statements is baffling... who were we fighting? Who were the people we armed fighting? Would you rather they be on the front lines or our troops? Do you ever think outside your partisan bubble?
You fit the definition of an overemotional snowflake to the T!
With that said, having evidence to prove an impeachable offense isn’t likely.

After noting what a criminal you think he can you say that?
I can say that because he is the elected president of the USA. Same way I said that Hillary was not going to be arrested for having an email server in her bathroom. It isnt hard to figure out. I’d be more worried about Trump after he is out of office if he keeps up with his divisive rhetoric. He would be vulnerable then. Not so much now
So Obama then was not a President
Because he indeed did all those things
What other president in History paid Terrorists to assassinate people, stage COUPs, sell Russia our Uranium and give a terrorist state like Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium from Russia?

The very Uranium they are using in Russian centrifuges they purchased with American Dollars to build Nuclear Weapons which they will point at America and Israel was laid for with Obama Bucks.
When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
Sure buddy, play your little smear games all you want. Just know that if you really think you’re fooling anybody then you are the fool.

If you were an honest person wanting to engage in honest debate, you would have to honestly admit that Obama handed loads of money out to terrorist groups without even blinking an eye. In fact, I'd think you'd have to say he was positively giddy to do it.

No, doubt he got a tingle down his leg when he did.
You are talking about wanting to have an honest conversation and then in the next breath your claiming to know how Obama felt and where he is feeling tingles?! Is this a joke??? Congrats you have earned negative credibility on the things you say
No president in history has done those things. Nice try but nobody except ignorant fools buy those tired talking point conspiracies.
Defending yourself and America against people that want to divide America against itself, is not Divisive Rhetoric.

It’s calling Evil for what it is.

With that said, having evidence to prove an impeachable offense isn’t likely.

After noting what a criminal you think he can you say that?
I can say that because he is the elected president of the USA. Same way I said that Hillary was not going to be arrested for having an email server in her bathroom. It isnt hard to figure out. I’d be more worried about Trump after he is out of office if he keeps up with his divisive rhetoric. He would be vulnerable then. Not so much now
I show you a mirror, and reject the image you see within it.

You are without wisdom, and it is you that are emotional.

Schiff is a Liar.

An Evil Man

A Traitor to his country and his president.

A Godless unrepentant child of Hell.

There is no goodness or God
in him.

He will endure the flames of Hell, for Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.

It is too late for him and those like him.

But it’s not too late for you.

I don’t know if I want to waste my time replying to such a simplistic and ignorant statement. From what I know of you from past conversations you’re not here to learn and listen you just spread garbage and then run when debunked so I don’t think I’m going to waste my time with you today.
That is indeed a fact. So I am asking the question. If you pay terrorists to do assassinations for you like Al Queda in Libya, and then you pay terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to pull of a COUP for you, how is Obama NOT a Terrorist Sympathizer? He's not, he took it one step further and was a Financial Supporter of Terrorism
The idiocracy of your statements is baffling... who were we fighting? Who were the people we armed fighting? Would you rather they be on the front lines or our troops? Do you ever think outside your partisan bubble?
You fit the definition of an overemotional snowflake to the T!
I’m not using dramatic emotions. Reread your posts. Obvious fake rhetoric
Defending yourself and America against people that want to divide America against itself, is not Divisive Rhetoric.

It’s calling Evil for what it is.

With that said, having evidence to prove an impeachable offense isn’t likely.

After noting what a criminal you think he can you say that?
I can say that because he is the elected president of the USA. Same way I said that Hillary was not going to be arrested for having an email server in her bathroom. It isnt hard to figure out. I’d be more worried about Trump after he is out of office if he keeps up with his divisive rhetoric. He would be vulnerable then. Not so much now
Defending? No dude, he lies and finger points. He is a peach when he gets his way. He turns into a spoiled 5th grade bully when he doesn’t. It’s pathetic
I believe you lie and you it is you who points fingers.
Defending yourself and America against people that want to divide America against itself, is not Divisive Rhetoric.

It’s calling Evil for what it is.

With that said, having evidence to prove an impeachable offense isn’t likely.

After noting what a criminal you think he can you say that?
I can say that because he is the elected president of the USA. Same way I said that Hillary was not going to be arrested for having an email server in her bathroom. It isnt hard to figure out. I’d be more worried about Trump after he is out of office if he keeps up with his divisive rhetoric. He would be vulnerable then. Not so much now
Defending? No dude, he lies and finger points. He is a peach when he gets his way. He turns into a spoiled 5th grade bully when he doesn’t. It’s pathetic
I believe you lie and you it is you who points fingers.
Defending yourself and America against people that want to divide America against itself, is not Divisive Rhetoric.

It’s calling Evil for what it is.

With that said, having evidence to prove an impeachable offense isn’t likely.

After noting what a criminal you think he can you say that?
I can say that because he is the elected president of the USA. Same way I said that Hillary was not going to be arrested for having an email server in her bathroom. It isnt hard to figure out. I’d be more worried about Trump after he is out of office if he keeps up with his divisive rhetoric. He would be vulnerable then. Not so much now
Defending? No dude, he lies and finger points. He is a peach when he gets his way. He turns into a spoiled 5th grade bully when he doesn’t. It’s pathetic
I don’t point fingers as a response to direct and probing questions. I answer directly. Take some notes
When you pay Al Queda to kill's just...a business transaction?
When you 'loan' Al Qaeda the US Military and help them take over their own country, after they slaughtered 3,000 Americans, it's TREASON.

When you abandon Americans surrounded by Al Qaeda in an indefensible compound without enough security to protect themselves while knowing an attack is coming, allowing them to needlessly die when every scrap of evidence shows they could have been pulled out at any time before the final attack, and after 4 Americans end up needlessly dying because 'you' f*ed up, and the 1st thing 'you' do is ignore that this attack was part of a known Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies and try to cover your own ass by claiming this was not a terrorist attack but was instead a 'PROTEST OVER A VIDEO'....'you're' a worthless, lying POS who failed your country and the Americans who trusted 'you' with their lives!

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