Adoptive Father Rapes Daughter

Comeys mouth doesnt file charges.

He said she was guilty, that's the point. She should be in jail.
I dont care what he said. I asked you to show me the charges that were filed like you claimed. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I get you don't care. Apparently crime is fine as long as it agrees with your political POV. :rolleyes:
Youre rambling you retard. You claimed Hillary had been charged but she wasnt. FYI. I cant stand Hillary. Get your shit together so next time you dont look so dumb. :rolleyes:
Youre rambling you retard. You claimed Hillary had been charged but she wasnt. FYI. I cant stand Hillary. Get your shit together so next time you dont look so dumb. :rolleyes:

She was charged but Comey illegally let her off. He said she was guilty moron. You want to conveniently forget that apparently. How about try thinking next time before you make a complete fool of yourself like you just did. BTW You are racist too.
Youre rambling you retard. You claimed Hillary had been charged but she wasnt. FYI. I cant stand Hillary. Get your shit together so next time you dont look so dumb. :rolleyes:

She was charged but Comey illegally let her off. He said she was guilty moron. You want to conveniently forget that apparently. How about try thinking next time before you make a complete fool of yourself like you just did. BTW You are racist too.
No she wasnt charged dummy. If she was charged there would be a record of it. There would be a news article about it. There would be something that makes you look less the idiot for claiming she was charged. :rolleyes:
Youre rambling you retard. You claimed Hillary had been charged but she wasnt. FYI. I cant stand Hillary. Get your shit together so next time you dont look so dumb. :rolleyes:

She was charged but Comey illegally let her off. He said she was guilty moron. You want to conveniently forget that apparently. How about try thinking next time before you make a complete fool of yourself like you just did. BTW You are racist too.
No she wasnt charged dummy. If she was charged there would be a record of it. There would be a news article about it. There would be something that makes you look less the idiot for claiming she was charged. :rolleyes:

I gave you a link. Comey charged her then let her off. You just can't face the truth.
Youre rambling you retard. You claimed Hillary had been charged but she wasnt. FYI. I cant stand Hillary. Get your shit together so next time you dont look so dumb. :rolleyes:

She was charged but Comey illegally let her off. He said she was guilty moron. You want to conveniently forget that apparently. How about try thinking next time before you make a complete fool of yourself like you just did. BTW You are racist too.
No she wasnt charged dummy. If she was charged there would be a record of it. There would be a news article about it. There would be something that makes you look less the idiot for claiming she was charged. :rolleyes:

I gave you a link. Comey charged her then let her off. You just can't face the truth.
I read the link and it never said Comey charged her. Can you quote where she was charged? :rolleyes:
What a bizarre thread.Right wing racists defend a middle aged white guy charged with raping his daughter. There must be a Bible passage that makes this ok.
This story as with many stories concerning white men being accused of some type of sexual inappropriateness with underage women -- it is nothing more than wild unfounded speculation with ZERO facts.

But we can at least all agree that Obama is a gay child predator and his wife is a man....that is definitely not speculation.
What the fuck are you talking about? Neither Clinton nor Menendez committed a sex crime, leave alone one against a child

Seriously? Wht are you posting in a political message board if you're this ignorant. Actually, I know you're not. You're just a liberal who covers for his own party's sins while pointing fingers at those whovhavent actually committed th3 crimes you're accusing him of.

Bill Clinton is a KNOWN RAPIST. Robert Menendez is a well know traveler to the Dominican Republic for sex with child prostitutes.

Get yourself educated before going against those who actually know what's going on so you don't look like such a fool.
Give me a fucking break!! That is all a bunch of right wing horseshit. Neither were ever charged with, leave alone convicted of a sex crime. Let me ask you something....WHY do you people ….NO MATTER what the topic, always find a way to try to smear democrats? This topic is about child sexual abuse by Joe Blow and has nothing to do with any of this other shit you're bringing up.
Conservatives are fine with pedos. Drumpf would perv out on teenage beauty pageant contestants and they love Roy Moore
Did either of these men actually commit a crime? The answer is NO.

Now did Bill Clinton? Robert Menendez? YES
What the fuck are you talking about? Neither Clinton nor Menendez committed a sex crime, leave alone one against a child. Neither were convicted of anything . Are you just another apologist for child sexual abuse. ?That is, by the way, the topic of this thread.

You are a dirty capo and a hypocrite. Justice Kavanaugh anyone? You are basically along every victim of sexual assault a liar because they don’t line up with your political bent. Typical.

That makes NO fucking sense!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Surprised you didn’t tell us all your Jewish again. You defend a guy who likes 13 year d hookers. Typical “Capo” type guy.
I'm not defending him! Are you really that fucking stupid? Can you read above a first grade level?
I am skeptical. He doesn't look like an idiot. If no witnesses, release him.

that's odd; a member with Bible scripture as a signature is OK with a father raping a daughter?

Is there a Bible scripture that supports this point of view?
None exist.
Now Lots daughters did him while he was wasted because when God took out Sodom and Gomorrah they thought they were the last people on earth and though he was the only possible way for them to get knocked up..

Now Ham, one of Noahs boys, went in and did his own mom while Noah was passed out drunk. That makes him the first recorded motherfucker.
Sick pedo actually made an appeal to find this girl and it turns out he was raping her.

Missing Teen Found And Her Adoptive Father, Who Made Public Plea For Her Return, Charged With Her Rape


Looks Muslim.

Looks stupid.

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