Advanced Socialist Nations Continue To Weather Storms, Even In USA!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Reduced Weekly New Claims for unemployment are better than an increase of Weekly New Claims for unemployment. The drop of 37,000 to below 400,000 new weekly claims is also explained against the backdroup of weather related claims in the East:

"Some of the improvement was due to technical factors related to the seasonal adjustment of the data, a Labor Department spokesman said. The spokesman also said some states had reported higher applications in previous weeks due to Hurricane Irene."

"As a result, the drop in applications for benefits "may not be as encouraging as it looks," said Paul Dales of Capital Economics. 'Further falls will be needed before we can conclude a downward trend is underway.'"

So in fact a trend was under way, so a newer trend may now be getting underway. The Asian Monsoons of summer have been unusually acidic, for example. Hundreds of Thousands otherwise flee or evacuate.

Japanese production levels are only starting to approach pre-Tsunami levels. All of that economic activity was lost in Q1, Q2, and closing Q3. China may be experiencing some currency valuation problems. What they need is an Obama-Biden Schedule M: Refundable Tax Credit COLA.

But then, don't we all!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many CEO's now reluctant to hire. Send Squaws to do business with one-armed bandits on Lands of Many Nations, instead! Laissez-Faire Like That: When Corporate Tax Rate adjustments would be better--to start infrastructure spending that
White Eyes not doing for their elves(?)! Hmmm!)
Chum of mine is in the construction business.

Currently he's working on a large rehab project in part funded by the Stimulus money.

One wonders if the dmage resilting from the hurricnes that hit the NE and mid atlantic states will have a positive effect on employment.

I'm guessing it will.

Ironic, no?

Natural disaster works to stimulate the economy.
Indirect evidence of the spending effect of disaster recovery is available in current Japan. The price tag in the wake of Irene could exceed $20.0 bil. That is almost 10% of what Obama has proposed for direct construction spending.

Texas will need the spending, that all Republicans oppose. No one discusses anyone from Texas, at RNC, apparently anymore.

Japan's industrial production up 0.8% MoM

Republicans universally oppose all spending in all stores, on all construction, and on all first responders: And on-and-on. That is all socialist, now: And federal deficit driven. State and Local government, in comparison, is getting out of the way. 550,000 jobs are losteven now, helping to slow the recovery.

Coincidentally, some of that is school employment. Teachers and their allied kind are the cause of the downturn in the first place. Support of law is universal, like it was in the Third Reich--and so the poor were cast into outer darkness, in the language of the Western Religions. The Third Reich was even darker about it.

Disaster recovery spending--shown in Japan and in Democratic Party, Truman's Marshall Plan--creates prosperity. Republicans are on their permanent record: Opposed to all of that whch has happened.

"Dark" is now a "d" word in the U. S. A., apparently especially in Christian Churches(?)! Republican policy created the foreclosures, not now much discussed. Reverend Jeremian Wright knew another "d" word that described it, and S&P knows still others.

Phoenix, of course, is a "p" word(?): Unlike its housing market. In Arizona, there is a semblance of a laissez-faire, creating a housing market that Americans don't want do or get into themselves--most likely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many CEO's now hoard and send many squaws to squander in dealings with one-armed bandits. Lands of Many Nations know the value of regulation, in contrast. Laissez Faire is about greed and profligate spending: Shown in White Eyes Testament books--of deregulated economics--complete with slave markets! Catholic Crucifix Art--Jesus comments unfavorably on the Laws of Moses--even in play in White Eyes books!)
Chum of mine is in the construction business.

Currently he's working on a large rehab project in part funded by the Stimulus money.

One wonders if the dmage resilting from the hurricnes that hit the NE and mid atlantic states will have a positive effect on employment.

I'm guessing it will.

Ironic, no?

Natural disaster works to stimulate the economy.

The Broken Window Fallacy
Chum of mine is in the construction business.

Currently he's working on a large rehab project in part funded by the Stimulus money.

One wonders if the dmage resilting from the hurricnes that hit the NE and mid atlantic states will have a positive effect on employment.

I'm guessing it will.

Ironic, no?

Natural disaster works to stimulate the economy.

The Broken Window Fallacy


Tell it to the folks who are working repairing and rebuilding after the recent disasters.

They might not entirely agree.
The $1.5 tril., all-totaled Obama Stimulus spending can be compared favorably to the Truman-era $13.0 bil. spending of the Marshall Plan.

Marshall Plan (European-United States history) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

The Soviet Union was not too happy with all the spending. The Republicans probably even then were not too happy with all the spending. Now, they are not happy at all with the spending.

The 64 Fantasies that run the House of Representatives--clearly--would be said to disbelieve that Europe even exists.

Cain is different. "Nein! "Nein!" "Nein!" exists just like, "Nyet!" "Nyet!" "Nyet!" existed, Soviet-style.

Republicans appear to not want to discuss much of anything that has to do with Texas, so apparently as not to offend their base(?)!

The Marshall Plan spending was successful. The Obama spending plan has now even helped to weather another European crisis, therein created, again! Obama-Biden, Pelosi-Reid, did not create the European Crisis.

When RNC takes its Tea and Fantasy: Then clearly Europe does not exist(?)! Money from China is all that exists.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clouds of Many Nations: Know about Global Recovery, even--and rain it on down!)
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