Adverse Vaccine Reactions are Few

Let us hope they stay that way, but in case you or yours have one in USA, record the fact here:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
LOL the amount of people vaccinated is few. So the adverse reactions are many

As of 12/21, there have been 614,000 vaccines given. There are, to my knowledge, 6 severe allergic reactions and no deaths. That comes out to 0.002%.
Not all the reactions will be imminent, the chronic issues will extend for the life of the individual and may not begin for years or decades. This vaccine alters DNA that is how it works

No they do not. The covid-19 vaccines do not alter your DNA.

Covid-19 vaccines don’t change your DNA | Fact Check (
Experts: mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 does not alter DNA (
What The Covid-19 Vaccine Does To Your DNA - Headline Health
No, the Moderna and Pfizer RNA vaccines for COVID-19 will not “permanently alter your DNA” – Science-Based Medicine

A little research with Google will help you avoid spreading inaccurate rumors.
DNA altered by vaccine
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

It happens, the 60 people who died of the H1N1 vaccine at martin luther king hospital also had their DNA altered as it rotted away in a coffin

Give up pop

Quoting an article about a lawsuit concerning a measles vaccine proves absolutely nothing about the covid vaccine. And I didn't see anything about altered DNA in the article.
You claiming that a vaccine is safe long term when long term has not happened yet is illogical. I am predicting that even if determined safe that this vaccine will be a total failure as the virus mutates, just like the flu

First of all, we have already seen that the covid virus mutates at a much, much slower rate.

One thing to think about. I have a small round scar on my left arm. My children do not. It is from my smallpox vaccine. Do you know why my children do not have the same scar? Because it worked.
4 billion dollars in punitive damages has been awarded for permanent physical damages caused by vaccines. You are a fool in denial and completely ignorant if you believe the government
Let us hope they stay that way, but in case you or yours have one in USA, record the fact here:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
LOL the amount of people vaccinated is few. So the adverse reactions are many

As of 12/21, there have been 614,000 vaccines given. There are, to my knowledge, 6 severe allergic reactions and no deaths. That comes out to 0.002%.
Not all the reactions will be imminent, the chronic issues will extend for the life of the individual and may not begin for years or decades. This vaccine alters DNA that is how it works

Fools like you believe anything on parler, oan or newsmax or anything you read on the internet. Provide proof it alters you DNA or shut up.
Actually simpleton you are the fool who believes everything on TV not me.

Try again dingbibble
It's being reported that in a few people the vaccine tends to undo the effects of 12 years of liberal indoctrination. Therefore our Socialist friends can be expected to avoid the shots. I see nothing at all wrong with that!
Let us hope they stay that way, but in case you or yours have one in USA, record the fact here:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
LOL the amount of people vaccinated is few. So the adverse reactions are many

As of 12/21, there have been 614,000 vaccines given. There are, to my knowledge, 6 severe allergic reactions and no deaths. That comes out to 0.002%.
Not all the reactions will be imminent, the chronic issues will extend for the life of the individual and may not begin for years or decades. This vaccine alters DNA that is how it works
We're all gonna grow alien antennae or maybe a third ear. Bank on it.

. . . or narcolepsy, or women will become sterile.

Same old story. If you question the establishment position on anything, you’re a conspiracy nut.

We can only hope all the politicians, government bureaucrats, and media blowhards who take the vaccine, immediately turn into fairy dust.

I don't mind questions. That is always good.

But to make false claims and call them facts is a different matter.
Your claim that this vaccine is safe is a false claim because only time can determine that
Next liar
Let us hope they stay that way, but in case you or yours have one in USA, record the fact here:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
LOL the amount of people vaccinated is few. So the adverse reactions are many

As of 12/21, there have been 614,000 vaccines given. There are, to my knowledge, 6 severe allergic reactions and no deaths. That comes out to 0.002%.
Not all the reactions will be imminent, the chronic issues will extend for the life of the individual and may not begin for years or decades. This vaccine alters DNA that is how it works
We're all gonna grow alien antennae or maybe a third ear. Bank on it.

. . . or narcolepsy, or women will become sterile.

Same old story. If you question the establishment position on anything, you’re a conspiracy nut.

We can only hope all the politicians, government bureaucrats, and media blowhards who take the vaccine, immediately turn into fairy dust.
Wont be much of a change from Angel dust. It's all good, man
So true.
Let us hope they stay that way, but in case you or yours have one in USA, record the fact here:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
LOL the amount of people vaccinated is few. So the adverse reactions are many

As of 12/21, there have been 614,000 vaccines given. There are, to my knowledge, 6 severe allergic reactions and no deaths. That comes out to 0.002%.
Not all the reactions will be imminent, the chronic issues will extend for the life of the individual and may not begin for years or decades. This vaccine alters DNA that is how it works
We're all gonna grow alien antennae or maybe a third ear. Bank on it.

. . . or narcolepsy, or women will become sterile.

Same old story. If you question the establishment position on anything, you’re a conspiracy nut.

We can only hope all the politicians, government bureaucrats, and media blowhards who take the vaccine, immediately turn into fairy dust.

I don't mind questions. That is always good.

But to make false claims and call them facts is a different matter.
Your claim that this vaccine is safe is a false claim because only time can determine that
Next liar

Did I claim it was safe? Or did I claim the experts say it is probably going to work just as well?

Do try and stick with what I actually say.
The first smallpox vaccine was introduced in 1798. It was said to be safe. But everyone who was given that first vaccine is dead.
Is this like when a gang shakes down a neighborhood and anyone who complains gets told "You're the only one. Everyone else is happy."
Or is it like the being told the dead are piled up in parking lots. You just don't know anyone sick or know anyone who themselves knows someone who is sick.

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