Advice for Democrats


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Stop replying to threads righties start that are both wrong and negative to our cause. Let those threads go unanswered. What the righties are doing is using a tired old tactic from their GOP playbook of always trying to control the message, right or wrong.

So if they create a thread that says Obama is bad at math or was born in Kenya, just ignore it. Maybe it will force them to have serious/honest conversations about things that matter.

I'm noticing none of them want to talk about Romney lately. They don't want to because there is nothing good to say. Voting for him would be like putting GW Bush back into office. So they want to make this election about Obama, not Romney. And they don't mind making stuff up.

As we get closer to the election, republicans are going to try to constantly control the message. Remember in 2008 they tried to make an international crisis over Russia and the country of Georgia? This year, so far, they have tried to stir up their base with that FAUX Catholic birth control issue. Funny Obama handled it beautifully and came out looking good with his compromise. So the GOP will just move on and create another made up issue. Always controlling the message.

My GOP buddy called me trying to make a big deal out of the Catholic church/contraception thing and I just laughed it off. I knew Rush/Fox or Drudge got him and every righty on this board riled up with just anothe wedge issue designed to devide us. Don't take the bait. They are just trying to get middle class voters to vote against their own finacial interests with made up wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.

And remember when they talk about free trade they mean free to screw over the middle class and poor Americans.

Great example. They ran on jobs in 2010 because we were bleeding jobs and Obama/Pelosi/Reed were in charge. Never mind it was GOP policies that sent those jobs overseas and crashed the economy. Never mind they obstructed anything we tried with a record number of filabusters. They simply said Obama wasn't fixing the economy and his ways won't work. Forget the facts! Remember, they control the message!

But notice as soon as they won the midterm, they changed the subject from jobs to deficit spending? See? They insist on controlling the message.

And why does a liberal media help them? Maybe because it is no longer liberal? Clinton went along with the GOP and deregulated the media. 7 corporations purchased every news media outlet and now they help the GOP control the message. Examples would be how they wouldn't let Monicagate go but they never talked about how Bush lied us into war. Or notice how the media gave the tea baggers all that attention but tried to ignore the 99%ers all over the country? They dwarfed the tea baggers.

Only when everyone realizes the media is no longer liberal and is helping the rich control the message will people stop voting against their own financial interests.
ewe sound so pitiful..


those mean old righties getting ewe down?


Stop replying to threads righties start that are both wrong and negative to our cause. Let those threads go unanswered. What the righties are doing is using a tired old tactic from their GOP playbook of always trying to control the message, right or wrong.

So if they create a thread that says Obama is bad at math or was born in Kenya, just ignore it. Maybe it will force them to have serious/honest conversations about things that matter.

I'm noticing none of them want to talk about Romney lately. They don't want to because there is nothing good to say. Voting for him would be like putting GW Bush back into office. So they want to make this election about Obama, not Romney. And they don't mind making stuff up.

As we get closer to the election, republicans are going to try to constantly control the message. Remember in 2008 they tried to make an international crisis over Russia and the country of Georgia? This year, so far, they have tried to stir up their base with that FAUX Catholic birth control issue. Funny Obama handled it beautifully and came out looking good with his compromise. So the GOP will just move on and create another made up issue. Always controlling the message.

My GOP buddy called me trying to make a big deal out of the Catholic church/contraception thing and I just laughed it off. I knew Rush/Fox or Drudge got him and every righty on this board riled up with just anothe wedge issue designed to devide us. Don't take the bait. They are just trying to get middle class voters to vote against their own finacial interests with made up wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.

And remember when they talk about free trade they mean free to screw over the middle class and poor Americans.

Great example. They ran on jobs in 2010 because we were bleeding jobs and Obama/Pelosi/Reed were in charge. Never mind it was GOP policies that sent those jobs overseas and crashed the economy. Never mind they obstructed anything we tried with a record number of filabusters. They simply said Obama wasn't fixing the economy and his ways won't work. Forget the facts! Remember, they control the message!

But notice as soon as they won the midterm, they changed the subject from jobs to deficit spending? See? They insist on controlling the message.

And why does a liberal media help them? Maybe because it is no longer liberal? Clinton went along with the GOP and deregulated the media. 7 corporations purchased every news media outlet and now they help the GOP control the message. Examples would be how they wouldn't let Monicagate go but they never talked about how Bush lied us into war. Or notice how the media gave the tea baggers all that attention but tried to ignore the 99%ers all over the country? They dwarfed the tea baggers.

Only when everyone realizes the media is no longer liberal and is helping the rich control the message will people stop voting against their own financial interests.
Ignoring the correctness of the right....equals....keeping your head in the sand.

What you lefties need to do is quit listening to that goddamned Marxist asshole Obama and his ABC network. Watch the economy! Watch the TRUE unemployment rates! Watch your boy Obama destroy the American way of life and turn the country into a third rate socialist society.
In other words, ignore anything a detractor might say.

"Great example", my ass.
You need to make up your weak mind.

Is the job market getting better or not?

The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.
In other words, ignore anything a detractor might say.

"Great example", my ass.
You need to make up your weak mind.

Is the job market getting better or not?

The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

I thought you said the GOP taking over the House hasn't done anything to improve the job market.

"sealybobo", I guess you missed the PA announcement.........

The brown acid is BAD. Do not take the brown acid. If you already have, please go to the nearest medical tent, where there are other deadheads who will help you through your "bad trip".
In other words, ignore anything a detractor might say.

"Great example", my ass.
You need to make up your weak mind.

Is the job market getting better or not?

The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

Stagnant wages are a direct result of not having bargaining power. Labor flows to where labor is cheapest and that isn't in this nation. The left's answer is more protection for the working class and the right's answer is for the working class to expect less. Which is why the GOP is set up for failure in the upcoming Presidential race. You saw the Congressional republicans trying to right the ship with their acceptance of the payroll tax holidaythis time around. They see their weak position.

Your post is spot on right in this case.

As far as not engaging them, theres too much disinformation being spewed here to counteract it all, thats true. Pay is not being cut for combat personnel. Failing businesses are not good for the economy. The auto bailouts saved much more non-union jobs than those of union wage earners. All these are truths. All were the antithesis of wing-nut threads.

I would suggest that you recommend to lefties to stick with the truth and simply point out the repeated lies of the wingnuts. When they are not encumbered by honesty, theres no point attempting to auswage their tendency to lie when it suits them. Hence Obama kicking Romney's ass this fall.
SillyBozo... still mentally deficient after all this time

Hi Dave.

And Fuck NAFTA. You guys want to say "Clinton signed NAFTA"? Well lets try to fix and make NAFTA fair and see who's side the GOP are on. The American workers or multinational corporations who think we all make too much.

But then the CEO can never make enough. Who doesn't understand the problem when in a society the gap between the rich and poor widens too much. Republicans don't. You don't. Or prove to me you do if I'm wrong. But I think you guys don't get this.

The insurance company ceo's can make healthcare unaffordable for the poor so they can maximize their profits is ok with you? You don't understand that it is constitutional for our government to step in and regulate this industry. We can't leave this up to the free market because then the poor die. Period. Non debatable fact.

The Wallstreet CEO's can rob us blind and then get bailed out for gambling our 401K's? This is the prime example of why some things shouldn't be privatized. Even Ron Paul understands the problem with private bankers owning our federal reserve. Reason he can't win. The rich that own our country won't allow it.

Citizens United is ok wth you guys? So now the rich can secretly bribe our politicians? The only reason Newt is in this race is because one man, Adelson is funding him.

Passing tax breaks for companies that are sending jobs overseas? What middle class American is in favor of not only not tarriffing American companies for sending jobs overseas, but actually giving them tax breaks for sending those jobs overseas.

You don't understand that every country except us protected their vital industries. So if textile was an important industry to them, they didn't send those jobs overseas. Only America didn't do this. Do you understand they did this because the American worker makes too much? How have they done this? By divide and conquer. For 20 years they have been breaking the unions and you middle class republicans just don't understand how that is bad for you too. If not yet, it will be.
In other words, ignore anything a detractor might say.

"Great example", my ass.
You need to make up your weak mind.

Is the job market getting better or not?

The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

I thought you said the GOP taking over the House hasn't done anything to improve the job market.


The GOP doesn't have the balls to suggest what you just suggested. That the House is responsible for the improving job market. Their policies have cost us jobs. And where did they send the savings with all their cuts? They gave the corporations even more tax breaks! And that still isn't getting them to create more jobs.

Why? Because the only thing that will create jobs is demand. So instead of giving one CEO $40 million, only give him $20 million and give the workers the other $20 million. They will go out and spend it.

But most of you can't comprehend this because you've never been in a union so you have never gotten profit sharing. And you don't realize that if there are no unions, the gap between them and the ceo they work for will get even bigger.

This is what middle class republican voters won't understand. The gap between the rich and poor has never been wider and that is a huge problem. And what is their solution? To free trade up even more and deregulations even more? That's gonna raise wages? Like hell it is.

I gotta go. I'll come back. I love to hear right wing replies. All right wing talking points and you'll say I'm making a straw man argument, blabla. Same old playbook. No substance. Bring it.
In other words, ignore anything a detractor might say.

"Great example", my ass.
You need to make up your weak mind.

Is the job market getting better or not?

The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

Stagnant wages are a direct result of not having bargaining power. Labor flows to where labor is cheapest and that isn't in this nation. The left's answer is more protection for the working class and the right's answer is for the working class to expect less. Which is why the GOP is set up for failure in the upcoming Presidential race. You saw the Congressional republicans trying to right the ship with their acceptance of the payroll tax holidaythis time around. They see their weak position.

Your post is spot on right in this case.

As far as not engaging them, theres too much disinformation being spewed here to counteract it all, thats true. Pay is not being cut for combat personnel. Failing businesses are not good for the economy. The auto bailouts saved much more non-union jobs than those of union wage earners. All these are truths. All were the antithesis of wing-nut threads.

I would suggest that you recommend to lefties to stick with the truth and simply point out the repeated lies of the wingnuts. When they are not encumbered by honesty, theres no point attempting to auswage their tendency to lie when it suits them. Hence Obama kicking Romney's ass this fall.

Notice you are the only one who replied in a thoughtful way? With any substance? They know we are right. THey must think they benefit from the status quo and they have been brainwashed to think that if liberals take over, things will get worse for them.

Meanwhile they enjoy all the things that liberals faught for and won. Things that make living in America great. Social security, medicare, great schools, lots of high paying middle class jobs, sick days, vacation days, clean water and air, etc
The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

I thought you said the GOP taking over the House hasn't done anything to improve the job market.


The GOP doesn't have the balls to suggest what you just suggested. That the House is responsible for the improving job market. Their policies have cost us jobs. And where did they send the savings with all their cuts? They gave the corporations even more tax breaks! And that still isn't getting them to create more jobs.

Why? Because the only thing that will create jobs is demand. So instead of giving one CEO $40 million, only give him $20 million and give the workers the other $20 million. They will go out and spend it.

But most of you can't comprehend this because you've never been in a union so you have never gotten profit sharing. And you don't realize that if there are no unions, the gap between them and the ceo they work for will get even bigger.

This is what middle class republican voters won't understand. The gap between the rich and poor has never been wider and that is a huge problem. And what is their solution? To free trade up even more and deregulations even more? That's gonna raise wages? Like hell it is.

I gotta go. I'll come back. I love to hear right wing replies. All right wing talking points and you'll say I'm making a straw man argument, blabla. Same old playbook. No substance. Bring it.

Which is it?

You're so toe-stuck on the party line you can;t make your own decisions
The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

Stagnant wages are a direct result of not having bargaining power. Labor flows to where labor is cheapest and that isn't in this nation. The left's answer is more protection for the working class and the right's answer is for the working class to expect less. Which is why the GOP is set up for failure in the upcoming Presidential race. You saw the Congressional republicans trying to right the ship with their acceptance of the payroll tax holidaythis time around. They see their weak position.

Your post is spot on right in this case.

As far as not engaging them, theres too much disinformation being spewed here to counteract it all, thats true. Pay is not being cut for combat personnel. Failing businesses are not good for the economy. The auto bailouts saved much more non-union jobs than those of union wage earners. All these are truths. All were the antithesis of wing-nut threads.

I would suggest that you recommend to lefties to stick with the truth and simply point out the repeated lies of the wingnuts. When they are not encumbered by honesty, theres no point attempting to auswage their tendency to lie when it suits them. Hence Obama kicking Romney's ass this fall.

Notice you are the only one who replied in a thoughtful way? With any substance? They know we are right. THey must think they benefit from the status quo and they have been brainwashed to think that if liberals take over, things will get worse for them.

Meanwhile they enjoy all the things that liberals faught for and won. Things that make living in America great. Social security, medicare, great schools, lots of high paying middle class jobs, sick days, vacation days, clean water and air, etc

translation. ewe agreed with me.. that's thoughtful of ewe ain't it? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
In other words, ignore anything a detractor might say.

"Great example", my ass.
You need to make up your weak mind.

Is the job market getting better or not?

The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

Stagnant wages are a direct result of not having bargaining power. Labor flows to where labor is cheapest and that isn't in this nation. The left's answer is more protection for the working class and the right's answer is for the working class to expect less. Which is why the GOP is set up for failure in the upcoming Presidential race. You saw the Congressional republicans trying to right the ship with their acceptance of the payroll tax holidaythis time around. They see their weak position.

Your post is spot on right in this case.

As far as not engaging them, theres too much disinformation being spewed here to counteract it all, thats true. Pay is not being cut for combat personnel. Failing businesses are not good for the economy. The auto bailouts saved much more non-union jobs than those of union wage earners. All these are truths. All were the antithesis of wing-nut threads.

I would suggest that you recommend to lefties to stick with the truth and simply point out the repeated lies of the wingnuts. When they are not encumbered by honesty, theres no point attempting to auswage their tendency to lie when it suits them. Hence Obama kicking Romney's ass this fall.

Unions lost their power when they demanded more than companies could afford. Unions didn't give a crap if they bankrupted or shut down a company. People realized Unions and the Democrats were responsible for business closing their doors and moving to other countries that appreciate the opportunity for their people to work.

Good, honest, hard working employees are worth their weight in gold. Businesses know that. Demanding $30.00 an hour with full benefits in a competitive business market won't get you hired too quickly unless you show you are worth it. With or without a Union. Personal responsibility and true integrity were handed over to the Unions. Too bad the corruption got to them. At one time they truly helped the Labor movement, now the bosses are too busy attending parties at the White House and rallies around their buddies at their vacation homes in the Caribbean.
The job market is getting better. But Democrats understand that the gap between the rich and rest of us is a problem and never been greater. and the rich aren't paying their fair share towards paying for the wars they started, infrastructure, the debt or social programs.

We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.

Similar to what they are doing to the entire government. Bankrupt it so they can kill social security, the epa, public education and medicare, etc.

And break unions. That is part of their plot too. And you middle class righties are clueless to how bad that will be for the rest of us. Who else if not unions do Democrats answer to? Break unions, break all labor. Right to work states are clueless! Get rid of unions and you have no right to your job. Right to work means right to work for less. Or right to fire your ass for no reason.

Do you like 40 hour work weeks, vacation or sick days? Do you like how much you make? Union or not, thank a union for how much you make. This is what righties don't realize. When unions were powerful, non union companies had to keep up with wages. They got free low cost healthcare? Soon so did you too.

Now that unions are only 12% of us, notice our wages haven't gone up because corporations don't have to. Employees pay stayed stagnant the last 20 years if you factor inflation in and the CEO's pay has skirocketted. What can you as a non union employee say about it? NOTHING! But union employees wouild insist on profit sharing.

If you aren't rich yourself, wake up before its too late.

Stagnant wages are a direct result of not having bargaining power. Labor flows to where labor is cheapest and that isn't in this nation. The left's answer is more protection for the working class and the right's answer is for the working class to expect less. Which is why the GOP is set up for failure in the upcoming Presidential race. You saw the Congressional republicans trying to right the ship with their acceptance of the payroll tax holidaythis time around. They see their weak position.

Your post is spot on right in this case.

As far as not engaging them, theres too much disinformation being spewed here to counteract it all, thats true. Pay is not being cut for combat personnel. Failing businesses are not good for the economy. The auto bailouts saved much more non-union jobs than those of union wage earners. All these are truths. All were the antithesis of wing-nut threads.

I would suggest that you recommend to lefties to stick with the truth and simply point out the repeated lies of the wingnuts. When they are not encumbered by honesty, theres no point attempting to auswage their tendency to lie when it suits them. Hence Obama kicking Romney's ass this fall.

Unions lost their power when they demanded more than companies could afford. Unions didn't give a crap if they bankrupted or shut down a company. People realized Unions and the Democrats were responsible for business closing their doors and moving to other countries that appreciate the opportunity for their people to work.
There is some truth to that. Unionized grocery stores that were around when I was growing up are now largely becoming a thing of the past. However the "moving to other countries" is pure shit because the wages are only a fraction of the equation. A living wage in the US is 10X what a living wage is in lower Ass-crackistan. Unions asking for good wages didn't move those jobs. Americans asking for any wages commensurate with the US standard of living moved them. Also the corporations wanting to treat workers like dog meat wouldn't fly over here. So they have these corporation/cities in China where they have exactly that--where worker suicide is a big problem. Don't believe me? Listen to this for about 10 minutes. Or better yet, read the transcript of a man's visit to the factory where they made our computers and our IPODs....

Transcript | This American Life

Good, honest, hard working employees are worth their weight in gold. Businesses know that. Demanding $30.00 an hour with full benefits in a competitive business market won't get you hired too quickly unless you show you are worth it.
Very few businesses show it....astonishingly few.

Personal responsibility and true integrity were handed over to the Unions. Too bad the corruption got to them. At one time they truly helped the Labor movement, now the bosses are too busy attending parties at the White House and rallies around their buddies at their vacation homes in the Caribbean.

Again, some truth to that but more or less BS.
Stop replying to threads righties start that are both wrong and negative to our cause. Let those threads go unanswered. What the righties are doing is using a tired old tactic from their GOP playbook of always trying to control the message, right or wrong.

Bobo should the righties here do the same thing to your and Dean's and all the other Lefties threads here?......if so it was nice posting with ya.....might as well close the board.....
We haven't reversed everything bad the GOP did when they were in power. For example, in 2008 lame duck session the GOP passed a law that said the Post Office had to fund its pension plan for the next 75 years. There is no logical reason the GOP would have done that other than

a. Bankrupt the Post Office so they can privatize it
b. Loot the pension fund when the Post office goes bust.
im not going to say you are wrong about the Republicans here Bobo,because you just may be right,they are no friends of the PO.....but so far the Democrats have not been very much help to us here in the PO....which as you might know....kinda is pissing off our Unions.....but the guys who run the PO are the guys who are running into the ground.....not Congress....the PO has some very piss poor Managers....
what is the point of a message board open to all opinions if you are going to ignore half of them?

There are two reasons for coming here. To learn what other folks are thinking and saying

To remedy the flaws in your own thinking by rubbing them up against the ideas of others. One keeps ones mind sharp in the same way one keeps a knife sharp.

If all you want is a circle jerk you are wasting you time.


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Stop replying to threads righties start that are both wrong and negative to our cause. Let those threads go unanswered. What the righties are doing is using a tired old tactic from their GOP playbook of always trying to control the message, right or wrong.

So if they create a thread that says Obama is bad at math or was born in Kenya, just ignore it. Maybe it will force them to have serious/honest conversations about things that matter.

I'm noticing none of them want to talk about Romney lately. They don't want to because there is nothing good to say. Voting for him would be like putting GW Bush back into office. So they want to make this election about Obama, not Romney. And they don't mind making stuff up.

As we get closer to the election, republicans are going to try to constantly control the message. Remember in 2008 they tried to make an international crisis over Russia and the country of Georgia? This year, so far, they have tried to stir up their base with that FAUX Catholic birth control issue. Funny Obama handled it beautifully and came out looking good with his compromise. So the GOP will just move on and create another made up issue. Always controlling the message.

My GOP buddy called me trying to make a big deal out of the Catholic church/contraception thing and I just laughed it off. I knew Rush/Fox or Drudge got him and every righty on this board riled up with just anothe wedge issue designed to devide us. Don't take the bait. They are just trying to get middle class voters to vote against their own finacial interests with made up wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.

And remember when they talk about free trade they mean free to screw over the middle class and poor Americans.

Great example. They ran on jobs in 2010 because we were bleeding jobs and Obama/Pelosi/Reed were in charge. Never mind it was GOP policies that sent those jobs overseas and crashed the economy. Never mind they obstructed anything we tried with a record number of filabusters. They simply said Obama wasn't fixing the economy and his ways won't work. Forget the facts! Remember, they control the message!

But notice as soon as they won the midterm, they changed the subject from jobs to deficit spending? See? They insist on controlling the message.

And why does a liberal media help them? Maybe because it is no longer liberal? Clinton went along with the GOP and deregulated the media. 7 corporations purchased every news media outlet and now they help the GOP control the message. Examples would be how they wouldn't let Monicagate go but they never talked about how Bush lied us into war. Or notice how the media gave the tea baggers all that attention but tried to ignore the 99%ers all over the country? They dwarfed the tea baggers.

Only when everyone realizes the media is no longer liberal and is helping the rich control the message will people stop voting against their own financial interests.
Ignoring the correctness of the right....equals....keeping your head in the sand.

What you lefties need to do is quit listening to that goddamned Marxist asshole Obama and his ABC network. Watch the economy! Watch the TRUE unemployment rates! Watch your boy Obama destroy the American way of life and turn the country into a third rate socialist society.

See, that talk about marxist makes you sound like a fox news or rush brainwashed idiot. You can't talk to idiots.

Now you know what true unemployment means? You didn't when Bush was in charge. You righties can't stop playing politics long enough to say anything intelligent.

The GOP sent 7 million manufacturing jobs overseas for the purpose of crashing the economy. Study desaster capitalism you dope.

The widening gap between the rich and poor is what is turning us into Mexico. A few rich people and the masses are broke.

And its happening all over the world. The rich have waged class warfare on the middle class and poor. Not just in Madison Wisconsin or Wallstreet, but Egypt and Syria and Greece.

The GOP didn't just ruin America. Their free market capitalism ruined the global economy! Then they blamed fanny mae. LOL.

The robber barons that own America and have been trying to take it over since the revolutution ended have succeeded. The amazing thing to me is how they got middle class Americans to go along. Oh yea, by brainwashing them through the media that THEY NOW OWN! And you call it liberal media. Wake up.

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