
I have much experience drinking ales. Funny after years of hating beer, I've come to appreciate fine hops. But, like I said, alcohol has zero to do with the bottom line of crossing that line.
That may be true in your case but people do a lot of crazy things when they are drunk that they would normally never do.

Are you speaking from experience?
Are you speaking from experience?

As I said, monogamy goes against human nature and alcohol allows our true nature to come out.

I think human nature falls on a vast spectrum of can be defined as our 'true nature'. Monogamy can absolutely be natural.

We have basic survival instincts that would require another thread. Monogamy is a patriarchal construct.

Spreading ones' seed is not basic survival instincts. We are not animals. Lol... most of us anyways...
Spreading ones' seed is not basic survival instincts.
Yes it is.

We are not animals.
Yes we are.

The human population isn't going extinct, not biologically anyways.

It's much harder to thrive than merely surviving if one prances about pollinating at will & not sticking around to raise those sprouted seeds.

We need only to be animals when we are threatened. otherwise being evolved has its rewards.
Spreading ones' seed is not basic survival instincts.
Yes it is.

We are not animals.
Yes we are.

The human population isn't going extinct, not biologically anyways.

It's much harder to thrive than merely surviving if one prances about pollinating at will & not sticking around to raise those sprouted seeds.

We need only to be animals when we are threatened. otherwise being evolved has its rewards.

A catastrophism has probably cause humans to reset several times, and we never know when the next reset will come along. We are hardwired with basic survival instincts that evolution cannot change.
Spreading ones' seed is not basic survival instincts.
Yes it is.

We are not animals.
Yes we are.

The human population isn't going extinct, not biologically anyways.

It's much harder to thrive than merely surviving if one prances about pollinating at will & not sticking around to raise those sprouted seeds.

We need only to be animals when we are threatened. otherwise being evolved has its rewards.

A catastrophism has probably cause humans to reset several times, and we never know when the next reset will come along. We are hardwired with basic survival instincts that evolution cannot change.

Wouldn't you say monogamy is more matriarchal rather than patriarchal because of the offspring?
Wouldn't you say monogamy is more matriarchal rather than patriarchal because of the offspring?
A matriarchal society doesn't care who fathered the children. There is plenty of evidence to support that.
Wouldn't you say monogamy is more matriarchal rather than patriarchal because of the offspring?
A matriarchal society doesn't care who fathered the children. There is plenty of evidence to support that.

Then why are the courts filled with paternity suits & child support demands?
Good question. I would think the lawyers and the courts profit more than the children.
Wouldn't you say monogamy is more matriarchal rather than patriarchal because of the offspring?
A matriarchal society doesn't care who fathered the children. There is plenty of evidence to support that.

Then why are the courts filled with paternity suits & child support demands?
Good question. I would think the lawyers and the courts profit more than the children.

No doubt, but who initiates it & why?
I have heard people say, I didn't set out to have an affair ... it just happened.

Do you think this is possible?

Don't you think you know if you have an attraction - and - you have a choice whether to "feed" that attraction or walk away early in the game.....

.... and, if you "feed" the attraction, it's indicative you are not happy in your current relationship.....
So what's going on Bonzi? Thinking about getting some strange?
I have heard people say, I didn't set out to have an affair ... it just happened.

Do you think this is possible?

Don't you think you know if you have an attraction - and - you have a choice whether to "feed" that attraction or walk away early in the game.....

.... and, if you "feed" the attraction, it's indicative you are not happy in your current relationship.....
So what's going on Bonzi? Thinking about getting some strange?

I think it's funny that anytime you post something, people assume you have some sort of "hidden agenda" (e.g. data mining) or some kind of "veiled" message to the world......

Nope, zero intention of getting strange! (well, I already AM strange....)
This thread is showing who is male and who is female. Maybe the young women here should move to China where there is an excess of 40 million men, I bet those men appreciate their women a lot.

.... or Alaska... I think it's a highly male population there as well....
Monogamy goes against human nature. I would say that 50% of marriages are 2 people living separate lives under the same roof in order to have some stability for the kids and to afford that big house in the suburbs.

... as a Christian resisting "human nature" in many areas is part of your dedication to God. Denying yourself pleasures (whether it's sex with others, alcohol, drugs etc.) is not necessarily a bad thing. Our society is so into self-gratification we have lost sight of a healthy denial of self for the betterment of our society and others

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