Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
There is nothing subconscious about AA. It blatantly discriminates on the basis of race, and is a blatant violation of the 1964 civil rights law.
It's not racism especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from the policy.
The fact that you say this, shows how racist you are. I guess this is the new, cool talking point liberals have come up with for AA. Only one problem. It's stupid.

Whites have NOT benefitted much at all from AA.. The only whites who have, are women, and they are in the extreme minority, compared to white women who have been harmed by it >> those in which preferences were given to blacks + millions of white women who are dependents of white men (daughters, wives, etc)

Thy are also far less than blacks and other minority races who have gained from it. Nice try.
All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
Denying there is subconscious racism is about as illiterate as you can get.
People who have benefitted from exclusionary racist law and policy for almost 400 years should just be quiet. This is another example of the psychosis prevalent in part of the white community. You are a racist Ray, you practice discrimination by race, so you can drop the bullshit and recognize that as long as whites like you exist the policy needs to stay in place.
Dumbass! This is 2018. Almost NOBODY living now, has benefitted from "exclusionary racist law and policy" that exist for hundreds of years. That ended with the advent of affirmative action in the 1960s, and other favors given to blacks.

And I practice discrimination by race ? Yeah ? How could that be ? I'm retired, and don't discriminate by race in anything, except in your distorted mind. When I was in the workforce, I owned my own business, and I hire a black woman to be a branch manager in one of my 3 branch offices.

You're just an ignorant, brainwashed, babbling fool. If anybody needs to be quiet, it's you, and all those others who succumb to the racist propaganda put forth by Al Sharpton, and all the other race hustlers, out there, mouthing off all the time.
There is no such thing as reverse discrimination. You are a racist because you express a racist point of view. You aren't a realist or you would understand that whaever you call affimatve actii whites go from 1776 until at least 1965 by written law and it is because of that affirmative action was ordered by President Johnson. In the same way, if you were a realist you understand that since racists do exist that people are still denied due to race which means as long as racists exist, the policy needs to exist.

There is no "reverse" racism, or forward racism, or sideways racism, or any other dumb word. AA is just pure, plain, filthy, dirty racism. Period.

The policy (AA) is what's racist. This is 2018. There is no other racism, except what you pretend, so you can gain unfair advantages. You're a lowlife racist.
People who have benefitted from exclusionary racist law and policy for almost 400 years should just be quiet.
They ARE quiet. They're DEAD.

But you did need a program and even more than that you needed to make it so only your kind got the chances.. That what whites like you fail to understand. I don't assume anything. Why you maggot racists seem to think that you know how we think when you can't even think for yourselves, have no cue of reality and then bark a bunch of illogical bullshit that historical fact roundly disputes is pathetic. .

It's obvious you must be a younger person. To think no white was ever discriminated against is just ignorance of our past. To think that all blacks were discriminated against is more of the same.

Whites have discriminated against other whites for many reasons years ago. At times it was nationality. Other times it was because of religion. Physical appearance was a key player for jobs that required strength.

However that was a very small group of people. Most business owners do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The worker that can produce the most of that color is the business owners favorite race or nationality. It's that way today and it was that way 70 years ago.

For instance my handyman is black. I don't use him because of his race, I use him because he knows WTF he's doing and charges reasonable rates. In fact he was just here last week to change a hot water tank. He's a tough guy to get a hold of at times because he has a lot of white customers. But he gets the job done one way or another. None of his customers are held to any quota.

Same goes for my exterminator. I hired him last summer to get rid of a few bees nests. He gave me a great price and guarantee. He had to come out four times to solve the problem and didn't charge me a dime extra. He really lost money on the job. But when I had another problem, he's the first guy I called, and he really made out on the second job.

These black people save me headaches and money. I don't care if they are pink with purple stripes. I support small business no matter who it is because it's what I believe in. I have a small business myself where I need competent labor. This is what it's about with most business people large or small.

"The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

That's exactly it too.

The thing is you only succeed in life if you learn from your mistakes. If you have an excuse for why you made the mistake, you learn nothing. It happens to all of us regardless of race.

For instance let's say you and I are after getting a job. It's a job at a widget factory. If I didn't get the job, then I have to evaluate what "I" did wrong. Maybe not enough experience, maybe a bad reference from a former employer, maybe it was my attitude or the way I answered questions at the interview, maybe it's how I filled out the job application and missed or misread a question. But if there is a way to find out why I wasn't hired, I learned something. I need to find a way to repair that mistake for my next job interview.

If I got the job instead of you, it must be because the color of your skin and that assumption will prohibit you from bettering yourself. You learned nothing. Just rack it up to all whites are racist and go no further.

I was born Feb. 25, 1961. At the time I was born, whites still were legally able to exclude people from opportunity because of race. You can try spinning the sad tale of how you think whites were discriminated against in the past but they never were by law and never have been by law. As for your widget bullshit, I'd have to do the same evaluation you did. You've not learned shit because you refuse to recognize history and claim things that are not because you're dumb and race baited. You seem to not understand the record whites have and that's because you are white and don't want to look at it. But we have to face it while you post bullshit like this you and show everyone the fact that you have learned nothing. Ray we as blacks are taught that in order to beat white racism we must be able to show ourselves to be at least 3 times as prepared for the fucking job as whites. Understand that before you post up any more of your white racist nonsense.
No that's not the problem in the black community. You've never been black. Just shut up.
Have you been white ? Have you experienced the discrimination against you, of AA ? If not, shut up.

The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
Denying there is subconscious racism is about as illiterate as you can get.

You poor, disenfranchised little nappy headed kids have it so bad :( Were you ever owned?
How many of Trump's appointees are actually qualified to do the job? Better yet let's back up and start at the top with Trump.
Trump is VERY qualified, and is showing it, by all the accomplishments he has done. >> North Korea, China, Mexico, ISIS, trade tariffs, booming economy, etc.
But you did need a program and even more than that you needed to make it so only your kind got the chances.. That what whites like you fail to understand. I don't assume anything. Why you maggot racists seem to think that you know how we think when you can't even think for yourselves, have no cue of reality and then bark a bunch of illogical bullshit that historical fact roundly disputes is pathetic. .

It's obvious you must be a younger person. To think no white was ever discriminated against is just ignorance of our past. To think that all blacks were discriminated against is more of the same.

Whites have discriminated against other whites for many reasons years ago. At times it was nationality. Other times it was because of religion. Physical appearance was a key player for jobs that required strength.

However that was a very small group of people. Most business owners do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The worker that can produce the most of that color is the business owners favorite race or nationality. It's that way today and it was that way 70 years ago.

For instance my handyman is black. I don't use him because of his race, I use him because he knows WTF he's doing and charges reasonable rates. In fact he was just here last week to change a hot water tank. He's a tough guy to get a hold of at times because he has a lot of white customers. But he gets the job done one way or another. None of his customers are held to any quota.

Same goes for my exterminator. I hired him last summer to get rid of a few bees nests. He gave me a great price and guarantee. He had to come out four times to solve the problem and didn't charge me a dime extra. He really lost money on the job. But when I had another problem, he's the first guy I called, and he really made out on the second job.

These black people save me headaches and money. I don't care if they are pink with purple stripes. I support small business no matter who it is because it's what I believe in. I have a small business myself where I need competent labor. This is what it's about with most business people large or small.

"The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

That's exactly it too.

The thing is you only succeed in life if you learn from your mistakes. If you have an excuse for why you made the mistake, you learn nothing. It happens to all of us regardless of race.

For instance let's say you and I are after getting a job. It's a job at a widget factory. If I didn't get the job, then I have to evaluate what "I" did wrong. Maybe not enough experience, maybe a bad reference from a former employer, maybe it was my attitude or the way I answered questions at the interview, maybe it's how I filled out the job application and missed or misread a question. But if there is a way to find out why I wasn't hired, I learned something. I need to find a way to repair that mistake for my next job interview.

If I got the job instead of you, it must be because the color of your skin and that assumption will prohibit you from bettering yourself. You learned nothing. Just rack it up to all whites are racist and go no further.

I was born Feb. 25, 1961. At the time I was born, whites still were legally able to exclude people from opportunity because of race. You can try spinning the sad tale of how you think whites were discriminated against in the past but they never were by law and never have been by law. As for your widget bullshit, I'd have to do the same evaluation you did. You've not learned shit because you refuse to recognize history and claim things that are not because you're dumb and race baited. You seem to not understand the record whites have and that's because you are white and don't want to look at it. But we have to face it while you post bullshit like this you and show everyone the fact that you have learned nothing. Ray we as blacks are taught that in order to beat white racism we must be able to show ourselves to be at least 3 times as prepared for the fucking job as whites. Understand that before you post up any more of your white racist nonsense.

So, what? You're claiming that you didn't have fair access to clean diapers? Whitey doesn't owe you shit brotha.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.
No that's not the problem in the black community. You've never been black. Just shut up.
Have you been white ? Have you experienced the discrimination against you, of AA ? If not, shut up.

The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..


The biggest supplies of black slaves to white Europeans was.....wait for it comes.......BLACKS. Not to mention rampant slavery of blacks by blacks in the mother land. Whiny ass.
I don't care. You need to understand all this shit you and those like you talk ignore the truth of how whites gave themselves preferences and advantages by law for a minimum of 188 years. You cannot fix the damage of these 188 years in 53 especially when those rules made to address the problem have not been followed.
YOU didn't suffer those damages, and nobody living today, gained anything either. You can't talk about the present (or past 50 years), because you know YOU have gotten the unfair advantages.
But you did need a program and even more than that you needed to make it so only your kind got the chances.. That what whites like you fail to understand. I don't assume anything. Why you maggot racists seem to think that you know how we think when you can't even think for yourselves, have no cue of reality and then bark a bunch of illogical bullshit that historical fact roundly disputes is pathetic. .

It's obvious you must be a younger person. To think no white was ever discriminated against is just ignorance of our past. To think that all blacks were discriminated against is more of the same.

Whites have discriminated against other whites for many reasons years ago. At times it was nationality. Other times it was because of religion. Physical appearance was a key player for jobs that required strength.

However that was a very small group of people. Most business owners do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The worker that can produce the most of that color is the business owners favorite race or nationality. It's that way today and it was that way 70 years ago.

For instance my handyman is black. I don't use him because of his race, I use him because he knows WTF he's doing and charges reasonable rates. In fact he was just here last week to change a hot water tank. He's a tough guy to get a hold of at times because he has a lot of white customers. But he gets the job done one way or another. None of his customers are held to any quota.

Same goes for my exterminator. I hired him last summer to get rid of a few bees nests. He gave me a great price and guarantee. He had to come out four times to solve the problem and didn't charge me a dime extra. He really lost money on the job. But when I had another problem, he's the first guy I called, and he really made out on the second job.

These black people save me headaches and money. I don't care if they are pink with purple stripes. I support small business no matter who it is because it's what I believe in. I have a small business myself where I need competent labor. This is what it's about with most business people large or small.

"The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

That's exactly it too.

The thing is you only succeed in life if you learn from your mistakes. If you have an excuse for why you made the mistake, you learn nothing. It happens to all of us regardless of race.

For instance let's say you and I are after getting a job. It's a job at a widget factory. If I didn't get the job, then I have to evaluate what "I" did wrong. Maybe not enough experience, maybe a bad reference from a former employer, maybe it was my attitude or the way I answered questions at the interview, maybe it's how I filled out the job application and missed or misread a question. But if there is a way to find out why I wasn't hired, I learned something. I need to find a way to repair that mistake for my next job interview.

If I got the job instead of you, it must be because the color of your skin and that assumption will prohibit you from bettering yourself. You learned nothing. Just rack it up to all whites are racist and go no further.

I was born Feb. 25, 1961. At the time I was born, whites still were legally able to exclude people from opportunity because of race. You can try spinning the sad tale of how you think whites were discriminated against in the past but they never were by law and never have been by law. As for your widget bullshit, I'd have to do the same evaluation you did. You've not learned shit because you refuse to recognize history and claim things that are not because you're dumb and race baited. You seem to not understand the record whites have and that's because you are white and don't want to look at it. But we have to face it while you post bullshit like this you and show everyone the fact that you have learned nothing. Ray we as blacks are taught that in order to beat white racism we must be able to show ourselves to be at least 3 times as prepared for the fucking job as whites. Understand that before you post up any more of your white racist nonsense.

Oh, so you are three times more prepared by using AA?

Where is this law that states whites cannot discriminate against each other for any reason? Of course they were allowed to discriminate. They did it all the time openly. They did it with jobs, house purchases, rentals, you name it. There was no law against it.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

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