Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

I'm 57 fool. With a masters degree. I am educated and successful. You don't get to determine what sellout blacks who validate your beliefs are the ones we need to listen to. There are plenty well educated and successful blacks than the toms people like you parade in front of us. The democrats haven't told us shit. And what you need to do is shut your ass because whites are where they are due to legislation. You did nothing by yourselves. I've done better than you have, I am better educated, therefore I damn sure am not taking advice from your ignorant ass. Had I wanted advice from a 5th grader, I'd go to an elementary school.
You haven't done better than a pig. At least the sloppy hog gets what he gets, on his own. You got your masters degree from AA, and discriminated against all the whites and other non blacks.

Your "masters degree" isn't worth one sheet of toilet paper.
No one gets a degree "from AA." It just gives someone a chance to EARN one.
Whites aren't excluded. Has your white ass ever thought about the possibility that there is such a thing as an unqualified white? Have you ever fucking wondered just how long unqualified whites have been given everything only because they are white?
DODGE! The discussion isn't about UNqualified whites, it's about QUALIFIED whites, Stop Dodging and deflecting, you coward.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.

Actually I have a masters degree so I am well qualified. But the first problem your assertion carries is there are no unqualified whites and that every black who gets a job is less qualified than the whites who did not. That's racist and as long as this belief continues, it justifies the existence of the policy. The policy does not discriminate against whites especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from it.

I think it's funny that racist undereducated people like you and franco need to tell EVEYONE every chance you get how "educated" you are. Where ever you are, whatever you've gotten was given to you because you cry. Personally I think you are over compensating for your little dick. AA is for people just like you,
Post evidence of my racism. Punk. I don't lose my expertise because I'm posting on the internet nor do you gain any because you post. Punk.
Evidence of your racism is you support affirmative action. You support racist, racial discrimination.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.

Actually I have a masters degree so I am well qualified. But the first problem your assertion carries is there are no unqualified whites and that every black who gets a job is less qualified than the whites who did not. That's racist and as long as this belief continues, it justifies the existence of the policy. The policy does not discriminate against whites especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from it.

The biggest supplies of black slaves to white Europeans was.....wait for it comes.......BLACKS. Not to mention rampant slavery of blacks by blacks in the mother land.

I never said "every" did I? That's your addition in order to justify your own racism.

Look idiot, I know all about the African role in slavery. Therefore it would serve you well to not repeat what you said again. You see, if blacks had invaded Europe and gave Germans guns and weapons then promised to pay them for every British person they could capture for enslavement, Germans would have been capturing brits out the ass. Get my drift? Blacks did not create jim crow, sundown towns and the exclusionary policies after slavery ended. And you did specifically say less qualified people of color, which shows that you do not consider the reality that lesser qualified whites exist and for most of this nations history were given advantages by written law.
Post evidence of my racism. Punk. I don't lose my expertise because I'm posting on the internet nor do you gain any because you post. Punk.
Evidence of your racism is you support affirmative action. You support racist, racial discrimination.

Since AA is not racial discrimination, there is no evidence.
Less than 10% of the American population of more than 300,000,000 people has earned a Master's degree. When you adjust the numbers for women and specifically black women, the number reduces exponentially. That's not "lots of people", each one of them is a stand-out in his or her particular field.
Not if they got that degree from AA. If they did, they're a "stand-out" in phony credentials.
No, and that's the crux of the problem. To people that have an agenda such as white nationalism, there is no such thing as an unqualified white when the comparison is to a minority.
Something wrong with "nationalism" ? Something wrong with being "white" ?
I swear, protectionist didn't go to college.
You can swear all you like. I graduated from CCNY, taught Geography and Economics there for 3 years. And went to graduate school at Memphis State University, where I was discriminated against by AA.
Since AA is not racial discrimination, there is no evidence.
After that, you might as well leave this thread, You have no credibility.

It discriminates between people on the basis of race, and gives favors to those of one particular race (blacks). Racial discrimination, pure and simple. You make a fool of yourself.
It has everything to do with the present. Whites aren't excluded by this policy but you don't know what the policy entails. You are another dumb ass white person buying into the race baited narrative that AA discriminates against whites when it doesn't.
Of course it does, and it has for 50+ years. I lost an assistantship in grad school, had to drop out, lost 5 years of college hard work, down the drain. They told us is was AA. Only 8 people got assistantships, All 8 blacks who applied. Everyone else was denied.>> Whites, Hispanics, Asians, women.

I doubt that is what happened. Number 2 if it did and you understood the policy, it was due to the fact the grad school was still practicing racial discrimination. You shouldn't argue against policies you know nothing about son. Now I don't see how you lost 5 yeas of college since you got a degree, plus there were other grad schools you could have been accepted into if what you say was the case. So there is something not right with this story.

Just saw this video in my feed and was quite shocked at the stats it puts forward.

AA is helpful to white women. Historically it has been very helpful to white men.

You don't support AA?

Its not that I dont support it. Its more that I see it for what it really is. I will support it whole heartedly when It applies to Black people specifically. Until then its just another reason for low level white boys to whine about not being able to get a job ahead of others automatically.
Clinton & Obama closed the black employment gap. Bush Depression widened the gap.
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I swear, protectionist didn't go to college.
You can swear all you like. I graduated from CCNY, taught Geography and Economics there for 3 years. And went to graduate school at Memphis State University, where I was discriminated against by AA.

So you went to a school in Tennessee that apparently was found to be in violation of anti discriminating laws and you are crying about being discriminated against. But how were you able to teach in a unversity without a Ph.d?
Waiting for governance to legislate a meritocracy is like waiting for the 2nd coming.....~S~

Especially since that government never operated on merit from it's first day.

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