Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

Interesting logic

If you benefitted from a tilted playing field for centuries, just declare everything even Steven

The point of affirmative action was to open up opportunities worked
IF ? Who living today has "benefitted from a tilted playing field" ? (that existed in the 1950s and earlier). You'd have to be about 100 years old. And while AA may have opened up opportunities to blacks, it unfairly CLOSED opportunities to whites and other (non-black) races .

Anyone supporting AA, is a racist. Period.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.
Walter Williams is an idiot much like Sowell that whites like you fall back on like what they say is gospel. Only black people didn't create the problems. Only blacks cannot solve them if whites remain racists.
The whites who remain racist are those who support AA.
I don't care. You need to understand all this shit you and those like you talk ignore the truth of how whites gave themselves preferences and advantages by law for a minimum of 188 years. You cannot fix the damage of these 188 years in 53 especially when those rules made to address the problem have not been followed.
YOU didn't suffer those damages, and nobody living today, gained anything either. You can't talk about the present (or past 50 years), because you know YOU have gotten the unfair advantages.

Actually I have and so have millions of non whites. The damages have not been fixed. And yes, you gained.

"The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now."
Teflon Theory of History

This is what you believe and it's fake news.
It can't be because it isn't. Why didn't Trump make Carson surgeon general? How about the head of health and human services? He was a more accomplished doctor than Price. You see Ray, your "whiteness" creates an ignorance of many things. Trump puts a black face on HUD which is supposed to show us blacks that he cares and has a black person who will work to help us.
You're saying all this with a racist AA mindset, that puts people in jobs because they're black. Tell us about all the whites who would NOT get the job your talking about.
Racial discrimination in housing.
Central Park 5
Has never hired a black person at the Trump organization as an executive
Africa is a s-hole country
Africans all have aids and live in grass huts.
White suprmacits at good people
Mexicans are rapists and murders
A Mexican judge can't give him a far trial
All blacks live in poverty , with bad schools, no jobs, and all we can do is hope not to get shot.

Trump is a racist.
Trump didn't say those things, those ideas are distortions of what he said and meant. You're either a creep or a dumbass for repeating them.
All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
Denying there is subconscious racism is about as illiterate as you can get.

You poor, disenfranchised little nappy headed kids have it so bad :( Were you ever owned?
What does being owned have to do with racism you poor furry bodied little rhesus monkey?
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.

Actually I have a masters degree so I am well qualified. But the first problem your assertion carries is there are no unqualified whites and that every black who gets a job is less qualified than the whites who did not. That's racist and as long as this belief continues, it justifies the existence of the policy. The policy does not discriminate against whites especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from it.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.

Actually I have a masters degree so I am well qualified. But the first problem your assertion carries is there are no unqualified whites and that every black who gets a job is less qualified than the whites who did not. That's racist and as long as this belief continues, it justifies the existence of the policy. The policy does not discriminate against whites especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from it.

The biggest supplies of black slaves to white Europeans was.....wait for it comes.......BLACKS. Not to mention rampant slavery of blacks by blacks in the mother land.

I never said "every" did I? That's your addition in order to justify your own racism.
It has everything to do with the present. Whites aren't excluded by this policy but you don't know what the policy entails. You are another dumb ass white person buying into the race baited narrative that AA discriminates against whites when it doesn't.
Of course it does, and it has for 50+ years. I lost an assistantship in grad school, had to drop out, lost 5 years of college hard work, down the drain. They told us is was AA. Only 8 people got assistantships, All 8 blacks who applied. Everyone else was denied.>> Whites, Hispanics, Asians, women.
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
Denying there is subconscious racism is about as illiterate as you can get.

You poor, disenfranchised little nappy headed kids have it so bad :( Were you ever owned?
What does being owned have to do with racism you poor furry bodied little rhesus monkey?

I have neither the inclination nor enough crayons to explain it to you. Move to Seattle, I hear the minimum wage is 15 bucks there.
The same old dumb racist comeback. Whites are not discriminated against by AA. So shut up..
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.

Actually I have a masters degree so I am well qualified. But the first problem your assertion carries is there are no unqualified whites and that every black who gets a job is less qualified than the whites who did not. That's racist and as long as this belief continues, it justifies the existence of the policy. The policy does not discriminate against whites especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from it.

The biggest supplies of black slaves to white Europeans was.....wait for it comes.......BLACKS. Not to mention rampant slavery of blacks by blacks in the mother land.

I never said "every" did I? That's your addition in order to justify your own racism.
Of course the biggest "supplies" of Black slaves were Black people. What kind of stupid comment is that? Now if youre talking about suppliers that would be whites attacking and invading parts of Africa.
Would you like for me to start off with the 3/5ths compromise and go on from there? Do you not understand hat 20 years after the Brown case schools were still segregated? Do you not understand that until the late 1980's people were not following the laws made pertaining to civil rights and equal opportunity. Do you not understand that the Bakke case was decided just 13 years after the executive order was signed? I was in on a class action suit for racial discrimination in 1993, so yes, I know what I'm saying.
All non-backs in my grad school were denied assistantships, by AA >> It was 1977.
BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
Denying there is subconscious racism is about as illiterate as you can get.

You poor, disenfranchised little nappy headed kids have it so bad :( Were you ever owned?
What does being owned have to do with racism you poor furry bodied little rhesus monkey?

I have neither the inclination nor enough crayons to explain it to you. Move to Seattle, I hear the minimum wage is 15 bucks there.
If you cant explain what you said you must have been too ignorant of the concept for it to be simple. Why would I limit myself to $15?
Of course the biggest "supplies" of Black slaves were Black people. What kind of stupid comment is that? Now if you're talking about suppliers that would be whites attacking and invading parts of Africa.
FALSE! The largest number of sellers were blacks in Central Africa. Greatest number (by far) of
those attacking and invading parts of central Africa, were Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa, (for centuries)

In fact, slavery is so endemic in North Africa, that the Arabic word for black (abed or abeed), also means "slave"
Racial discrimination in housing.
Central Park 5
Has never hired a black person at the Trump organization as an executive
Africa is a s-hole country
Africans all have aids and live in grass huts.
White suprmacits at good people
Mexicans are rapists and murders
A Mexican judge can't give him a far trial
All blacks live in poverty , with bad schools, no jobs, and all we can do is hope not to get shot.

Trump is a racist.
Trump didn't say those things, those ideas are distortions of what he said and meant. You're either a creep or a dumbass for repeating them.

Trump sad or did all of these things.

Trump Calls Mexican's Rapists

Donald Trump rails against judge's 'Mexican heritage'

Trump to Black Voters: What Do You Have to Lose?

Former Trump Rental Agent Describes Racist Policy
YOU KNOW they are, as does everyone else. Doesn't get you anywhere to talk stupid, by denying what exists. You just lose credibility here, tat's all.

I've lost no credibility. You don't have any for me to concern myself with. The policy does not discriminate against whites that's a fact.

Of course it does, it was designed to give lesser qualified people of color like yourself an advantage over more qualified people.

Actually I have a masters degree so I am well qualified. But the first problem your assertion carries is there are no unqualified whites and that every black who gets a job is less qualified than the whites who did not. That's racist and as long as this belief continues, it justifies the existence of the policy. The policy does not discriminate against whites especially given the fact whites have benefitted the most from it.

The biggest supplies of black slaves to white Europeans was.....wait for it comes.......BLACKS. Not to mention rampant slavery of blacks by blacks in the mother land.

I never said "every" did I? That's your addition in order to justify your own racism.
Of course the biggest "supplies" of Black slaves were Black people. What kind of stupid comment is that? Now if youre talking about suppliers that would be whites attacking and invading parts of Africa.

Sorry boy, other Blacks supplied far and away the biggest number of "your people" to the White Europeans. That alone abrogates any legitimacy to your whining.
That's typical leftist propaganda "subconscious racism". How convenient. You can use that term whenever you need to punish someone for not bowing to AA.
Denying there is subconscious racism is about as illiterate as you can get.

You poor, disenfranchised little nappy headed kids have it so bad :( Were you ever owned?
What does being owned have to do with racism you poor furry bodied little rhesus monkey?

I have neither the inclination nor enough crayons to explain it to you. Move to Seattle, I hear the minimum wage is 15 bucks there.
If you cant explain what you said you must have been too ignorant of the concept for it to be simple. Why would I limit myself to $15?

$15 is more than you're worth. Your "people" sold people just like you to whites.
I'm 57 fool. With a masters degree. I am educated and successful. You don't get to determine what sellout blacks who validate your beliefs are the ones we need to listen to. There are plenty well educated and successful blacks than the toms people like you parade in front of us. The democrats haven't told us shit. And what you need to do is shut your ass because whites are where they are due to legislation. You did nothing by yourselves. I've done better than you have, I am better educated, therefore I damn sure am not taking advice from your ignorant ass. Had I wanted advice from a 5th grader, I'd go to an elementary school.
You haven't done better than a pig. At least the sloppy hog gets what he gets, on his own. You got your masters degree from AA, and discriminated against all the whites and other non blacks.

Your "masters degree" isn't worth one sheet of toilet paper.

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