Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

I live in the present. There has been no "100 percent quota for whites" in over half a century. Why is it that you cannot live in the present too?

We all live in the present and that present is the result of the past. So your excuse is not suitable. The present shows that whites are still practicing discrimination. It also shows that since whites get the majority of opportunities there is no discrimination against whites. I live in reality. Why is it that you can't live in reality too?

Go cry to mommy, AA is the child of phony White Guilt. It let's under qualified people get ahead of qualified people. It's reverse racism.
Affirmative Action was a natural progression of the Civil Rights Act

No colored need apply

Nope. Reverse racism plain and simple.

No such thing as reverse discrimination and AA certainly is not it. The numbers shows this.

Of course there is, you Blacks don't get to decide what is or isn't "real". If you're an inferior candidate go work at Walmart.
Tilly has decided to laugh, and that in itself is funny.


White Women and Affirmative Action: Prime Beneficiaries and Opponents

According to the United States Labor Department, the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women. The Department of Labor estimated that 6 million white women workers are in higher occupational classifications today than they would have been without affirmative action policies. This pays off in dividends in the labor force and to (mostly) white men and families. You can see how some of these benefits accrue to white women in the following infographic from the Center for American Progress (from 2012):

White Women and Affirmative Action: Prime Beneficiaries and Opponents -

First link--not found.

Secondly it's an opinion, not a fact. When jobs are given to white women, nobody knows why. It's not like employers sit there and say "We're hiring you because of government quotas."

Fake News.
We do not know the rationale for individual hiring actions

However, we do know that overall, more white women are in professional positions and executive positions that were once exclusively held by white males

Credit affirmative action

No, we don't know that. Again, no way to prove it one way or another.
Plenty of proof

I have seen a regeneration of the workforce in the 40 years I have worked.
I started in a workforce where almost all the managers and executives were white, male, christians.

Now the workforce and top level positions are open to minorities, women, Asians, gays, handicapped

Thank Affirmative Action

They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts
Whites had a 100 percent quota for almost 200 years, You really need to be quiet.

I live in the present. There has been no "100 percent quota for whites" in over half a century. Why is it that you cannot live in the present too?

We all live in the present and that present is the result of the past. So your excuse is not suitable. The present shows that whites are still practicing discrimination. It also shows that since whites get the majority of opportunities there is no discrimination against whites. I live in reality. Why is it that you can't live in reality too?

Go cry to mommy, AA is the child of phony White Guilt. It let's under qualified people get ahead of qualified people. It's reverse racism.

Has it ever entered your addled brain that there are unqualified whites who are out there now and who got opportunities over better qualified people of color because of laws excluding people of color for almost 200 years?

Again, if you or ANYONE else is an unqualified candidate you shouldn't be allowed to throw the race card, quit whining like a chile and better yourself. You whiny assed colored folk is jus all uppity and shit crying everybody OWES you. Nobody owes you anything boy. Nobody.
AA is the reason Obama was appointed the President of Harvard Law School. The left wants us to believe he was there because he was so darn smart.
AA is the reason Obama was appointed the President of Harvard Law School. The left wants us to believe he was there because he was so darn smart.
The Great Obama graduated at the top of his class

Affirmative action cannot do that
AA is the reason Obama was appointed the President of Harvard Law School. The left wants us to believe he was there because he was so darn smart.

And that is a good example. What if DumBama was there because he was so smart? People might automatically assume his success was because of AA and not because of his own abilities.
First link--not found.

Secondly it's an opinion, not a fact. When jobs are given to white women, nobody knows why. It's not like employers sit there and say "We're hiring you because of government quotas."

Fake News.
We do not know the rationale for individual hiring actions

However, we do know that overall, more white women are in professional positions and executive positions that were once exclusively held by white males

Credit affirmative action

No, we don't know that. Again, no way to prove it one way or another.
Plenty of proof

I have seen a regeneration of the workforce in the 40 years I have worked.
I started in a workforce where almost all the managers and executives were white, male, christians.

Now the workforce and top level positions are open to minorities, women, Asians, gays, handicapped

Thank Affirmative Action

They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts

Maybe that's why government is so incompetent. They are hiring based on race and gender instead of hiring who could do the best job at the best price.
The left are whiney little kids that demand a nanny government intervene and make life fair. Life isn't fair. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you lose or win by a roll of the dice when you shouldn't have. That's life. Grow up.
We do not know the rationale for individual hiring actions

However, we do know that overall, more white women are in professional positions and executive positions that were once exclusively held by white males

Credit affirmative action

No, we don't know that. Again, no way to prove it one way or another.
Plenty of proof

I have seen a regeneration of the workforce in the 40 years I have worked.
I started in a workforce where almost all the managers and executives were white, male, christians.

Now the workforce and top level positions are open to minorities, women, Asians, gays, handicapped

Thank Affirmative Action

They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts

Maybe that's why government is so incompetent. They are hiring based on race and gender instead of hiring who could do the best job at the best price.
I spent 40 years in the government

In the early years of affirmative action, people were promoted to positions they were not prepared for. Over time, more qualified minorities and women took those jobs.

Now, nobody even notices

Affirmative action was a success
No, we don't know that. Again, no way to prove it one way or another.
Plenty of proof

I have seen a regeneration of the workforce in the 40 years I have worked.
I started in a workforce where almost all the managers and executives were white, male, christians.

Now the workforce and top level positions are open to minorities, women, Asians, gays, handicapped

Thank Affirmative Action

They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts

Maybe that's why government is so incompetent. They are hiring based on race and gender instead of hiring who could do the best job at the best price.
I spent 40 years in the government

In the early years of affirmative action, people were promoted to positions they were not prepared for. Over time, more qualified minorities and women took those jobs.

Now, nobody even notices

Affirmative action was a success
I believe you spent 40 years in government. Defending the promotion of people for positions they were not qualified for just proves my point. Government is the most inefficient and wasteful way to run something as important as my healthcare.
No, we don't know that. Again, no way to prove it one way or another.
Plenty of proof

I have seen a regeneration of the workforce in the 40 years I have worked.
I started in a workforce where almost all the managers and executives were white, male, christians.

Now the workforce and top level positions are open to minorities, women, Asians, gays, handicapped

Thank Affirmative Action

They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts

Maybe that's why government is so incompetent. They are hiring based on race and gender instead of hiring who could do the best job at the best price.
I spent 40 years in the government

In the early years of affirmative action, people were promoted to positions they were not prepared for. Over time, more qualified minorities and women took those jobs.

Now, nobody even notices

Affirmative action was a success

I see. So what you are saying is that AA put unqualified people in those positions. Now if (over time) they actually became qualified, do you think AA would have had anything to do with it?

Because if what your are telling me is true, then AA actually may have held back minorities and women. Instead of taking steps to be a better employee, just relied on this AA program instead, and forget about trying or advancing your education.
Plenty of proof

I have seen a regeneration of the workforce in the 40 years I have worked.
I started in a workforce where almost all the managers and executives were white, male, christians.

Now the workforce and top level positions are open to minorities, women, Asians, gays, handicapped

Thank Affirmative Action

They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts

Maybe that's why government is so incompetent. They are hiring based on race and gender instead of hiring who could do the best job at the best price.
I spent 40 years in the government

In the early years of affirmative action, people were promoted to positions they were not prepared for. Over time, more qualified minorities and women took those jobs.

Now, nobody even notices

Affirmative action was a success
I believe you spent 40 years in government. Defending the promotion of people for positions they were not qualified for just proves my point. Government is the most inefficient and wasteful way to run something as important as my healthcare.

You have to crawl before you can walk. Women, minorities, the handicapped had to be given opportunities
That they were not instantly successful does not negate the overall success of affirmative action
They were always open to those people, however back in the day, most women were housewives with children and minorities didn't have the education to get those jobs. They worked in blue-collar labor like most other white people.

Businesses don't avoid hiring people because of their race or gender. If they avoid hiring people, it's because of the circumstance that comes with them.

For instance years ago I worked for a company owned by a Jewish guy. He avoided hiring young females for the office. He preferred older women. Why? Because of insurance costs. Delivering a baby was always expensive and medical care thereafter a cost as well, so he liked to hire older women who's children were in their teen years or adults themselves. He had nothing against having an office of young attractive females. It's just that he didn't want the expense and girls calling off all the time because of their children's illness or trouble in school, or otherwise decide to quit the job to be a full-time mother.
In a private business, you can hire anyone you want.
Affirmative action rules applied to government agencies and businesses seeking government contracts

Maybe that's why government is so incompetent. They are hiring based on race and gender instead of hiring who could do the best job at the best price.
I spent 40 years in the government

In the early years of affirmative action, people were promoted to positions they were not prepared for. Over time, more qualified minorities and women took those jobs.

Now, nobody even notices

Affirmative action was a success
I believe you spent 40 years in government. Defending the promotion of people for positions they were not qualified for just proves my point. Government is the most inefficient and wasteful way to run something as important as my healthcare.

You have to crawl before you can walk. Women, minorities, the handicapped had to be given opportunities
That they were not instantly successful does not negate the overall success of affirmative action
I believe in treating everyone the same, regardless of skin color. Way past time to bring this racism to an end. Let's live in the dream of MLK.
All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?
For hundreds of years, white, male, Christians got jobs just because of their sex and skin color

Minorities or women need not apply
That has to do with generations before those living now. It was in the years before affirmative action. Before the 1960s. Few people working today ever lived through it that.

Almost everyone now has lived through the affirmative action era, and are either beneficiaries or victims of it. Wonderful, English Queen Mary II died of smallpox in 1694, at the young age of 32. Lots of terrible things happened in times that came before us. But they don't apply to us now.

PBS TV shows constantly batter us with footage of early civil rights strife in the 1940s and 50s. Their only purpose is political propaganda.
It's really something a sane person shouldn't need explained. From 1776 until 1965 by law whites were given every opportunity based only upon skin color by written law. AA does not discriminate unless you think whites deserve every job, every admission or every contract.
Of course it discriminates. And does so, regardless of who deserves what. If you give a job, a promotion, a college admission, a college assistantship, a business loan, etc. to someone just because their black, you've discriminated against everyone who isn't black - Period.
All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
You need it to see the applicant personally. Mannerisms, sound of the voice, temperament, etc. And then compare applicants. But what does this have to do with affirmative action discrimination ?

BEcause thats when subconscious racism can come into play .
The left is constantly crying about "fairness". When an unqualified person is given a position solely based on skin color, gender, etc, that isn't fair to those that are qualified.

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