Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

<snipped> supports my point how AA is a total failure.

You and a few others keep repeating this in spite of all of the information, original legislative documents, historical documents, etc. presented. And you demanded proof that affirmative action did not benefit white women more than anyone else and that proof was provided to you, in spades (no pun intended). So can you present anything that counters what has been posted here? Not outliers, but documented patterns and practices obtained from investigative, court, employment records, government compliance audits, U.S. Department of Labor statistic, and/or other documents which show "AA is a total failure".
Maybe it's best to view AA in a 'no good deed goes unpunished' light? Especially seeing the SCOTUS grind gears

Damn! What traits do you believe disqualifies people from ever being IN a college?

Money for one.

Occidental, Columbia? Are those community colleges? I'm not sure. Or maybe DumBama came from a very wealthy family? Not sure about that either.

Don't play stupid. Columbia is an Ivy League school and you know it.

Yes, I do know it. What I don't know is how this kid with little money got into such a school unless it was on some sort of program. :afro:
Yes, and you said the same thing:

No I didn't. .

Me: When jobs are given nobody knows why.

Ray: When jobs are given to white women, nobody knows why

I don't mean to be rude here, but are you sure you went to college??????

You questioning my education doesn't change the fact that we did not say the same thing.

This is second grade stuff here. You said when jobs are given, nobody knows why. I said the same thing with white women. Is there some kind of difference between jobs given to anybody and white women?

There is no need to answer my question about your education. I think the answer pretty obvious now. I also think your answer qualifies your claim of professional success.

However if there is any truth to your claims, it supports my point how AA is a total failure.

There is a difference because your claim was that others get jobs because if AA but once you were shown how whites were the prime benefactor suddenly we don't know that for white women. Ray, I helped build 3 businesses and retired at 52. You still work. I've done better than you, so if AA is what you say maybe you need to look for it.

Yes, well this is very common among liberals. They all seem to own businesses, self-employed, independently wealthy, work from home, or comfortabley early retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What I find most amazing is that all the successful leftists here talk like they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They say government needs to take more of their money (even though they can freely give it to government themselves) talk about giving to the poor (even though they are not poor themselves) talk about increasing minimum wage (even though they have never worked for minimum wage) support Commie Care (even though they are wealthy enough to have their own health insurance) and believe government should force industry to pay their employees more (even though they know it will drive businesses out of the country).

And here you are, early retired, owned several businesses, a self-made minority preaching about how others who didn't work nearly as hard as you be handed a meal ticket like AA.

I'll tell ya, you people are such philanthropists. Always looking out for people other than yourselves. So sweet.....

The reason it's confusing to me is because I know successful people. I have several of them in my family. None of them ever talked like the self proclaimed successful leftists here on USMB. They all believe that their hard work is why they are doing well today. They believe handouts are just keeping the poor--poor. They believe in government staying out of their lives--not forcing themselves in, and of course the money they make rightfully belongs to them--not the government.

Just so confusing because even those successful people I'm associated with work even harder for greater success. They don't have time to spend day and night on USMB. I barely see them check in on Facebook.
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You have not corrected anything.

Education Requirements for Becoming a College Professor
Upon completion of a Bachelor's Degree, you would need to enter into Graduate School. College professors need at least a Master's Degree. However, in many cases, a Doctoral Degree is required as well. While in school, those desiring to become a college professor should participate in available internships or employment opportunities that could enhance their teaching and research experience. This could include holding an assistantship in Graduate School (TA) and maintaining good academic and working relationships with professors.

College Professor | Requirements | Salary | Jobs |

Typical Requirements to Become a Higher Education Teacher
Minimum Education Level Master’s degree. Most colleges and universities require a doctorate degree in order to teach, but some allow those with masters degrees.

How to Become a Higher Education Teacher | TeachingDegree

LIE, I corrected your atrocious spelling not even knowing the proper abbreviation for "Doctor of Philosophy". You are pitiful.

You really don't know most of those who teach in a university are NOT a professor?

Your idol, former President Barack Hussein Obama was never a professor and yet he taught at a university. How could that happen?
You idiot. The school Obama taught at said he was a professor.

"UC Law School statement: The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer." From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School’s Senior Lecturers have high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined."
Elizabeth Warren is a "professor". Means nothing. There are professors and there are professors.
Of course it means something. If it meant nothing then it wouldnt be a prestigious position you moron.
So you're a fan of Professor Elizabeth Warren? Isn't that special, putrid pusillanimous pissant prairie punk.
Damn! What traits do you believe disqualifies people from ever being IN a college?

Money for one.

Occidental, Columbia? Are those community colleges? I'm not sure. Or maybe DumBama came from a very wealthy family? Not sure about that either.

Don't play stupid. Columbia is an Ivy League school and you know it.

Yes, I do know it. What I don't know is how this kid with little money got into such a school unless it was on some sort of program. :afro:

If I were white, I'd really be extra quiet about getting things because of programs.
Affirmative action hurts those more qualified...needs to end
Agreed. One just has to ask oneself, "do I want the best quality doctor I can get or, someone who barely scraped by in college and only got in, because he/she was a minority?"
What do you call the person who graduated last in their medical school class?

Damn! What traits do you believe disqualifies people from ever being IN a college?

Money for one.

Occidental, Columbia? Are those community colleges? I'm not sure. Or maybe DumBama came from a very wealthy family? Not sure about that either.

Don't play stupid. Columbia is an Ivy League school and you know it.

Yes, I do know it. What I don't know is how this kid with little money got into such a school unless it was on some sort of program. :afro:
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No I didn't. .

Me: When jobs are given nobody knows why.

Ray: When jobs are given to white women, nobody knows why

I don't mean to be rude here, but are you sure you went to college??????

You questioning my education doesn't change the fact that we did not say the same thing.

This is second grade stuff here. You said when jobs are given, nobody knows why. I said the same thing with white women. Is there some kind of difference between jobs given to anybody and white women?

There is no need to answer my question about your education. I think the answer pretty obvious now. I also think your answer qualifies your claim of professional success.

However if there is any truth to your claims, it supports my point how AA is a total failure.

There is a difference because your claim was that others get jobs because if AA but once you were shown how whites were the prime benefactor suddenly we don't know that for white women. Ray, I helped build 3 businesses and retired at 52. You still work. I've done better than you, so if AA is what you say maybe you need to look for it.

Yes, well this is very common among liberals. They all seem to own businesses, self-employed, independently wealthy, work from home, or comfortabley early retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What I find most amazing is that all the successful leftists here talk like they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They say government needs to take more of their money (even though they can freely give it to government themselves) talk about giving to the poor (even though they are not poor themselves) talk about increasing minimum wage (even though they have never worked for minimum wage) support Commie Care (even though they are wealthy enough to have their own health insurance) and believe government should force industry to pay their employees more (even though they know it will drive businesses out of the country).

And here you are, early retired, owned several businesses, a self-made minority preaching about how others who didn't work nearly as hard as you be handed a meal ticket like AA.

I'll tell ya, you people are such philanthropists. Always looking out for people other than yourselves. So sweet.....

The reason it's confusing to me is because I know successful people. I have several of them in my family. None of them ever talked like the self proclaimed successful leftists here on USMB. They all believe that their hard work is why they are doing well today. They believe handouts are just keeping the poor--poor. They believe in government staying out of their lives--not forcing themselves in, and of course the money they make rightfully belongs to them--not the government.

Just so confusing because even those successful people I'm associated with work even harder for greater success. They don't have time to spend day and night on USMB. I barely see them check in on Facebook.

I helped build businesses, I did not own. I retired early yes. But I'm working on a personal project. Over 30 years ago I was selling insurance, but I did not find satisfaction in that. So I could have been rich by monetary standards but I chose to give my time to help people while getting paid far less. So the thing here Ray is there is more to philanthropy than giving money. You conservatives are stunted in your growth as humans so everything to you revolves around money. You are white. Everything whites have is due to legislation. The historical record shows this. White progress is the result of consistent handouts, and if you want to argue about it, we can start with the headright program and move on to right now. So what you need to do is shut your mouth.
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<snipped> supports my point how AA is a total failure.

You and a few others keep repeating this in spite of all of the information, original legislative documents, historical documents, etc. presented. And you demanded proof that affirmative action did not benefit white women more than anyone else and that proof was provided to you, in spades (no pun intended). So can you present anything that counters what has been posted here? Not outliers, but documented patterns and practices obtained from investigative, court, employment records, government compliance audits, U.S. Department of Labor statistic, and/or other documents which show "AA is a total failure".

He can't. He can only say it's a failure and think because the other 5 racists say it with him, that is proof the program failed.
I don't mean to be rude here, but are you sure you went to college??????

You questioning my education doesn't change the fact that we did not say the same thing.

This is second grade stuff here. You said when jobs are given, nobody knows why. I said the same thing with white women. Is there some kind of difference between jobs given to anybody and white women?

There is no need to answer my question about your education. I think the answer pretty obvious now. I also think your answer qualifies your claim of professional success.

However if there is any truth to your claims, it supports my point how AA is a total failure.

There is a difference because your claim was that others get jobs because if AA but once you were shown how whites were the prime benefactor suddenly we don't know that for white women. Ray, I helped build 3 businesses and retired at 52. You still work. I've done better than you, so if AA is what you say maybe you need to look for it.

Yes, well this is very common among liberals. They all seem to own businesses, self-employed, independently wealthy, work from home, or comfortabley early retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What I find most amazing is that all the successful leftists here talk like they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They say government needs to take more of their money (even though they can freely give it to government themselves) talk about giving to the poor (even though they are not poor themselves) talk about increasing minimum wage (even though they have never worked for minimum wage) support Commie Care (even though they are wealthy enough to have their own health insurance) and believe government should force industry to pay their employees more (even though they know it will drive businesses out of the country).

And here you are, early retired, owned several businesses, a self-made minority preaching about how others who didn't work nearly as hard as you be handed a meal ticket like AA.

I'll tell ya, you people are such philanthropists. Always looking out for people other than yourselves. So sweet.....

The reason it's confusing to me is because I know successful people. I have several of them in my family. None of them ever talked like the self proclaimed successful leftists here on USMB. They all believe that their hard work is why they are doing well today. They believe handouts are just keeping the poor--poor. They believe in government staying out of their lives--not forcing themselves in, and of course the money they make rightfully belongs to them--not the government.

Just so confusing because even those successful people I'm associated with work even harder for greater success. They don't have time to spend day and night on USMB. I barely see them check in on Facebook.

I helped build businesses, I did not own. I retired early yes. But I'm working on a personal project. Over 30 years ago I was selling insurance, but I did not find satisfaction in that. So I could have been rich by monetary standards but I chose to give my time to help people while getting paid far less. So the thing here Ray is there is more to philanthropy than giving money. You conservatives are stunted in your growth as humans so everything to you revolves around money. You are white. Everything whites have is due to legislation. The historical record shows this. White progress is the result of consistent handouts, and if you want to argue about it, we can start with the headright program and move on to right now. So what you need to do is shut your mouth.

LOL, I love the sound of whiny assed black racists in the smells like......victory. Who are you to tell anyone to shut their mouth "boy" ? You have it as backward, again, you, (not all blacks), but you, are inferior and it shows in every pos. You resent that you couldn't accomplish ANYTHING on your own and that you've had to depend on Whitey's Government for everything you have, truly successful people, truly educated people have no need to trumpet it from the roof tops. You do it in every other post, you're a racist black fraud who is (as I said yesterday) over compensating. AA is your religion and your ego (or the lack there of) is your crutch.

Go preach your shit in Watts, they'll listen to you.
I have to laugh at you "boy", you brought up the "Headright" program. To whom did the white Europeans go to to supply the needed man power? That's right, blacks. They went and bought blacks from blacks. Dumbass.
Affirmative Action has been great for white women. Done very little for anyone else. Personally, I am opposed to it, as well as all quota systems. They are a bandaid "solution".
Affirmative Action has been great for white women. Done very little for anyone else. Personally, I am opposed to it, as well as all quota systems. They are a bandaid "solution".
They were necessary
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Affirmative Action has been great for white women. Done very little for anyone else. Personally, I am opposed to it, as well as all quota systems. They are a bandaid "solution".
They were necessary

Were they? Who were they meant to help? Blacks? The wealth gap between blacks and whites in the U.S. is nearly the same as it was 50 years ago. Progress has to come naturally. It cannot be mandated. And part (not all, but a not so insignificant part) of the reason blacks remain substantially behind whites and Asians in wealth is because they want/choose to remain segregated. You cannot force them to adapt and take part in the behaviors and communities that make whites and Asians wealthy.
...The reason it's confusing to me is because I know successful people. I have several of them in my family. None of them ever talked like the self proclaimed successful leftists here on USMB. They all believe that their hard work is why they are doing well today. They believe handouts are just keeping the poor--poor. They believe in government staying out of their lives--not forcing themselves in, and of course the money they make rightfully belongs to them--not the government.

Just so confusing because even those successful people I'm associated with work even harder for greater success. They don't have time to spend day and night on USMB. I barely see them check in on Facebook.
How do you define success? I suspect that some of our criteria might be a little different. I also suspect that because I'm African American and learned of the history of my own family as well as that of other African Americans that I've gained a certain awareness of how we got to where we are today. None of us got to where we are today without assistance and the many sacrifices of those who went before us. Yes hard work goes a long way towards being successful but so does having opportunities and options. When I posted the information on the "Black Codes" it was to demonstrate how laws were passed to specially restrict the the movement and upward mobility of people of African descent. As a race African Americans were hobbled with a series of racist, legislative, impediments and speaking from my own personal experience have had 50 years to learn how to circumvent the legislative protections that were put in place in accordance with the Civil Rights Act.

This whole conversation started because of the false premise that "affirmative action takes jobs from qualified white people and gives them to unqualified black people" which has been sounded debunked yet it's still being stated as fact.

As far as time spent on this message board, is that a complaint because being able to argue (or debate) one's position in addition to taking apart your opponent's claim is good practice for anyone. Especially being able to do so in a civil manner
I swear, protectionist didn't go to college.
You can swear all you like. I graduated from CCNY, taught Geography and Economics there for 3 years. And went to graduate school at Memphis State University, where I was discriminated against by AA.
Well, then you know it was your abilities that got you -- and everyone else who graduated -- through college.

Just saw this video in my feed and was quite shocked at the stats it puts forward.

AA is helpful to white women. Historically it has been very helpful to white men.

You don't support AA?

Its not that I dont support it. Its more that I see it for what it really is. I will support it whole heartedly when It applies to Black people specifically. Until then its just another reason for low level white boys to whine about not being able to get a job ahead of others automatically.

What is it, really?
Affirmative Action has been great for white women. Done very little for anyone else. Personally, I am opposed to it, as well as all quota systems. They are a bandaid "solution".
Quotas have been illegal for a long while.

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