Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

You don't know that - I've lived in both all black areas as well as all white areas and I hated being in both. But where you live doesn't answer the question as to whether or not you have any African American friends and I'm not asking to try to make you feel bad it's just that you get a different perspective on how people are more alike than different when you spend time with them as friends. And also because you seem convinced that the majority of black people are inferior to whites and that the majority of whites have been harmed due to lost opportunities given over to inferior and unqualified blacks. If this is not what you truly believe then I'm telling you, this is how you're coming across. And the reason we've still discussing this is because your perception that it was never needed and certainly not need now in 2018 is simply not true:

Yes, I've had black friends and coworkers in the past. We differed on opinions many times when it came to race. Whites and blacks are as different as men and women. Two totally different people.

An example of that is a joke I make about when my neighborhood changed. I listen to the police scanner all the time. When this was a white area, the police would call in a person of concern saying the first name and spelling the last. Kind of like Arnold Kaminsky. First name common spelling, last name K-A-M-I-N-S-K-I When blacks moved in, it was just the opposite. They'd spell the first name and say the last. Kamisha Williams. First name K-A-M-I-S-H-A, Last name Williams, common spelling.

Sorry if you find it offensive, but it's funny and true at the same time.

As for your stories, I would have to research them individually which I don't have time for. I will say however that I suspect some of these suits are just lottery tickets.

Whites and blacks would joke around all the time about race on the job years ago. Some still do it today. For instance I used to have a coworker named Jewls. After Christmas, I would say something like "How was your holiday Jewls, did you have a WHTIE Christmas??? He would respond with something like "No, but if I did, there would have been a lot of ass kicking" and we would just laugh. We joked like that all the time. You can't do things like that today. Today, it might be considered racial intimidation and some money grabber would file charges against the company. At one time you used to be able to flirt with the women you worked with. Today, if you look at a female coworker with a half-grin, they would march to HR and file a complaint. You could even get fired for something like that today. It's a real shame.

Now as for any one of your stories that may be legit, I would say that our laws are working and it has nothing to do with AA. It has to do with discrimination laws that would be here with or without quotas.

You don't get to file lottery tickets to the EEC. If you understood what it takes to show evidence of racial discrimination you'd shut up. And really Ray, you need be quiet about quotas given whites had 100 percent quota by law for at least 188 years.

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

"There is a very fundamental difference between 'affirmative action' and the so called 'quotas' . As the renowned sociologist Theodor Adorno had to say - An affirmative action goal provides a target to strive for and to measure the success of your recruitment efforts. A quota indicates that the result is pre-determined and inflexible."

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

It's time to stop listening to white race pimps who don't know anything about the policy.
Evidently, something must be wrong with your ability to comprehend English. I said white nationalism, in which I used as a term, and not two separate words. Yes, there is something wrong with white nationalism, just like there is something wrong with black nationalism, both ideologies cause divisiveness and separatism.

Learn to read what is written and not argue something that isn't there....maybe that is the reason you were passed over on all those "internships", you claimed you missed out on because of AA, and not because blacks took your place.
You seem to miss my point. That's OK.
Evidently, something must be wrong with your ability to comprehend English. I said white nationalism, in which I used as a term, and not two separate words. Yes, there is something wrong with white nationalism, just like there is something wrong with black nationalism, both ideologies cause divisiveness and separatism.

Learn to read what is written and not argue something that isn't there....maybe that is the reason you were passed over on all those "internships", you claimed you missed out on because of AA, and not because blacks took your place.
You seem to miss my point. That's OK.

Nobody missed your point.
You don't get to file lottery tickets to the EEC. If you understood what it takes to show evidence of racial discrimination you'd shut up. And really Ray, you need be quiet about quotas given whites had 100 percent quota by law for at least 188 years.

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

"There is a very fundamental difference between 'affirmative action' and the so called 'quotas' . As the renowned sociologist Theodor Adorno had to say - An affirmative action goal provides a target to strive for and to measure the success of your recruitment efforts. A quota indicates that the result is

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

It's time to stop listening to white race pimps who don't know anything about the policy.
BULL! AA can be pre-determined and inflexible to give to blacks and withhold from whites, with or without quotas (liberals favorite AA DODGE)
Whites and blacks are as different as men and women.

Are you a white separatist or is it white nationalist?

Which is what I anticipated. So the airline made their decision on behalf of the company success and associated costs with hiring that pilot. It was likely nothing personal or racial.
This is taken slightly out of context because it applies to at-will employment but the legal theory is "it can be for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all, but it can not be for an unlawful reason". Racial discrimination is an unlawful reason irrespective if it's driven by racist customers or racist employees of the company. If the company provides services to the public it cannot discriminate on any of the prohibited criteria, not when it comes to passengers, nor in who it hires as employees.
And who's fault is that, whites?
The racially discriminatory legislation that was passed into laws that gave benefits and advantages to whites while simultaneously denying or restricting them to blacks.

The majority of our legislators in this country were and still are white males. If you need to assign blame - well?

Passed into laws when?

You seem to be living in the past........well into the past. Probably a time when you were not even born yet like most black Americans.

But of course you can't blame individuals for their own failures. Blame something that happened 40, 50, 70 years ago.

It's like I posted earlier. Go to the library and ask the librarian to tell you where the books of successful excuse makers are at. He or she won't be able to find you one. Why? Because all excuse makers are failures. If you look at the black community, you see all kinds of excuse makers. But their failures are due to white people and not themselves.
Are you a white separatist or is it white nationalist?

I'm a separatist. I believe that in a free country you should be able to live with the people you want to live with. Blacks can't live on their own however. They need white people to hire them, white people to create housing and great neighborhoods, white people to create educational systems, white people to create safe environments.

It's one of the reasons why black Americans are the only race in the world outside of those with religious or territorial issues that strive to move away from their own kind. Blacks don't even want to live with each other if they can help it. Do you ever see whites, Asians, Hispanics try to move into black neighborhoods?

So getting back to the topic, what is AA? AA is a dependency on whites to survive. And blacks are more than happy to be such dependents.
Sure, I understand that, but the point I was making is that they just don't hire you from the military and plop you down into the pilots seat of a commercial airline. You still need much additional training and in fact, just because you can fly one type of commercial plane doesn't mean you can fly them all. You have to be trained on each model of plane you are flying.
And what part of any of what you've written explains the fact that the airlines were hiring white candidates with military background but REFUSED to hire black candidates with twice the number of flight hours? Unless you believe that 1500 hours of flight time from a white military candidate is still better than 3000 hours of flight time from a black military candidate?

Did you even look at the link I posted? Current airline pilots discussing with military pilots which of their logged hours they can use to qualify for their ATP.
No. I'm saying something you apparently don't understand.
And I'm asking you what you mean since I apparently don't understand it.

Well, first of all, you need to understand how the Constitution works:

"Are you saying that each of us should be free to engage in unconstitutional behavior by which we deprive our fellow citizens of their rights?"

The behavior of citizens can't be "unconstitutional". The Constitution is a set of rules for the government, not individuals.
I think that, on balance, AA has been a good thing. I take issue with some of the ways it has been implemented, but I think it's been a positive development for society, all things considered.

I can appreciate the short-term, positive effects, of civil-rights law. And I can understand the belief that it was necessary - that the cultural damage of slavery was an existential threat to our nation, and called for emergency measures.

But as precedent, I think it was a terrible development. It has opened the door for a government actively engaged in social engineering. It's time to close that door, if we can.

The government has participated in social engineering since July 4th, 1776. Until all sides are equal in every way, to include economically, we need to continue such programs.

Uh, yeah.. No. Find yourself a nice communist state.

I know the truth is difficult for those like you to take, but it is what it is.

Seriously though, wouldn't it be easier to go to a country that already agrees with you? People who have already given up their freedom to accommodate 'equality'?
I'm a separatist. I believe that in a free country you should be able to live with the people you want to live with. Blacks can't live on their own however. They need white people to hire them, white people to create housing and great neighborhoods, white people to create educational systems, white people to create safe environments.

It's one of the reasons why black Americans are the only race in the world outside of those with religious or territorial issues that strive to move away from their own kind. Blacks don't even want to live with each other if they can help it. Do you ever see whites, Asians, Hispanics try to move into black neighborhoods?

So getting back to the topic, what is AA? AA is a dependency on whites to survive. And blacks are more than happy to be such dependents.

I'm a separatist too. I believe that in a free country you should be able to live with the people you want to live with. Politicians can't live on their own however. They need average people to hire them, average people to create housing and great neighborhoods, average people to create educational systems, average people to create safe environments.

So, what is government? Government is a dependency on average people to survive. And politicians are more than happy to be such dependents.

If you’ll support my right to live without politicians imposing themselves into my life, I’ll support your right to live without black Americans imposing themselves into yours. Deal?
I think that, on balance, AA has been a good thing. I take issue with some of the ways it has been implemented, but I think it's been a positive development for society, all things considered.

I can appreciate the short-term, positive effects, of civil-rights law. And I can understand the belief that it was necessary - that the cultural damage of slavery was an existential threat to our nation, and called for emergency measures.

But as precedent, I think it was a terrible development. It has opened the door for a government actively engaged in social engineering. It's time to close that door, if we can.

The government has participated in social engineering since July 4th, 1776. Until all sides are equal in every way, to include economically, we need to continue such programs.

Uh, yeah.. No. Find yourself a nice communist state.

I know the truth is difficult for those like you to take, but it is what it is.

Seriously though, wouldn't it be easier to go to a country that already agrees with you? People who have already given up their freedom to accommodate 'equality'?

He already is in a country that agrees with him. Freedom is traded as a currency here too; what you want in exchange for it doesn’t matter.
Passed into laws when?

You seem to be living in the past........well into the past. Probably a time when you were not even born yet like most black Americans.

You know nothing about me and have made a lot of erroneous assumptions, not just about me but about black Americans in general but you have the right to believe whatever you want ***edit*** however that doesn't mean it's true.

And I see that you've acknowledged below that you're a white separatist so that explains to me pretty much everything.

No I don't live in the past but I love visiting it, know why? Because my ancestors persevered under much more hostile conditions than I do currently and I believe that maybe I can learn something from them or how they dealt with life under such adverse conditions.

That's also why I spend time conversing with people like you, I never know what I may learn even though you obviously think so little of me.

In any case I would love to know how you determined that I am a failure in life, because the last time I asked how you define success you never answered.
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I can appreciate the short-term, positive effects, of civil-rights law. And I can understand the belief that it was necessary - that the cultural damage of slavery was an existential threat to our nation, and called for emergency measures.

But as precedent, I think it was a terrible development. It has opened the door for a government actively engaged in social engineering. It's time to close that door, if we can.

The government has participated in social engineering since July 4th, 1776. Until all sides are equal in every way, to include economically, we need to continue such programs.

Uh, yeah.. No. Find yourself a nice communist state.

I know the truth is difficult for those like you to take, but it is what it is.

Seriously though, wouldn't it be easier to go to a country that already agrees with you? People who have already given up their freedom to accommodate 'equality'?

He already is in a country that agrees with him. Freedom is traded as a currency here too; what you want in exchange for it doesn’t matter.

There's no consensus on full socialism. But there are countries who have decided to go that way.
No. I'm saying something you apparently don't understand.
And I'm asking you what you mean since I apparently don't understand it.

Well, first of all, you need to understand how the Constitution works:

"Are you saying that each of us should be free to engage in unconstitutional behavior by which we deprive our fellow citizens of their rights?"

The behavior of citizens can't be "unconstitutional". The Constitution is a set of rules for the government, not individuals.

Putting aside the fact that private citizens can act as agents of government why don't you just tell me what you meant? I didn't understand your comment, I guessed (incorrectly according to your last comment) so why not just tell me what you meant.

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