Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

This is taken slightly out of context because it applies to at-will employment but the legal theory is "it can be for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all, but it can not be for an unlawful reason". Racial discrimination is an unlawful reason irrespective if it's driven by racist customers or racist employees of the company. If the company provides services to the public it cannot discriminate on any of the prohibited criteria, not when it comes to passengers, nor in who it hires as employees.
Companies and universities have been doing it rampantly for 50 years >> Affirmative Action.
I'm a separatist. I believe that in a free country you should be able to live with the people you want to live with.
Agreed. But. don't use your superior numbers and racism to limit the rights of those middle classed blacks and middle classed whites who don't mind living in the same neighborhoods.

Blacks can't live on their own however. They need white people to hire them, white people to create housing and great neighborhoods, white people to create educational systems, white people to create safe environments.

Have you forgotten the era of America apartheid when some black enclaves became more prosperous than the white settlements around them. White people didn't help create the Black Wallstreet or Rosewood but they were quick to destroy both of those iconic symbols of black potential. The following link lists numerous black communites that flourished before succumbing to forces beyond their control...including interference by jealous whites....and, ironically, integration.

It's one of the reasons why black Americans are the only race in the world outside of those with religious or territorial issues that strive to move away from their own kind

Fake hypothesis.

Blacks don't even want to live with each other if they can help it.

You've certainly got a wild imagination.

Do you ever see whites, Asians, Hispanics try to move into black neighborhoods?

Yes...i see Hispanics taking over Black neighborhoods nowadays. Hispanics take advantage of cheaper real estate in once all black areas and the accompanying city utilities infrastructure.

So getting back to the topic, what is AA? AA is a dependency on whites to survive. And blacks are more than happy to be such dependents.

Integration caused a shift in Black prosperity.
Black customers flocked to white owned businesses after integration and took the life out of black owned businesses.There is some speculation as to why that happened but for whatever reason, it was also devastating in terms of intraracial employment and prosperity.
Are you a white separatist or is it white nationalist?

I'm a separatist. I believe that in a free country you should be able to live with the people you want to live with. Blacks can't live on their own however. They need white people to hire them, white people to create housing and great neighborhoods, white people to create educational systems, white people to create safe environments.

It's one of the reasons why black Americans are the only race in the world outside of those with religious or territorial issues that strive to move away from their own kind. Blacks don't even want to live with each other if they can help it. Do you ever see whites, Asians, Hispanics try to move into black neighborhoods?

So getting back to the topic, what is AA? AA is a dependency on whites to survive. And blacks are more than happy to be such dependents.
That’s a pretty shameful statement Ray. Just lost a ton of respect for ya.
You don't get to file lottery tickets to the EEC. If you understood what it takes to show evidence of racial discrimination you'd shut up. And really Ray, you need be quiet about quotas given whites had 100 percent quota by law for at least 188 years.

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

"There is a very fundamental difference between 'affirmative action' and the so called 'quotas' . As the renowned sociologist Theodor Adorno had to say - An affirmative action goal provides a target to strive for and to measure the success of your recruitment efforts. A quota indicates that the result is

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

It's time to stop listening to white race pimps who don't know anything about the policy.
BULL! AA can be pre-determined and inflexible to give to blacks and withhold from whites, with or without quotas (liberals favorite AA DODGE)
No matter what they do to survive or to get ahead you'll always think blacks are taking something away from whites.
And who's fault is that, whites?
The racially discriminatory legislation that was passed into laws that gave benefits and advantages to whites while simultaneously denying or restricting them to blacks.

The majority of our legislators in this country were and still are white males. If you need to assign blame - well?

Passed into laws when?

You seem to be living in the past........well into the past. Probably a time when you were not even born yet like most black Americans.

But of course you can't blame individuals for their own failures. Blame something that happened 40, 50, 70 years ago.

It's like I posted earlier. Go to the library and ask the librarian to tell you where the books of successful excuse makers are at. He or she won't be able to find you one. Why? Because all excuse makers are failures. If you look at the black community, you see all kinds of excuse makers. But their failures are due to white people and not themselves.

Wrong answer Ray.

50 years after the riots: Continued economic inequality for African Americans

The bottom line is simple. Despite decades of policies, programs, protests and outstanding achievements by African American men and women in many aspects of American life, race far too often remains a deciding factor in the economic status of African Americans relative to whites.

Great strides have been made toward raising educational attainment among African Americans and closing the education gap relative to whites, especially with regard to completing high school. In 1968, just over half (54.4 percent) of African American adults age 25-29 were high school graduates, compared to nearly three-quarters (75.0 percent) of whites. In 2016, 92.3 percent of African American adults age 25-29 were high school graduates with 22.8 percent having gone on to complete a bachelor’s degree or higher (up from 9.1 percent in 1968). Among whites, 95.6 percent are high school graduates and 42.1 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher (up from 16.2 percent in 1968).


Since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began reporting the black unemployment rate in 1972, it has almost always been about twice the white unemployment rate—in good economic times and in bad, as well as at every level of education.


In addition to having higher rates of unemployment than whites with the same level of education, black workers are also paid less than white workers with the same level of education.


Although the wage gap between black and white workers narrowed during the latter part of the 1960s through the 1970s due to the passage of important civil rights legislation, it has gotten larger since 1979. This is true even among those with the same levels of education and experience and living in the same region of the country. In fact, despite the educational gains of African Americans, black workers were further from parity with white workers in 2017 than in 1979 at every level of education except the small group of workers who did not complete high school. The expansion of the black-white wage gap can be attributed to three trends: 1) limited wage growth among middle- and low-wage workers (where African Americans are overrepresented) 2) above average growth among the highest wage workers (where African Americans are underrepresented), and 3) growing racial inequality in hiring, pay, and opportunities for promotion.


In 1968, the median black household earned 63 percent of the income the median white household earned in a year. In 2016, the median black household earned just 61 percent of median white household income.


In 1968, with a poverty rate of 33.5 percent, African Americans were three times more likely to live in poverty than whites. In 2016, the black poverty rate—22 percent—was only slightly lower than it was almost 50 years ago, but still 2.5 times higher than the white poverty rate.

50 years after the riots: Continued economic inequality for African Americans

Now Ray you can keep ignoring t these facts and post up the same lame brained shit about living in the past and how blacks are blaming whites for their failures, but the evidence shows that such commentary is a bunch of silly bunk loco weed. The truth is this:

"Addressing these economic problems begins with acknowledging the fact that they are the inevitable product of racism. The next step is to make the long term commitment to change the structures and policies that continue to block further progress."

You are uninformed as to these matters but you want to argue with very informed people and think your opinion holds weight. It doesn't..Instead you present a bullshit argument that doesn't stand the test of facts and is totally lacking relative to merit, A white racist opinion isn't reality because racism itself denies the reality that no one is superior because of their skin color. So until you can face reality, maybe its wise to educate yourself on these issues before you speak.
Are you a white separatist or is it white nationalist?

I'm a separatist. I believe that in a free country you should be able to live with the people you want to live with. Blacks can't live on their own however. They need white people to hire them, white people to create housing and great neighborhoods, white people to create educational systems, white people to create safe environments.

It's one of the reasons why black Americans are the only race in the world outside of those with religious or territorial issues that strive to move away from their own kind. Blacks don't even want to live with each other if they can help it. Do you ever see whites, Asians, Hispanics try to move into black neighborhoods?

So getting back to the topic, what is AA? AA is a dependency on whites to survive. And blacks are more than happy to be such dependents.

You are one ignorant piece of work. According to you, whites depended upon non whites to survive for 188 years and now they want to return to surviving off non whites again.
This is taken slightly out of context because it applies to at-will employment but the legal theory is "it can be for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all, but it can not be for an unlawful reason". Racial discrimination is an unlawful reason irrespective if it's driven by racist customers or racist employees of the company. If the company provides services to the public it cannot discriminate on any of the prohibited criteria, not when it comes to passengers, nor in who it hires as employees.
Companies and universities have been doing it rampantly for 50 years >> Affirmative Action.

No they have not.
Wrong answer Ray.

50 years after the riots: Continued economic inequality for African Americans

The bottom line is simple. Despite decades of policies, programs, protests and outstanding achievements by African American men and women in many aspects of American life, race far too often remains a deciding factor in the economic status of African Americans relative to whites.

Great strides have been made toward raising educational attainment among African Americans and closing the education gap relative to whites, especially with regard to completing high school. In 1968, just over half (54.4 percent) of African American adults age 25-29 were high school graduates, compared to nearly three-quarters (75.0 percent) of whites. In 2016, 92.3 percent of African American adults age 25-29 were high school graduates with 22.8 percent having gone on to complete a bachelor’s degree or higher (up from 9.1 percent in 1968). Among whites, 95.6 percent are high school graduates and 42.1 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher (up from 16.2 percent in 1968).


Since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began reporting the black unemployment rate in 1972, it has almost always been about twice the white unemployment rate—in good economic times and in bad, as well as at every level of education.


In addition to having higher rates of unemployment than whites with the same level of education, black workers are also paid less than white workers with the same level of education.


Although the wage gap between black and white workers narrowed during the latter part of the 1960s through the 1970s due to the passage of important civil rights legislation, it has gotten larger since 1979. This is true even among those with the same levels of education and experience and living in the same region of the country. In fact, despite the educational gains of African Americans, black workers were further from parity with white workers in 2017 than in 1979 at every level of education except the small group of workers who did not complete high school. The expansion of the black-white wage gap can be attributed to three trends: 1) limited wage growth among middle- and low-wage workers (where African Americans are overrepresented) 2) above average growth among the highest wage workers (where African Americans are underrepresented), and 3) growing racial inequality in hiring, pay, and opportunities for promotion.


In 1968, the median black household earned 63 percent of the income the median white household earned in a year. In 2016, the median black household earned just 61 percent of median white household income.


In 1968, with a poverty rate of 33.5 percent, African Americans were three times more likely to live in poverty than whites. In 2016, the black poverty rate—22 percent—was only slightly lower than it was almost 50 years ago, but still 2.5 times higher than the white poverty rate.

50 years after the riots: Continued economic inequality for African Americans

Now Ray you can keep ignoring t these facts and post up the same lame brained shit about living in the past and how blacks are blaming whites for their failures, but the evidence shows that such commentary is a bunch of silly bunk loco weed. The truth is this:

"Addressing these economic problems begins with acknowledging the fact that they are the inevitable product of racism. The next step is to make the long term commitment to change the structures and policies that continue to block further progress."

You are uninformed as to these matters but you want to argue with very informed people and think your opinion holds weight. It doesn't..Instead you present a bullshit argument that doesn't stand the test of facts and is totally lacking relative to merit, A white racist opinion isn't reality because racism itself denies the reality that no one is superior because of their skin color. So until you can face reality, maybe its wise to educate yourself on these issues before you speak.
The "continued economic inequality" is the continued unequal economic opportunity, which gives advantage to blacks over whites (affirmative action discrimination)

PS - the correct term is "Blacks",..... not "African Americans"
Wrong answer Ray.

50 years after the riots: Continued economic inequality for African Americans

The bottom line is simple. Despite decades of policies, programs, protests and outstanding achievements by African American men and women in many aspects of American life, race far too often remains a deciding factor in the economic status of African Americans relative to whites.

Great strides have been made toward raising educational attainment among African Americans and closing the education gap relative to whites, especially with regard to completing high school. In 1968, just over half (54.4 percent) of African American adults age 25-29 were high school graduates, compared to nearly three-quarters (75.0 percent) of whites. In 2016, 92.3 percent of African American adults age 25-29 were high school graduates with 22.8 percent having gone on to complete a bachelor’s degree or higher (up from 9.1 percent in 1968). Among whites, 95.6 percent are high school graduates and 42.1 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher (up from 16.2 percent in 1968).


Since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began reporting the black unemployment rate in 1972, it has almost always been about twice the white unemployment rate—in good economic times and in bad, as well as at every level of education.


In addition to having higher rates of unemployment than whites with the same level of education, black workers are also paid less than white workers with the same level of education.


Although the wage gap between black and white workers narrowed during the latter part of the 1960s through the 1970s due to the passage of important civil rights legislation, it has gotten larger since 1979. This is true even among those with the same levels of education and experience and living in the same region of the country. In fact, despite the educational gains of African Americans, black workers were further from parity with white workers in 2017 than in 1979 at every level of education except the small group of workers who did not complete high school. The expansion of the black-white wage gap can be attributed to three trends: 1) limited wage growth among middle- and low-wage workers (where African Americans are overrepresented) 2) above average growth among the highest wage workers (where African Americans are underrepresented), and 3) growing racial inequality in hiring, pay, and opportunities for promotion.


In 1968, the median black household earned 63 percent of the income the median white household earned in a year. In 2016, the median black household earned just 61 percent of median white household income.


In 1968, with a poverty rate of 33.5 percent, African Americans were three times more likely to live in poverty than whites. In 2016, the black poverty rate—22 percent—was only slightly lower than it was almost 50 years ago, but still 2.5 times higher than the white poverty rate.

50 years after the riots: Continued economic inequality for African Americans

Now Ray you can keep ignoring t these facts and post up the same lame brained shit about living in the past and how blacks are blaming whites for their failures, but the evidence shows that such commentary is a bunch of silly bunk loco weed. The truth is this:

"Addressing these economic problems begins with acknowledging the fact that they are the inevitable product of racism. The next step is to make the long term commitment to change the structures and policies that continue to block further progress."

You are uninformed as to these matters but you want to argue with very informed people and think your opinion holds weight. It doesn't..Instead you present a bullshit argument that doesn't stand the test of facts and is totally lacking relative to merit, A white racist opinion isn't reality because racism itself denies the reality that no one is superior because of their skin color. So until you can face reality, maybe its wise to educate yourself on these issues before you speak.
The "continued economic inequality" is the continued unequal economic opportunity, which gives advantage to blacks over whites (affirmative action discrimination)

PS - the correct term is "Blacks",..... not "African Americans"

You don't determine what the correct term is son. The continued economic inequality is what the study says not what some white racist thinks.
You don't get to file lottery tickets to the EEC. If you understood what it takes to show evidence of racial discrimination you'd shut up. And really Ray, you need be quiet about quotas given whites had 100 percent quota by law for at least 188 years.

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

"There is a very fundamental difference between 'affirmative action' and the so called 'quotas' . As the renowned sociologist Theodor Adorno had to say - An affirmative action goal provides a target to strive for and to measure the success of your recruitment efforts. A quota indicates that the result is

There is a difference between 'quotas' and 'affirmative action,' do we get it?

It's time to stop listening to white race pimps who don't know anything about the policy.
BULL! AA can be pre-determined and inflexible to give to blacks and withhold from whites, with or without quotas (liberals favorite AA DODGE)

Wrong. Now get along and go study the policy son, so you'll know what you are talking about.
Nobody missed your point.
ATL did. What you call white nationalism, is whites standing up for themselves, just like blacks stand up for THEMselves, but much more so. Got it ?

ATL did not miss shit. Whites standing up for themselves? What rights have whites lost chump? Answer the question. Got it?
No matter what they do to survive or to get ahead you'll always think blacks are taking something away from whites.
I'll think it when they do it. With AA, they do it.
How can something you don't own be taken away from you?

It’s a strange phenomenon... we see people angry about “losing” something they didn’t have to begin with (like a potential job), but losing something that they actually have (like their inherent freedom) is largely ignored or dismissed with parroted political justifications.

AA legislation is wrong because it infringes upon the individual’s freedom of association; not because it’s “not fair”. Similarly, AA as a voluntary practice in any business is well within the owners’ rights, and no one has any cause to complain.

This is an important topic, but only if it’s discussed for important reasons. The black/white thing is not an important reason, but the freedom of mankind most certainly is.
No matter what they do to survive or to get ahead you'll always think blacks are taking something away from whites.
I'll think it when they do it. With AA, they do it.
How can something you don't own be taken away from you?

It’s a strange phenomenon... we see people angry about “losing” something they didn’t have to begin with (like a potential job), but losing something that they actually have (like their inherent freedom) is largely ignored or dismissed with parroted political justifications.

AA legislation is wrong because it infringes upon the individual’s freedom of association; not because it’s “not fair”. Similarly, AA as a voluntary practice in any business is well within the owners’ rights, and no one has any cause to complain.

This is an important topic, but only if it’s discussed for important reasons. The black/white thing is not an important reason, but the freedom of mankind most certainly is.

You don't even know what AA is.
No matter what they do to survive or to get ahead you'll always think blacks are taking something away from whites.
I'll think it when they do it. With AA, they do it.
How can something you don't own be taken away from you?

It’s a strange phenomenon... we see people angry about “losing” something they didn’t have to begin with (like a potential job), but losing something that they actually have (like their inherent freedom) is largely ignored or dismissed with parroted political justifications.

AA legislation is wrong because it infringes upon the individual’s freedom of association; not because it’s “not fair”. Similarly, AA as a voluntary practice in any business is well within the owners’ rights, and no one has any cause to complain.

This is an important topic, but only if it’s discussed for important reasons. The black/white thing is not an important reason, but the freedom of mankind most certainly is.
What a Drama Queen

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