Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

Harmful. It's discrimination based on race and/or sex.

That's the irony of so much anti-discrimination law. In order to ensure that we're all treating each other equally, government is required to treat people unequally.
Yeah brother...tell that to the Asians who were rejected by colleges favoring lower scoring whites.
If be glad to. But it sounds like I need to explain it to you as well.

See, government is required, by the Constitution, to treat everyone equally. Non governmental entities are not. Any questions?

Oh really? Tell that to the Christian Cake Bakers and Pizza Parlor owners.

Here's how this works in reality: Progs are allowed to discriminate agains the rest of us.
My point is that the Constitution applies to acts of government, not private concerns.
Your point is overwhelmed by the numerous facts that rebut it. If we are talking about Universities they are government contractors and therefore subject to governmental oversight in terms of admissions...etc.
It's apparent that many people less than40 years of age have no experience nor knowledge that for about the first 5 years of its inception AA had no problems in touting race as a factor in hiring. After that inception period they became far more careful and PC about who got hired and why
They weren't careful about race in the graduate school where I got discriminated against by race AA. They was in 1977 - more than 5 years after inception. They gave 8 assistantships to the only 8 blacks who applied, and no one else, and they didn't care who knew it.

They were too busy trying to avoid being called a racist - while engaging in 100% racism (against non-blacks).
So, 8 backs infinitely more qualified than you got Assistantships and you somehow think they were less qualified because they were Black? ANd you didn't SUE>>> YOU, a man so full of hate and conviction...YOu DIDN"T SUE?????

Hmm... I think you discovered that you were just plain not good enough and the 8 Blacks were better. BUt you won't admit that , will you?
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Jessie Jacksons famous quote
"AA needs to be unfair to remedy past unfairness"
So, who cares what Jesse says?
At least at one point almost 100% of Black Americans
And just how did you MEASURE that? I would like to peer review your methodology.
It's called experiencing the time frame in question. See, experiences are facts and that's a difficulty for you liberals who want to theorize based on their feelings
That's the irony of so much anti-discrimination law. In order to ensure that we're all treating each other equally, government is required to treat people unequally.
Yeah brother...tell that to the Asians who were rejected by colleges favoring lower scoring whites.
If be glad to. But it sounds like I need to explain it to you as well.

See, government is required, by the Constitution, to treat everyone equally. Non governmental entities are not. Any questions?

Oh really? Tell that to the Christian Cake Bakers and Pizza Parlor owners.

Here's how this works in reality: Progs are allowed to discriminate agains the rest of us.
My point is that the Constitution applies to acts of government, not private concerns.
Your point is overwhelmed by the numerous facts that rebut it. If we are talking about Universities they are government contractors and therefore subject to governmental oversight in terms of admissions...etc.

How does that rebut my point???

Do you understand what 'rebut' means? Universities funded by government, all services provided by government, should be available equally to all. If you're modifying your original complaints to target only state schools, I'm right there with you. There should be no discrimination in government. But that's not really enough, is it?
Yeah brother...tell that to the Asians who were rejected by colleges favoring lower scoring whites.
If be glad to. But it sounds like I need to explain it to you as well.

See, government is required, by the Constitution, to treat everyone equally. Non governmental entities are not. Any questions?

Oh really? Tell that to the Christian Cake Bakers and Pizza Parlor owners.

Here's how this works in reality: Progs are allowed to discriminate agains the rest of us.
My point is that the Constitution applies to acts of government, not private concerns.
Your point is overwhelmed by the numerous facts that rebut it. If we are talking about Universities they are government contractors and therefore subject to governmental oversight in terms of admissions...etc.

How does that rebut my point???

Do you understand what 'rebut' means? Universities funded by government, all services provided by government, should be available equally to all. If you're modifying your original complaints to target only state schools, I'm right there with you. There should be no discrimination in government. But that's not really enough, is it?
Of course I do...but I might have misunderstood which side you are taking in this AA debate. I respectfully request clarification if you so desire.
And where is your concern for the hobbled white guy, pushed backward by the AA obstacles in his path ?
White people especially white men in America have never been "hobbled" because of their race. "We the people of the United States" at the time this country was founded included only white landowning males. Everyone else was excluded and then needed to have their rights "written in" to the Constitution via the various amendments. Black people weren't even considered to be human let alone a citizen of the U.S. and therefore not entitled to any of the same rights as white people. That's what being hobbled means

13th Amendment
Section 1
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

14th Amendment
Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

19th Amendment
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.​
The actual term is "people of African descent" shorthanded to African American.

Is it? I don't know how that works. What about all the people who are NOT black and yet trace back generations of being in Africa? Are all the whites born in Africa, African Americans if they came to the states? What about all those people from Algeria, Libya, and Egypt?
.The problem though is that the white race had a monopoly on everything needed not just to survive but to prosper in life by accumulating wealth that could be passed down from generation to generation thereby aiding family members by making them less vulnerable and dependent on the whims of those members of society who were openly hostile to them due to their race.

So while it's understandable that some whites may perceive the directive to stop discriminatory ***practices*** in hiring, education, places of public accommodation (hotels, restaurants, railway car, etc.) as "taking things away from white people to give to black people" this perception would also imply that they were entitled to everything they had a hold on in the first place and that's just not the case.
At the time of the beginning of AA (1961), do you think all whites "had a hold on" wealth ? Here's a dose of reality for ya >>




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The actual term is "people of African descent" shorthanded to African American.
That term (to describe American blacks) is also faulty Allow me to illustrate.

I've known 4 guys who were, as you say "people of African descent". They were all born in African countries, with ancestors there going back as far as the early 17th century. They all speak African languages, and (unlike blacks in America) they are steeped in African cuture.

All 4 of them immigrated to the US from >> Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe), and became American citizens. All 4 are white.
Well dayum, son...I'm proud of you. At least you're consistent. So, I have your word on that? You support an Asian educational blitz where every college and university is full to capacity with them...except for the legacy, veteran, and athletic preferences?
I told you what I support and oppose.

You have a reading comprehension problem ?
[QUOTE="protectionist, post:
So, 8 backs infinitely more qualified than you got Assistantships and you somehow think they were less qualified because they were Black? ANd you didn't SUE>>> YOU, a man so full of hate and conviction...YOu DIDN"T SUE?????

Hmm... I think you discovered that you were just plain not good enough and the 8 Blacks were better. BUt you won't admit that , will you?
" infinitely more qualified than" me, huh ? I see you like to fabricate things in your posts. USMB posters BE AWARE!

Actually, as long as you bring up the subject, it so happens that the 8 blacks who got assistantships were in the BOTTOM 10 of a class of 33. They were the LEAST QUALIFIED, and there is no "somehow" here. Was told to me by the director of the AA program, who was also my friend, and my basic planning course teacher (who also told me I was in the top 5).

And NO, you don't think anything about this subject, because you don't have the foggiest idea, or knowledge about it. You're just spouting off drivel, as leftist AA supporters often do.

As for sueing, that is something for people with stable finances. My thoughts were about paying rent and buying food. Not so easy when you're full-time student, with a ton of graduate school reading and homework.

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