Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

And just how did you MEASURE that? I would like to peer review your methodology.
It's called experiencing the time frame in question. See, experiences are facts and that's a difficulty for you liberals who want to theorize based on their feelings
They refer to "studies", which are set up by liberal universities, think tanks, media etc, to say what they want to be said, and then act like the studies are so professional, that we are all required to believe them. :rolleyes:

You are right. Experiences (facts) are the points of true reference.
And where is your concern for the hobbled white guy, pushed backward by the AA obstacles in his path ?
White people especially white men in America have never been "hobbled" because of their race. .

You are 100% wrong, and I think you are also CRAZY (because you couldn't be this stupid). I already cited my own case (and that of 24 others) at Memphis State University, in 1977, but that is just one case.

Hundreds of millions of whites have been hobbled (whole lives ruined) by affirmative action, because of their race, and continue to be, all over America, in the largest malicious racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest group of Americans, for over 50 years now. No other racial discrimination even comes close.
And where is your concern for the hobbled white guy, pushed backward by the AA obstacles in his path ?
White people especially white men in America have never been "hobbled" because of their race. .

You are 100% wrong, and I think you are also CRAZY (because you couldn't be this stupid). I already cited my own case (and that of 24 others) at Memphis State University, in 1977, but that is just one case.

Hundreds of millions of whites have been hobbled (whole lives ruined) by affirmative action, because of their race, and continue to be, all over America, in the largest malicious racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest group of Americans, for over 50 years now. No other racial discrimination even comes close.

Nah, they were not "hobbled" because of affirmative action, you and others like you were just mediocre and expected status quo consideration because you didn't apply yourself.
Was there a point you were making Grand Wizard?
Yeah there was, stupid. Even if you're too shallow to figure it out. Obviously, I was responding to the Jesse Jackson post, that inquired about methodology. if you would follow the thread, you wouldn't have to ask stupid questions.

And your dumb pictures have nothing to do with what we were talking about. >> Jackson instigating race unrest and riots.

So what's YOUR point, Mr Question Mark ?
Nah, they were not "hobbled" because of affirmative action, you and others like you were just mediocre and expected status quo consideration because you didn't apply yourself.
Another libby AA jerk, who knows nothing about a specific case, but mouths off anyway. How obvious can one get ? How could whites not be hobbled, when AA is in place ? What a waste of perfectly good thread space. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO ATL: See Post # 833, to educate yourself.
Was there a point you were making Grand Wizard?
Yeah there was, stupid. Even if you're too shallow to figure it out. Obviously, I was responding to the Jesse Jackson post, that inquired about methodology. if you would follow the thread, you wouldn't have to ask stupid questions.

And your dumb pictures have nothing to do with what we were talking about. >> Jackson instigating race unrest and riots.

So what's YOUR point, Mr Question Mark ?

Just as I thought, you were spouting off at the mouth without knowing what the fuck you were talking about. No wonder you didn’t get the apprenticeships, it wasn’t due to AA, LoL. I bet you won’t post pictures of blacks rioting anymore as a deflection of something you failed to prove.

Consider this a learning moment, dumbass.
Nah, they were not "hobbled" because of affirmative action, you and others like you were just mediocre and expected status quo consideration because you didn't apply yourself.
Another libby AA jerk, who knows nothing about a specific case, but mouths off anyway. How obvious can one get ? How could whites not be hobbled, when AA is in place ? What a waste of perfectly good thread space. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO ATL: See Post # 833, to educate yourself.

The only thing I see is someone that is white, or claims to be white (and Hispanic, like he doesn’t place a mark on the white race selection on the census...) whining about being a loser in life because he was too stupid to even place in the middle percentile that would guarantee a slot for him. Instead he has spent the next three decades whining about eight blacks that surpassed him, and his buddy teacher didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth, and instead let him believe it was due to AA.

AA served two purposes, attempted to even the playing field for minorities, it definitely helped white women...and gave excuses to people like protectionist for their failure in life.
Just as I thought, you were spouting off at the mouth without knowing what the fuck you were talking about. No wonder you didn’t get the apprenticeships, it wasn’t due to AA, LoL. I bet you won’t post pictures of blacks rioting anymore as a deflection of something you failed to prove.

Consider this a learning moment, dumbass.
Are you on drugs ? How would you know anything about my AA experiences, 40 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, or 10 years ago. Obviously, you don't and are just mouthing off and displaying how stupid you are.

I don't know what you are saying I failed to prove, (don't recall trying to "prove" anything), and as for blacks rioting, I'll post pictures of those imbeciles any time I feel like it. So It looks like you lost your bet. Hope you didn't lose too much money.


And where is your concern for the hobbled white guy, pushed backward by the AA obstacles in his path ?
White people especially white men in America have never been "hobbled" because of their race. .

You are 100% wrong, and I think you are also CRAZY (because you couldn't be this stupid). I already cited my own case (and that of 24 others) at Memphis State University, in 1977, but that is just one case.

Hundreds of millions of whites have been hobbled (whole lives ruined) by affirmative action, because of their race, and continue to be, all over America, in the largest malicious racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest group of Americans, for over 50 years now. No other racial discrimination even comes close.

That's a damn lie.
Just as I thought, you were spouting off at the mouth without knowing what the fuck you were talking about. No wonder you didn’t get the apprenticeships, it wasn’t due to AA, LoL. I bet you won’t post pictures of blacks rioting anymore as a deflection of something you failed to prove.

Consider this a learning moment, dumbass.
Are you on drugs ? How would you know anything about my AA experiences, 40 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, or 10 years ago. Obviously, you don't and are just mouthing off and displaying how stupid you are.

I don't know what you are saying I failed to prove, (don't recall trying to "prove" anything), and as for blacks rioting, I'll post pictures of those imbeciles any time I feel like it. So It looks like you lost your bet. Hope you didn't lose too much money.

View attachment 186822


It’s not like you don’t speak about your AA experiences, dumbfuck. Do you think posts just disappear after the thread moves off of the front page?

With every post you make, it becomes more and more clear how dumb you really are, and how you should stop blaming AA for where you are in life.

As for the posting of black people, I was only helping you stop making an idiot out of yourself, but I see that sometimes we can’t be anything different than what our intelligence allows us to be....
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The only thing I see is someone that is white, or claims to be white (and Hispanic, like he doesn’t place a mark on the white race selection on the census...) whining about being a loser in life because he was too stupid to even place in the middle percentile that would guarantee a slot for him. Instead he has spent the next three decades whining about eight blacks that surpassed him, and his buddy teacher didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth, and instead let him believe it was due to AA.

AA served two purposes, attempted to even the playing field for minorities, it definitely helped white women...and gave excuses to people like protectionist for their failure in life.
You "see" ? LOL. No, you DON'T see.

All this dumb shit you write, has been refuted 1000 times over in previous posts, over the past 5 years. You're just an irrelevant little rookie showing up here waaay too late, to be posting what you are. You're a joke, and don't know it.

As for whining, nobody does that more and louder than blacks in America. That's hw we got AA, for all the black dum dums who aren't good enough to compete on their own. Like when I was in undergraduate college, they had "open admissions". A moronic liberal program to allow any idiot (regardless of high school grades) to enter college in the CUNY system. So when all the airheads got into the classrooms, they were so dumb the teachers had to water down the courses to get them through, or they all would have flunked, and then the college (always afraid to be called a racist) would have blamed the teacher.

They started having "open book" exams. LOL.. Whaaat? At first I thought they were joking. And then I saw kids with their books open, during the mid-term exam, and looking for the answers.

This is the kid of lunacy you get when liberal idiots are running things. And then they actually graduate these morons (can't be called a racist), and they go out looking for jobs, and get them through affirmative action. God help us.

This is why bridges collapse.....ships sink......computers blow have to be recalled.......add your own to this list of thousands. :rolleyes:
It’s not like you don’t speak about your AA experiences, dumbfuck. Do you think posts just disappear after the thread moves off of the front page?

With every post you make, it becomes more and more clear how dumb you really are, and how you should stop blaming AA for where you are in life.

As for the posting of black people, I was only helping you stop making an idiot out of yourself, but I see that sometimes we can’t be anything different than what our intelligence allows us to be....
Whatever this jibberish means (if it means anything), I've gotten good chuckle out of it.

Hey, ATL (Another Too-Racist Loser), how much did you lose on your bet ? You know, the one about me posting pictures of black numbskulls rioting ? :biggrin:
Well dayum, son...I'm proud of you. At least you're consistent. So, I have your word on that? You support an Asian educational blitz where every college and university is full to capacity with them...except for the legacy, veteran, and athletic preferences?
I told you what I support and oppose.

You have a reading comprehension problem ?
Yes, but somehow your words don't ring true. As a staunch conservative could you handle the notion that millions of Asians could lock whites out of their own institutions and beat you at your own game? Face it, they've got you over a barrel and the whole world is watching.
The only thing I see is someone that is white, or claims to be white (and Hispanic, like he doesn’t place a mark on the white race selection on the census...) whining about being a loser in life because he was too stupid to even place in the middle percentile that would guarantee a slot for him. Instead he has spent the next three decades whining about eight blacks that surpassed him, and his buddy teacher didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth, and instead let him believe it was due to AA.

AA served two purposes, attempted to even the playing field for minorities, it definitely helped white women...and gave excuses to people like protectionist for their failure in life.
You "see" ? LOL. No, you DON'T see.

All this dumb shit you write, has been refuted 1000 times over in previous posts, over the past 5 years. You're just an irrelevant little rookie showing up here waaay too late, to be posting what you are. You're a joke, and don't know it.

As for whining, nobody does that more and louder than blacks in America. That's hw we got AA, for all the black dum dums who aren't good enough to compete on their own. Like when I was in undergraduate college, they had "open admissions". A moronic liberal program to allow any idiot (regardless of high school grades) to enter college in the CUNY system. So when all the airheads got into the classrooms, they were so dumb the teachers had to water down the courses to get them through, or they all would have flunked, and then the college (always afraid to be called a racist) would have blamed the teacher.

They started having "open book" exams. LOL.. Whaaat? At first I thought they were joking. And then I saw kids with their books open, during the mid-term exam, and looking for the answers.

This is the kid of lunacy you get when liberal idiots are running things. And then they actually graduate these morons (can't be called a racist), and they go out looking for jobs, and get them through affirmative action. God help us.

This is why bridges collapse.....ships sink......computers blow have to be recalled.......add your own to this list of thousands. :rolleyes:

LoL, what is that word salad suppose to explain, other than you holding a shit load of anger and resentment over blacks being in the same class as you, then that resentment manifested into sheer acrimony because those "morons" were smarter than you.
It’s not like you don’t speak about your AA experiences, dumbfuck. Do you think posts just disappear after the thread moves off of the front page?

With every post you make, it becomes more and more clear how dumb you really are, and how you should stop blaming AA for where you are in life.

As for the posting of black people, I was only helping you stop making an idiot out of yourself, but I see that sometimes we can’t be anything different than what our intelligence allows us to be....
Whatever this jibberish means (if it means anything), I've gotten good chuckle out of it.

Hey, ATL (Another Too-Racist Loser), how much did you lose on your bet ? You know, the one about me posting pictures of black numbskulls rioting ? :biggrin:

I'm starting to feel bad now, because I originally thought I was interacting with someone that at least had a room temperature IQ, but now I think you are certifiably retarded and someone should let your caregiver know that you have access to the internet.
LoL, what is that word salad suppose to explain, other than you holding a shit load of anger and resentment over blacks being in the same class as you, then that resentment manifested into sheer acrimony because those "morons" were smarter than you.
It explained how insane our society has gotten, due to liberals' neurotic obsession with race. Couldn't grasp that, huh ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)

PS - I don't consider you to be a qualified enough poster, for me to spend time and effort talking to you. Got other threads to attend to, with REAL posters. However, if you come up with any more society catastrophes, to add to the list of bridges collapsing etc, feel free to post.

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