Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

Its hard to tell, you whine about everything. You started this particular exchange complaining about Obama appointed judges and now you switch to complaining about Obama appointed SCOTUS Justices. Do you know the difference?
Obama appointed SCOTUS judges are part of the (larger) set of all Obama appointed judges. I have to explain basic logic now ? :slap:

And quit bothering me. I'm busy in other threads, talking to REAL posters.
Jurists below the Supreme court level are called federal judges probably to differentiate them from Supreme Court Justices. That's the official lexiconic protocol. Colloquially, pig farmers like you might refer to them all as judges.
Other whites made the cut in that class so why didn't you? What did they havr that you didn't? The obvious answer is enough to support my suspicions that you sre lying.
1. I am not what you would 100% call "white". I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently.

2. You know nothing of what anybody in that class did, other than I told you ONLY 8 people got assistantships (all Blacks).

3. So nobody "made the cut" to et an assistantship, except them. How many times do you have to be told ? Still have that reading comprehension problem, I see.
Jurists below the Supreme court level are called federal judges probably to differentiate them from Supreme Court Justices. That's the official lexiconic protocol. Colloquially, pig farmers like you might refer to them all as judges.
So do most people, :ahole-1:
So doing this (is this a civil servant job?). If so and you left this field and went into IT instead you should be earning about the same amount of money.

Quick Facts: Urban and Regional Planners
2016 Median Pay
$70,020 per year
$33.66 per hour
Typical Entry-Level Education Master's degree
Work Experience in a Related Occupation None
On-the-job Training None
Number of Jobs, 2016 36,000
Job Outlook, 2016-26 13% (Faster than average)
Employment Change, 2016-26 4,600
What Urban and Regional Planners Do
Urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities, accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.
I also read this, not saying that it's anything more than one person's opinion though but you may have ended up in a more stable industry - computers are not going anywhere and anyone who knows how to work on them, network, operate or program them can stay working virtually forever if they so choose. BUT you have to stay current by continuously upgrading your skill set since technology changes constantly and some people don't like always having to study

Are Urban Planning Job Opportunities Growing or Declining?

Are jobs in this industry on the rise? Are there any sub-sectors that are growing?

Where are the jobs? Which places have the most urban planner opportunities?

SQ in Gilroy, California

82 months ago

To be brutally honest with you, both of those degrees are basically a huge waste of time. If you want to be a bureaucratic paper pusher for the rest of your life, then maybe the MPA or MCP are for you. But you want to learn useful, critical skills that are and will be in demand when you graduate, go into a science based program like statistics, computer science, or engineering. I made the mistake of getting my masters in urban planning from a very reputable university and it hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Moreover, anyone with half a brain can do what people with planning degrees and MPA degrees do. It's a fallacy and a shame to think that you need an undergrad degree and a masters to do that kind of grunt work. Choose a science based program that you're interested. It'll be a heck of a lot more challenging but worth it in the long run. If you like planning, then you might be interested in transportation engineering for example. There are a few schools that have masters programs in transportation engineering in which you don't need a bachelors in the same field. Send me your email if you could like to discuss this some further.
Are urban planner job opportunities growing or declining? - Urban Planner Jobs |
I'm 72 years old. I retired 9 years ago. I still suffer from the AA discrimination I got in 1977, by the reduced Social Security payments I now receive, as a result of all the lower paid jobs I worked in for 32 years, that required a high school diploma or less.

In the end, all my college time and work was for naught. I never got hired to any job that required a college (even bachelor) degree. I had only 3 interviews in 32 years, and the most money I ever made was about $11/hour (in 2018 dollars)

Why ? Because despite being a minority race, I steadfastly refused to lower myself to the level of the lowlifes who accept AA. I wouldn't be caught dead engaging in the DISGRACE of filling out an AA questionnaire.
Face're just stupid...stop blaming others for your failures.
Other whites made the cut in that class so why didn't you? What did they havr that you didn't? The obvious answer is enough to support my suspicions that you sre lying.
1. I am not what you would 100% call "white". I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently.

2. You know nothing of what anybody in that class did, other than I told you ONLY 8 people got assistantships (all Blacks).

3. So nobody "made the cut" to et an assistantship, except them. How many times do you have to be told ? Still have that reading comprehension problem, I see.
Other whites made the cut in that class so why didn't you? What did they havr that you didn't? The obvious answer is enough to support my suspicions that you sre lying.
1. I am not what you would 100% call "white". I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently.

2. You know nothing of what anybody in that class did, other than I told you ONLY 8 people got assistantships (all Blacks).

3. So nobody "made the cut" to et an assistantship, except them. How many times do you have to be told ? Still have that reading comprehension problem, I see.
You talk like a shitbird so i have to classify you as part of the shitbird flock known as CAW Cajuns.
You are 100% wrong, and I think you are also CRAZY (because you couldn't be this stupid). I already cited my own case (and that of 24 others) at Memphis State University, in 1977, but that is just one case.

Hundreds of millions of whites have been hobbled (whole lives ruined) by affirmative action, because of their race, and continue to be, all over America, in the largest malicious racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest group of Americans, for over 50 years now. No other racial discrimination even comes close.
If what you've stated is true AND you had evidence in support of your claim then there are attorneys who possibly could have taken on your case taking their fees at the end from whatever damages are won.

If you failed to avail yourself of the legal remedies that were available to you, that's not the fault of affirmative action which clearly states that discrimination is unlawful, so if someone did something that was a violation of the law, you could have used the affirmative action statute to file a claim and/or lawsuit against them.

On the other hand, what I've been hearing from the most vocal of you all is that you've each suffered a loss that you believe or were allegedly told occurred because whatever opportunity you wanted was instead given to a black person. If you each had your entire lives "ruined" by a single incident of what you perceived to be racism or discrimination do you even possess any human compassion that would allow you to just try to imagine what it must be like to go through life having that one incident that you experienced happen to you over and over and over again throughout your entire life? When black people talk about racism or institutional racism we're not talking about one incident, we're talking about patterns & practices that permeate every aspect of our lives because racial (and other biases) exist in every area of society.

So how is it that a single incident can ruin a white male's entire life while 20 incidents some as recent as the last few years haven't ruined mine? True I could be a lot better situated financially had not some of the incidents occurred and further along in my chosen fields, but ruined? No.

As far as you calling me crazy and asking one of the other posters if they're on drugs that is completely uncalled for. Engaging in name calling is the hallmark of a person who has realized that they've lost the debate.
You are 100% wrong, and I think you are also CRAZY (because you couldn't be this stupid). I already cited my own case
You don't have a case. According to you, you never filed a complaint with the school, nor the EEO or other office you just went away to stew about it apparently if you're still mad 41 years later.

No report, no complaint, no EEO or other file - didn't happen right?
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The Supreme Court has ruled several times, including in 2016 in the final decision in Fisher v. University of Texas, that affirmative action is constitutional and doesn’t discriminate against white applicants.
liberals are full of shit about it.
How are you all defining the word liberal? Since I'm in the group that it's being flung out I'd really like to know what I'm allegedly being accused so that I can include it in my report.
In the end, all my college time and work was for naught. I never got hired to any job that required a college (even bachelor) degree. I had only 3 interviews in 32 years, and the most money I ever made was about $11/hour (in 2018 dollars)
This doesn't' make sense. What you learn in college shouldn't be for naught and will I understand obtaining one's degree is the goal and not achieving it hurts (i left college before I got my degree but eventually went back and completed) but your whole life should then end up with you only being able to earn minimum wage.

Our experiences are so different I can't even wrap my mind around this. I thought you said you ended up working in the computer industry. No one works for minimum wage in IT unless they are just entering the industry and even then they don't stay at minimum wage for long.

Why ? Because despite being a minority race, I steadfastly refused to lower myself to the level of the lowlifes who accept AA. I wouldn't be caught dead engaging in the DISGRACE of filling out an AA questionnaire.
So are you white or not because you said "despite being a minority race"? The rest of your comment is just sad if that's how you genuinely feel about your fellow citizens. And just an FYI, the reason they ask those question is not so they can identify & then hire minorities, it's so that the program can report back to their funding agency how many people they have served by race, gender, ethnic background, etc. so that they continue to be appropriated more budget money. There are a lot more things going on behind the scenes than you are aware of and believe me more of it has to do with money and keeping it flowing [in] that actual racial preferences.
That's a damn lie.
That is what you just posted (a damn lie)


Nah. All we have to do is look up all the economic indicators and see whites leading in all categories including consistently holding a rate of unemployment below the national average to understand the shit you post is a damn lie.
You don't have a case. According to you, you never filed a complaint with the school, nor the EEO or other office you just went away to stew about it apparently if you're still mad 41 years later.

No report, no complaint, no EEO or other file - didn't happen right?
I have a case, as do the hundreds of millions of other victims of AA in America, over the past 50 years, and all of us should be should be paid reparations$$$$$$ for all the damages$$$$ suffered, as a result of decades of affirmative action discrimination. Bu these reparations should not be paid from US taxes. They should be paid out of the personal pockets of those racists who have been supporting and pushing AA, all these decades, like some of the racist fools in this thread.

As for me sueing, that's already been addressed 3X in this thread. I'm not repeating it again.

Just saw this video in my feed and was quite shocked at the stats it puts forward.

AA is HURTFUL. *WE* all are HUMANS riding on the same rock in space and really need to get RID of this hurtful garbage. HIRE someone that is worth your time and energy that could be beneficial to your business/enterprise REGARDLESS of RACE. There is only ONE RACE, the HUMAN one. And this is how I treat my politics...*I* don't believe in ANY PARTY. I am an independent. I vote PERSON, RECORD. SAME should be applied to AA. Hire PERSON...RECORD. Anything else is hurtful, harmful, and divisive AS we are seeing.

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