Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

Bullshit. Most of the posters that are complaining about it have no idea what it entails, insists it makes lawful things that it does not and are displaying the opening hostility against "black people" which necessitated the passing of the legislation in the first place.

They're acting like little kids whose parents just brought home a new baby and are now resentful that they have to share their parents' time and attention.
1. You have a habit of saying things out of the blue. I never said anything about minimum wage, YOU said that.
What do you mean a habit? You said that the amount of money you earned currently would be the equivalence of about $11/hr in 2018. California minimum wage as of 2018 IS 11/hr.

2. I didn't say I didn't get a degree. I have 2 bachelors degrees (Geography & Economics)
Your whole complaint is based on the opportunity that you were allegedly deprived of by "unqualified black affirmative action recipients" thereby precluding you from obtaining your master's degree. So you're saying neither of your bachelor's has helped you obtain a level of achievement that you desired or needed? Because honestly if you couldn't earn much more than minimum wage with two bachelor what makes you think that having a master's would have improved things?

3. I worked in the computer industry as an inspector, and made more than MW, but less than I would have as a planner with a masters degree.
I have no idea what an inspector does, I'm certified by Microsoft as a systems engineer, database administrator and solution developer, in a legacy database language and in Visual Basic, a development language (MCSE, MCDBA, MCSD) and I was billing at $11/hr back in the '80s so I have no idea how your career path got so off track but if you've only interviewed 3 times in 30 some odd years I can just about guarantee you that it's not because of affirmative action.

4. The >> "report back to their funding agency how many people they have served by race, gender, ethnic background, etc. so that they continue to be appropriated more budget money" line is the oldest line in the book. it's a cover for the act of affirmative action discrimination. Questionairres certainly ARE used for racial discrimination.
Have you ever worked for a government agency?
Bullshit. Most of the posters that are complaining about it have no idea what it entails, insists it makes lawful things that it does not and are displaying the opening hostility against "black people" which necessitated the passing of the legislation in the first place.

They're acting like little kids whose parents just brought home a new baby and are now resentful that they have to share their parents' time and attention.
You have a sickening and despicable disregard for the suffering of hundreds of millions of white people, who, by far constitute the largest number of victims of racial discrimination (ie, Affirmative Action), in America, for over 50 years.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
What does it say about a person who can't pass an open-book examination?
It says they shouldn't have been in those college classrooms in the first place - who were put thereby New York's "Open Admissions" program ( a type of AA)

And what does it say about those who created open book tests ? It says they are nutjob liberals. who will stoop to anything to avoid being called a "racist" (however valid or invalid the accusation)
Do you PLAY the violin ?
2nd String violin in the Compton Festival Orchestra (6th grade) although the video is from at least 10 years earlier. As you can ascertain from the video, as I previously have stated the city of Compton was predominantly white when my parents moved in.

Good that you play the instrument. I play 4. Guitar, harmonica, violin, and its cousin, the mandolin.

See Post # 43 (video) in this thread >> Academy Awards Are a Farce
AA punishes the now for the past. It's a lib thing living in 50-150 years ago
No it's not.
protectionist said:
And they reinforce that 50-150 years ago thing, by constantly battering us with old black & white footages of civil rights battles in the 1950s and further back, as if we're supposed to think that is the current situation.

This is the mentality they (PBS) try to inject into the minds of black people today - that they are victims now in 2018, when they're not.
Why did you misquote me? The quote shown wasn't mine even though my name appears above it. That's an infraction of board rules.
I'll view it as accidental this time but be careful...
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Why did you misquote me? The quote shown wasn't mine even though my name appears above it. That's an infraction of board rules.
I'll view it as accidental this time but be careful...
It's an accident, Happens sometimes. We all know you wouldn't say something as correct as that. :icon_lol:
You have a sickening and despicable disregard for the suffering of hundreds of millions of white people, who, by far constitute the largest number of victims of racial discrimination (ie, Affirmative Action), in America, for over 50 years.
Hundreds of millions of white people? The population of the United States is currently around 326 million. Are you seriously attempting to state that more than 2/3 of the white people in the United States are victims of discrimination because they're white?

The harm caused by allegedly losing out on a job due to being white doesn't begin to compare to having a cross burned on your lawn, being lynched or dragged behind a pickup truck by a rope, set on fire, having your church bombed or having a lunatic come inside under pretense of wanting to pray and then gunning down everyone simply because they were black. The fact that after an entire week you're still unable to discern the difference between random and singular acts of not getting the outcome you wanted that EVERYONE experiences and systemic, deliberate, openly hostile and at time violent acts directed at specific individuals due to them being black and most often it would seem initiated perpetrated simply because the perpetrators' own lives suck so badly is mind boggling.

You all are looking for a scapegoat as to why the superior race isn't coming out on top each and every time as expected, if it actually were a superior race. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

Unlike you, I take no exception with the white race as a whole, that would be completely idiotic for numerous reasons. It's the racist bigots among your ranks that cause the problems with whom I take exception - always have, always will.

So I'm going violate my own personal code of conduct here because you're being so nasty. You have two bachelor degrees - I have one. I haven't spent any time in grad school let alone completed an advanced degree program. So how in the hell did a lowlife, lazy ass black female achieve more in life, including earning a higher salary than you? Or are you lying about that too?

Hint: The answer is not AA unless AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous.
You're an idiot. I was very low (or no) income back then, and have been most of my life. There's 100 court suits I should have filed and never did, only because of not having the money
what you don't see is just how ridiculous your lying is. If you were discriminated against because you were White, it is logical to assume white people with more money than you were also discriminated against. According to you, no one sued. Why was that? That's a rhetorical question obviously. The best answer is no one sued because there was no case.

You're going to sue IF you can afford it, and if you can't then you can shut up about it right now.

Well, no...I would bring my case to the NAACP and the media. The KKK or some other RW radical group would have been glad to get a lawyer for you.

If ypu use AA to get you in, you're a lowlife creature, that doesn't even deserve to be in this forum. Go climb back under the rock you came out from. I've never filled out an AA questionairre, I'm proud o say. I wouldn't be caught dead doing that, any more than cheating at poker or chess.

Personally, my test scores were always high. AA was only needed to get my qualifications looked at and to have an opportunity to be interviewed. I did the rest. But being tall, (6ft 6in. ) dark and handsome.did give me somewhat of an advantage.

And I'm not trying to justify failures (I don't fail), I'm just stating the case against AA as it is.
And indoing so you have lost sight of the plight of Asians fighting against White preference in college admissions. That has nothing to do with AA...To me it represents regression back to the "good ol' days" when white males , no matter how inept, did not have to compete with minorities or white .women for jobs or education.
Affirmative Action is great. Unqualified, usually retarded idiots who hate Whites get admission into colleges they have no business attending, get jobs qualified good natured Whites would normally get because of expertise, education and experience. Sounds like a plan for a progression society! :p
Which is what we've been saying all along. AA is discrimination.

Hpw about you use the 2016 case? OK?
It is not. You are wrong.

Even though I provided a link that clearly explained when discrimination against a white was used by a college?

If you applied for a job, and the person doing the interview told you that you can't have the job because of the color of your skin, what would you call that?

After you answer that question, explain to me how your answer could possibly be different if the interviewer said the exact same thing to a white.

How about you use the 2016 case? OK?

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of affirmative action in college admissions

"The US Supreme Court affirmed the Fifth Circuit's opinion in the Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin case, ruling that the "race-conscious admissions program in use at the time" is lawful under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. "

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of affirmative action in college admissions

"The court ruled 4-3 in the university's favor, with Justices Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor delivering the opinion of the court, and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and John Roberts dissenting.

Justice Elena Kagan recused herself from the case.

The Equal Protection Clause requires states to provide the same basic rights to all people in similar circumstances. "

Fisher was not discriminated based on race at UT. In this case it was found that students of color with higher scores than Fishers were also not admitted.

"For just one second, let’s forget that the University of Texas’ admission rate is 40 percent and that it’s on record only 5 people of color with grades worse than her were accepted and 42 white people with grades worse than her were accepted from her class that year. Let’s forget that there were 168 Black and Latino students who got the same grades or even better grades than her but were denied admission. Let’s forget all of that and look at the real issue and problem with the case: Fisher and others refusing to believe that people of color can be smarter than them and can earn admission solely on their brain and not their skin color.

There’s always been this rhetoric that people of color who are accepted into these schools are accepted because of their skin color due to Affirmative Action. They didn’t study for their ACTs, they didn’t get 4.0s, they weren’t involved in their high schools. They just applied and the admissions people looked at what race they were and said “She’s brown, let’s get that acceptance letter to her.” But the reality of the situation is if that spot was really yours, you would have gotten it."

Blame Your Own Mediocrity, Not People of Color, For Your College Admission Shortcomings | HuffPost

As to your question, it is an illegal question that cannot be asked in an interview. Nor can an employer tell you why you were not hired for any reason much less due to affirmative action. So if an employer does this, they can be sued for unfair employment practices. So these claims those like you are making are bunk if you base them on employment law and EEOC policy. Some of us here actually know what we are talking about relative to these matters Ray.

I disagree. Maybe if it has something to do with race, but I've inquired why I was not hired for jobs and they told me. That was in my younger days and most often it was because an older person with more experience wanted the same job. One time it was because a former employer blackballed me.

But I want to get back to this University case. I always question Hufffpo because not only are they far left, they have often been accused of reporting false information.

According to that article, 168 minorities with grades better than Fisher were denied entrance, while 42 whites with worse grades were not. Does that make any sense to you? I mean......the slightest hint at discrimination has ambulance chasers coming out of the woodwork and left-wing media all over the story. Yet......crickets.

There is something really fishy about this article when lower scoring whites gain admission into college over higher scoring blacks. Any school would normally be scared to death of a lawsuit if they did anything like that.

What you disagree with is irrelevant. The article was not challenged. You cant be told you were denied for jobs because of your race legally. That s a fact. You can't be told anything but they hired a person who they felt was was better able to do the job. You can't be told you got blackballed, that's discrimination.. You're just wrong here Ray.
Either way it's discrimination...
Affirmative Action is great. Unqualified, usually retarded idiots who hate Whites get admission into colleges they have no business attending, get jobs qualified good natured Whites would normally get because of expertise, education and experience. Sounds like a plan for a progression society! :p
Always good to get the racist Outlook
francoHFW, Affirmative Action in college admissions resulted in Barry and Micheal Obama. They were the most corrupt, incompetent occupants in the White House in history. And their racist commentary made Blacks feel more entitled to attacks Whites than ever. Do your homework punk. And eat your carrots as Micheal would say! :p
francoHFW, Affirmative Action in college admissions resulted in Barry and Micheal Obama. They were the most corrupt, incompetent occupants in the White House in history. And their racist commentary made Blacks feel more entitled to attacks Whites than ever. Do your homework punk. And eat your carrots! :p
Yeah and those books they wrote sucked! Seriously they did nothing Criminal or approaching Criminal, or you are are a conspiracy nut job. He also gave us the best economy in the world 4 7 years. You believe a giant pile of crap, hater dupe politically of course.
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"Obama gave us the best economy." :p No offense, but you are certified crazy as fuck. ;)

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