Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

How are you all defining the word liberal? Since I'm in the group that it's being flung out I'd really like to know what I'm allegedly being accused so that I can include it in my report.
As liberals, you are

1. murderers of unborn children,

2. traitors, who are complicit in Mexican imperialism robbing the US economy of Trillions$ over the decades, as well as robbing Americans of millions of jobs, and imposing the long list of harms of immigration upon the American people.

3. fools who, by your acceptance of Islam, endanger the American people by making us more susceptible to terrorism, and the cultural subversions of Islamization.

4. Racists/hypocrites who support affirmative action.

5. fools who endanger us by your support of gun-free zones (which have gotten hundreds of American killed)

6. nutjobs who support homosexuality, transgender, et al insanities,

That's enough for now.
This doesn't' make sense. What you learn in college shouldn't be for naught and will I understand obtaining one's degree is the goal and not achieving it hurts (i left college before I got my degree but eventually went back and completed) but your whole life should then end up with you only being able to earn minimum wage.

Our experiences are so different I can't even wrap my mind around this. I thought you said you ended up working in the computer industry. No one works for minimum wage in IT unless they are just entering the industry and even then they don't stay at minimum wage for long.

So are you white or not because you said "despite being a minority race"? The rest of your comment is just sad if that's how you genuinely feel about your fellow citizens. And just an FYI, the reason they ask those question is not so they can identify & then hire minorities, it's so that the program can report back to their funding agency how many people they have served by race, gender, ethnic background, etc. so that they continue to be appropriated more budget money. There are a lot more things going on behind the scenes than you are aware of and believe me more of it has to do with money and keeping it flowing [in] that actual racial preferences.
1. You have a habit of saying things out of the blue. I never said anything about minimum wage, YOU said that.

2. I didn't say I didn't get a degree. I have 2 bachelors degrees (Geography & Economics)

3. I worked in the computer industry as an inspector, and made more than MW, but less than I would have as a planner with a masters degree.

4. The >> "report back to their funding agency how many people they have served by race, gender, ethnic background, etc. so that they continue to be appropriated more budget money" line is the oldest line in the book. it's a cover for the act of affirmative action discrimination. Questionairres certainly ARE used for racial discrimination.
You don't have a case. According to you, you never filed a complaint with the school, nor the EEO or other office you just went away to stew about it apparently if you're still mad 41 years later.hat

No report, no complaint, no EEO or other file - didn't happen right?
I have a case, as do the hundreds of millions of other victims of AA in America, over the past 50 years, and all of us should be should be paid reparations$$$$$$ for all the damages$$$$ suffered, as a result of decades of affirmative action discrimination. Bu these reparations should not be paid from US taxes. They should be paid out of the personal pockets of those racists who have been supporting and pushing AA, all these decades, like some of the racist fools in this thread.

As for me sueing, that's already been addressed 3X in this thread. I'm not repeating it again.

You have no case. The supreme court ruled it constitutional what kind of human tights violations have whites suffered here that qualifies them for reparations?

None. 1977 was 41 years ago, but we can't talk about the past only you punks can You're dumb and they figured that out 41 years ago in Memphis. You could have gone elsewhere and applied. Don't even try that lie about you having t pay rent when you were in Memphis applying for grad school and were not concerned about your rent if you would have got accepted there. Try that lie at the next whining whitey club meeting. But you "ain't going to get no sympathy" from us brothers who had to apply at 5-6 different colleges just for undergrad admission. Much less the millions of blacks like my parents who died wishing they could go to college but whitey said no blacks will be admitted into this university.
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How are you all defining the word liberal? Since I'm in the group that it's being flung out I'd really like to know what I'm allegedly being accused so that I can include it in my report.
As liberals, you are

1. murderers of unborn children,

2. traitors, who are complicit in Mexican imperialism robbing the US economy of Trillions$ over the decades, as well as robbing Americans of millions of jobs, and imposing the long list of harms of immigration upon the American people.

3. fools who, by your acceptance of Islam, endanger the American people by making us more susceptible to terrorism, and the cultural subversions of Islamization.

4. Racists/hypocrites who support affirmative action.

5. fools who endanger us by your support of gun-free zones (which have gotten hundreds of American killed)

6. nutjobs who support homosexuality, transgender, et al insanities,

That's enough for now.

The rantings of a loon.
Nah. All we have to do is look up all the economic indicators and see whites leading in all categories including consistently holding a rate of unemployment below the national average to understand the shit you post is a damn lie.
You may look at it but, you are concluding wrongly, because you're not examining all the criteria. If whites lead in economic categories including consistently holding a rate of unemployment below the national average, that's a factor of a number of things, not just affirmative action.

Most likely, it's a reflection of black laziness, preference to sleep late, collect welfare instead of working, screwing up on the job (which they're unqualified for, and only got because of AA), prefer crime to employment, prefer selling drugs, prefer prostitution, etc. Blacks just are not as employment oriented as whites, in general.
AA is HURTFUL. *WE* all are HUMANS riding on the same rock in space and really need to get RID of this hurtful garbage. HIRE someone that is worth your time and energy that could be beneficial to your business/enterprise REGARDLESS of RACE. There is only ONE RACE, the HUMAN one. And this is how I treat my politics...*I* don't believe in ANY PARTY. I am an independent. I vote PERSON, RECORD. SAME should be applied to AA. Hire PERSON...RECORD. Anything else is hurtful, harmful, and divisive AS we are seeing.
Of course but there are racists who support affirmative action, and part of that is their fear that blacks are inferior regarding education and the workforce, and thus must have something extra to enable them to function in these capacities.
You have no case. The supreme court ruled it constitutional what kind of human tights violations have whites suffered here that qualifies them for reparations?

None. 1977 was 41 years ago, but we can't talk about the past only you punks can You're dumb and they figured that out 41 years ago in Memphis. You could have gone elsewhere and applied. Don't even try that lie about you having t pay rent when you were in Memphis applying for grad school and were not concerned about your rent if you would have got accepted there. Try that lie at the next whining whitey club meeting. But you "ain't going to get no sympathy" from us brothers who had to apply at 5-6 different colleges just for undergrad admission. Much less the millions of blacks like my parents who died wishing they could go to college but whitey said no blacks will be admitted into this university.
1. Racial discrimination human rights violations.

2. Your rent posting doesn't make sense. One can have barely enough to pay rent while going to school, but not enough to file court suits.

3. Don't give me any sob stories about you and your "brothers" punks who had advantage over whites from AA. Try that lie at the next whining blackey club meeting. It's the whites who had the DISadvantage, because of racist pigs like you, supporting AA.

4. Memphis State said no whites will be admitted to this graduate school (did that by discrimination in financial aid)
So, who cares what Jesse says?
Millions of black dum dums, who can't think objectively.
I don't know where you got the notion that millions of blacks care what Jesse Jackson says. I've seen or heard nothing to support that contention.

I'd rather listen to Jesse than Rush.
Then YOU would rather listen to RACIST RHETORIC that does nothing but DIVIDE US. Jesse Jackson got his accolades riding the Coat Tails of MLK...and Jesse Jackson resembles NOTHING of MLK's message...and nor does the Reverend Al Not-So-Sharpton. They make their money on RACE issues and FOOLS like YOU believe it, and parrot their racist spew.
So, who cares what Jesse says?
Millions of black dum dums, who can't think objectively.
I don't know where you got the notion that millions of blacks care what Jesse Jackson says. I've seen or heard nothing to support that contention.

I'd rather listen to Jesse than Rush.
Then YOU would rather listen to RACIST RHETORIC that does nothing but DIVIDE US. Jesse Jackson got his accolades riding the Coat Tails of MLK...and Jesse Jackson resembles NOTHING of MLK's message...and nor does the Reverend Al Not-So-Sharpton. They make their money on RACE issues and FOOLS like YOU believe it, and parrot their racist spew.

You don't know shit about Kings message punk. All you know is that one line white racists misquote from the I have a dream speech. Talking about how whites still practice racism is not racist.
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AA punishes the now for the past
It's a lib thing living in 50-150 years ago
You don't have a case. According to you, you never filed a complaint with the school, nor the EEO or other office you just went away to stew about it apparently if you're still mad 41 years later.

No report, no complaint, no EEO or other file - didn't happen right?
I have a case, as do the hundreds of millions of other victims of AA in America, over the past 50 years, and all of us should be should be paid reparations$$$$$$ for all the damages$$$$ suffered, as a result of decades of affirmative action discrimination. Bu these reparations should not be paid from US taxes. They should be paid out of the personal pockets of those racists who have been supporting and pushing AA, all these decades, like some of the racist fools in this thread.

As for me sueing, that's already been addressed 3X in this thread. I'm not repeating it again.
Your failure to sue when you believed you were being discriminated against is crucial to the outcome of this debate. The black cyber detectives here have put all the clues together and have independently concluded that you are a lying POS. Your anecdotes about how AA ruined your life are peppered with lies, half truths, and maybe a sprinkle of fact here and there. But no man or woman determined to succeed is going to stop until their goal is reached. And if sueing for being discriminated against will hep me reach that goal...I'm going to do it. Conversely, if i meet the prerequisites and have the qualifications for a position or for college admission I will use AA to get me in for an interview. If i am rejected by one employer or school I'm going to keep trying until I find success. I would not be sitting around 40 years later trying to justify my own failures by blaming AA.
I can understand AA for older folks like 60+
But for young people, NO.
Get a freaking job and pay for your college loans like we all did.
There is no free ride or free lunch or free samples..
You have to pay or get out.
Your failure to sue when you believed you were being discriminated against is crucial to the outcome of this debate. The black cyber detectives here have put all the clues together and have independently concluded that you are a lying POS. Your anecdotes about how AA ruined your life are peppered with lies, half truths, and maybe a sprinkle of fact here and there. But no man or woman determined to succeed is going to stop until their goal is reached. And if sueing for being discriminated against will hep me reach that goal...I'm going to do it. Conversely, if i meet the prerequisites and have the qualifications for a position or for college admission I will use AA to get me in for an interview. If i am rejected by one employer or school I'm going to keep trying until I find success. I would not be sitting around 40 years later trying to justify my own failures by blaming AA.
You're an idiot. I was very low (or no) income back then, and have been most of my life. There's 100 court suits I should have filed and never did, only because of not having the money. There's a few now too I suppose, if I really thought about it. I don't because I know I'm too broke every month to do it.

You're going to sue IF you can afford it, and if you can't then you can shut up about it right now.

If ypu use AA to get you in, you're a lowlife creature, that doesn't even deserve to be in this forum. Go climb back under the rock you came out from. I've never filled out an AA questionairre, I'm proud o say. I wouldn't be caught dead doing that, any more than cheating at poker or chess.

And I'm not trying to justify failures (I don't fail), I'm just stating the case against AA as it is. And I'm stating it truly, in contrast to just about everything you've posted in this thread, which is one pile of :bsflag:after another.

I suppose you like AA, because you figure you're incapable of attaining anything fair and square, so you have to rely on the cheat scenario.
AA punishes the now for the past. It's a lib thing living in 50-150 years ago
No it's not.[/QUOTE]
And they reinforce that 50-150 years ago thing, by constantly battering us with old black & white footages of civil rights battles in the 1950s and further back, as if we're supposed to think that is the current situation.

This is the mentality they (PBS) try to inject into the minds of black people today - that they are victims now in 2018, when they're not.

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