Affordable Care Act saving taxpayer money at record pace

So my taxes aren't going down, and medicare or medicaid isn't getting any more solvent, so then all that happened is the government found more money to throw away.

I'm thrilled, but how is it saving me money again?
So my taxes aren't going down, and medicare or medicaid isn't getting any more solvent, so then all that happened is the government found more money to throw away.

I'm thrilled, but how is it saving me money again?

The answer is "Hope and Change".

Medical costs for enrollees in the health-care law’s high-risk insurance pools are expected to more than double initial predictions, the Obama administration said Thursday in a report on the new program.

Per enrollee spending is higher than anticipated; total spending on the program is still well below what was expected at the outset. A couple years ago the CMS actuary predicted the $5 billion allocated to the PCIPs would be exhausted this year; as it is, they've only committed something like 10-15% of the funding so far.

For the math-challenged: 1 percent out of a 9 percent increase is not "50 percent of the premium hike."

Thanks Greenbeard for exposing that Luntz-like language.

Frank Luntz

Most people are unfamiliar with Frank Luntz, but if I threw out the terms "death tax" or "government takeover of your health care" those are Frank Luntz talking points. Luntz is a pollster and consultant for Fox News, but he is more commonly known as the Republican Party word smither.

At the recent Republican Governors' Association meeting in Florida, Frank Luntz prepped the governors on what words and expressions to use to make the Republican positions appear more favorable.

Instead of capitalism use "economic freedom" or "free market."

Instead of saying government taxes the rich, say "government takes from the rich."

Refer to the middle class as "hardworking taxpayers."

It's not's "careers."

Government spending becomes "government waste."

Republicans don't compromise...they "cooperate."

And when hearing out a OWS protester, the three magic words are, "I get it."

You now get the idea. Republicans are masters at coining terms to either convey a more positive or negative meaning, whatever the case may be. So when it appears that all Fox News pundits as well as Republican politicians all of a sudden seem to adopt some new words or expressions all at the same time, you are right. And it is most likely Frank Luntz doing the coaching.

"80 percent of our life is emotion, and only 20 percent is intellect. I am much more interested in how you feel than how you think." -- Frank Luntz

I'm sure Joseph Goebbels would be proud that his party and tactics are still in existence.

And Luntz admits that liberals don't have a propaganda ministry.

The 11 Words for 2011 by Frank Luntz

"These are 11 phrases that will be shaping the public discourse over the coming year. You won't find a similar list from a liberal wordsmith -- there aren't any -- so you might as well use these."
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Another success story for Obamacare

It keeps getting better and better

How many billions did it cost us to recover 4.1?
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.

The Flintstones cartoon was first shown in 1960, and----voila----in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, the Flintstones cartoon is just as effective as government funded healthcare according to your logic.
Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.

The Flintstones cartoon was first shown in 1960, and----voila----in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, the Flintstones cartoon is just as effective as government funded healthcare according to your logic.

I wonder if they realize they made an argument to not stop fraud.
Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.

The Flintstones cartoon was first shown in 1960, and----voila----in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, the Flintstones cartoon is just as effective as government funded healthcare according to your logic.

The above message sounds nutty to me -- maybe/probably, it takes a extremist rightwing mind, but could you please take your best shot at explaining to the rest of us what an early to mid-sixties cartoon has to do with the life expectancy of an average American?
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Another success story for Obamacare

It keeps getting better and better

How many billions did it cost us to recover 4.1?

So we quit fighting corruption when it is not cost effective?
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.

in 1910 the life expectancy was 48.4 without govt funded healthcare it jumped to 69.7 in 1960 so really it seems govt funded healthcare has impeded the increase of life expectancy.
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.
Correlation is not causation.

Some people have trouble with that.
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


This is good news.

Medicare fraud is, I am informed, one the cash cows of the American based Russian mafia.

Another success story for Obamacare

It keeps getting better and better

Yes, what a success. We're spending $794 billion over the next seven years on this new entitlement program in order to recover $4.1 billion in fraud costs. You're right, this is wonderful news! Now it's only costing us $790 billion in borrowed money from China! All to try and quell your insatiable greed and sense of self entitlement.

YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!! :thewave:
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Nobody's arguing this isn't making health care cheaper for the government.

The purpose, after all, is to make it more expensive for the patient. Pay more for less services.
Yes, what a success. We're spending $794 billion over the next seven years on this new entitlement program in order to recover $4.1 billion in fraud costs.

No, we're spending $794 billion to get care to 32 million Americans by modernizing Medicaid and the individual health insurance market.

Now it's only costing us $790 billion in borrowed money from China!

The ACA isn't paid for with borrowed money.


Paid for with higher taxes.

Seems it does everything but lower the cost of health care coverage. The condom war against the church is just one example.
Last edited:
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Way back before government was involved in healthcare, there was zero government healthcare fraud.
Just saying.

That's a true statement alan1, and far be it from me to call you an idiot for making it, but consider-------in 1960 life expectancy in the United States was 69.7 years, along came gov't funded healthcare, and-------voila-------in 2010 life expectancy in the United States has increased to 78.7 years. IOW's, going back to a time when all health insurance was provided by private corporations is a death sentence for the average citizen of the United States-------no wonder, Americans get really-really pissed when Republicans start talking about privatizing Medicare.
Crediting 50 years of medical advancements to "government funded healthcare" is inane. Medical science advanced in spite of government meddling, not because of it.

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