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Afghanistan: It defeated both Russian and American invasions. They are the greatest war power ever.

Afghanistan is clearly no priority, and we've been there wasting money & lives because of Southern bozos
Trump is from where? Obama was from where? Where are your congress critters and Senators from? The South? Who doles out the money? Southern congress critters only? Who agreed to the 1.4 Trillion budget? Southerners only? SMH-

The South has always propped up war mongering, without that we never would've been in Afghanistan.
Not so fast
Eight of 10 Americans Support Ground War in Afghanistan
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

Failed war in Afghanistan?

What exactly are you talking about?

In 2002, Osama Bin Laden was being housed by the Taliban.

The goal of the invasion was to remove the Taliban for power over Afghanistan, in order to either capture Bin Laden, or at least deny him safe haven, and push him out where we could get him.

This happened. Taliban is not charge of Afghanistan, and we got Osama just a few years later, because he wasn't being protected by the Taliban.

So... I don't what point you think you are making, but it doesn't seem to fit the facts.
The Taliban have never lost power over Afghanistan. The US is leaving, they will be out in force,
fully in charge of the place. So tell me, what was won there? As Osama was in another nation after say

Can you name that nation?

In an October 2004 opinion article in The New York Times, General Tommy Franks, who was the general commander of U.S forces in Afghanistan at the time, wrote,

We don't know to this day whether Mr. bin Laden was at Tora Bora in December 2001. Some intelligence sources said he was; others indicated he was in Pakistan at the time ... Tora Bora was teeming with Taliban and Qaeda operatives ... but Mr. bin Laden was never within our grasp.~Wiki. It seems Osama was in Pakistan from late 2001 on. OOPS!

So any other words, your assumption, and unsupported historical claim, is all you need to declare this a Taliban win.

When Osama went to Pakistan is debatable. The Taliban itself was in Pakistsan too.

Whether he went to Pakistan before or after the Bush invasion is debatable, but regardless we did not know exactly where he was, and it was widely believed that he was under the care of the Taliban.

Further, only cowards use the 20/20 hind sight, to declare wrong actions. It does not matter what we know in retrospect, because..... idiot.... we didn't know that at the time.

The operation was the correct course of action, given the information we had at that time.

That's how life works. You can't operate based on future knowledge that we don't have, because we don't have it. If the positions were reversed, and you are the one being condemned, based on information you didn't have, you would be outraged at the unfairness of that.

But like all cowards, pretty easy sitting behind your computer criticizing people with knowledge they didn't know.
And we don't even know if you are right. Osama might have been there, and might not. But this idea that pathetic snots, who have never had to own the responsibility of a choice in their life, sitting around crying real men who make decisions.... really sad.
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

This OP can only be written by a huge tool of partisan politics... There was NO CHOICE but to go into Afghanistan after 9/11... Cleaning up the remnants of Al Queda there... Deposing the Taliban for making the bad choice of allowing that group to train and shelter there.

The problem was always that USA sucks at setting goals for victory.. And YOU SUCK at honesty about YOUR solution to the problem.. Don't think you have an alternate scenario that allows you to skate off as a hero without putting Obama into this picture... OR -- a CONSISTENT view of what America's foreign war committments should look like...

You're just chucking shit at latest Admin that is making the hard decisions..

You want to sign up --- go over there and give America the victory it deserves?? You probably have a bone spur or something --- Right???
This OP can only be written by a huge tool of partisan politics... There was NO CHOICE but to go into Afghanistan after 9/11... Cleaning up the remnants of Al Queda there... Deposing the Taliban for making the bad choice of allowing that group to train and shelter there.

Bush should have agreed OBL be handed over to a third country to be tried. The CIA could still have hunted him down if they wouldn't have hanged him. No one would have objected seriously had some al Qaeda training camps been reduced to rubble. After that horrible crime on 9/11, basically the whole world would have stood behind the U.S. of A., and behind pretty much every intelligent effort at eradicating AQ, and that depraved version of Islam would have suffered a devastating blow.

Instead, because "NO CHOICE", there's 20 years of war, and the end result, except for a six-figure body count in Afghanistan alone (not to mention Iraq), looks desperately as if Afghanistan is about to get what was there before, the Taliban taking over, town by town, province by province, and two decades wasted.

Yeah, "NO CHOICE". Frankly, Flac, I sort of, kind of, understand in a moment of grief and rage imbecilic decisions are being made, namely, what should largely have been a police- and intelligence-driven operation was declared a war, and conducted as a war. Stupid, stupid, and interminably stupid. The effects of that stupidity we get to observe these days in the form of complete failure. Still, the CIA had to hunt down OBL, had to hunt down his henchmen, and the deposed Taliban will take over completely when, at long last, the U.S. slinks out of town.

What I do not, cannot understand is that same pap repeated on here, on this day, that led into the tragedy of Afghanistan, with almost two decades' worth of distance to the original event that entailed it. Is learning something from this utter failure due to nothing so much as imperial arrogance and stupidity really not a option?

BTW, if Trump actually gets the U.S. out of Afghanistan, I will, for once, for the first time, laud him for doing the right thing (albeit probably for all the wrong reasons).
Last edited:
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

It was Bush and Trump fault but Obama had no part in the failure?

So what the fuck was Obama doing with our troops in Afghanistan those eight years he was in office?
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

This OP can only be written by a huge tool of partisan politics... There was NO CHOICE but to go into Afghanistan after 9/11... Cleaning up the remnants of Al Queda there... Deposing the Taliban for making the bad choice of allowing that group to train and shelter there.

The problem was always that USA sucks at setting goals for victory.. And YOU SUCK at honesty about YOUR solution to the problem.. Don't think you have an alternate scenario that allows you to skate off as a hero without putting Obama into this picture... OR -- a CONSISTENT view of what America's foreign war committments should look like...

You're just chucking shit at latest Admin that is making the hard decisions..

You want to sign up --- go over there and give America the victory it deserves?? You probably have a bone spur or something --- Right???
DOPer WEAK Spew.
There was the better choice we all know as where this all ended. There were never any good out comings going into either place. FYI: Osama was living well seems all the time in another nation! Can you DOPers MORONS name this nation, with nukes?
Drone attacks and seal teams were the best options. With the CIA and others in support. FUCK the wasteful DHS. What have they ever do right for us? Some terrorists took over the planes in a terrorist attack, that's all. NO NATION ATTACKED US!
Beefing up plane security would have been all that was needed, and saving untolled trillions.
But welfare soldiers dying/or wounded seems fitting for playing the Gobmint long term welfare programs.


Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! We DOPers Suck it all the time with spews. As we are the worse American of all.

I say this can be a top 10 Military song.
MAGA, We are the DOPers. We are the losers.
Sound-off; 1 - 2; Sound-off; 3 - 4; Cadence count; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4; 1 - 2 — 3 - 4.
Last edited:
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.
So the USA loses another police action, then? OOPS!
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.
So the USA loses another police action, then? OOPS!

America never loses. We just lose interest. You'd be smart not to invite us back.
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

This OP can only be written by a huge tool of partisan politics... There was NO CHOICE but to go into Afghanistan after 9/11... Cleaning up the remnants of Al Queda there... Deposing the Taliban for making the bad choice of allowing that group to train and shelter there.

The problem was always that USA sucks at setting goals for victory.. And YOU SUCK at honesty about YOUR solution to the problem.. Don't think you have an alternate scenario that allows you to skate off as a hero without putting Obama into this picture... OR -- a CONSISTENT view of what America's foreign war committments should look like...

You're just chucking shit at latest Admin that is making the hard decisions..

You want to sign up --- go over there and give America the victory it deserves?? You probably have a bone spur or something --- Right???
DOPer WEAK Spew.
There was the better choice we all know as where this all ended. There were never any good out comings going into either place. FYI: Osama was living well seems all the time in another nation! Can you DOPers MORONS name this nation, with nukes?
Drone attacks and seal teams were the best options. With the CIA and others in support. FUCK the wasteful DHS. What have they ever do right for us? Some terrorists took over the planes in a terrorist attack, that's all. NO NATION ATTACKED US!
Beefing up plane security would have been all that was needed, and saving untolled trillions.
But welfare soldiers dying/or wounded seems fitting for playing the Gobmint long term welfare programs.


Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! We DOPers Suck it all the time with spews. As we are the worse American of all.

I say this can be a top 10 Military song.
MAGA, We are the DOPers. We are the losers.
Sound-off; 1 - 2; Sound-off; 3 - 4; Cadence count; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4; 1 - 2 — 3 - 4.

You're still avoiding ANY intellectual honesty about this entire topic.. YOU have no plan.. Never did.. Eight years of the same failed nation propping under the PREVIOUS Blue Team leadership and we didn't hear a squeak out of your mealy mouth.,..

I don't hate you for being partisan parrot.. I hate you for being the ultimate hypocrite... And the REAL loser in this sorry thread....
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.

When you break it -- can't fix it -- and all the prize is -- is dirt ---

You HAVE no policy for a police or military action anymore... Should have put a dedicated spy satellite up for Afganistan and left about 7 or 8 years ago...
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.

When you break it -- can't fix it -- and all the prize is -- is dirt ---

You HAVE no policy for a police or military action anymore... Should have put a dedicated spy satellite up for Afganistan and left about 7 or 8 years ago...

Probably right, but then, we all know how the military loves to play with its toys and justify its budget, that and the fact that I think maybe half the people working in intelligence/military are there in the first place because they are all latent paranoiacs who feed off the fear that everyone is out to get them yet never seem to be looking at the right people in the right places at the right time, but somehow have time to spy on the 99.9% they don't need to worry about because we are fundamentally incompetent at telling the real bad guys from the rest of us.
Afghanistan is a place where life is and always has been painful and short. Add to that the dominant religion assuring the faithful a direct path to heaven if dying a martyr, and the perfect formula for getting men to fight is in place.
American soldiers want to live. They also know they're not where they should be.
yet never seem to be looking at the right people in the right places at the right time, but somehow have time to spy on the 99.9% they don't need to worry about because we are fundamentally incompetent at telling the real bad guys from the rest of us.

A great example of that is the Syria War.. 41 diff factions in that scuffle.. Including Iran and Russia.. Whoever we chose to train there for years was a mistake due to identifying the friendlies..

Afganistan should have been put under unique 24/7/365 surveillance from space.. We have that capability.. Just need a dedicated asset in space.. Would have been cheaper and saved us the human cost of keeping that pile of dirt - terrorist camp free... Can read license plates and tee shirts from 100 miles up.. Would have been a better ending to the incursion that really DID have to happen...
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.
So the USA loses another police action, then? OOPS!

America never loses. We just lose interest. You'd be smart not to invite us back.
Tell me more about are winning the Vietnam war, FYI I'm not a WEAK moron stupid DOPer MAGA asshole sucking in ALT-Facts to feel better..
So, spew your best BS showing me how we won.

As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

This OP can only be written by a huge tool of partisan politics... There was NO CHOICE but to go into Afghanistan after 9/11... Cleaning up the remnants of Al Queda there... Deposing the Taliban for making the bad choice of allowing that group to train and shelter there.

The problem was always that USA sucks at setting goals for victory.. And YOU SUCK at honesty about YOUR solution to the problem.. Don't think you have an alternate scenario that allows you to skate off as a hero without putting Obama into this picture... OR -- a CONSISTENT view of what America's foreign war committments should look like...

You're just chucking shit at latest Admin that is making the hard decisions..

You want to sign up --- go over there and give America the victory it deserves?? You probably have a bone spur or something --- Right???
DOPer WEAK Spew.
There was the better choice we all know as where this all ended. There were never any good out comings going into either place. FYI: Osama was living well seems all the time in another nation! Can you DOPers MORONS name this nation, with nukes?
Drone attacks and seal teams were the best options. With the CIA and others in support. FUCK the wasteful DHS. What have they ever do right for us? Some terrorists took over the planes in a terrorist attack, that's all. NO NATION ATTACKED US!
Beefing up plane security would have been all that was needed, and saving untolled trillions.
But welfare soldiers dying/or wounded seems fitting for playing the Gobmint long term welfare programs.


Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! We DOPers Suck it all the time with spews. As we are the worse American of all.

I say this can be a top 10 Military song.
MAGA, We are the DOPers. We are the losers.
Sound-off; 1 - 2; Sound-off; 3 - 4; Cadence count; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4; 1 - 2 — 3 - 4.

You're still avoiding ANY intellectual honesty about this entire topic.. YOU have no plan.. Never did.. Eight years of the same failed nation propping under the PREVIOUS Blue Team leadership and we didn't hear a squeak out of your mealy mouth.,..

I don't hate you for being partisan parrot.. I hate you for being the ultimate hypocrite... And the REAL loser in this sorry thread....

Hey, Master MAGA DOPer moron. I did tell a plan to win in those places.
You seem to have missed the post, did not understand the post, or fully agree was the way to win them.
And can't bring yourself to admit, as agreeing, that my plan would work BEST.
FFS!? It easily a MAGA plan in the scope of evils done to humans.
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.

When you break it -- can't fix it -- and all the prize is -- is dirt ---

You HAVE no policy for a police or military action anymore... Should have put a dedicated spy satellite up for Afganistan and left about 7 or 8 years ago...

And all the prize is dirt? Well, some interesting and valuable dirt:

Afghanistan Sits on $1 Trillion in Minerals

The aerial surveys determined that Afghanistan may hold 60 million tons of copper, 2.2 billion tons of iron ore, 1.4 million tons of rare earth elements such as lanthanum, cerium and neodymium, and lodes of aluminum, gold, silver, zinc, mercury and lithium.

Source: Rare Earth: Afghanistan Sits on $1 Trillion in Minerals
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

This OP can only be written by a huge tool of partisan politics... There was NO CHOICE but to go into Afghanistan after 9/11... Cleaning up the remnants of Al Queda there... Deposing the Taliban for making the bad choice of allowing that group to train and shelter there.

The problem was always that USA sucks at setting goals for victory.. And YOU SUCK at honesty about YOUR solution to the problem.. Don't think you have an alternate scenario that allows you to skate off as a hero without putting Obama into this picture... OR -- a CONSISTENT view of what America's foreign war committments should look like...

You're just chucking shit at latest Admin that is making the hard decisions..

You want to sign up --- go over there and give America the victory it deserves?? You probably have a bone spur or something --- Right???
DOPer WEAK Spew.
There was the better choice we all know as where this all ended. There were never any good out comings going into either place. FYI: Osama was living well seems all the time in another nation! Can you DOPers MORONS name this nation, with nukes?
Drone attacks and seal teams were the best options. With the CIA and others in support. FUCK the wasteful DHS. What have they ever do right for us? Some terrorists took over the planes in a terrorist attack, that's all. NO NATION ATTACKED US!
Beefing up plane security would have been all that was needed, and saving untolled trillions.
But welfare soldiers dying/or wounded seems fitting for playing the Gobmint long term welfare programs.


Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! Afghanistan...defeated both Russian and American invasions..WHEE! We DOPers Suck it all the time with spews. As we are the worse American of all.

I say this can be a top 10 Military song.
MAGA, We are the DOPers. We are the losers.
Sound-off; 1 - 2; Sound-off; 3 - 4; Cadence count; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4; 1 - 2 — 3 - 4.

You're still avoiding ANY intellectual honesty about this entire topic.. YOU have no plan.. Never did.. Eight years of the same failed nation propping under the PREVIOUS Blue Team leadership and we didn't hear a squeak out of your mealy mouth.,..

I don't hate you for being partisan parrot.. I hate you for being the ultimate hypocrite... And the REAL loser in this sorry thread....

Hey, Master MAGA DOPer moron. I did tell a plan to win in those places.
You seem to have missed the post, did not understand the post, or fully agree was the way to win them.
And can't bring yourself to admit, as agreeing, that my plan would work BEST.
FFS!? It easily a MAGA plan in the scope of evils done to humans.

Maybe your "brilliant plan" gets buried in the partisan cheerleading and stupidness of most of your posts... I read most of this thread and found NOTHING unique in thought or plan from you...
Last edited:
As the USA Bails on Dubya's failed war in Afghanistan and the other one in Iraq.
Seems these two nations beat the losers here of the American armed forces. Putin Wins again!

Trump admin intends to announce Afghanistan withdrawal of 4,000 troops

:113::bow3: :clap2::clap2:Afghanistan Fighters are the best. CLEARLY, it seems our US troops can't defeat mud hut dwellers.:itsok::lmao::lmao:
Btw. Blame Dubya, Not Obama. And the Great MAGA Douche just made our troops sacrifice there was confirmed BE for nothang.

There is no war. There is no chance. Maybe you are fighting a war but America is merely exercising a police action according to the constraints of the international community who value innocent lives over beating Persian dogs at any cost. If it were just a matter of kicking ass, the USA could take Afghanistan in 24 hours. But then, what is there but dirt? You've won dirt.

When you break it -- can't fix it -- and all the prize is -- is dirt ---

You HAVE no policy for a police or military action anymore... Should have put a dedicated spy satellite up for Afganistan and left about 7 or 8 years ago...

And all the prize is dirt? Well, some interesting and valuable dirt:

Afghanistan Sits on $1 Trillion in Minerals

The aerial surveys determined that Afghanistan may hold 60 million tons of copper, 2.2 billion tons of iron ore, 1.4 million tons of rare earth elements such as lanthanum, cerium and neodymium, and lodes of aluminum, gold, silver, zinc, mercury and lithium.

Source: Rare Earth: Afghanistan Sits on $1 Trillion in Minerals

I've read these stories for about 8 or 10 years now.. Aerial studies are incredibly iffy for the buried stuff. Especially gold and rare metals.. But the "rare earth" deposits should have been CONFIRMED by now. Never once read a story that they are actively mining yet...

Even your link is 5 years old..
8 Trillion and growing...........no end in sight............At some point you have got to say ENOUGH.......

Unless you are weapons manufacturer or stock holder on the weapons who doesn't give a shit about the human costs or damage to your country.......

Time to pull the stinking plug.......

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