Afghanistan - No simple answers


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
To all the Liberals and Conservatives here: Please stop the finger pointing for 2 min. and read this:

Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome"

This headline from the Mar 17th edition of USA today is spot on. It's "rock or a hard place" time. America can either continue to pour massive amounts of money down this 20 year black hole, or insist the Afghan army, (trained and equipped by the USA for 2 decades) stand on it's own 2 feet and fight the Taliban. Joe picked the latter.

Donald Trump's solution of a power sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government went nowhere, so this is what we're left with.

This is going to be a mess for months, if not years to come, but the sad fact is - there are no simple answers.

You're correct that there's no simple answers. It's very complex.

None of that is in doubt.

What's also not in doubt is that whilst there might not be a straightforward, faultless route to pulling the troops out and restoring the region, there's plenty of WRONG ways to go about doing it.

and guess what? Biden's done just that.

That's the whole point. There's no real correct and easy way of doing it, but there's plenty wrong ways to do it.

This has literally nothing to do with Republican's or Donald Trump no matter how much Biden's supporters and the left wants it to be in their pathetic deflection attempts.
What you had in Afghanistan is a country that has known nothing but war for a very long time. After the Russians left they had just repealed a world super power from their country that took the efforts of an entire generation who thought war was life. This created a warrior class culture and a void was created when the Russians left. So they focused in on the US who then came and invaded them as well. This is essentially filled the void once again as they had yet another superpower to fight off.

And now that the US has left? They must fill the void again. They must find someone to fight. This is their culture, this is their identity now.

So they will poke the bear as they always have done. Question is, what do you do when they create another 9/11? Do you just bomb them to hell and back periodically and never invade again? Or do you just try to ignore them?

To all the Liberals and Conservatives here: Please stop the finger pointing for 2 min. and read this:

Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome"

This headline from the Mar 17th edition of USA today is spot on. It's "rock or a hard place" time. America can either continue to pour massive amounts of money down this 20 year black hole, or insist the Afghan army, (trained and equipped by the USA for 2 decades) stand on it's own 2 feet and fight the Taliban. Joe picked the latter.

Donald Trump's solution of a power sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government went nowhere, so this is what we're left with.

This is going to be a mess for months, if not years to come, but the sad fact is - there are no simple answers.

A simple answer is give everyone in Afghanistan a weapon and 1000 rounds of ammunition....then let them fight for their own country.
If they don't want to.....then fuck them.
We never should have stayed there in the first place.
They hate our to Hell with them.
The Taliban defeated Russia because Ronald Reagan provided high tech military equipment to the Taliban. Similarly the Taliban defeated the USA because the Bush, Obama, and Trump provided high tech military equipment to the Taliban. If zionist control middle east policy as they have for generations, the question is why? Is it the PNAC objective to make every country around the zionist state a disaster in which "refugees" flood the West. the Biblical enemy of the zionist regime?
Biden's withdrawal from AFG is a disaster. The military (Milley) believed that the AFG army would fight, they didn't.
Why did we leave so much military equipment there if we only had 2,500 troops left in country?
Trump's drawdown from 50,000 to 2,500 went smoothly, we should have been out by May 1st, why weren't we?
Biden's withdrawal from AFG is a disaster. The military (Milley) believed that the AFG army would fight, they didn't.
Why did we leave so much military equipment there if we only had 2,500 troops left in country?
Trump's drawdown from 50,000 to 2,500 went smoothly, we should have been out by May 1st, why weren't we?
yes--why not evac then bring the troops out????!!!!!
The Taliban defeated Russia because Ronald Reagan provided high tech military equipment to the Taliban. Similarly the Taliban defeated the USA because the Bush, Obama, and Trump provided high tech military equipment to the Taliban. If zionist control middle east policy as they have for generations, the question is why? Is it the PNAC objective to make every country around the zionist state a disaster in which "refugees" flood the West. the Biblical enemy of the zionist regime?
We gave the Taliban Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down Russian jets. That is a fact. The Taliban also used one to shoot down a Chinook.
Prove what hi-tech equipment Bush Obama, and Trump gave them.
What you had in Afghanistan is a country that has known nothing but war for a very long time. After the Russians left they had just repealed a world super power from their country that took the efforts of an entire generation who thought war was life. This created a warrior class culture and a void was created when the Russians left. So they focused in on the US who then came and invaded them as well. This is essentially filled the void once again as they had yet another superpower to fight off.

And now that the US has left? They must fill the void again. They must find someone to fight. This is their culture, this is their identity now.

So they will poke the bear as they always have done. Question is, what do you do when they create another 9/11? Do you just bomb them to hell and back periodically and never invade again? Or do you just try to ignore them?

If we have to go back in, I hope we learned some lessons. We supported the local warlords with special forces and drove out the Taliban. Exactly the right strategy. Then the neo-cons came in with pallets of money and started nation building, exactly the wrong strategy. Afghanistan ended up with two forces the gov't and the Taliban and only one would win. If we had left the warlords there would have been many centers of power supported by the local population. That was Afghanistan for centuries and it was stable, feudal but stable.
No dice!

Biden owns this and he will be remembered for this for decades to come!

Do I believe Trump would have done better?



Trump isn’t President and Biden is the owner of his own damn mess that he did and not Trump!

As for Afghanistan the fact is we have been there over nineteen years, so how much longer did we need to stay until those cave dwellers learn to defend themselves from the radical government we overthrew?

Another ten?



Maybe a Hundred years and why waste money on a country that will never stand on it own?
Yup and we should have take all the military equipment we brought to that country out when we left.

These Muslim idiots have been killing each other for a millennium. For my money they can keep killing each other. Good riddance.
To all the Liberals and Conservatives here: Please stop the finger pointing for 2 min. and read this:

Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome"

This headline from the Mar 17th edition of USA today is spot on. It's "rock or a hard place" time. America can either continue to pour massive amounts of money down this 20 year black hole, or insist the Afghan army, (trained and equipped by the USA for 2 decades) stand on it's own 2 feet and fight the Taliban. Joe picked the latter.

Donald Trump's solution of a power sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government went nowhere, so this is what we're left with.

This is going to be a mess for months, if not years to come, but the sad fact is - there are no simple answers.

READ: Everyone stop arguing and just go ahead and say it is all Trumps fault.

The only conclusion I'm drawing is that once we announce our intent to withdraw all U.S. forces we mustn't lollygag on the matter. Here it is over 10 months later, no wonder things went south in a hurry.
To all the Liberals and Conservatives here: Please stop the finger pointing for 2 min. and read this:

Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome"

This headline from the Mar 17th edition of USA today is spot on. It's "rock or a hard place" time. America can either continue to pour massive amounts of money down this 20 year black hole, or insist the Afghan army, (trained and equipped by the USA for 2 decades) stand on it's own 2 feet and fight the Taliban. Joe picked the latter.

Donald Trump's solution of a power sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government went nowhere, so this is what we're left with.

This is going to be a mess for months, if not years to come, but the sad fact is - there are no simple answers.

To all the Liberals and Conservatives here: Please stop the finger pointing for 2 min. and read this:

Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome"

This headline from the Mar 17th edition of USA today is spot on. It's "rock or a hard place" time. America can either continue to pour massive amounts of money down this 20 year black hole, or insist the Afghan army, (trained and equipped by the USA for 2 decades) stand on it's own 2 feet and fight the Taliban. Joe picked the latter.

Donald Trump's solution of a power sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government went nowhere, so this is what we're left with.

This is going to be a mess for months, if not years to come, but the sad fact is - there are no simple answers.

I will go one step further and recommend reading George Crile's book Charlie Wilson;s War. Have seen the movie, but the book goes into better detail,

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