Africa the Cesspool of the World

I have researched the topic many times and I feel my premise has merit too. You read my hypothesis but you did not understand it. I suspect, as do many scientists around the world, that AIDS in particular, could have possibly originated in a western laboratory. HIV serum was then taken to Africa where animals and people were experimented upon with it. Naturally,when it started to get out of control, Africa would be blamed and the real perpetrators could simply rush in under false pretenses and observe the results of their evil. Then, to add insult to injury, toxic pharmaceuticals like AZT rejected by Western patient advocates would be dumped on Africans at a hefty price.

It has nothing to do with what you "feel" or "suspect." Scientists have identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of the HIV virus. As for the rest of your little fantasy, take that nonsense to the Conspiracy Forum or to your shrink.

Oh, yes, what I feel or suspect has everything to do with my opinion; and, I am not alone in that regard. Just because you believe what "Euro-scientists" say about Africa doesn't make it true. Remembering the Tuskegee experiments may be the basis for my skepticism.
But as an aside, even a shallow thinker like you has to agree with this: It is possible that the green monkey, the chimpanzee or the gorilla (depending on whose version of the tale you listen to, was the carrier of a Simian version of HIV. But how did it jump species?

Here is one answer you may not like:

Alan Cantwell said:
In 1974 veterinarians actually created an AIDS-like disease when newborn chimps were removed from their mothers and weaned exclusively on virus-infected milk from cows infected with "bovine C-type virus." Within a year the chimps died of leukemia and pneumocystis pneumonia (the "gay pneumonia" of AIDS). Both diseases had never been observed in chimps before this virus-transfer experiment.

Also downplayed is the laboratory creation of feline leukemia and "cat AIDS" by the transfer of HIV-like cat retroviruses in the mid-1970s. These experiments were conducted at Harvard by Myron (Max) Essex, later to become a famous AIDS researcher. All this man-made creation of AIDS in laboratory animals directly preceded the "mysterious" 1979 introduction of HIV into gay men, the most hated minority in America.

Nowadays, scientists hunt for "ancestor" viruses of HIV in chimps in the African wild and ignore all the immunosuppressive viruses that were created in virus laboratories shortly before AIDS. No consideration is given to any of these lab viruses as possible man-made ancestors of the many "strains" of HIV (and HIV-2) that jumped species to produce AIDS in humans.

Blaming Gays, Blacks, and Chimps for AIDS--- Are species-jumping animal virus experiments responsible for the HIV Holocaust?* by Alan Cantwell, M.D.
I have researched the topic many times and I feel my premise has merit too. You read my hypothesis but you did not understand it. I suspect, as do many scientists around the world, that AIDS in particular, could have possibly originated in a western laboratory. HIV serum was then taken to Africa where animals and people were experimented upon with it. Naturally,when it started to get out of control, Africa would be blamed and the real perpetrators could simply rush in under false pretenses and observe the results of their evil. Then, to add insult to injury, toxic pharmaceuticals like AZT rejected by Western patient advocates would be dumped on Africans at a hefty price.

It has nothing to do with what you "feel" or "suspect." Scientists have identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of the HIV virus. As for the rest of your little fantasy, take that nonsense to the Conspiracy Forum or to your shrink.

Oh, yes, what I feel or suspect has everything to do with my opinion

Holy crap you're stupid. This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of FACT.
It has nothing to do with what you "feel" or "suspect." Scientists have identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of the HIV virus. As for the rest of your little fantasy, take that nonsense to the Conspiracy Forum or to your shrink.

Oh, yes, what I feel or suspect has everything to do with my opinion

Holy crap you're stupid. This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of FACT.

Pay attention to the word opinion, fool. My opinion is my own and that is what I posted, MY OPINION. Now, I posted a link and corresponding dialogue while you could only hurl insults based on cross eyed illusions. Kiss off if you can't debate like a civil person
Holy crap you're stupid. This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of FACT.

Pay attention to the word opinion...

Why don't YOU learn what it means. Questions of FACT are not based on your "feelings" or "opinion." Is there any activity in that empty cavern you call a head at all?

Since you are too stupid to realize that my opinion was based on facts I'll let you continue to make a complete fool of yourself. I can't help you if you won't even bother to read the link that supports my OPINION! You've lost the debate and I am not going to let you win the fight you imbecilic moron!
Dr. Feeeeeeeelings has declared himself the winner! Yeah, he's a real 'winner' all right.

The FACTS remain unchanged.
Dr. Feeeeeeeelings has declared himself the winner! Yeah, he's a real 'winner' all right.

The FACTS remain unchanged.

When you get some facts post the links to them...thus far all we have is your stupid OPINION!
Dr. Feeeeeeeelings has declared himself the winner! Yeah, he's a real 'winner' all right.

The FACTS remain unchanged.

When you get some facts post the links to them...thus far all we have is your stupid OPINION!

Tell us more about how the US created AIDS and infected Africans with it. That stupid shit cracks me up! :lol:
Dr. Feeeeeeeelings has declared himself the winner! Yeah, he's a real 'winner' all right.

The FACTS remain unchanged.

When you get some facts post the links to them...thus far all we have is your stupid OPINION!

Tell us more about how the US created AIDS and infected Africans with it. That stupid shit cracks me up! :lol:

I would not dismiss that as a possibility. Not only is it a good form of population control anywhere, but it weakens the Mundane population and alters their behavior, giving them a reason to fear promiscuity.

The groups of humans most affected are those with some of the most negative stereotypes. Go figure.
Dr. Feeeeeeeelings has declared himself the winner! Yeah, he's a real 'winner' all right.

The FACTS remain unchanged.

When you get some facts post the links to them...thus far all we have is your stupid OPINION!

Tell us more about how the US created AIDS and infected Africans with it. That stupid shit cracks me up! :lol:

Here is the link "chuckles." You may have to laugh to keep from crying after reading it...

Have fun, you've wasted enough of my time with nonsense... BYE!
When you get some facts post the links to them...thus far all we have is your stupid OPINION!

Tell us more about how the US created AIDS and infected Africans with it. That stupid shit cracks me up! :lol:

I would not dismiss that as a possibility. Not only is it a good form of population control anywhere, but it weakens the Mundane population and alters their behavior, giving them a reason to fear promiscuity.

The groups of humans most affected are those with some of the most negative stereotypes. Go figure.
bullshit !! there are viruses a lot deadlier than AIDS to use for population control !! the truth is that AIDS and a lot of other deadly viruses and plagues are created by filthy living conditions.
Tell us more about how the US created AIDS and infected Africans with it. That stupid shit cracks me up! :lol:

I would not dismiss that as a possibility. Not only is it a good form of population control anywhere, but it weakens the Mundane population and alters their behavior, giving them a reason to fear promiscuity.

The groups of humans most affected are those with some of the most negative stereotypes. Go figure.
bullshit !! there are viruses a lot deadlier than AIDS to use for population control !! the truth is that AIDS and a lot of other deadly viruses and plagues are created by filthy living conditions.
True. These contagious diseases are usually generated in places which lack basic sanitation. Obviously, sub-Saharan Africa is a virtual petri dish for such infections and their spread. To say that those parts of Africa are cesspools is not much of an exaggeration.

Conditions in Europe during the bubonic plague periods were not much different.
Here is the link "chuckles." You may have to laugh to keep from crying after reading it...

Very credible link to 'Paranoia Magazine: The Conspiracy Reader' ... :rolleyes:

Who could question a source like that? :rolleyes:

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