Africa the Cesspool of the World

Blacks are the link between Ape and Man

Doubt that. White men are way more hairy, therefore closer to apes and Neanderthals.


FACT #21: The name Homo sapien was first used by the 18th Century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. The word “sapien” means “wise.” The name was originally used to speak of the White man and synonymous with “europaeus.” As a result, many later taxonomists and geneticists believed that Negroes and other races should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the varieties of mankind are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification in different species, if not different genera. (39)

FACT #22: For his mammoth work, The Origin of Races, Professor Carleton Coon, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the premier geneticist of the world, assembled massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, comparative dentition, linguistics, archeology, and fossil records from 300 bone-bearing sites to verify his theory of pre-sapien racianation.” In other words, Homo erectus was divided by race even before evolution into Homo sapien stage. (12)

FACT #23: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasoid subspecies (the White race) was evolving in Europe, the Negro race was standing still on the evolutionary plane and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in skull and brain development. (9)

FACT #24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous; i.e., the lower face projects forward, rather in the manner of an animal’s muzzle. In consequence, the Negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the Negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the “simian shelf,” a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites. (9) (12) (39)

FACT #25: The skin of the Negro is thicker and possibly superior to the White’s in the way it impedes the penetration of germs and in its protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. (39) (14)

FACT #26: The dark color of the Negro is due to melanin pigment which is spread through every layer of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain. (9) (27)

FACT #27: An African dentist can tell a Negro’s tooth from a white man’s at a glance. (14)

FACT #28: Negroes have arms which are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives Black athletes an advantage over Whites in boxing. The skeletal and muscular peculiarities of Negroes’ lower limbs have given them considerable success as sprinters, but have left them relative undistinguished as distance runners. (39) (27)


The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it is flat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.
The nose is thick, broad and flat, often turned up nostrils exposing the red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.
The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the simian form.
The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye often has a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is more circular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.
Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratching and impedes the penetration of germs.
The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.
The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and close together earlier.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the simian form.
The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and the white more powerfully developed in the chest.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.
The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated and less capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.
The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20% smaller than whites.
The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) more curved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.
The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightly arched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.
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You are trying to hard. :lol:

There is nothing in the post stating there was a white Egyptian. Its simple. Post the quote and we have a resolution. I already showed you how. Is that too difficult for you?

Unfortunate that you lack the knowledge to understand the evidence. But that's not really surprising since most racists are pretty stupid.

Post the evidence. :lol:

So after all your stupid talk it turns out you have absolutely no idea what the DNA evidence actually means.......big surprise.
Unfortunate that you lack the knowledge to understand the evidence. But that's not really surprising since most racists are pretty stupid.

Post the evidence. :lol:

So after all your stupid talk it turns out you have absolutely no idea what the DNA evidence actually means.......big surprise.

I do. I just want you to post where you see any DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Still trying to avoid that I guess. :lol:

FACT #21: The name Homo sapien was first used by the 18th Century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. The word “sapien” means “wise.” The name was originally used to speak of the White man and synonymous with “europaeus.” As a result, many later taxonomists and geneticists believed that Negroes and other races should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the varieties of mankind are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification in different species, if not different genera. (39)

FACT #22: For his mammoth work, The Origin of Races, Professor Carleton Coon, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the premier geneticist of the world, assembled massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, comparative dentition, linguistics, archeology, and fossil records from 300 bone-bearing sites to verify his theory of pre-sapien racianation.” In other words, Homo erectus was divided by race even before evolution into Homo sapien stage. (12)

FACT #23: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasoid subspecies (the White race) was evolving in Europe, the Negro race was standing still on the evolutionary plane and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in skull and brain development. (9)

FACT #24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous; i.e., the lower face projects forward, rather in the manner of an animal’s muzzle. In consequence, the Negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the Negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the “simian shelf,” a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites. (9) (12) (39)

FACT #25: The skin of the Negro is thicker and possibly superior to the White’s in the way it impedes the penetration of germs and in its protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. (39) (14)

FACT #26: The dark color of the Negro is due to melanin pigment which is spread through every layer of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain. (9) (27)

FACT #27: An African dentist can tell a Negro’s tooth from a white man’s at a glance. (14)

FACT #28: Negroes have arms which are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives Black athletes an advantage over Whites in boxing. The skeletal and muscular peculiarities of Negroes’ lower limbs have given them considerable success as sprinters, but have left them relative undistinguished as distance runners. (39) (27)


The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it is flat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.
The nose is thick, broad and flat, often turned up nostrils exposing the red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.
The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the simian form.
The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye often has a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is more circular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.
Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratching and impedes the penetration of germs.
The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.
The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and close together earlier.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the simian form.
The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and the white more powerfully developed in the chest.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.
The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated and less capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.
The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20% smaller than whites.
The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) more curved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.
The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightly arched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.

Whites & blacks 100 Facts (and One Lie) | Solar General

That was too easy Tank. You need to get educated boy.

A deep interest in the origins of race led Dr. Coon to expound a theory that five major races of man differentiated even before the emergence of homo sapiens as the dominant human species. This theory was never widely accepted by scientists and is now largely ignored. Dr. Coon's theory was sometimes used by racists to support their views, but he explicitly repudiated their contentions in the second edition of ''The Story of Man'' in 1962.

I especially like this fact. Ddi you know melanin is a natural semi-conductor? Basically he just admitted Black people have better functioning brains and muscles.

ACT #26: The dark color of the Negro is due to melanin pigment which is spread through every layer of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain. (9) (27)

Melanin considered for bio-friendly electronics - UQ News - The University of Queensland, Australia

Co-author Associate Professor Powell said that in semiconductors, such as those found in computers and mobile phones, electrons carry the electrical current. However, in biological systems, such as brains and muscles, ions carry the current.

“We’ve now found that in melanin, both electrons and ions play important roles,” he said.
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Post the evidence. :lol:

So after all your stupid talk it turns out you have absolutely no idea what the DNA evidence actually means.......big surprise.

I do. I just want you to post where you see any DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Still trying to avoid that I guess. :lol:

Once again you are apparently just a little too dense to understand that a number of genetic markers are present. Your racist tendencies evidently prevent you from understanding. You are a very stupid little person.
So after all your stupid talk it turns out you have absolutely no idea what the DNA evidence actually means.......big surprise.

I do. I just want you to post where you see any DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Still trying to avoid that I guess. :lol:

Once again you are apparently just a little too dense to understand that a number of genetic markers are present. Your racist tendencies evidently prevent you from understanding. You are a very stupid little person.

If they are them and stop stalling. All you have to do is post the ones that show any Egyptian being a white guy. Everyone is waiting.
I do. I just want you to post where you see any DNA evidence any of the Egyptians were white boys. Still trying to avoid that I guess. :lol:

Once again you are apparently just a little too dense to understand that a number of genetic markers are present. Your racist tendencies evidently prevent you from understanding. You are a very stupid little person.

If they are them and stop stalling. All you have to do is post the ones that show any Egyptian being a white guy. Everyone is waiting.

Post #95, try reading again.....not that it will do you any good.
Once again you are apparently just a little too dense to understand that a number of genetic markers are present. Your racist tendencies evidently prevent you from understanding. You are a very stupid little person.

If they are them and stop stalling. All you have to do is post the ones that show any Egyptian being a white guy. Everyone is waiting.

Post #95, try reading again.....not that it will do you any good.

It wont do any good because there is nothing in the post that shows a white boy that was an ancient Egyptian. Thats why I am asking you to post it for the world to see. Can you do that?
The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it is flat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.
The nose is thick, broad and flat, often turned up nostrils exposing the red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.
The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the simian form.
The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye often has a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is more circular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.
Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratching and impedes the penetration of germs.
The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.
The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and close together earlier.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the simian form.
The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and the white more powerfully developed in the chest.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.
The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated and less capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.
The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20% smaller than whites.
The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) more curved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.
The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightly arched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.

Pretty much everything in red is racist and debunked by the person that wrote it himself.

The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it is flat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.
The nose is thick, broad and flat, often turned up nostrils exposing the red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.
The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the simian form.
The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye often has a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is more circular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.
Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratching and impedes the penetration of germs.

The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.
The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and close together earlier.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the simian form.
The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and the white more powerfully developed in the chest.

The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.
The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated and less capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.
The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20% smaller than whites.
The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) more curved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.
The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightly arched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.

It has given us okra. Beautiful, delicious okra.


We can't be friends, not if you're going to say such vile things. My daddy always said a man is known by the company he keeps and I refuse to associate with pedophiles, people who prefer Van Hagar over Van Halen, and anyone who willingly eats okra.

Good day.
If they are them and stop stalling. All you have to do is post the ones that show any Egyptian being a white guy. Everyone is waiting.

Post #95, try reading again.....not that it will do you any good.

It wont do any good because there is nothing in the post that shows a white boy that was an ancient Egyptian. Thats why I am asking you to post it for the world to see. Can you do that?

I'm still waiting for your evidence of the pure black master race that spread civilization throughout the world.
Post #95, try reading again.....not that it will do you any good.

It wont do any good because there is nothing in the post that shows a white boy that was an ancient Egyptian. Thats why I am asking you to post it for the world to see. Can you do that?

I'm still waiting for your evidence of the pure black master race that spread civilization throughout the world.

After you show me one white guy Egyptian verified via DNA like I showed you 2 Black guys. Just one is all I have asked for. Why are you still stalling? :lol:
It wont do any good because there is nothing in the post that shows a white boy that was an ancient Egyptian. Thats why I am asking you to post it for the world to see. Can you do that?

I'm still waiting for your evidence of the pure black master race that spread civilization throughout the world.

After you show me one white guy Egyptian verified via DNA like I showed you 2 Black guys. Just one is all I have asked for. Why are you still stalling? :lol:

I'm still waiting professor.

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