Africa the Cesspool of the World

These white guys had a hell of a tan. Thats not even taking into account the paint had to have faded over the years.

On maybe a more positive note, some african music. The oro song is actually colombia. A country with many ex slaves. They're telling how the stranger came and took their gold. Typical. How can anybody believe in God and believe these people are not his creation?

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They fit the description of Greek Historians after being occupied by the Hyskos. How do you explain that?

Feel free to provide the operative phrase for your dedicated readers.

Feel free to post some white Egyptian DNA. Whats taking you so long?

I guess your level of expertise doesn't allow you to quite understand the DNA evidence in post#95. You are apparently completely ignorant of the fact that a variety of genetic markers are present.
Feel free to provide the operative phrase for your dedicated readers.

Feel free to post some white Egyptian DNA. Whats taking you so long?

I guess your level of expertise doesn't allow you to quite understand the DNA evidence in post#95. You are apparently completely ignorant of the fact that a variety of genetic markers are present.

You are trying to hard. :lol:

There is nothing in the post stating there was a white Egyptian. Its simple. Post the quote and we have a resolution. I already showed you how. Is that too difficult for you?
Feel free to post some white Egyptian DNA. Whats taking you so long?

I guess your level of expertise doesn't allow you to quite understand the DNA evidence in post#95. You are apparently completely ignorant of the fact that a variety of genetic markers are present.

You are trying to hard. :lol:

There is nothing in the post stating there was a white Egyptian. Its simple. Post the quote and we have a resolution. I already showed you how. Is that too difficult for you?

Unfortunate that you lack the knowledge to understand the evidence. But that's not really surprising since most racists are pretty stupid.
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I guess your level of expertise doesn't allow you to quite understand the DNA evidence in post#95. You are apparently completely ignorant of the fact that a variety of genetic markers are present.

You are trying to hard. :lol:

There is nothing in the post stating there was a white Egyptian. Its simple. Post the quote and we have a resolution. I already showed you how. Is that too difficult for you?

Unfortunate that you lack the knowledge to understand the evidence. But that's not really surprising since most racists are pretty stupid.

Post the evidence. :lol:
No one believes in your fake history Asslips. How many times do we have to tell you?
To be truthful, there is something eerie about this whole thing. First of all, the body of your narrative is a word for word excerpt of an original article written iin 2005 by Armand Marie Leroi, an evolutionary developmental biologist at Imperial College in London.

Thanks for the comedy gold there buddy. You really don't seem to understand links and quotations, do you? If you clinked my link it would be the EXACT same link you provided.

Sweet Jesus, this is remedial level internet understanding.

Looked at the right way? Would that be through the eyes of people with an agenda? If the "right looks" were so profound back in 2005, thousands of scientist must have blinked and closed their eyes after straining so hard to focus on that" right look." Now, its 2014 and still that "right look" has evaded the scientific community.

You do understand that the notion that race is a social construction arose from a concerted effort to "look at it in the right way" don't you?

If you think that there's motivated reasoning going on to explain race, then let's just remove human assessment entirely from the analysis:

What makes the current study, published in the February issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, more conclusive is its size. The study is by far the largest, consisting of 3,636 people who all identified themselves as either white, African-American, East Asian or Hispanic. Of these, only five individuals had DNA that matched an ethnic group different than the box they checked at the beginning of the study. That's an error rate of 0.14 percent.

According to Neil Risch, PhD, a UCSF professor who led the study while he was professor of genetics at Stanford, the findings are particularly surprising given that people in both African-American and Hispanic ethnic groups often have a mixed background. "We might expect these individuals to cross several different genetic clusters," Risch said. This is especially true for Hispanics who are often a mix of Native American, white and African-American ancestry. But that's not what the study found. Instead, each self-identified racial/ethnic group clumped into the same genetic cluster. . . .

For each person in the study, the researchers examined 326 DNA regions that tend to vary between people. These regions are not necessarily within genes, but are simply genetic signposts on chromosomes that come in a variety of different forms at the same location.

Without knowing how the participants had identified themselves, Risch and his team ran the results through a computer program that grouped individuals according to patterns of the 326 signposts. This analysis could have resulted in any number of different clusters, but only four clear groups turned up. And in each case the individuals within those clusters all fell within the same self-identified racial group.

"This shows that people's self-identified race/ethnicity is a nearly perfect indicator of their genetic background," Risch said.​

The notion of "self identified racial groups" seem somewhat problematic. Your data suggests that mixed race people fall into gene clusters dependent on what they think they are.
So, the implications are that a Hispanic male who identifies himself as Caucasian
but looks exactly like the one who identifies as an Indian will be genetically different from the Indian. That is absurd. Its no wonder that mainstream genealogy has rejected such nonsense. After 9 years, you'd think that it would be top news by now if it had any substance!
Back on topic, where in the world is there slavery, genitle mutallation and where did Ebola and AIDS come from?

Cesspool is generous.

Slavery still exists in the USA. Haven't you heard of sex trafficking. Linda Lovelace was one!

Genitile mutilation only occurs in buffoon land, your home state. Genital mutilation occurs in some Indian provinces and among some African tribes.

The West is quick to say Ebola and AIDS originated in Africa but there is substantial evidence to support how it got there. Chances are it got there via some western laboratory experiment in bio-weaponry.

BTW where did this image come from? Some sources say it is an exact copy of a drawing sketched by one of Napoleon's men when they first encountered the Sphinx. Do you know where the Sphinx is...? Its in Africa! Also note that this drawing probably looks more like the original Sphinx before modern revisionists tried to "whiten" its features during renovations.

No one believes in your fake history Asslips. How many times do we have to tell you?

I dont care how many times you tell me. I have fun talking about it. I know that bothers you so please continue to to challenge me on it. The more people hear it the more it gets situated in their heads. People start to think about all the lies white historians have told and start looking for themselves. Thanks
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You keep saying things with no actual evidence to support them.

I already posted this but just in case you missed it.

Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a genetic study in December 2012, Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a with an East Africa Origin, a YDNA haplogroup that predominates in most Sub-Saharan Africans

Stop stalling and give us a link.

Which obviously proves there was no Caucasian influence in ancient Egypt, it was a completely homogeneous race of people who can all trace their lineage to a single source.

When you say "ancient Egypt" which period are you talking about? The Greeks ruled Egypt under Ptolemy and Cleopatra but that was near the end of the Pharaonic dynasties. We'd have to go back before the carving of the Sphinx and slosh though rain that made the Sahara green before we can discuss true antiquity. That is where sub-Saharan Africans and Ethiopians came in to build a Black nation called Khemet or KMT.
Land of the Blacks! If the rain marks on it's back are any indication of age, the Sphinx is over 10,000 years old. The physiognomy of the Sphinx's face, as rendered by Napoleon's artist, suggests a Black African presence at that early date. It also denotes exceptional technological skills in stone work. The pyramids came much later but even then there was no European genetic cluster one could identify as "white." There seems to be a difference between the term 'Caucasian" and "White" though. But, I guess anything is possible when
pseudo-science is used to define things!
I already posted this but just in case you missed it.

Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop stalling and give us a link.

Which obviously proves there was no Caucasian influence in ancient Egypt, it was a completely homogeneous race of people who can all trace their lineage to a single source.

When you say "ancient Egypt" which period are you talking about? The Greeks ruled Egypt under Ptolemy and Cleopatra but that was near the end of the Pharaonic dynasties. We'd have to go back before the carving of the Sphinx and slosh though rain that made the Sahara green before we can discuss true antiquity. That is where sub-Saharan Africans and Ethiopians came in to build a Black nation called Khemet or KMT.
Land of the Blacks! If the rain marks on it's back are any indication of age, the Sphinx is over 10,000 years old. The physiognomy of the Sphinx's face, as rendered by Napoleon's artist, suggests a Black African presence at that early date. It also denotes exceptional technological skills in stone work. The pyramids came much later but even then there was no European genetic cluster one could identify as "white." There seems to be a difference between the term 'Caucasian" and "White" though. But, I guess anything is possible when
pseudo-science is used to define things!

He is discombobulated. He cant even find one example of a white guy that was in Egypt. Its absurd to expect people to believe white people founded Kemet in this day and age. They would have died of skin cancer without sunblock.

More evidence.


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