African-American man whose "mad at his girlfriend" shoots elderly man on facebook live

Most likely they'll find him and he'll die in a shootout (hopefully). Why bother with the cost of a trial for this monster who was obviously seeking attention. Just execute the MF on the spot.
it's being reported that there's a $50,000 reward from the FBI for information leading to his arrest...
Most likely they'll find him and he'll die in a shootout (hopefully). Why bother with the cost of a trial for this monster who was obviously seeking attention. Just execute the MF on the spot.

Look, a Constitution supporter....

Most likely they'll find him and he'll die in a shootout (hopefully). Why bother with the cost of a trial for this monster who was obviously seeking attention. Just execute the MF on the spot.
Not a fan of American values of justice or Christian ideology?

There is the animal's face. What a lovely complexion.

Looks like a Moslem to me.
How can anyone be so
Callously cruel, especially to their own kind?

I'm going to be generous here and assume you mean "fellow human being". :rolleyes:
Does any murderer, including some cops, retain some modicum of humanity? I think not. To me, a cold blooded murderer foreits his/her humanity regardless of prior social identity.

So, you think that a military sniper with a high kill count has lost their humanity as well? Their job is 1 bullet, 1 kill.
this facebook live is serious shit.

Manhunt for man who broadcasted shooting on Facebook live in Cleveland

the killer's name is Steve Stephens...thank God it ain't Chris Christie!

the FBI is assisting in the manhunt...
I wonder if the Black Lives Matter terrorist movement will schedule a riot I mean protest in honor of a totally innocent black man and father of 10 murdered execution style on the streets of Cleveland.

Black lives matter is a fucking joke

And I'm black
Nice. They have a time delat"live" television and radio broadcasts, perhaps it's time to have some kind of time delay-review of what is being live streamed on social media. It only encourages sub-humans like this guy, knowing his live "broadcast" will garner attention from those who have no social or moral standards.

This is a problem... once again you get an evil, insane fringe element doing crap to make them make laws or change things in some way that ends up punishing law abiding people
Oh, I'd much prefer to see this sub-human strung up or gutted alive. Unfortunately, that is not permitted. Best thing would probably be that "street justice" someone suggested earlier. Too bad this shitwad will more likely be held up as some kind of hero by the mutant elements of society that celebrate such horrific violence.
this facebook live is serious shit.

Manhunt for man who broadcasted shooting on Facebook live in Cleveland

the killer's name is Steve Stephens...thank God it ain't Chris Christie!

the FBI is assisting in the manhunt...
I wonder if the Black Lives Matter terrorist movement will schedule a riot I mean protest in honor of a totally innocent black man and father of 10 murdered execution style on the streets of Cleveland.

They don't have time. They're downtown protesting a black man getting skinned knuckles after this brutal cop kept on hitting the black fellas knuckles with his face.
How can anyone be so
Callously cruel, especially to their own kind?

I'm going to be generous here and assume you mean "fellow human being". :rolleyes:
Does any murderer, including some cops, retain some modicum of humanity? I think not. To me, a cold blooded murderer foreits his/her humanity regardless of prior social identity.

So, you think that a military sniper with a high kill count has lost their humanity as well? Their job is 1 bullet, 1 kill.

Military shooters ain't murderers though

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