African Illegal Immigration to Europe and 60 Mins Reporting a Disgrace!!!


Apr 22, 2007
I like 60 mins, but sometimes their leftist and uneven agenda is unwatchable. This was never so apparent then the African illegal immigration to Europe. It was all about the dangerous journey the illegals make and how some of them are left in peril on the sea. They showed the children being rescued the blah blah blah, Europe has a moral obligation to these people. First, I will say Europe (as does America to it's illegals) has a moral obligation to save them when they are in danger on the sea, but they should save them, provide them bare minimums such as a little food and water and then IMMEDIATELY deport them. No trial, no processing. Have them housed at the ports in PRISONS and ship them back within a few days! Eventually the illegals will stop coming. Problem solved. These European countries are getting flooded with African and Middle Eastern illegals, with a good percentage of them being Muslims. 60 mins showed the boneheaded policy of the Italians welcoming them to Italy and allowing all the illegals to stay and then invade the rest of Europe. It's suicide.

60 mins didn't show the suicidal part:
(1) All these unskilled and illiterate illegals are over-using and destroying the generous European welfare system. In fact they are burdening it to the point they are bankrupting it. Taxes are increasing the burden is shifting to the native Europeans and that is not enough.
(2) Crime has spiked in all areas the illegal go. Not just by a little, but to such a degree previously save countries like Sweden and Norway have no-go zones for POLICE. Meaning the police will not enter these areas without a ton of back up.
(3) There are actually areas in every major European city that are non-Muslim and white no-go areas. Meaning native white Christian Europeans can't go into these areas without being harassed, assaulted or become victim's of crimes.
(4) Antisemitism is at 1940s levels because of the mass amounts of illegal Muslims. Skinheads might like this, but when there are no more Jews in Europe (probably within our lifetime we will see this) and the Muslim population starts to hit the 20-25% levels, then who do you think the Muslims will harass - WHITE CHRISTIANS!!!
(5) You think these people would be grateful. Not a fucking chance, they will scream racism, injustice, they will riot and they will demand more and more. They will demand Sharia law and special treatment. It won't end ever. See their shithole countries.
(6) As in France (that has a 10% Muslim population), these illegals will become a voting block that will be placated by limp-dicked liberal politicians. You see this with the illegals in America. Watch how they vote! Not in the country's best interest that is foresure.

Save the illegals in peril, but deport them immediately.
I agree with you 1000%. The west in general needs to get their shit together in regards to our illegal residents.
I agree with you 1000%. The west in general needs to get their shit together in regards to our illegal residents.

For the record it doesn't have to do with African! African immigrants the go the legal route (just like Latino ones here) usually are better educated and productive members of their new home country!
I agree with you 1000%. The west in general needs to get their shit together in regards to our illegal residents.

For the record it doesn't have to do with African! African immigrants the go the legal route (just like Latino ones here) usually are better educated and productive members of their new home country!

There are far too many Latinos that aren't going the legal route to come to the U.S. though and they aren't productive members of our society they are job and tax stealers. They are the uneducated, unskilled and poor and we don't need them here.
This cartoon says it all!


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