After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from NY

Nothing has changed one bit about chopper 4 filming an object that was neither a plane or helicopter.

Minute 2:12, a small object enters the frame from the upper right corner --
Rapid Direct Decent, No Banked Turn

This clip of raw, uncut footage was obtained through
the Freedom of Information Act
by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology.

The running time is 3:15. At minute 2:12, a small
enters the frame from the upper right corner.
It moves in a straight line, swiftly moving from a
higher altitude to a lower altitude, coming from a
southwesterly direction (around Elizabeth, NJ).

The object makes no "banked turn," as famously
recorded by so many other cameras - nor has it any
visible wings, for that matter

Then, it plows straight into the south side of
the South Tower, with explosions emanating from the
north side, in the vicinity of the 60th floors.


All I've got to say is that you are one blind and stupid MF!!!!

Bring it on bitch! I'll be here tomorrow to clobber you over and over. Are you game to get smashed?

this paid shill sure gets paid a lot of money.they would never come back for the constant ass beatings they get from you over and over for free thats for
Nothing has changed one bit about chopper 4 filming an object that was neither a plane or helicopter.

Minute 2:12, a small object enters the frame from the upper right corner --
Rapid Direct Decent, No Banked Turn

This clip of raw, uncut footage was obtained through
the Freedom of Information Act
by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology.

The running time is 3:15. At minute 2:12, a small
enters the frame from the upper right corner.
It moves in a straight line, swiftly moving from a
higher altitude to a lower altitude, coming from a
southwesterly direction (around Elizabeth, NJ).

The object makes no "banked turn," as famously
recorded by so many other cameras - nor has it any
visible wings, for that matter

Then, it plows straight into the south side of
the South Tower, with explosions emanating from the
north side, in the vicinity of the 60th floors.


All I've got to say is that you are one blind and stupid MF!!!!
great way to describe yourself.:happy-1:
Nothing has changed one bit about chopper 4 filming an object that was neither a plane or helicopter.

Minute 2:12, a small object enters the frame from the upper right corner --
Rapid Direct Decent, No Banked Turn

This clip of raw, uncut footage was obtained through
the Freedom of Information Act
by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology.

The running time is 3:15. At minute 2:12, a small
enters the frame from the upper right corner.
It moves in a straight line, swiftly moving from a
higher altitude to a lower altitude, coming from a
southwesterly direction (around Elizabeth, NJ).

The object makes no "banked turn," as famously
recorded by so many other cameras - nor has it any
visible wings, for that matter

Then, it plows straight into the south side of
the South Tower, with explosions emanating from the
north side, in the vicinity of the 60th floors.


All I've got to say is that you are one blind and stupid MF!!!!

Bring it on bitch! I'll be here tomorrow to clobber you over and over. Are you game to get smashed?

this paid shill sure gets paid a lot of money.they would never come back for the constant ass beatings they get from you over and over for free thats for

The ball wasn't a plane you stupid bitch.

Dude who are you talking to? I wasnt calling YOU a paid shill.I was calling the troll that you arguing with one. You should know better than that that i would call you that the fact you have exposed what so many so called JFK reseachers like Jim Marrs cover up that the driver Greer shot him.:up:
And again with this stupid shit. Ok what happened to the crew and passengers of the aircraft? If no planes where did they go?

The 911 commission disagrees with you and offers proof that chopper 4 did not capture flight 175. You must prove that all footage lines up together as only one thing being near the towers. You cannot do this because the ball was at the southwest corner of T1 five seconds before T2 exploded in the front. They cannot be reconciled as being one. It is impossible.

The fake plane nonsense has it behind/south of T2 where it had to be, of course. These simple facts debunk your beliefs and guarantee they cannot be proven in reality.


And again with this stupid shit. Ok what happened to the crew and passengers of the aircraft? If no planes where did they go?

The 911 commission disagrees with you and offers proof that chopper 4 did not capture flight 175. You must prove that all footage lines up together as only one thing being near the towers. You cannot do this because the ball was at the southwest corner of T1 five seconds before T2 exploded in the front. They cannot be reconciled as being one. It is impossible.

The fake plane nonsense has it behind/south of T2 where it had to be, of course. These simple facts debunk your beliefs and guarantee they cannot be proven in reality.


they do the same thing in their ramblings that a plane hit the towers that they do in their same ramblings that the fires caused the collapse of the towers ignore the laws of physics how they were violated that day.:biggrin:

anytime you tell them pesky little facts that its obvious the photos were faked because it is IMPOSSIBLE for a plane to pass in and out of a steel framed tower like it is swiss cheese as one photo taken shows,they play dodgeball same as they do when you prove to them explosives brought the towers down, go into one liner insults.:biggrin:

they skipped junior high school science classes otherwise they would know that never in history has fires caused a tower to collapse and if they had not,they would know that aluminum crumples up if you slam it against spell that out to them dummies style,it STILL never registers with them cause they only see what they WANT to see.
And again with this stupid shit. Ok what happened to the crew and passengers of the aircraft? If no planes where did they go?

The 911 commission disagrees with you and offers proof that chopper 4 did not capture flight 175. You must prove that all footage lines up together as only one thing being near the towers. You cannot do this because the ball was at the southwest corner of T1 five seconds before T2 exploded in the front. They cannot be reconciled as being one. It is impossible.

The fake plane nonsense has it behind/south of T2 where it had to be, of course. These simple facts debunk your beliefs and guarantee they cannot be proven in reality.


Retired retarded cant handle pesky little facts that demolition experts disagree with him as well same as architects and enginners that the fires caused the collapse of the towers and that the best expert pilots in the world disagree with him as well that a plane hit the pentagon.

he has the arrogant attitude HE is right and all these experts around the country as well as those people on the 9/11 commission are wrong.comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha:

he probably isnt even aware some of the commission members themselves in that video you showed did not accept the report.hee hee
It's sad to see those with an agenda, money making, feed upon the minds of the easily swayed, gullible, weak. It is nothing different than what ISIS does.
I wonder if people that are so delusional are safe enough outside a mental ward?
I love how you are so delusional you swallow the governments version of events hook,line and sinker believing what the propaganda media and our corrupt government institutions even though they have a LONG line of history if lying to the people going back decades over very high credible experts in their fields that say it was imposssible for the the events of 9/11 to happen the way they did such as the laughable pentagon conspiracy theory they have that an airliner hit the pentagon or that fires brought down the towers.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You go and talk about how people have no morals cheering on a team lie the patriots for cheating yet YOU accept the governments version of events about the pentagon and the buildings collapsing though they have failed everytime to prove it to be true and the facts dont fit the governments explanation.congrats miss hypocrite.:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
Fan, my brother in law is a pilot for United. He went to a lot of funerals. His friends are gone. There is no conspiracy. They are gone. No need to speculate that 1 out of 4 planes that day, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Did one of the other planes actually hit one of the towers? Did one plow into the ground? Did one hit the Pentagon building? Then why question the 4th? Is it not obvious?

where it has been debunked that the fires caused the collapse of the towers,it has been debunked that a plane hit the pentagon,it has been debunked
It's sad to see those with an agenda, money making, feed upon the minds of the easily swayed, gullible, weak. It is nothing different than what ISIS does.
I wonder if people that are so delusional are safe enough outside a mental ward?
I love how you are so delusional you swallow the governments version of events hook,line and sinker believing what the propaganda media and our corrupt government institutions even though they have a LONG line of history if lying to the people going back decades over very high credible experts in their fields that say it was imposssible for the the events of 9/11 to happen the way they did such as the laughable pentagon conspiracy theory they have that an airliner hit the pentagon or that fires brought down the towers.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You go and talk about how people have no morals cheering on a team lie the patriots for cheating yet YOU accept the governments version of events about the pentagon and the buildings collapsing though they have failed everytime to prove it to be true and the facts dont fit the governments explanation.congrats miss hypocrite.:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
that indeed is you down to the wire,the gullible,easily swayed,and weak miss hypocrite.:up::up_yours:
It's sad to see those with an agenda, money making, feed upon the minds of the easily swayed, gullible, weak. It is nothing different than what ISIS does.
I wonder if people that are so delusional are safe enough outside a mental ward?
I love how you are so delusional you swallow the governments version of events hook,line and sinker believing what the propaganda media and our corrupt government institutions even though they have a LONG line of history if lying to the people going back decades over very high credible experts in their fields that say it was imposssible for the the events of 9/11 to happen the way they did such as the laughable pentagon conspiracy theory they have that an airliner hit the pentagon or that fires brought down the towers.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You go and talk about how people have no morals cheering on a team lie the patriots for cheating yet YOU accept the governments version of events about the pentagon and the buildings collapsing though they have failed everytime to prove it to be true and the facts dont fit the governments explanation.congrats miss hypocrite.:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:

Of course people like you have to admit certain evidence doesn't matter. That's one of the greater points of my work. A real plane could never be where the ball was a mere five seconds before the south tower exploded.
Nothing has changed one bit about chopper 4 filming an object that was neither a plane or helicopter.

Minute 2:12, a small object enters the frame from the upper right corner --
Rapid Direct Decent, No Banked Turn

This clip of raw, uncut footage was obtained through
the Freedom of Information Act
by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology.

The running time is 3:15. At minute 2:12, a small
enters the frame from the upper right corner.
It moves in a straight line, swiftly moving from a
higher altitude to a lower altitude, coming from a
southwesterly direction (around Elizabeth, NJ).

The object makes no "banked turn," as famously
recorded by so many other cameras - nor has it any
visible wings, for that matter

Then, it plows straight into the south side of
the South Tower, with explosions emanating from the
north side, in the vicinity of the 60th floors.


All I've got to say is that you are one blind and stupid MF!!!!

Bring it on bitch! I'll be here tomorrow to clobber you over and over. Are you game to get smashed?

this paid shill sure gets paid a lot of money.they would never come back for the constant ass beatings they get from you over and over for free thats for

The ball wasn't a plane you stupid bitch.

Dude who are you talking to? I wasnt calling YOU a paid shill.I was calling the troll that you arguing with one. You should know better than that that i would call you that the fact you have exposed what so many so called JFK reseachers like Jim Marrs cover up that the driver Greer shot him.:up:

Did you quit taking your meds FAN? Exactly what has been proven to be false in the official reports? I know for a fact that a plane hit the Pentagon, lost good friends there and talked to others. GO check yourself back in to the asylum and get some help.
Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

Actually, that's a picture. Pictures and videos can be manipulated. Surely you're aware of that?

Was 175 black, no windows, with misaligned parts from front to back?

All I've got to say is that you are one blind and stupid MF!!!!

Bring it on bitch! I'll be here tomorrow to clobber you over and over. Are you game to get smashed?

this paid shill sure gets paid a lot of money.they would never come back for the constant ass beatings they get from you over and over for free thats for

The ball wasn't a plane you stupid bitch.

Dude who are you talking to? I wasnt calling YOU a paid shill.I was calling the troll that you arguing with one. You should know better than that that i would call you that the fact you have exposed what so many so called JFK reseachers like Jim Marrs cover up that the driver Greer shot him.:up:

Did you quit taking your meds FAN? Exactly what has been proven to be false in the official reports? I know for a fact that a plane hit the Pentagon, lost good friends there and talked to others. GO check yourself back in to the asylum and get some help.

Wrong thread, retard.

Of course people like you have to admit certain evidence doesn't matter. That's one of the greater points of my work. A real plane could never be where the ball was a mere five seconds before the south tower exploded. The ball is right of T1. The red dot shows fake 175 four seconds before explosion. They cannot be the same.

Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

Actually, that's a picture. Pictures and videos can be manipulated. Surely you're aware of that?

Was 175 black, no windows, with misaligned parts from front to back?


Hey retard, go and find any of those idiots and have them come here and explain who made these stupid fakes.

Seriously dude, take your meds, it will be all right in the morning
Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

Were all the people out in the street witnessing the plane going into the building in on the conspiracy? And again, where are all of the people on flight 175, and where is the plane? 4 planes took off from an airport. 0 landed at an airport. Where are the planes? And now that you think the Pentagon was faked too, do you think the first tower was hit by a plane? Where is the third plane and all of those missing people? You have to have an answer for your conspiracy theory to work. All of those people didn't evaporate into thin air. Where has the conspiracy theorist placed those individuals for 15 years?
Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...
Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

So all the dead people were CGI????? You're as dumb as the idiot that started this thread.
Are there not pictures of the second plane flying right into the second tower? It looked like the second plane nearly went all the way through the structure.

That's a plane.

This an awfully fake CGI plane from 911 with no right wing.

these are better quality videos and it sure looks like a plane to me

My father's a computer graphics artist. It seems you'd be amazed at what they can do with computers these days. All those movie effects? A lot of them aren't actually filmed, but done with computers. Seriously, if you really want to study the issue, I highly recommend watching a 9/11 documentary such as the following one...

He'd have to be Houdini to make that plane disappear. Too many people's eyes were glued to the towers after the first plane hit. THEY SAW the 2nd plane in real time, from ground zero. Were they all lying about what they saw?

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